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What I continue to learn is the importance of letting go… In particular the letting go is about relationships that are no longer viable. I am learning that I do not have to be angry to do this, rather the goal is to let go in a more neutral manner…in my heart and mind wishing the individual all the best, and being thankful for the lessons I have learned. Not that any of this is easy!!!
The next right action is to catch myself before I get stressed out. I work in customer service and am dealing with people all day. I would like to catch myself when I’m dealing with a challenging individual and instead of allowing my adrenaline to start flowing, take a deep breath and proceed in a more calm manner. After a stressful encounter with someone I find myself angry and upset, which I often take home with me. I want to practice this “catching” so that I don̵...
The next right action is to catch myself before I get stressed out. I work in customer service and am dealing with people all day. I would like to catch myself when I’m dealing with a challenging individual and instead of allowing my adrenaline to start flowing, take a deep breath and proceed in a more calm manner. After a stressful encounter with someone I find myself angry and upset, which I often take home with me. I want to practice this “catching” so that I don’t do this, and also so that I can possibly have a more positive exchange with the individual. I believe that these small moments of more positive interaction can spread to a more positive world.
Regret. It seems to serve no purpose except to make me ruminate about choices that I perceive as “bad.” Regret keeps me stuck. I’m working to let it go. It takes time. Doing the gratefulness activities, focusing on the positive in my life, and the beneficial choices that I have made is helping. Letting go of regret feels freeing. It helps to focus on what is in store rather that what has already happened.
I have been surprised how much practicing gratefulness has helped my outlook on life and my overall mental health. I am feeling much more positive, and am even getting to some things that I had been putting off, or not finding time to do. Today I am feeling a bit challenged about feeling positive. I don’t really feel like doing my grateful list. But I will do it, because I know it helps!
What a wonderful question to make me ponder what I am grateful for. I have so many today! I am grateful for a new course I am taking about flowers and flower arranging. It’s bringing me a great deal of joy. I am grateful for a new walking partner. I am grateful for two new employees at work. They will bring fresh energy to the job. I am always grateful for the beginning of a new day.
What an amazing question! In the few minutes that I reflected on this I realized that I, and probably many in this society are constantly thinking that they don’t have enough! What a shift to think this way. A basic response is that I have enough of all the material things that I need to survive: food, shelter. clothing. This is truly a blessing that I think I take for granted. I do realize that I have enough love in my life. This is love that comes to me and that I give...
What an amazing question! In the few minutes that I reflected on this I realized that I, and probably many in this society are constantly thinking that they don’t have enough! What a shift to think this way. A basic response is that I have enough of all the material things that I need to survive: food, shelter. clothing. This is truly a blessing that I think I take for granted. I do realize that I have enough love in my life. This is love that comes to me and that I give. Sometimes I think I’m lacking in this area because of being single, but I continue to see more and more the other, and often greater loves that I have such as my children, grandchildren, and friends. So I am truly, truly blessed.
Such perfect timing for this question as I am struggling with a co-worker! This individual is quite a challenge for me to work with. I know that she is suffering, so I am trying to keep this in mind and be kind and positive. I also realize that I have to take care of myself in this situation and let things that happen with her go… When something happens that is stressful I am trying to ask myself, does this really matter? Usually the answer is no, and it is just discomfort at ...
Such perfect timing for this question as I am struggling with a co-worker! This individual is quite a challenge for me to work with. I know that she is suffering, so I am trying to keep this in mind and be kind and positive. I also realize that I have to take care of myself in this situation and let things that happen with her go… When something happens that is stressful I am trying to ask myself, does this really matter? Usually the answer is no, and it is just discomfort at the time. So I think that the compassion I have to offer is really for both of us as well as the others that we work with.
I believe that those who know me best would say that I am very caring towards them. This is true. I do value my family and friendships above all else. The most important role in my life right now is that of being a grandmother. I have three small grandsons who I am fortunate to see several times a week. This is the greatest gift in my life at this time; that I am able to give my time, energy, and love to help out my son and his family. I am so grateful that I made the choice to move acr...
