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I’m on a journey to self discovery. I want to have the awareness to be able acknowledge the gifts I have been given along the way.
Risk being earnest. Commit to yourself. Don’t lose sight of who you are by being tempted to meet other people’s expectations. People will appreciate your honesty. If they don’t, you’ll have your integrity to carry you along.
It seems like mindfulness always leads me to greater empathy and a greater presence. Clearing my mind of the clutter and thoughts of the upcoming week and focusing on being here now give me the opportunity to connect with my surroundings and to appreciate the day.
I was raised in the Catholic Church and grew through and out of that institution. I support the merits of the varying religions of the people I know. But, I am most drawn to meditation. The experiences I have had while looking inward have led my spirituality to exist fluidly and out of the confines of structured religion.
To persist.
Preconceptions and expectations hold me back. I have to work hard to get out of my own head. As important as imagination and forethought can be, it isn’t uncommon for me to miss what’s good because I’m not present.
Someone who made great human connections and elevated people to become closer to realizing the fullest version of themselves.
Sharing a smile has had a surprising effect on my state of mind and it seemed to open the hearts of strangers who became recipients and then participants in a shared smile. Warmth and gratitude became empathy and a genuine connection was made. In a world of transactual interactions the human connection that is available and so readily accepted is always a pleasant surprise to me.
It is interesting to explore respect by mirroring another’s beliefs temporarily. When adopting their vision as your own, in order to help them achieve a goal, you exercise tolerance and empathy. You exercise selflessness and experience another persons way. Even when you return to your own initiatives, you now have greater human experience for having stepped outside of yourself. You have honored another’s effort, experience comradory and gained insight.
Smile through it and that smile will spark your keener and more compassionate intuition. The more empathy and care that you set yourself up to display, the greater the gratitude for the opportunity to express them.
The tall trees on the Pacific Coast reach up so high that I often struggle to comprehend their size and age. It’s as if they project through time and space. I stand in aw of nature and feel human and feel wonderment when I share those experiences with people.
Sitting here in bed I am happy to reflect on the character of my family members. Thinking of each one and knowing that by spending time with them and telling them I love them will show them I am grateful. I will visit with each of them tomorrow to do so.
I am fortunate to have an opportunity to participate in these events through my school. I would like to volunteer to help maintain trails or parks or access to them and education for those who want to get outside and breathe.
My smile is starting to feel like home.
It puts me in a position to give everyone the benefit of the doubt all of the time. When you give someone that benefit it makes one inclined to aid the situation.
Travel has been a big part of my life lately. I am grateful to have explored so much. Meeting people and making connections has comes more easily while wearing a smile. Being conscious of my mood and smiling has brought some wonderful people into my life. I feel like I have something to offer and I feel like I have helped others smile too.
I stand for opportunity. In particular the opportunity to awaken be given the chance to have a connection with other individuals unincumbered by societal limitations. I stand for people to live with out being bogged down by a society driven by consumerism and novel media.
I like to smile. It helps me change my mood. I even like that I have to force it. I like knowing I’m trying. I like to bring a smile to someone I don’t know and let them enjoy it. I feel a connection with them and they almost always give back. Smiling makes me happy.
I often hear inner dialogue that I have to calm in order to find silence.
I like my beard and I like the color of my eyes, but I treasure my lungs. They have helped me to be able to experience the things in life I have found most interesting. They have let me run fast and run slow, climb trees and mountains, and they let me meditate.
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