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Thank you Kristi. One of the blessings of getting older is that I am able to appreciate just being alive. I am much more grateful for those little moments than I ever was as a younger woman. I’m also less concerned about how I look when I go out, in the sense that I don’t wear makeup all the time. I used to never wear shorts in public because my legs are on the heavy side. Now I’m grateful for how my legs serve me and I don’t worry about how they look. It’s...
Thank you Kristi. One of the blessings of getting older is that I am able to appreciate just being alive. I am much more grateful for those little moments than I ever was as a younger woman. I’m also less concerned about how I look when I go out, in the sense that I don’t wear makeup all the time. I used to never wear shorts in public because my legs are on the heavy side. Now I’m grateful for how my legs serve me and I don’t worry about how they look. It’s much more peaceful and less stressful in the later years.
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