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I have asked for a greater and better sense of self-worth. Awaiting the response now!
I have been feeling sad about an accident my mother had causing a fracture in her leg. Today, I have experienced growth in which I am grateful for the happy and perfect day I spent with her just before the accident happened. That was a gift in itself
I read this question while I was sitting at my desk, being annoyed at a loud colleague, and wishing for silence. So yes, silence is what feels most comfortable. But at the same time, I wish I was not affected so much by sounds of people going about their business as my colleague was.
Other than silence, I like the sound of trains!
We all need this!! Negative emotions seem to grow like weeds – they crop up and thrive without any nurturing! We definitely need to plant more positivity, leaving no room for the weeds
Speaking of this same thing from the other side – I am 42 and I spent the month with my parents. I felt love from my mother for the first time in my 42 years. All this while, I was filled with hurt about this. But one visit seems to have erased it all at least for me! It feels wonderful!
Thank you! She does need all the good wishes she can get. She had barely just gotten over a hump. In fact she was happy that day because we had just visited her doctor who said she was clean! And she fell while getting out of the car just after we got home from the appointment. I am very grateful for the clean chit she got, and praying for a quick recovery from her fracture.
Do get help if you feel threatened again. WIshing you safety and peace!
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