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Have you ever had a feeling of numbness around a part of your body you identified as your soul? A kind of bone-deep sadness and weariness. I feel that now.
Photo by Siim Lukka on Unsplash
Of course, I could tell you about events in my life. But remembering how the poet, Mary Oliver once put it I know many could tell worse. She said in her poem, Wild Geese: “Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. / Meanwhile the world goes on…”
And yes, the world does mercifully go on. As I write this evening, it goes on past local catastrophes like the unimaginably destructive fires raging just east and north of us. Plus the devastating hurricanes lined up one after another this year. It goes on past political leaders, so uncaring and seemingly untethered to reality. It goes on past global tensions that threaten millions. And it goes on past loved ones like my younger sister who is gravely ill. Yes, it simply goes on.
This is not gratefulness for the hurt, grief and losses we suffer, but rather for the opportunity to grow heal and reconnect to our selves, to others, and to the great other.
But how do we hold all these things at once? How do we keep from simply turning away, numb and desperate? There is a tool and practice strong enough for such times. It is gratefulness practice. And no, we cannot be grateful for any of the things I just mentioned. Let me be clear. We simply cannot be grateful for such difficult and fierce things in this world.
Over time, however we can begin to tease up to something I call paradoxical gratefulness. This is not gratefulness for the hurt, grief and losses we suffer, but rather for the opportunity to grow heal and reconnect to our selves, to others, and to the great other. It allows our heart to open more fully even as it shatters and breaks into ten thousand pieces.
Over the last year, I have had the honor of working with the team at The outcome of this collaboration is a new webinar, which in part deals with the kind of fierce and paradoxical gratitude I am describing here. It’s called: A Fierce and Enduring Gratitude: How Poetry Supports Us in Good Times and Bad
This course features wonderful, hand picked poems and stories offered as uniquely helpful tools for anyone wishing to deepen their gratefulness practice.
So please, take this journey with me… and with all of us. Let us meet just slightly west and south of a place called despair. It is a place that does not turn away from difficulty or fierceness. And yet it is also a place of paradoxical gratitude, where images, metaphors, powerful language and practices of grateful living combine to bring about moments of belonging, grace and yes, even joy.
Join Dale’s Course
Dale Biron is a poet, author, coach and adjunct professor at Dominican University OLLI Program. He is former poetry editor and board member for A Network For Grateful Living. His longtime friend and mentor, Brother David Steindl-Rast has long inspired Dale’s work with gratefulness and the power of grateful living. Dale has shared his poetry-inspired presentations at TEDx, The Herbst Theatre in San Francisco, as well as non-profit and business conferences nationwide. Dale is the author of a poetry collection entitled Why We Do Our Daily Practices. His latest work is a prose book entitled: Poetry For The Leader Inside You – A Search and Rescue Mission For The Heart and Soul and will be published in the fall. For more information, visit Dale’s Web Site. For more about Dale’s upcoming course, see: A Fierce and Enduring Gratitude: How Poetry Supports Us in Good Times and Bad
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Dale, I so look forward to sharing this explorative journey with you as we join to find grace in the mixture of sorrow and joy that seems more acute in these days of political division, climate change, racial and ethnic strife, and social media overload. I recently heard someone talk about finding our personal "soul food" and being sure to indulge in it with regularity to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. For me poetry and music, particularly when shared in community, reach the inner me ...
Dale, I so look forward to sharing this explorative journey with you as we join to find grace in the mixture of sorrow and joy that seems more acute in these days of political division, climate change, racial and ethnic strife, and social media overload. I recently heard someone talk about finding our personal “soul food” and being sure to indulge in it with regularity to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. For me poetry and music, particularly when shared in community, reach the inner me that seeks acceptance and hope, even celebration of the ugly as well as the beautiful. I feel an acute awareness of the depth of life as I grow older, as I lose people close to me, as I watch the ills of the world compound. And I see how we must keep living, keep thriving, even as the road is strewn with rocks of sorrow and disappointment. So, too, the road is covered by bursts of vibrant wild flowers and good companions. Thank you for offering this gift of shared experience. I plan to eat mindfully, to feed my soul well.
Re: “Have you ever had a feeling of numbness around a part of your body you identified as your soul? A kind of bone-deep sadness and weariness. I feel that now.”
There is an unfortunate habit around current spiritual subjects. It is the one which considers that feelings / joy, pain, anxt, etc are directly related to Soul! I suspect it comes from the last 1600 years of Christians teaching that they offer the way to “save your Soul”. But the Soul is perfect, always was always will be. T...
There is an unfortunate habit around current spiritual subjects. It is the one which considers that feelings / joy, pain, anxt, etc are directly related to Soul! I suspect it comes from the last 1600 years of Christians teaching that they offer the way to “save your Soul”. But the Soul is perfect, always was always will be. There not EVER a need to “SOS”!!!
All “despair, suffering, psychological pain, etc, etc is due to one cause …the misalignment and mis-attunement within individual human “bodies” and their Collective societies. This lack can only be seen and understood from the perspective of the third body …the Noetical body and its etheric double. IOW, To approach the dealing with “despair” by only dwelling of the “emotions” within the Psychical body will not promote healing. (True healing occur only with the complete alignment-attunement- atonement of ALL three bodies comprising one’s “Being-ness”. Focusing only on emotions only promote more and more emotions like angst ( from which all fear arises as Br David Steindl-Rast has correctly pointed out ). It is the “Knowing Who we Are, beyond name and form” IOW the shifting of the “centers of consciousness” away from the physical and Psychical and into Noetical ( and ultimately Noetic ) which will eliminate all so-called “paradoxics”.
Humans are blessed with the use of Mind-super-substance, and use it with pure Noetic ability. How we use it is up to us. And when we mis-use it, there is no one to blame but ourselves.
Good luck with your up coming course Dale.
Be Well Be Present EdS
Thank you Ed for your very thoughtful comment. One of the amazing, beautiful and stunning things about poetry and metaphors, is how we can walk inside them and have our own unique experience. Paradoxically, I’ve always felt the soul can both be perfect and simultaneously hurt at times. Again, we each have our own experience inside poems and metaphors. I would love to have you join this webinar journey. With a deep bow of gratefulness, Dale
Dale, this is so beautiful and inspiring!!! It touched my heart immensely!!! Thank-you so much!!! God bless you.
Peace, Sheila
Thank you Shelia so much for your kind words and support. This ANG*L community never ceases to amaze and delight me… With much gratefulness, Dale
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