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Hi. Yes always starting with gratitude is very helpful, being grateful for even the smallest things, like my soft bed, the blankets, my heart beats and I never even asked it to. Thank you heart for beating, thank jaw for chewing etc, ect. The fun part is to not make things mean so much. We take life and ourselves too seriously. Things that we take seriously might seem silly to someone else. Life is short and we might as well have fun. Do things that are fun and don’t feel guilty ...
Hi. Yes always starting with gratitude is very helpful, being grateful for even the smallest things, like my soft bed, the blankets, my heart beats and I never even asked it to. Thank you heart for beating, thank jaw for chewing etc, ect. The fun part is to not make things mean so much. We take life and ourselves too seriously. Things that we take seriously might seem silly to someone else. Life is short and we might as well have fun. Do things that are fun and don’t feel guilty about it. You deserve to have fun and be happy. Get silly and crazy once in a while. You are a gift to the planet. Our job is to be as healthy and happy as we can be. Your health and happiness effects my health and happiness and it effects the health and happiness of the whole planet. Thank you for being as healthy and happy as you can be. Silly, Crazy Joe ;p)
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