I believe that those who know me best would say that I am very caring towards them. This is true. I do value my family and friendships above all else. The most important role in my life right now is that of being a grandmother. I have three small grandsons who I am fortunate to see several times a week. This is the greatest gift in my life at this time; that I am able to give my time, energy, and love to help out my son and his family. I am so grateful that I made the choice to move across the country to be with them, and to work fewer hours so that I have plenty of time with them. It has helped me tremendously to view the change I made five years ago as a very positive choice. So often I tend to look back at choices I have made and am filled with regret, which of course I am working to let go of. Continuing to remind myself of the very important choice I made to be near my kids is an empowering way to let go of the regret about other choices. Even though I had to leave behind my dearest friends, they have been so supportive of my move, and we remain as close as ever.
I love this question! I am going to start my day tomorrow with it!
No, I am not. I am caught up in regret about the past. I know this is mostly due to my mother, and last parent recently dying. I know this is a process that is normal, and I am trying to respect it. It’s a hard journey for me right now. I would like to be and feel more grateful about all that I do have, now. I have three beautiful grandsons who I live very close to. They are the light in my life! I am so blessed! But when I am alone and thinking about my own life and where I am ...
No, I am not. I am caught up in regret about the past. I know this is mostly due to my mother, and last parent recently dying. I know this is a process that is normal, and I am trying to respect it. It’s a hard journey for me right now. I would like to be and feel more grateful about all that I do have, now. I have three beautiful grandsons who I live very close to. They are the light in my life! I am so blessed! But when I am alone and thinking about my own life and where I am now I become so frustrated and sad. I would like to be more at peace with the way things have worked out, and appreciate all that I do have.
Thanks, Mary! Yes, we do have to push ourselves to see the treasures, to really see what we can be grateful for! Take care! Ginni
Thank you for your comments. I’m so sorry to hear that you are seriously ill. May your positivity guide you through this and lead you to healing. Right, hitting the brick wall is just something that has happened to you, it is not you. All my best, Ginni
Mary, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Sounds like you are a wonderfully compassionate and caring person, and yes these are gifts you should give to yourself as well! It’s so interesting how we can focus on doing that for others and then leave ourselves at the end of the list? I agree that self compassion is an important road to happiness. I will check out the website you mentioned. Thanks!
Wonderful! I love the small mistakes on purpose! That shows courage! Thanks for sharing that. I am going to be more kind to myself about making mistakes, too. Laughing at myself would be good! All the best on your journey!
Hi Mary. Yes, taking on other people’s stuff is something I have done too. I understand those pressures to be the good one, the perfect one. Those are hard patterns to break, aren’t they? Yes, self compassion is the key! I am working on that, too! Wishing you much progress with all of this! Take care! Ginni
Yes, it is difficult. However the older I get the easier I am able to do this. I actually find it empowering to take responsibility for the choices I have made; in particular I am referring to the choices that have led to painful outcomes. Then of course the next biggest step is self forgiveness through understanding. This feels important to do with others as well when I have felt hurt by them. Holding on to anger and blame does not help one to grow! You know, it just dawned on me that ...
Yes, it is difficult. However the older I get the easier I am able to do this. I actually find it empowering to take responsibility for the choices I have made; in particular I am referring to the choices that have led to painful outcomes. Then of course the next biggest step is self forgiveness through understanding. This feels important to do with others as well when I have felt hurt by them. Holding on to anger and blame does not help one to grow! You know, it just dawned on me that taking ownership of the positive choices would be very beneficial, too! How often do we do that? I think I will add this to my gratitude; “I am grateful for the choice I have made to….”
Thank you for your encouraging words! The quote by Gloria Steinem is perfect! Take care, Ginni
Thanks for your encouraging words! Great quote. It is a process… Ginni
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