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Like you, I am learning ways to rethink aging and always cultivating gratitude. One challenge I have had is making peace and friends with some (thankfully completely benign!) little bumps on my neck. Since they are completely harmless, it turns out that they only really challenge my vanity and self image. Awhile ago, it dawned on me how much I thoroughly enjoy the bumps on a toad and I thought to myself “If I love the bumps on a toad and toads are part of nature then I could extend t...
Like you, I am learning ways to rethink aging and always cultivating gratitude. One challenge I have had is making peace and friends with some (thankfully completely benign!) little bumps on my neck. Since they are completely harmless, it turns out that they only really challenge my vanity and self image. Awhile ago, it dawned on me how much I thoroughly enjoy the bumps on a toad and I thought to myself “If I love the bumps on a toad and toads are part of nature then I could extend the same courtesy to myself.” Of course, it’s a work in progress but sometimes I actually feel a complete and total love and acceptance of myself–bumps and all!
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