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Sounds of life that nourish me are birds, crickets, frogs, waterfalls, ocean waves, music, my cats’ meows, and quiet.
Beauty is all around me . It is in the house where I have created a warm and cozy atmosphere with multiple beautiful houseplants, precious cats, fresh flowers, warm nurturing color, candles, crystals, animal and plant sculptures and artwork, wonderful sound system with fabulous music, my 3 season glassed in porch complete with swing on which I observe my beautiful yard. I love to create special areas in which to relax, enjoy, and just “be”.
Spending time each day doing breathing exercises, meditating, writing in my gratitude journal, and working out or walking help me greatly with any crisis in my life. Being in nature is a big factor in helping me cope. It’s important I practice these things daily.
Smile myself. Be friendly and upbeat. Show appreciation. Invite them to do something fun. Bake something special and deliver it to them. Make a fresh flower arrangement and take it to them. Use my sense of humor. Share positive news.
Nature, music, trees, mountains, flowers, the ocean, my beautiful warm cozy home, animals, books, delicious food, singing birds, butterflies, singing crickets and frogs, my pond and waterfall, my gardens, adult coloring books, creative activities, my church, forests, Spring and summer, my Gratitude journal, my crystal and animal sculpture collections, heart warming art work, wonderful friends, continuing personal growth, my passion for things.
I do a lot for my older husband who is in assisted living. He has confusion, memory problems, poor balance, sleep apnea, glaucoma, a mood disorder, bad knee and hip, hearing loss, etc. He is getting a cornea transplant in his only good eye May 17. I’m risking taking him to a symphony concert tonight because I want him to be able to still enjoy things. It will be a challenge, but I’m trying it.
I’ve developed the knowledge and courage to do what I need to do in order to have a happy life.
Someone on the Symphony lobby staff saw me trying to help my husband up 2 flights of stairs. By the second step the guy had a wheel chair over there and escorted us to ground level seats. Boy, was I rewarded for taking Jack to the concert. From 10th row on the aisle I got to see the greatest violinist in the world play a beautiful Bruch concerto .The staff even wheel chaired Jack to our car in the parking lot next door. Jack and I had a great time.
I have 2 precious cats, a Hemmingway tabby rescue cat ( big extra thumbs) named Puccini and Mozart, a blue lynx mitted rag doll with blue eyes.
I have good supportive and helpful neighbors and friends. I have no family in town, and they have their own problems. Mostly I do a lot of self care like getting massages, counseling, have learned to say NO, exercising, gardening, walking outdoors, classical , native flute, and New Age very relaxing nature music, meditating, coloring in my adult coloring books, reading, a glass of wine in the evening looking at my fireplace or looking at my gardens on my swing. I am working on not b...
I have good supportive and helpful neighbors and friends. I have no family in town, and they have their own problems. Mostly I do a lot of self care like getting massages, counseling, have learned to say NO, exercising, gardening, walking outdoors, classical , native flute, and New Age very relaxing nature music, meditating, coloring in my adult coloring books, reading, a glass of wine in the evening looking at my fireplace or looking at my gardens on my swing. I am working on not being so busy. Friday I have someone coming over to dig 40 dayllies I’m donating ( sick of all the work of keeping deer out of them) to Civic garden Center’s Spring fundraiser and Saturday I’m supervising a team at church to plant and clean up the memorial garden for which I designed the placement of plants and shrubs. I’ve learned to hire help at home and in my yard. I’ll be glad when things slow down a little. Thank you for your support.
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