Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Ose7 years agoOseMy goodness. Something happened, something radical. I will try to express it, if you don´t mind. I will try to keep it as short as possible. I was helped, and I am helped, helped enormously. By you, and you, and especially YOU! How deep is your love. How radically true. How long does it take to healing a sick mind? Found this today, after having passed complete states of despair again. My mind´s scattered parts finally on its way to be embraced, connected again, by suddenly being able ... My goodness. Something happened, something radical. I will try to express it, if you don´t mind. I will try to keep it as short as possible. I was helped, and I am helped, helped enormously. By you, and you, and especially YOU! How deep is your love. How radically true. How long does it take to healing a sick mind? Found this today, after having passed complete states of despair again. My mind´s scattered parts finally on its way to be embraced, connected again, by suddenly being able to looking from the wider self. You made this possible, you all here. It is a miracle, after such a long time. How deep is your faith, and your love, you, who helped me, who knew. It´s on it´s way to integration where there was exclusion. I was fixed in an averse inner position of disrespect towards men. A deeply fixed perspective, born of a deeply injured body and mind. Since I fought and survived death and endless isolation as a newborn, this fixed paranoia determined my way of being with no chance to change it, despite so many attempts. Until today. So much pain I felt, so much pain I caused. Please forgive me, you who suffered due to my state of being. You should have been untouched by this but I could not avoid it. Please forgive me. I will let this go now. It won´t happen again. Can I trust myself in this? Yes. I will do all I can to fully integrate what I saw today. There is the light at the end of the tunnel. Please allow me to send heartfelt greetings to all of you here. I read the beautiful article of today “After the fall”. It gave the perspective, it inspired to embrace the scattered human bones I felt inside myself so painfully. You made it possible to change perspective, dear Torkin Wakefield. Thank you so very dearly for your precious contribution. You helped as well, dear Ed, moving the mind to meditation the way you conveyed to us. Dear Diane, I feel deep gratefulness towards you as well. Your post today suddenly opened the door to understanding and healing. Please allow me to repeat part of it, so I may never forget it again. I am moved deeply. They brought me to tears, and to my knees, and then the door opened. Thank you so much. I am aware that integration will take some time and effort, but letting go of old habits of mind is on it´s way now. So deeply grateful. … Through God’s strength to pilot me; God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me….. I arise today Through the mighty strength Of the Lord of creation.” Read More2 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDearest Ose…..I am grateful that my sharing was of some help and encouragement to you. This is the miracle of this sacred community….we are all wounded healers here. By having the courage to be vulnerable and open about our wounds we give each other a precious gift…and open the door to hope and grace and wholeness. Thank you for sharing and for being a companion for me on my own healing journey. ~Sending you love and light and a warm hug. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThanks again, dear Diane, for your warm comment. To be there for another. A clear yes, dear Diane. 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimDear Ose, it sounds as if you are doing some deep and holy work within yourself, a process that may seem to take a lot of time. You are noticing and honoring the small movements of hope and healing, which can so often come slowly (in human time). Our wounds, they are a lovely part of us, no? They hold what is true in our experiences, and to bless them for the information given and invitations to heal, maybe this is one of the great invitations of our pilgrimage. As we heal, and it is not easy an... Dear Ose, it sounds as if you are doing some deep and holy work within yourself, a process that may seem to take a lot of time. You are noticing and honoring the small movements of hope and healing, which can so often come slowly (in human time). Our wounds, they are a lovely part of us, no? They hold what is true in our experiences, and to bless them for the information given and invitations to heal, maybe this is one of the great invitations of our pilgrimage. As we heal, and it is not easy and can first uproot even more pain in memory, perhaps one tear of our universe heals, as well. It seems you have entered into the depths of this invitation. Know that we are with you, holding you to the light, my dear friend from my first pilgrimage on this site. I bow before you and thank you for your brave words and work. Read More3 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThanks a lot, dear Pilgrim, a single of the many tears of the universe is turned to be healed. It is moving me deeply that you say you all are with me, holding me to the light. The sounds of the jungle of old grief had caught me much too long. Thank you dearly for your encouragement. