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Your reflection struck a chord in me. I am adjusting to retirement and have recently moved to the mountains. But like Sisyphus, I remain stubbornly attached to issues and worries — my big rock. Anxiety. I will keep that image of Sisyphus in mind, with the aim of letting go, detaching.
Grace. Gracie. Grace Elizabeth Madriles. GEM 7/11/86 – 9/21/2002. I can’t separate the word, the name, my daughter. She was/is all that Grace means. Loving, caring, generous. She never had an unhappy moment in her life. Her death from a car accident was instant – never went to the hospital. We had her in our lives for 16 years, and in our hearts forever. Her memory and spirit lives on in the organization founded in her memory in El Paso, TX, Books are GEMS. Becaus...
Grace. Gracie. Grace Elizabeth Madriles. GEM 7/11/86 – 9/21/2002. I can’t separate the word, the name, my daughter. She was/is all that Grace means. Loving, caring, generous. She never had an unhappy moment in her life. Her death from a car accident was instant – never went to the hospital. We had her in our lives for 16 years, and in our hearts forever. Her memory and spirit lives on in the organization founded in her memory in El Paso, TX, Books are GEMS. Because of her, millions of books have been given away to kids in the border area.
I can relate strongly to your feeling. Now I am retired, children grown, and living in the mountains. I walk outside my door and I am where I want to be. The woods, wildflowers, deer, mountain vistas, clean air. Yet…yet…. Trying to relax and enjoy. That is all I must to today. However, I can’t squelch the anxiety of thinking I must do SOMETHING constructive I am trying to conquer the feeling that I don’t deserve peace. So I will take this journa...
I can relate strongly to your feeling. Now I am retired, children grown, and living in the mountains. I walk outside my door and I am where I want to be. The woods, wildflowers, deer, mountain vistas, clean air. Yet…yet…. Trying to relax and enjoy. That is all I must to today. However, I can’t squelch the anxiety of thinking I must do SOMETHING constructive I am trying to conquer the feeling that I don’t deserve peace. So I will take this journal entry as my “SOMETHING” today. Today I will enjoy all the beauty and the freedom my new life has to offer.
A sad time for sure, but part of nature’s plan. Cherish her memories.
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