Love and Trust (2014) At the Greater Good Gratitude Summit, the renowned authors and teachers define and explore...
“Gratitude” – A Film that Connects and Inspires The timeless meditation by Br. David about "A Good Day," set to Gary Malkin's soulful...
Want to be Happy? Be Grateful. (2013) In his talk from TEDGlobal 2013, Br. David talks about how grateful living can...
The Practice of Grateful Living DVD (2013) A conversation between Br. David Steindl-Rast and Jack Kornfield focuses on grateful living practice...
Gratitude Humbles a Giver Being seen as a giver filled me up, offering a sense of identity and focus,...
Two Old Men (2013) Br. David retells this folktale by Leo Tolstoy, leaving us to ponder "Who really...