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear Ose, how amazing, I am reading a section of Thomas Moore‘s “Care of the Soul”, where he writes about psychological polytheism, which I relate to what you are saying. If we welcome every part of the soul, even conflicting ones that demand something from us, life becomes richer and more interesting, and I would add, more honest. He talks about being flexible and fluid as opposed to moralistic and monotheist. I am finding his words comforting and, as I am also going through an emotional ... Dear Ose, how amazing, I am reading a section of Thomas Moore‘s “Care of the Soul”, where he writes about psychological polytheism, which I relate to what you are saying. If we welcome every part of the soul, even conflicting ones that demand something from us, life becomes richer and more interesting, and I would add, more honest. He talks about being flexible and fluid as opposed to moralistic and monotheist. I am finding his words comforting and, as I am also going through an emotional patch, I delight in every word of this book. Thanks for sharing and blessings in your journey Read More3 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThank you for your support, dear Palm. And all good vibes and flexible approaches for dealing with the emotional theme. I don´t know the author, but he seems to be inspiring. Blessings in your journey, too 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Ose, I embrace you with all my heart! And so lift you up to Light in prayers of thanksgiving for this moment you share of your radical healing and for integration, your continued opening. Love, Grateful C. 2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThank you, dear grateful sea, for your warm reply. Have a good day! 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaSo glad for you dear Ose! May you always trust this light is always at the end of the tunnel. I have not read the article yet, but I am going to do it. Anyway, it seems we are here together and why not? I am so proud to be here and take part of your joy, it is like a kind and respectful celebration. With love Anna 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThank you, dear Anna. It is quite an emotional process I am currently going through, although I may not be able to convey it. Thanks a lot for your taking care and sharing. 2 Reply ricardostepsup7 years agoricardostepsupGood afternoon. I’ve been away from the site for awhile, but I wanted to express my gratitude for the snow, which has given my wife two snow days in a row. Today, I am working from home in her company, rather than all by myself. I hope all of you are well. 3 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThank you Ricardo! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHello Ricardo, it is always nice to see your smiling face. I am also grateful for snow, just a blustery dusting here, but it brightens up the winter gray-brown. Enjoy your companionable day. 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely people: I awoke this morning with a case of the grumpies over the continuing coldness.....sad and disappointed in myself that my hygge resolve had left me. But then I noticed the bright sun shining over the snowy farmland behind looked like the snow was shimmering and shining with little crystals. I saw the woodpecker at our suet feeder, and lit a candle that smelled of clover and moss. Wrapped up in a cozy blanket I did some reading and a guided meditation of... Good morning lovely people: I awoke this morning with a case of the grumpies over the continuing coldness…..sad and disappointed in myself that my hygge resolve had left me. But then I noticed the bright sun shining over the snowy farmland behind me… looked like the snow was shimmering and shining with little crystals. I saw the woodpecker at our suet feeder, and lit a candle that smelled of clover and moss. Wrapped up in a cozy blanket I did some reading and a guided meditation of “I Arise Today” from St. Patrick’s breastplate and I rediscovered the joy of a new day. I’d like to share this beautiful with all of you….with love and gratitude. “I arise today Through the strength of heaven; Light of the sun, Splendor of fire, Speed of lightning, Swiftness of the wind, Depth of the sea, Stability of the earth, Firmness of the rock. I arise today Through God’s strength to pilot me; God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me….. I arise today Through the mighty strength Of the Lord of creation.” Read More6 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaIlluminated prayer Diane!! “I will greet this day with love in my heart.” God blessing you dear friend 🙂 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDiane, you are often a source of wonderful prayers that I have never known. I would like to learn all these prayers, may you suggest me a book? Thank you for your encouraging presence in this lounge. 