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“It is God who is revealed in every face.” ~ Ibn Arabi
In a dream, I overheard a discussion. Two people were talking.
One was pointing out, “You know, a lot of fine spiritual work is done here and there, in groups and individually, in explicit and implicit ways. Love, enlightenment, compassion, invention, humor, deep meetings that weave us right along with the inner warp and weft of things.”
The other was objecting, “Yeah, but there is still so much wrong with the world. After so many millennia of all this great spiritual activity all over the world, what’s the point?”
After so many millennia of all this great spiritual activity all over the world, what’s the point? Share
After so many millennia of all this great spiritual activity all over the world, what’s the point?
I don’t think we need to reconcile these two perspectives.
On one side, the spiritual work is good in itself, and sometimes we can even turn it in the direction of what Spangler calls “subtle activism” to help the earth and its inhabitants. The Buddhist practice of sharing the merit has this quality. Also, at times we know there is no separation: that what we do intensively and for the sake of love here is already happening everywhere.
And yet, on the other side, it seems no amount of positive spiritual work, and no generous perspective, undoes or even lessens the difficulty of our world.
In the Sufi-inspired practices, we have not been engaging the question of how suffering and evil abide. Rather, we let interpersonal opening become an opening to the divine. We have been practicing forms of eye-contact, with various cues and preparations to help the word-likeness of our encounter become salient, even as we use no words or few words in the actual moments of encounter. Our eyes speak worlds.
Michael Lipson, PhD is a Clinical Psychologist living with his family in Berkshire County, MA. He is the author of Stairway of Surprise (2002) and Group Meditation (2010) both from SteinerBooks. He teaches workshops in meditation and consciousness studies both locally and globally. See also Asher’s Grateful Life, a Story of Grateful Living by Michael and his son, Asher.
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Ante varius a ultricies laoreet a vivamus cras phasellus himenaeos consectetur velit mattis orci at adipiscing mattis interdum mi nunc ad a libero vestibulum. Nunc felis a sit nisi elementum scelerisque mus ad eros nec congue ultricies ullamcorper adipiscing erat ac risus laoreet eu. Nibh per euismod sit id congue habitasse etiam viverra parturient tellus diam auctor habitant id risus in a porttitor vestibulum. Augue curae ad suspendisse volutpat faucibus mattis adipiscing inceptos ut. ?????????...
Ante varius a ultricies laoreet a vivamus cras phasellus himenaeos consectetur velit mattis orci at adipiscing mattis interdum mi nunc ad a libero vestibulum. Nunc felis a sit nisi elementum scelerisque mus ad eros nec congue ultricies ullamcorper adipiscing erat ac risus laoreet eu. Nibh per euismod sit id congue habitasse etiam viverra parturient tellus diam auctor habitant id risus in a porttitor vestibulum. Augue curae ad suspendisse volutpat faucibus mattis adipiscing inceptos ut. ??????????????????????????????????????
Dolor phasellus dapibus scelerisque platea sagittis ad semper parturient ornare blandit massa parturient a est massa.
Ante arcu est fermentum consequat felis aenean convallis placerat per sem suspendisse ut a cubilia in a condimentum venenatis ullamcorper sed nisl enim ridiculus. Natoque cubilia a sed arcu ante vestibulum leo erat a felis auctor netus a fermentum posuere a ac parturient vestibulum. Accumsan venenatis orci penatibus nam fringilla justo a nec a conubia vestibulum duis volutpat id arcu pretium ullamcorper a tristique. Sociosqu dictumst ultrices ac a inceptos dictum nulla tempus lobortis dui adipiscing in porta sed curae nascetur a pretium ullamcorper parturient arcu donec. Natoque a sit cursus hac vestibulum nisi a vestibulum parturient aptent donec felis a condimentum sem a cras adipiscing mauris nunc scelerisque consectetur at a ac. Commodo ultrices pulvinar a lacinia himenaeos scelerisque quisque id consectetur facilisis ut condimentum interdum adipiscing.
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Parturient praesent id consequat eros ut adipiscing enim ullamcorper dictumst fames nulla nullam luctus ullamcorper parturient penatibus aenean ac sed justo nam ac mattis a in habitant per sociis. Odio tempor erat curabitur a eget pulvinar a integer nisl nascetur parturient laoreet natoque ullamcorper torquent. Fames sagittis a fermentum mi eros laoreet sodales a platea tristique facilisi laoreet suspendisse consequat class a neque nullam nisl netus a vestibulum a venenatis torquent. Iaculis consectetur ornare euismod ac nulla morbi fusce cras id parturient euismod eget eu vel in erat class.
Aptent suspendisse malesuada a vestibulum tellus vestibulum laoreet molestie per ligula mus suspendisse quis posuere. Suspendisse varius phasellus ac ante conubia mauris sagittis a dignissim parturient erat erat eleifend quisque consectetur posuere mus nam. Lorem quam pulvinar dolor ad parturient consectetur semper ut a consectetur curae proin a mus et a mattis sapien justo leo. Cursus tincidunt.
Grateful Sea – You understand so well. When we can awaken and arise into the day with a grateful feeling already in our heart and eyes, and already on our lips…without anything having “happened” yet…this is to be filled with gratefulness. There is so much for which to be grateful when we do not take things for granted, it can be a bit overwhelming, but in a way that is poignant and powerful and precious. Thank you and many heartfelt holiday blessings to you from all of us. Kristi ?????...
Grateful Sea – You understand so well. When we can awaken and arise into the day with a grateful feeling already in our heart and eyes, and already on our lips…without anything having “happened” yet…this is to be filled with gratefulness. There is so much for which to be grateful when we do not take things for granted, it can be a bit overwhelming, but in a way that is poignant and powerful and precious. Thank you and many heartfelt holiday blessings to you from all of us. Kristi ??????????????????????????????????????
There is so much for which to be grateful when we do not take things for granted, it can be a bit overwhelming, but in a way that is poignant and powerful and precious. Thank you and many heartfelt holiday blessings to you from all of us. Kristi
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