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Pausing and genuinely considering, the stretching will inevitably follow.
In the stop, look, and go continuum, it is time to go …
Through the wide open spaces of everyday life …
Make them priorities amidst the everyday barrage of demands, requirements, intrigue, interests, and information.
The very early and the very late – both offer unique moments for reflection.
Through giving and gratefully receiving.
Any day in fact MIGHT be our last. It is time to live it.
Hardship and loss link directly with gratefulness. It is just a different perspective – when I have felt loss, it comes with the simultaneous recognition of what I had. Mindfulness of what I had or have is I suppose the foundation of gratefulness.
Many imperfections are not personal imperfections at all and only traits by which we compare ourselves to others – unfortunately, these traits are what we often get caught up on wanting to unnecessarily change or judge. In some of these cases, we do well to consider the puzzle pieces with many shapes and sizes, but all needed to complete the picture.
Actual personal imperfections in my view need to be recognized and fully accepted, and embraced as a temporary state through ...
Actual personal imperfections in my view need to be recognized and fully accepted, and embraced as a temporary state through which we are pushing ourselves through the help of all that is within and around us.
Whatever most promotes justice, mercy, and does not shy away from being humbled.
Intentionally give when/if provoked to irritation or anger.
By remaining centered on ME, and Not the Moment.
Put it down – put all the unnecessary distractions and enticements down.
Compassionate effort and honesty
Through the example of growing in depth and within the darkness, while simultaneously growing and expanding into the light.
Opportunity and fear of action, responsibility, and accountability.
A seed is worthless unless nurtured or thoroughly considered. Such are our life experiences. Will have to be personally mindful to not live my life collecting seeds …
Only the Bible stands out as one among many; but I am grateful for the collection of books that have included wisdom, distilled from authors across time, which I have drawn and been influenced.
In the moment, it is my distant and only periodic, but valued relationship with this Gratefulness community. It has been a while but happy to see familiar early posters!
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