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning cara Anna. And I say "thank you" right back to you for always encouraging me! As for the prayers.....I am a lover of books and read from many different authors and sources. I have a little library of spiritual books in my bookcase that I could recommend to you. I particularly love the prayers that are from the Celtic tradition, like the St. Patrick's breastplate that I shared. I am drawn to these Celtic prayers because they are reflections of God's love expressed through hi... Good morning cara Anna. And I say “thank you” right back to you for always encouraging me! As for the prayers…..I am a lover of books and read from many different authors and sources. I have a little library of spiritual books in my bookcase that I could recommend to you. I particularly love the prayers that are from the Celtic tradition, like the St. Patrick’s breastplate that I shared. I am drawn to these Celtic prayers because they are reflections of God’s love expressed through his magnificent Creation. I’ve always felt closest to God through nature and the Celtic spirituality traditions and prayers really speak to me. One book that I would recommend to you to start with is called “Listening for the Heartbeat of God” by J. Philip Newell. There are many beautiful blessings and prayers within the text of this book. I wonder if it has been translated into Italian? I have quoted from this book before. I often remind myself on dark, cloudy, gloomy days that “there is glory in the grey” and ask God to show it to me. Since I am so affected by the weather this has been a lovely short little prayer for me! Here is more of this prayer: “In all created things thou art there. In every friend we have the sunshine of thy presence is shown forth. In every enemy that seems to cross our path, thou art there within the cloud to challenge us to love. Show us the glory in the grey. Awake for us thy presence in the very storm till all our joys are seen as thee….” ~Have a beautiful day my friend Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnna???????????????? i will seek for the book. I believe that celtic prayer are better in English…this is the original language and though it will be not easy, I will remember them better than in italian. I will read them slowly… Thank you dear Diane! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaGood morning, Diane. It is good to read how you were able to reframe your day. I have been struggling with a few of my own “schmoos” this morning. Trying to remember we must give loving-kindness to the unwanted and difficult feelings as well. So that all are welcome in the guest house, as Rumi wrote. Thank you for the lovely meditation. Together we rise. Swiftness of wind is a gratitude for today, so much energy in it. 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyGrow your roots deep Reach your branches for the stars Stand strong 2 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Nancy, your post reminds me a quote by Victor Hugo that I found this morning during my meeting with a customer, at work. The meaning of the quote is (trying to translate….) that the best for us is to let the leaves fall down and change them, but to hold our deep roots. That suggested me I have to be open, to adapt at the circumstances, but with strong faith in what I love. 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaVery nice, Nancy! Like a koan. And it goes perfectly with your profile photo. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThank you dear grateful sea. I really do think I was tree in a past life. 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning THenry and Nancy: Your lovely sharing has reminded me of a beautiful poem by Rumi. Here is a portion that speaks to the miracle and mystery of both rocks and trees. “There is another world inside this one no words can describe it. There is living, but no fear of death; There is Spring, but never a turn to Autumn. There are legends and stories coming from the walls and ceilings. Even the rocks and trees recite poetry.” 3 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Diane, thank you for sharing. I love the line….”Even the rocks and trees recite poetry” 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyLovely poem. Thank you for sharing Diane ❤️ ???? 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaSongs and poems everywhere… 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryTrees From seedling to the clouds Majestic beings Solitary, quiet guardians Keeping watch over God’s front yard How little we know, and less We appreciate They shield us from wind and rain Offer a hiding place For wee little ones Come out, come out…… Pups love to fetch The countless limbs fallen As these behemoths shed their skins To offer new life for those such as we Even giants face the inevitable Time takes its toll You have given us much Pray, we reali... Trees From seedling to the clouds Majestic beings Solitary, quiet guardians Keeping watch over God’s front yard How little we know, and less We appreciate They shield us from wind and rain Offer a hiding place For wee little ones Come out, come out…… Pups love to fetch The countless limbs fallen As these behemoths shed their skins To offer new life for those such as we Even giants face the inevitable Time takes its toll You have given us much Pray, we realize We must save what remains For the sake of our children T Henry February 29, 2012 Read More5 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaSuch a lovely poem, T Henry, thank you for sharing it. Oh, the beauty of standing elders! Great grandparent trees magnificent, even the ghostly ones that are bare and broken from disease, such as the Eastern Hemlocks here. When I come upon one in the woods, I always catch my breath, usually leave the trail to walk the circumference with a hand on the trunk. Often hug. And yes, rejoice in the seedlings, saplings... the hemlock greenness so deeply different than other conifers... hope for the... Such a lovely poem, T Henry, thank you for sharing it. Oh, the beauty of standing elders! Great grandparent trees magnificent, even the ghostly ones that are bare and broken from disease, such as the Eastern Hemlocks here. When I come upon one in the woods, I always catch my breath, usually leave the trail to walk the circumference with a hand on the trunk. Often hug. And yes, rejoice in the seedlings, saplings… the hemlock greenness so deeply different than other conifers… hope for the future. Read More1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryGood morning Grateful, hope for the future indeed. I thank God for my eyes and ears each & every time I venture out into the wood. Always in awe, always in love with the beauty surrounding me. