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As many other posts generosity can be in many forms. I think it is likely to come from an abundance mindset. This question prompts me to consider my own mindset and how I can be more generous. It is not a natural flow for me.
That those close to me who are struggling in life can find peace and acceptance and a solid grounding to allow positive possibilities to act upon them. And let that intention spread to the world.
Something about the question brought to mind a friends house I used to go to when I was in my teens. The mother of the house was very mothering to me and it was a time in my life I really appreciated it. There was a deep connection as I think there is anywhere we feel at home.
A former work colleague, long since dead, taught me a huge amount and was very generous of his knowledge. I still think of him often, with a deep gratitude.
I think it’s about smaller rather than bigger. Its in the small things, what we notice, how we are kind, how we love and how we let love into us. I can be more expansive in the little moments of now. Trying to “stretch my heart” puts effort and stress in my way.
My partner of 25 years. Always supportive but ready to call it when I’m off track!
My senses, whichever of them are in working order, that this body may feel the ground under my feet and breathe and feel the air around me. I am grateful mine work and are available to me at all times.
There are plenty of different motivating forces deep down and them playing out, often in conflict, is what makes me human. And they’re all deep. Is there a deepest? I’ll have to think about that. My initial reaction was to pick something positive and spiritual but it has to sing in a pretty crowded choir and harmony often shines but does not always shine through.
I think I prefer courageous to fearless. I’m not going to deny my feelings. And I get plenty of fear. But will jump anyway. May have an opportunity to not play it safe with a possible shift in career. We’ll see.
Am looking at Five Minute Journal. Has some resonance for what we discuss here. In addition to expressing gratitude I like that it gives some support for getting stuff done. I’m going to practice this in October and see is it for me. Am a bit sporadic when it comes to more lengthy journalling.
Aside from the “feel good” factor, caring for others, at least for me, enriches the relationship. It’s complex though; there’s a balance between the care for others and the care for self. And there’s tensions that come through for me where caring may have some conditions attached eg I may want someone {else/self} to be other than as they are. I get the opportunity to notice that!
My curiosity which has led me down very interesting rabbit holes. Creativity and empathy would be up there too.
Picking this up at the back end of the day. So my comment is in the past. Helped my daughter: privilege to help; privileged to have a daughter who wants my help; privileged to be able bodied enough to do so.
Experiencing the gift of meditations on Insight Timer. Freely given but I personally know none of them.
Also just got through my tea in the morning and getting ready for the get go. I will keep this question in mind during today in my interactions. It may temper a tendency to be a bit suspicious of people. A small dose of that is healthy protection. But a larger dose stifles seeing that good. I’ll be seeking to get my dose right today.
A bigger question than I at first thought. People I meet who may somehow be impacted by me and I will never know. Random interactions in the web of the world have consequences we do not see. If I ever have lineal descendants beyond my kids I won’t even be alive to see what my contribution may bring. A sobering moment.
Thanks John. This is the phrase that immediately came to my mind also. That I don’t need to be right to be happy; that sometimes trying to be right leads to unhappiness. There’s a lightness for me in letting go the need for being right.
That sums it up for me. Thanks
You’re welcome Palm. I have been finding great benefit in it so far.
Deb, in a nutshell what was in my thoughts.
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