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I just LOVE this site! In fact, I suppose one could say I’m GRATEFUL for it!! SO grateful I found it!! <3
In a way, yes – it is scary to be reminded that this moment, this day, these opportunities will never be here again. I’m reminded of the poem – truly one of my favorites – by Robert Frost… “The Road Not Taken”. “Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.” For the author knows that – even if the opportunity does come for him to take the othe...
In a way, yes – it is scary to be reminded that this moment, this day, these opportunities will never be here again. I’m reminded of the poem – truly one of my favorites – by Robert Frost… “The Road Not Taken”. “Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.” For the author knows that – even if the opportunity does come for him to take the other path the next time – it will not be the same choice, because the two paths will NEVER really be the same again. That said, it is this fact that makes life so important.. and makes it so important to live life fully TODAY… Because if we were immortal like some of the TV and movie characters we see, then honestly – we would have no incentive to do anything, because it’s the knowing that it’s so brief that makes life have VALUE. Thanks for the reminder. <3
This is SO important, so thanks Danette! To TRULY listen, and to do so without reservation OR judgment.. now that last part is really difficult.. But doable.
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