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAnd, the backside of my granddaughter’s rock ???? 4 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThank you THenry for this beautiful poem. I have always loved trees and feel so connected to them. I am not much of an artist but when I draw it is always of a beautiful tree. I have discovered the kindness rock project and have been painting rocks for several months now and seem to paint trees on them. I have painted trees for the seasons for my granddaughter. I will share the one I painted for winter. Many blessings ❤️ 4 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaNancy I know a Word Rocks Project (by Carol in San Diego), and I have been painting rocks too! A lovely project! 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryMorning Nancy, I love the rock paintings, and the sentiment is beautiful. You have talent. Several years ago, while on a hike, I came across a tall pine with many painted rocks and small branches at the base of the pine. Most were just painted with different colors, but a few had designs (a leaf or stick children). I felt as though the person or persons who left them, intended that they should be shared. So............each time I visited that forest, I took one. :). I have many of these scattere... Morning Nancy, I love the rock paintings, and the sentiment is beautiful. You have talent. Several years ago, while on a hike, I came across a tall pine with many painted rocks and small branches at the base of the pine. Most were just painted with different colors, but a few had designs (a leaf or stick children). I felt as though the person or persons who left them, intended that they should be shared. So…………each time I visited that forest, I took one. :). I have many of these scattered throughout my home, and they add warmth and make me think back on the wonderful journeys I’ve taken in the forests near my home. Blessings to you and keep painting!! Read More1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThank you for sharing this. My granddaughter and I love to paint rocks then drive through the committee to find a place to tuck it for someone to find ❤️???? Those rocks were meant for you. This all started for me when I found a rock painted with a smile. On the very day I needed a smile. Spreading joy and happiness! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeTHenry: I decided to check in to our sacred community for encouragement before sleep….and I was greeted by your lovely poem .Thank you for sharing this ode to one of the most magnificent of creations in my opinion (as a biologist AND a being who has always felt a deep spiritual connection to trees). They have indeed “given us much”. ~Blessings 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryThank you Diane. I feel so blessed to have discovered this community. I often quote John Muir…..”Going to the woods, is going home”. I feel I am at my best when in the forest. I feel connected spiritually, and always in awe. The tall pines, like a church spire rising to Heaven’s Gate. Be well this day. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGrateful for this busy day, which started with a kind message, accompanying this day first with dawn light, then hope and some silent joy colored the encounters during the day. I am grateful for this mood of kindness in the air and will fall asleep with a smile. Thank you, life. 3 Reply Ms. Awesome7 years agoMs. AwesomeI am truly grateful for my Faith and this day!! Thank you Jesus 3 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I am grateful for cool, crisp weather and having my family near me now. 3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHello Eric, cool and crisp sounds lovely. It is so nice when the weather cooperates for visiting family. On a different topic, I want to thank you for the compassionate and considered reply you made to Debbie on the question of “longing”. I was moved by what you wrote but didn’t think it made sense to say so there. I agree with your thoughts on the Lincoln quote. Mostly, I want to say that I appreciate you being here. 1 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617Thank you. This space has helped me, and I appreciate being here. 2 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaI would like to share with you, dear grateful friends, the last orchid of this season (planted in my garden). Now, I’m going to wait six months in order to see the new flowers. I love to wait, look for and find new flowers buds! The time of the nature, that teach me to be patiente, nurture hope and to keep the faith in the flow of life. Blessings with fraternal love. 4 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaSo beautiful, Cintia, thank you. I am not so good with houseplants, but there are tiny wild orchids in the woods here, an early spring surprise. 