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I think everyone needs compassion. Just a small text or call to surprise people and help them realize that they are thought about. People cannot read minds. If we do not show them by calling or visiting someone that we think about, they really do not know. The Beatles once sang, “Love is all you need.” It is so true. Compassion helps both the good and bad days become better. It is the roots of motivation. People will go through with or maybe not go through with a certain means to an end i...
I think everyone needs compassion. Just a small text or call to surprise people and help them realize that they are thought about. People cannot read minds. If we do not show them by calling or visiting someone that we think about, they really do not know. The Beatles once sang, “Love is all you need.” It is so true. Compassion helps both the good and bad days become better. It is the roots of motivation. People will go through with or maybe not go through with a certain means to an end if they have or do not have compassion from other sources or compassion towards themselves. I am going to reach out to more people- my immediate family, old friends, and see what they’re up to, see how they are. Life gets hectic that we forget to live sometimes- to just stop and check in. We need to do that for own well-being, but to spread peace, love, and perseverance. We get by with a little help from our friends.
Am I cherishing life’s journey? Life’s journey is the ride. There is no such thing as a destination- it is a constant moving means to an end. It is all about the process- presently and happily improving on something that leads up to a certain goal. This process is where growth, learning, enlightenment, enrichment, and development all take place. Cherishing this process is an awareness and acknowledgement of each moment. In this point of my life, I feel that I have been instead of che...
Am I cherishing life’s journey? Life’s journey is the ride. There is no such thing as a destination- it is a constant moving means to an end. It is all about the process- presently and happily improving on something that leads up to a certain goal. This process is where growth, learning, enlightenment, enrichment, and development all take place. Cherishing this process is an awareness and acknowledgement of each moment. In this point of my life, I feel that I have been instead of cherishing the process, rushing to find happiness or security rather than being open to it in the process. I have been focusing on a destination giving me happiness while I should be finding it in the present moments of setting goals and making progress towards each of them through hard work. I need to see more of the things I have and recognize the good before harping on the bad and trying t0 fix it. One thing I do know is that I am embracing my feelings, and learning more about myself through different experiences I throw myself into! I want to be more open towards my process of not liking my present college. I have applied to transfer; however, it is unknown if I will make it. I am scared to not make it and have to go to the other college. I do not like the strong negatives feelings I have developed towards my present college, and I want to change that because it is causing me to want to rush to a different destination to get away from feeling that way. Hopefully, I can find happiness within that concept in case I do not get into the transfer school.
A higher road towards love, acceptance, forgiveness, and kindness starts with the willingness to be open. It is sparked by the ability to be confident in one’s beliefs while simultaneously having an objective view when listening to others. Listening is the key word. We have to depride ourselves and listen to our opposing sides. Understanding each other is the heart of solving disagreements. If there is no mutual willingness to be open to the other sides opinion and understand it, misund...
A higher road towards love, acceptance, forgiveness, and kindness starts with the willingness to be open. It is sparked by the ability to be confident in one’s beliefs while simultaneously having an objective view when listening to others. Listening is the key word. We have to depride ourselves and listen to our opposing sides. Understanding each other is the heart of solving disagreements. If there is no mutual willingness to be open to the other sides opinion and understand it, misunderstanding, hate, and rejection unfortunately results. We also should take in mind that time is fleeting; as we cannot be stepped on or be a pushover by constantly forgiving, we have to recognize that life is short and holding grudges does not only take the toll on our relationships but our own happiness. Another way to achieve more love and acceptance of others is finding love of yourself- making yourself be the best person that you can be- whatever that is for you. This creates happiness in one’s own self which then can be transmitted onto others. Like the Beatles once said, “Love is all you need”. It is very true. What makes something extremely enjoyable is the company we share it with, whether if it is at a party, work, or any activity. Love and peace is what we need to spread, and this comes with honesty, openness, compromise, self-love, and a desire to have bot of these entities.
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