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I believe there is no authentic spirituality where there is no healing of one’s community and of the world – just as social, environmental and political activism without a spiritual dimension can easily lead to anger, bitterness and burnout.
In one of the most powerful passages on oneness in world spiritual literature, the prophet Isaiah describes service as the ultimate path to enlightenment and the source of real health (the words whole, holy and healthy stem from the same root):
Photo by Annie Spratt
“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily.” (Isaiah 58:6-8)
Over a period of 25 years, I have had thousands of people in my workshops. And I have noticed that for many, the spiritual quest is a rather self-centered thing: the search for personal enlightenment and well-being. However, I believe there is no authentic spirituality where there is no healing of one’s community and of the world – just as social, environmental and political activism without a spiritual dimension can easily lead to anger, bitterness and burnout. I have met many people claiming to be ‘spiritual’ who were totally indifferent to the very real sufferings of the world, and too many social activists ruining their health and killing the deep joy born of authentic service by always trying to do more.
This urgency is not a reason to get frantic; on the contrary it demands quiet inner strength.
The world is not exactly in a good shape, to put it mildly, and many observers of the world scene give us 30-40 years to pull our act together if we want to survive. The need for unselfed world servers has never been so great, for we live in a time of immense urgency: urgency to get off our little spiritual cloud, urgency to help heal the world and become true world servers. This urgency is not a reason to get frantic; on the contrary it demands quiet inner strength. But it is a time to stop playing marbles and being a passive witness of world events, and really buckle down to serving humanity. I personally believe this should be the first aim of any spirituality worth its salt today.
Photo by Zeyn Afuang
The service I have in mind is characterized by a deep dimension of healing: healing relationships (including with oneself!), healing the environment, eradicating all forms of poverty (mental as well as physical), dealing with crises (economic and political), healing disease. I personally have friends who have healed situations of collective violence, diseased crops and a large herd of cattle (overnight) through the very clear understanding of the spiritual laws ultimately governing reality. Over the years, people from all round the world have shared with me healings which happened through the simple practice of blessing.
Tibetan master Djwhal Khul, who inspired the writings of Alice Bailey (author of Serving Humanity, among many other works), wrote the following: “True service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind; it is the result of being in the right place and staying there; it is produced by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous physical plane activity; it is an effect of a man’s being where he truly is, a divine Son (or Daughter) of God, and not by the studied effect of his words or deeds.”
In our consumer society, becoming a world servant demands a radical realigning of one’s priorities, starting with one’s time, income and possessions.
Each one needs to find her or his own unique path of service. However, in our consumer society, becoming a world servant demands a radical realigning of one’s priorities, starting with one’s time, income and possessions. The question then becomes not, ‘What do I want to do with my time, money, possessions’, but: ‘how do I realign their use to be consistent with my aim of service and healing? And here the daily, sincere practice of blessing and sending focused unconditional love to people, events and situations has an important, healing role to play in raising world consciousness.
A true world citizen, Pierre Pradervand has labored all his life for social justice, living in or visiting 40 countries on every continent. From his Geneva home Pierre is now active as a writer, speaker and workshop facilitator, helping people to live simpler, yet richer, more contented lives. His workshops provide personal development tools that empower attendees to strengthen their internal anchors and advance on their spiritual path. He is the author of the award-winning The Gentle Art of Blessing and Messages of Life from Death Row, a collection of letters from Roger McGowen, an innocent former death row inmate. This blog is reprinted by kind permission of The Gentle Art of Blessing.
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Whatever you do …do not miss out on the video titled “Simplicity” provide at the bottom of this link’s page. It is pure Grace flow into Humanity’s ears. So very much need to be heard and throughly digested by all capable of “He who has ears to hear… let them hear” It is a perfect reflection Plotinus’ words on Soul, simple living and Self-suficiency …as quoted here but out of Cosmic Consciousness By W. Bucke
The wise man recognizes the idea of the good within him. This he d...
