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Today is two days after my third anniversary, a day before my husband’s birthday, and the day after international women’s day. On my heart is gratitude ever-deepening for my dear husband. And for women who show up, speak up, and stand up for girls’ and womens’ equality.
I especially enjoy word play with my husband and with particular (similarly playful) friends. Every day can be and often is an adventure in random moments of connection and surprise. Yesterday we had a delightful excursion on our bikes to the local gardens to see the new mini bird sanctuary. Playful and adventurous in a simple way.
I am passionate about relationships and connection, learning (French for example), meeting new people, experiencing new places, culture , politics and good red wine.
I’m grateful for the question today because I will be the recipient of services that support my well being. I will serve the servants by being attentive and present. In the spaces I will be awake to the opportunities that are sure to come to be kind, to be life-giving.
Yesterday I received the sharing of intellect, imagination, creativity, hospitality, affection during a visit with an artist friend and her partner. What strikes me is their wholehearted generosity.
It’s usually about small kindnesses isn’t it? Warm gestures, thoughtful words, a listening heart. May I be so oriented this day.
Words on my parents’ memorial bench:
“Enjoy your life. Do what’s right. Rest often”.
Today, by helping a friend clean her suite as she prepares for a big move.
This question simmered throughout my Tuesday but never quite landed. I question its premise that thorns are unwelcome. As others have noted, there are no roses without thorns – both are part of reality. But – the question also makes me see that I readily default to the negative critic part of me.
Stories of families and individuals who seek refuge in Canada from persecution, war, discrimination, or political oppression move and inspire me. Their courage, determination, resilience and appreciation remind me over and over to treasure the life I have – simply by accident of birth.
Create something. An uplifting conversation, a simple meal, an enlivening walk, a laugh, a friendly connection with a street person …
Love the question! In Canada we are engaged in the hard work and the joy of reconciliation with our First Peoples. We can do and be better. My vision (articulated by many I actively support) is that Indigenous people throughout this country will be healthy, educated, engaged in good work and self determining..
Listen wholeheartedly. Voice appreciation. Share light and laughter.
I’m experiencing less FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), an immature, codependent way of being. My word for the year is “distill” which calls me into my own reality and depths (or superficialities for that matter). I can let go of feeling disheartened when I miss out on stuff. I have and am what I need!
As a privileged white baby boomer in Canada I’ve not had to worry about any basic needs: love, clean air, clean water, food, shelter, education, health care, freedom of expression. I try to take none of it for granted.
Art is both product and process and both are necessary. My soul needs literature, theatre, visual art and music for sustenance and expansion. Creating a life is the ultimate creative process. Lacking obvious artistic talent, I’ve come to regard small acts of personal expression as creativity – this space for example!
The three thresholds of my day are sweet and peaceful: morning tea in bed (brought by my husband), afternoon tea after the day’s activities, bedtime with a book (no tea).
After 8 days at home with the virus of the moment I’m venturing forth. I need to let go of ambition for this day and be slow and attentive so I don’t slide into doing too much!
You know, I mostly am awash in gratitude for my blessed life. I don’t expect perfection so I’m not inclined to lean into this question today.
Anne Lamott is active on Twitter and Facebook. You might also appreciate reading her there. She is not only praying but also is outraged and speaking out in opposition to the president. Today for example you will see her reactions to yesterday’s tragedy in Florida.
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