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Kristi – When I read today’s quote for the day, by Rachel Naom Remen: “Our listening creates a sanctuary for the homeless parts within another person.” I immediately thought of you and your post yesterday.
In your speaking out you gave voice to – gave expression to what many of us were feeling, but were too stunned, confused, and lost in our jumbled up feelings and just couldn’t lay it out the way you did. And because you did so, I picked up ...
In your speaking out you gave voice to – gave expression to what many of us were feeling, but were too stunned, confused, and lost in our jumbled up feelings and just couldn’t lay it out the way you did. And because you did so, I picked up actual pen and paper and wrote a couple of notes of condolences to friends. We got together and we made plans to supp0rt the Office of the President, support our country, and move on. What you said was, and is, so valuable. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Cheers, Ella
Art – Thank you. I read your words quickly because I’m always in a hurry and have a tendency to scan. They slowed me down because then I made another cup of tea and read them slowly and even looked at the pictures. Then I spent a minute or two on a website about an autoimmune disease that I’ve tried for years to ignore. I’m 75 years old and the sole caregiver for disabled husband and son and the progression of my disease is making it impossible to ignore the breath...
Art – Thank you. I read your words quickly because I’m always in a hurry and have a tendency to scan. They slowed me down because then I made another cup of tea and read them slowly and even looked at the pictures. Then I spent a minute or two on a website about an autoimmune disease that I’ve tried for years to ignore. I’m 75 years old and the sole caregiver for disabled husband and son and the progression of my disease is making it impossible to ignore the breathing part of it. I’ll probably come back and read your thoughts again some morning because for no reason that I can explain, I feel calmer reading them – probably your connection to nature and description of your response to slowing all the way down to feeling “the vibration of the earth.”. I glad you have Mario (and husband John) – I couldn’t live without a dog in the house (and in my bed). I wish you a spontaneous recovery – it happens and the doctors just shrug. (The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge and Spontaneous Recovery by Andrew Weil) I comfort myself with such thoughts. I don’t care if it’s delusional – that would be like caring if the placebo pill wasn’t really the reason one’s pain is gone. I wish you well. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write “Slowing Down…Appreciating More.” I’ve never responded to anyone’s writing and had to sign up to do so. And now I’m going to see if I can clean the house slower and enjoy it more. Thank you. Cheers, Ella
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