The wise man recognizes the idea of the good within him. This he develops by withdrawal into the holy place of his own soul. He who does not understand how the soul contains the beautiful within itself, seeks to realize beauty without by laborious production. His aim should rather be to concentrate and simplify, and so to expand his being; instead of going out into the manifold, to forsake it for the One, and so to float upwards towards the divine fount of being whose stream flows within him.
Thank you for your comment, Ed. I believe this is the link you are referring to – Pierre Pradervand on Simplicity:
Dear Saoirse and all responders here.
Just a quick touch back response to all here. It is always a privileged blessing when one comes across consciousness beings such as Pierre Pradervand and his shared insights and experiences. That one was very specific to what the Sufis call "BARAKA" ( rough translation, "Lightening rod ). In Essene Christian terms it is Divine Grace / Holy Spirit / as it flows and manifests through a clear and pure human heart.
To all the "Thank You EdS" I have to resp...
Just a quick touch back response to all here. It is always a privileged blessing when one comes across consciousness beings such as Pierre Pradervand and his shared insights and experiences. That one was very specific to what the Sufis call “BARAKA” ( rough translation, “Lightening rod ). In Essene Christian terms it is Divine Grace / Holy Spirit / as it flows and manifests through a clear and pure human heart.
To all the “Thank You EdS” I have to respond (as I always do) with the Sufi adage “O’no! It is not Thank You ….It is “Thank Us, because all we Truly have, as human beings, is each other!”
I also want to post another of Pierre’s fiend’s insights here because it is so appropriate to all the discussions happening in Western news culture at this time.
Start Quote:
“As a friend once told me,
“At the bottom of the worst criminal lies a daughter or son of the creator ignorant of their Divine origin. Only love enables a person who feels at fault, or on the contrary, was totally convinced of the rightness of their position, to change it. When one is on the defensive, it is very difficult to modify one’s point of view, for one only thinks in terms of survival – be it the survival of the little ego or of some material privilege.” End Quote
Yes I just don’t like to ref to ref u-tube
I have also prep’d a DRAFT transcript so it can be translated and shared in Germany, Korea and Japan which have large Researcher of Truth group activity.
‘Simplicity’ by Pierre Pradervand >>>> DRAFT ONLY <<<<<<
Well, I think that the concern of simplicity in my life is one of my oldest concerns. And as a matter of fact I think in my whole adult life I have been concerned with the issue of simpli...
Well, I think that the concern of simplicity in my life is one of my oldest concerns. And as a matter of fact I think in my whole adult life I have been concerned with the issue of simplicity because it has a lot to do with un-cluttering. Our lives are so cluttered up in the West, with activities with things, books, with encounters, with traveling here and there, a 1001 things. Everybody understands what I'm speaking about.And I think it is difficult to tread the spiritual path if you do not simplify your life down to a few essentials. You can not have 50,000 activities and pursue the spiritual path. At least I do not think it is possible. I wrote the first two books published in Europe, in French, on simple living 20 years ago when it wasn't a concern for anyone. But now it is beginning, beginning!, to become a concern for a certain number of people.And so with the un-cluttering of your life you have more space for blessing. But at the same time if you do a lot of blessings you will automatically want to unclutter your life because it will become so clear to you that all this clutter we have is such a detriment to our true spiritual growth. And I think there are privileged experiences which enable you to understand that, sooner or later, you must put first things first in your life. And I like to share here what is probably the most powerful spiritual experience of my whole life. no not probably, it is certainly the most powerful experience in my whole life and on which my whole spiritual outlook is based. [2;48]
