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I came in this morning, very sad and disheartened, after hearing a story about all of the overt hate and racism going on in schools all over the United States. Also sad that the President Elect has not come out and whole heartedly condemned what is going on in the United States. Thank you for reminding me that there are many that do not support what is going on. Thank you for reminding us that there is something we can do. We can live with Love. I can make a difference in the way I act toward...
I came in this morning, very sad and disheartened, after hearing a story about all of the overt hate and racism going on in schools all over the United States. Also sad that the President Elect has not come out and whole heartedly condemned what is going on in the United States. Thank you for reminding me that there are many that do not support what is going on. Thank you for reminding us that there is something we can do. We can live with Love. I can make a difference in the way I act towards others, in the way I choose to live my life. I pledge to myself that I will live with love and positivity.
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