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I am learning that gratitude is a choice, that being aware of the miracle of life in a moment, is a choice. Thank you.
To take the day to rest, while the time is there, and to be grateful for it.
Something that is God-given, which is everything really. Some things we are really struggling with or need help with. Then, when we collaborate with The Creator, through prayer and gratitude, a solution is often presented to us. This is a Miracle, because we allowed God to help us, rather than blocking with our ego and struggling in the name of pride. We connect to the source and allow the Light to act on our behalf.
I am passionate about the way that movement moves through the body with music, the way that we can express ourselves with this amazing vehicle that we have been given upon conception, the mystery of how the human condition meets the Spiritual foundation of who we are.
The gift is actually finding happiness. I am so grateful that my life path ha led me to grow closer to myself, to love myself and the creations of life more every day. Today, I was guided to this wonderful group, the next piece of the journey of life that I am so blessed with. Thank you for being here so that I can take part. I have been asking the Creator for support for fostering more gratitude.
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