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Real comfort can be found in the context of daily living. It is a grace. We just need to open our arms and receive it.
Comfort is a shelter, a warm blanket, a refuge. Fortunately, we do not need to do anything extraordinary to produce comfort, because it is something that already exists within each of us and all around us. Real comfort can be found in the context of daily living. It is a grace. We just need to open our arms and receive it. We just need to open our arms and give it.
Recently, on a warm Sunday afternoon, my husband and I were spending time in our garden, pruning plants, watering flowers, and sweeping up dry leaves. We began talking about my mother and father, who had passed away during the last decade. My husband and I were very close to both of them, and considered them to be important elders in our adult lives. As our hearts filled with memories and love for them, tears ran down our cheeks. They were tears of loss, of love, and of comfort in sharing these memories and feelings together. Sharing comfort with one another deepens the human experience.
How can we offer the gifts of comfort and compassion to ourselves, our family, friends, and communities, as well as to the world around us?
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, from Spirituality and Practice, write “Giving comfort to ourselves and bringing comfort to others is what we call the spiritual practice of nurturing.” How can we offer the gifts of comfort and compassion to ourselves, our family, friends, and communities, as well as to the world around us? In simple and practical ways. We share what we have to give. We offer a kind word, a smile, a hug, a caring heart, an expression of gratitude, and an open ear.
We can share comfort in very immediate ways—when we stop and listen to another person, read a book with a child, take a moment to call an elderly parent, laugh with a friend, take time to pray for someone, or donate time and resources to help those in need. Simple actions. Deep resonance. Wide ripples.
We are all messengers of comfort, called to bring comfort and compassion into the world.
In our need for comfort, we find solidarity with one another. It only takes our mindful attention to connect to the power of comfort in our daily lives, and to allow compassion to be a healing presence in our world. In this way, we touch the depth in our human experience, and we realize we are not alone. We are all messengers of comfort, called to bring comfort and compassion into the world.
Colette Lafia is a San Francisco-based spiritual director, workshop and retreat facilitator, and adjunct faculty member at Mercy Center, Burlingame. She is also a part-time elementary school librarian. Colette is the author of Seeking Surrender: How a Trappist Monk Taught Me to Trust and Embrace Life, and Comfort & Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others. She has a passion for helping people connect more deeply with the presence of the sacred in their daily lives and blogs about it at To receive Colette’s FREE 21-Day Gratitude Challenge ebook, click here.
What are some ways that you comfort yourself and others? Please share your reflections below…
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This essay resonated with me as I work through some of my own personal challenges these days. My favorite way to cultivate comfort is number 4 – “to imagine a thread connecting every human being” as it reminded me that we all have to opportunity to comfort one another, whether it is a friend, family member or stranger.
I like this interpretation of comfort.
Lately I have come to view personal comfort as an enemy to my spiritual path.
But bestowing comfort upon others is glorious.
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