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh dear Cintia, I am not able to keep any kind of orchid. Every orchid I had died, at a certain point…maybe I am not such a good gardener as you, and surely you live in a fabulous place! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyHow beautiful Cintia! I received an orchid for my birthday (in a pot for indoors since I live with snow in the winter). I would love any sage advice! 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaHi Nancy!!! Your orchid is so beautiful!!! I used the coconut substrate, bark of very small trees between in the roots and I sprinkle a little fertilizer in the foliage 2x a month. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Cintia – thank you for your wonderful advice. I will try it and hope I am successful in keeping this beautiful orchid thriving! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, how lovely, Cintia! Thank you for sharing! My husband and I once "rescued" a bunch of orchids from a home improvement store where they had discounted them right before they threw them out. Unfortunately, they had not been cared for well, and our rescue mission proved fruitless. One day, we will try again with healthier plants! I do have a Nun's Cap Orchid, though. A friend gave it to me when she was moving and could not take it. That kind is more forgiving of newbies like me. What do you... Oh, how lovely, Cintia! Thank you for sharing! My husband and I once “rescued” a bunch of orchids from a home improvement store where they had discounted them right before they threw them out. Unfortunately, they had not been cared for well, and our rescue mission proved fruitless. One day, we will try again with healthier plants! I do have a Nun’s Cap Orchid, though. A friend gave it to me when she was moving and could not take it. That kind is more forgiving of newbies like me. What do you feed your orchids? Read More1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaHello Aine! I used the coconut substrate, bark of very small trees between in the roots and I sprinkle a little fertilizer in the foliage 2x a month. As a ground orchid needs even moist soil and good light but avoid direct sunlight, the Nun’s Cap Orchid will get along with a somewhat less humid atmosphere. 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAh massage…..I have treated myself to monthly massages for several years. It is so good for my health and physical and mental well-being. My gratitude today is dedicated to my wonderful massage therapist and dear friend. She (Micol) has been working on me now for 3 years and knows my body very well. She always heals the aches and pains of my aging body. Many blessings and love to all you who share here ❤️ 2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOkay, there’s number three! I put massage in the back of my mind as a thing important to consider doing when we move, and boom — three in a row the messages came! I am laughing as I type this. When the Universe wishes to send me a message, there is no skimping! I am so happy it has helped you, Nancy. You are very encouraging on the subject! 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely people on this snowy magical morning. As I type this I can see out my bedroom window that the snow is falling heavily but blustery wind or frigid temperatures. It is a "balmy" 32 degrees here this day. :) I am grateful for the outpouring of love and prayers from this sacred community. Thank you for propping me up the last couple of days. My daughter kept in contact with me all day yesterday via texting and WhatsApp and so I give voice to my gratitude for t... Good morning lovely people on this snowy magical morning. As I type this I can see out my bedroom window that the snow is falling heavily but gently…no blustery wind or frigid temperatures. It is a “balmy” 32 degrees here this day. 🙂 I am grateful for the outpouring of love and prayers from this sacred community. Thank you for propping me up the last couple of days. My daughter kept in contact with me all day yesterday via texting and WhatsApp and so I give voice to my gratitude for technology. I often push back against it but have to admit to being grateful for the ability it gives me to stay in touch with loved ones. I have a deep tissue massage scheduled for this morning and so far, despite the snow, it has not been cancelled. I am very grateful as I desperately need some relief from my fibromyalgia pain. I am off to clean off Zed and I will remember to give thanks for him and his all-weather tires! And I will take a moment to look up to the heavens and give thanks for the the lovely falling snow. ~Blessings and grateful love to you all Read More3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI hope your massage is a real "tissue restorer" and that you will soon find relief from the pain. One day, I hope to go for massage myself -- it sounds so helpful and appropriately self-caring. For now, I have been doing some specifc meditations and hypnotherapy for the recalcitrant pain I have had trapped in my body, specifically to retrain the brain to stop expecting pain. I have had a real difficulty with that, where pain kept begetting more pain. It is helping, I think. I am not there y... I hope your massage is a real “tissue restorer” and that you will soon find relief from the pain. One day, I hope to go for massage myself — it sounds so helpful and appropriately self-caring. For now, I have been doing some specifc meditations and hypnotherapy for the recalcitrant pain I have had trapped in my body, specifically to retrain the brain to stop expecting pain. I have had a real difficulty with that, where pain kept begetting more pain. It is helping, I think. I am not there yet, but I do see improvement. It won’t be too long until you and your daughter will share a wonderful big city adventure, and we will celebrate with you. ???????? Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaI am grateful for a short work day and being able to celebrate in a new adventure for a coworker who is off to a new chapter in her life! It was lovely to see the smiles in the room and the gratitude shared for this sweet friend. I had a nurturing session with my acupuncture and then treated myself to a massage - this was a whim and not my usual self-care for I tend to veer towards spending finances on others, but as I reflect it was me treating myself as well as treating the therapist as sh... I am grateful for a short work day and being able to celebrate in a new adventure for a coworker who is off to a new chapter in her life! It was lovely to see the smiles in the room and the gratitude shared for this sweet friend. I had a nurturing session with my acupuncture and then treated myself to a massage – this was a whim and not my usual self-care for I tend to veer towards spending finances on others, but as I reflect it was me treating myself as well as treating the therapist as she had open time and it was AMAZING! I felt like a melted into the table and instead of feeling like energy was being taken from me – I felt like I was being replenished with sunshiney, happiness 🙂 I left cutie bear feeling like a worried mamma this am as he was snuggled in his dog bed an unusual behavior and quite the limp he has developed, but I came home and rainbows of kisses smothered my greedy face of adoration. We enjoyed a jaunt of overcast outdoor adventure on the road to keep pavement on-kilter and the peregrine falcon was simply stunning. A happy juvenile stand, magically made by the squirrels (true Master Gardeners) waived brilliantly. Someone Feed Phil on Netflix has me fallen in love with Vietnam and Mexico City. I am grateful for this technology as I can add places to my travel lists and food to eat. Grateful for the gift of smile 🙂 I hope you were gifted with many today from yourself to yourself, from yourself to others, and from others to yourself. Loving blessings to you and our spinning, bright, shiny world <3 Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOoooh, more on massage! I hope this means the door will open for me in that regard soon. Right now, I have no access to a vehicle, so it will have to wait. My plan is to start going after we move, whenever that happens. I love your description! I hope it melted any pain in you as well! Through the meditation and hypnotherapy I am learning what a blessing and how deeply needed deep relaxation is to and for the body. I had never realized this feeling before, only as an aberration, not a daily t... Ooooh, more on massage! I hope this means the door will open for me in that regard soon. Right now, I have no access to a vehicle, so it will have to wait. My plan is to start going after we move, whenever that happens. I love your description! I hope it melted any pain in you as well! Through the meditation and hypnotherapy I am learning what a blessing and how deeply needed deep relaxation is to and for the body. I had never realized this feeling before, only as an aberration, not a daily thing. I never knew I had spent my whole life in a tight knot! When the body gets that break of deep relaxation, healing can happen more effectively. Wowzers! Do you find that it augments your acupuncture, or don’t you know yet? ???? Is Jack on any supplements? There is a company whose stuff we have been using for about twenty years. Springtime, Inc. Their flagship product is Fresh Factors, but with Jack’s age and limp he might want Advanced Hip and Joint included, or maybe Longevity. We just got some of the latter to try on our guys as one of the pups is quite itchy. We think she developed a food allergy, and this is supposed to help detoxification pathways, too. Wishing you and Jack a special time today! Read More1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaYes Manda, I had a day full of smiles! I can’t write now, because I have just woke up and I have to go…but yesterday it was a very nice day. I wish you a bright day, in your magical world! 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThis morning, I am especially grateful for the pellet stove and its happy little plink plink plink as the pellets drop into the basket to make heat, as well as the husband who cleaned it out, readying it for the day before leaving for work. I am grateful for the progress on the house that was made this weekend. The question of the day was apropos for me as I find myself longing for the time when we will be moved and I will be able to get back to some things I love. I am grateful that my ... This morning, I am especially grateful for the pellet stove and its happy little plink plink plink as the pellets drop into the basket to make heat, as well as the husband who cleaned it out, readying it for the day before leaving for work. I am grateful for the progress on the house that was made this weekend. The question of the day was apropos for me as I find myself longing for the time when we will be moved and I will be able to get back to some things I love. I am grateful that my pain levels were pretty