In your own words, what does “wholeheartedness” mean to you?

Wholeheartedness for me means engaging in life fully, authentically, creatively without holding back. Being totally energised by and engaged with whatever it is I have chosen to be involved with. Allowing myself to be vulnerable and open to anything that emerges and respond fluidly.

What qualities do you associate with being fully present?

Awareness of and engagement with other people and with the physical,...

In your own words, what does “wholeheartedness” mean to you?

Wholeheartedness for me means engaging in life fully, authentically, creatively without holding back. Being totally energised by and engaged with whatever it is I have chosen to be involved with. Allowing myself to be vulnerable and open to anything that emerges and respond fluidly.

What qualities do you associate with being fully present?

Awareness of and engagement with other people and with the physical, sensory world.

Where or when do you show up most wholeheartedly?

With my Daughters at home and with the young people I work with.

How does showing up wholeheartedly impact you? Others around you? The world?
Greater connection, less isolation / loneliness, more energy and enthusiasm, more appreciation and joy.

What kinds of visible and invisible help do you enlist in your life?

Asking for practical support from parents. Talking to friends. Writing poetry. Engaging in creative writing events.

Now, think about where you are holding back.
When are you least likely to allow “the intensity of your presence” to come forth? Are there patterns you notice about this?

In staff meetings when there seems to be no forum for true authenticity. When I am with emotionally unaware or emotionally fearful / lazy people. The connection between these two is that I feel that the intensity of my presence would be unwelcome or threatening in some way.

What feelings or situations keep you from wholeheartedness?

Other people’s; social conventions, their (often unaware) rules for their own ways of engaging with others. Feelings – not wanting other people to feel uncomfortable, not wanting to feel disappointed in others or agitated and frustrated with them.

When you are holding back, what impact do you think this might have on you? Others around you? The world?
My holding back maintains disconnection and superficial ways of interacting. Colludes with the status-quo which may be unhealthy and need to be changed. It eats up my energy because I am stifling who I really am. Others remain in a bubble of unawareness because they are not exposed to a different way of being.

What kinds of visible and invisible help would help you to live more wholeheartedly?

Paying for domestic help to free up time for creative activities. Eating a healthier diet, getting more sleep and fresh air / exercise. Being out in nature more alone and with others. Regular massages and stretching to help reconnect with my physical body. Learning to enjoy cooking. Getting more organised to have a calmer home environment.

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8 years ago