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There is no failure,, not if we can hold on to our desire to find love. Sometimes that is enough. There is a Jewish story I read once about a rabbi whose prayer always protected his community. After his death, people wanted to continue his prayers but as each generation passed they forgot more and more of what he’d done and how he’d done it. Finally all they could remember was where he’d gone to pray–and that was enough, the story says. I’m not sure I’ve re...
There is no failure,, not if we can hold on to our desire to find love. Sometimes that is enough. There is a Jewish story I read once about a rabbi whose prayer always protected his community. After his death, people wanted to continue his prayers but as each generation passed they forgot more and more of what he’d done and how he’d done it. Finally all they could remember was where he’d gone to pray–and that was enough, the story says. I’m not sure I’ve recalled it exactly but I remembered it when I read your comment and wanted to share it.
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