decent over the weekend, and though they are feeling less stable this morning, I am grateful for the reminder that I can feel good in my body and the healing I have been doing to get here. I am grateful to have some new tools to help it move through and form a different relationship with it. I am grateful for the information I am learning in the Happiness course. Such work was put into this! I love the idea of studying what goes into happiness and its effect on our lives. And on a super cold morning like today (forecast high is 8F) I am grateful for indoor plumbing! I was just thinking this morning of the whistling wind through an outhouse slat and ferling very grateful indeed! Read More3 Reply manda7 years agomandaSo lovely to read your words this night sweetie Aine! Imagine this - whatever happens sending yourself gratitude at how well your body, mind, heart does the thing. If it is pain - how remarkable at how amazing you can feel such aches/pains and that you can send them love. If it is joy - how sweet to be able to do joy so well. And if you need to have a chit chat with the universe about "what is this..., please a break" how honoring of yourself you can do this too :) Lots of love and hugs <... So lovely to read your words this night sweetie Aine! Imagine this – whatever happens sending yourself gratitude at how well your body, mind, heart does the thing. If it is pain – how remarkable at how amazing you can feel such aches/pains and that you can send them love. If it is joy – how sweet to be able to do joy so well. And if you need to have a chit chat with the universe about “what is this…, please a break” how honoring of yourself you can do this too 🙂 Lots of love and hugs <3 Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, sweet Manda. I am trying to take a leaf from your book on this. I will admit I find the self gratitude easier on things other than physical pain, but I am learning. My herbalist and pastoral counselor have suggested I thank the pain, gently say, "oh, there you are again." My herbalist suggested adding, "I would really like to be done with this. What still needs to resolve? What do you need?" The Headspace meditation pack on Pain is pretty phenomenal. I have thought of you several ... Thank you, sweet Manda. I am trying to take a leaf from your book on this. I will admit I find the self gratitude easier on things other than physical pain, but I am learning. My herbalist and pastoral counselor have suggested I thank the pain, gently say, “oh, there you are again.” My herbalist suggested adding, “I would really like to be done with this. What still needs to resolve? What do you need?” The Headspace meditation pack on Pain is pretty phenomenal. I have thought of you several times while doing that pack as he has said things that echo what you have said. ???? Read More0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaPlink, plink of the pellet stove. Makes me smile and think it is a bright song. I am also grateful for wood heat and was enjoying just this morning of the song of cedar as it sizzled and popped like a sparkler in the stove. And though I was sad when great grandmother sugar maple fell this summer, I know she lives on in the ground in which she was rooted, as well as in the woodpile where a winter wren lurks, and in the stove, singing! I think of the whole tree family you lost to the green... Plink, plink of the pellet stove. Makes me smile and think it is a bright song. I am also grateful for wood heat and was enjoying just this morning of the song of cedar as it sizzled and popped like a sparkler in the stove. And though I was sad when great grandmother sugar maple fell this summer, I know she lives on in the ground in which she was rooted, as well as in the woodpile where a winter wren lurks, and in the stove, singing! I think of the whole tree family you lost to the green ash borer (you wrote of it a while back and I understood it as such a heartbreak I couldn’t think how to respond). Where I am going with this that since that time I have wanted to tell you about a book, maybe you already know it (?) The Songs of Trees by ecologist David George Haskell. One chapter is devoted to a massive green ash tree and and he writes beautifully of its dying, falling, and its ongoing life. He has also made sound recordings of all twelve trees he highlighted, some of which you can hear on his website. I thought to write a post about it, but I haven’t read the book yet as it is new and I am waiting for it to appear at a library near me. Oh, the wind-song, the rain-song, the early spring sap-song, the winter creak-song, the hollow log-song, the burn-song… all different, beautiful and part of the whole. Gosh, I didn’t mean for this to get so long, sorry, but I do get excited about nature’s songs. Thank you for the inspiration. Most of all, dear Aine, it is good to read that you are feeling progress toward goals of bringing the blessings of home, health, and happiness more fully into your life. Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh so many songs! Cat-song and dog-song, the serenade of the rooster who gets chosen to get my attention from the south deck so I will come give them food. The gentle clucking-song of happy chickens pecking up goodies. The crashing cymbal song of icicles breaking free of the roof. And the happy bubbling song of the water, ready in the pot for me to make tea. So many songs! Thank you for the reminder, grateful. There is a magic in listening to such songs with the ears of our hearts. M... Oh so many songs! Cat-song and dog-song, the serenade of the rooster who gets chosen to get my attention from the south deck so I will come give them food. The gentle clucking-song of happy chickens pecking up goodies. The crashing cymbal song of icicles breaking free of the roof. And the happy bubbling song of the water, ready in the pot for me to make tea. So many songs! Thank you for the reminder, grateful. There is a magic in listening to such songs with the ears of our hearts. Much delight to you this day! Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThis book seems to sound as nature itself! An original orchestra … 2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaTrue, Anna! Perhaps when I finally have the book in my hands and I open it… a symphony will begin. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseYesterday, I saw a beautiful documentation about a female constructor in northern India named "Didi" , who builds mud houses made of material originating from the area around. It was the first time that I heard of someone building a home by taking the light as the central guideline. So very beautiful! How the lights wanders through the house through the seasonal position of the sun is the guiding vision, and the rest follows, in well considered proportions. She envisions her later buildings... Yesterday, I saw a beautiful documentation about a female constructor in northern India named “Didi” , who builds mud houses made of material originating from the area around. It was the first time that I heard of someone building a home by taking the light as the central guideline. So very beautiful! How the lights wanders through the house through the seasonal position of the sun is the guiding vision, and the rest follows, in well considered proportions. She envisions her later buildings in her dreams. Light flooded rooms and an atmosphere of sobriety and beauty, embedded naturally into the given landscape. And all material, the mud, the stones from the river, the bamboo are recyclable. it creates a totally different feeling of living, guided by the light so to say through the construction of the home! I was so happy to see this. And she trains young students, although she must be about 80 years already. I am very grateful for having seen this, and that this exists. A beautiful, creative, authentic way of bringing substantial love into the homes, not houses. (if someone is interested to see the trailer, it is https: // ) Read More4 Reply manda7 years agomandaThis is just magically, beautiful Ose! Thank you <3 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Ose, it is a very interesting video, Didi is a very lovely woman and a wise architect. The house is very nice! It is amazing what we can do, with our own skills and a bit of love, energy, , courage and “savoir faire”! Thank you for sharing! 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Ose, thank you for this. I have watched the trailer and am enchanted by everything about it. Guided by light, as you say, is a beautiful way to build. And all natural materials gathered locally! A home that rises out of respect for the land upon which is rests. An elder who continues her work for the sheer love of it. It would be a dream to visit that region of the world. 2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseI am moved that we share this, dear grateful sea. Yes, she really is a wise elder, in its purest, honest manner of following her heart and multiplying the rays of the sun, like she does in many ways. Have a lovely day/evening. 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThrough her example, she gives us something to aspire to in whatever form we are called. Most of us in here seem to be moving into the time of life when we are called to be elders, sages, and healers. It is no light undertaking, but an essential one. 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThanks, you too. 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThat sounds lovely! 0 Reply Lauren Zalewski7 years agoLauren ZalewskiHappy Monday, my new gratitude friends! Today I bid goodbye to my daughter who went back to college. What a wonderful winter break we had and the relationship we have is growing into something sacred and deep for me. Although I'm so sad that both kids are back at their schools, I'm grateful for the time we had and grateful that they wanted to come back. My pain levels have me struggling today, but when I think of all the parts of my body that DON'T hurt, it makes it much easier to deal wit... Happy Monday, my new gratitude friends! Today I bid goodbye to my daughter who went back to college. What a wonderful winter break we had and the relationship we have is growing into something sacred and deep for me. Although I’m so sad that both kids are back at their schools, I’m grateful for the time we had and grateful that they wanted to come back. My pain levels have me struggling today, but when I think of all the parts of my body that DON’T hurt, it makes it much easier to deal with what does. I search for the special moments in my life where I am able to briefly forget about the pain (doing something artistic, laughing with a friend, writing a note online…ha!) My group helps me along with that too. The temps are cold here again and I am grateful for heat in my home and food in the refrigerator to nourish me. I’m grateful for the love of my family and my kitten who never leaves my side. My life is charmed when I embrace gratitude. