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Receiving drawings and thank you notes from former students stands out as those little gestures bring me back into the joy of connecting. My wife leaves me small, illustrated notes each day which ground me in love no matter what stressors are about.
Myself. I know that when I project out any negativity that it is actually my own anger with myself that I am avoiding dealing with.
Differences are superficial. We love, struggle, doubt and press on all the same. We are all the same.
My wife has bestowed upon the greatest of gifts, unconditional love that has kept me afloat throughout the darkest of days. The children I work with on a daily basis fuel me with their love and joy for life.
Currently, yes. I err throughout the day and must continuously bring myself back to the present, to my beliefs, my values and what is right.
Smile and ask them how there day is going. I work with middle schoolers and it means the world to them to have positive interaction.
Every single day my wife’s kindness touches my heart and soul. She leaves me loving notes in my lunch that turn even the most trying days into joys.
It means that I need to consistently appreciate all that those around me do to improve the lives of children and each other.
This would force me into the moment more. Measuring in moments would help me be present and fully experience where I was.
The love of my wife, my incredible marriage, the ability to serve others, my family and their unconditional support. I cannot lose these things. These people are, at the end of the day, all that matters. Their love fills me with positivity no matter how dark the days get.
I care for my loving wife more than anything. She is by far the best person I’ve ever met in my life. Her love is a blessing. I love and adore her with all I am.
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