I was in Africa, this was over 20 years ago, when I was attending the meeting, the General assembly of a peasant farmer organization of which I was one of the founding members. And the last day of our meetings which were held in a city called [ name unclear ] I caught dysentery. Now at the beginning it's not something serious but it is a bother because you have to run a great deal to the toilet. And I did my spiritual work, I didn't take any pills because at that time I handled all my health issues spiritually, and I thought that it had disappeared, at least it did dissipate towards the end of the afternoon. I went off with an old African friend. The next day when I went to the airport, it started all over again. And on the airplanes back to Paris I was traveling with my spiritual text, my readings, my prayers, my mantras and affirmations, all the things I usually did try to overcome any health issues. [4:10]And I was sitting next to an unaccompanied young boy, and the stewardess who is taking care of this little boy was so kind with him! She constantly came to check on him to see if he was okay and one woman she came and addressed him with a special tenderness. And suddenly I felt this most incredible gratitude for this woman, it was a Cosmic Gratitude that overwhelm me. And suddenly I was projected into a space outside the plane, outside of time, where the only thing present was Infinite Love. The only feeling I had was that of incredible Love. A love which is the cause, the effect, the source, the only power, the only presence. The only activity in the universe was his extraordinary, extraordinary, Love. [5:25]
But the most amazing thing in the whole experience was that Pierre Pradervand had totally disappeared. I had no consciousness whatsoever! There is no such thing as a citizen, with an ego or whatever. The only consciousness was, for certain while, I don't know how long because I was outside of time, only consciousness was the Divine consciousness. [5:57]
An American 19th century thinker and metaphysician, mary [ name ] … Once stated that “the divine understanding ray is all and there is no other consciousness”. Well that is exactly what I experienced at that moment on the plane. The Divine consciousness was my consciousness. And of course it is the most incredible feeling of freedom! The only time I have felt radical freedom in my life because my ego had simply and totally disappeared. [6:42] And suddenly, I was back on the plane, I felt something adjusting in my bowels and in matter of seconds I was freed of the dysentery. [6;52]
But the real healing wasn't the physical healing, the real healing was my vision of life, of the world, of the universe. And that has stayed as the foundation stone of my spiritual striving. I think we are all, ALL, called to the state I were our only thought will be Love. And of course I am still very much, very in the kindergarten of this practice. But I think it is, for me today, I see this is the Ultimate State which I need to aim for on the spiritual path. [7:44]
And so blessing is just one expression of this Universal Love. But at the same time, by practicing blessing, you learn to grow a great deal in love. Especially in non-judgment and I would like to stress that. It is impossible, the text on blessing said, it is impossible to love, to bless and to judge at the same time. It is impossible to bless and to Judge . Try it, is it possible. [8:27]
And the more you bless, the less you will judge. I think one of the most precious insights I have had in past years is that every single person, that includes president Asad of Syria and well known gangsters all sorts, everyone, at each moment, is at their highest level of consciousness. [9:03]
And when you have really understood this you cannot feel resentment, or anger, with anyone.Joel S. Goldsmith, that remarkable American mystic of the last century who created teaching called, "The Infinite Way". Joel says, “no one can come into my consciousness who needs could be forgiven, because I have already forgiven them, 70×7”. And I feel that what I felt towards the gentleman who tricked me with the Internet, when I first started out our conversation, I realize to that was his highest level of consciousness. So I can resent him for being at his highest level of consciousness, if he could have been elsewhere he would have been. And to understand this [fact] is a wonderful, wonderful, tool for overcoming resentment in any form. [10:23]
So, that is my small wisdom on the topic.
Dear Ed, thank-you so much for kindly sharing that transcript!! I do not have words to express how it affected me, it is so beautiful! Peace.????
Thank you deeply, Ed, for your precious transcript. I am moved deeply.
Wonderful – thank you so much for this transcript, Ed. A deep bow to you!
And for others like myself who do not wish to use ( support ) U-tube this is the direct link …. …… ,..Just scroll down to the bottom of the link’s page
Thank you so much for all of this, Ed. Inspired by your response to Pierre’s video we have gone ahead and posted it on as its own page. You can find it at this link:
Thank you, Ed, for the link and transcript!
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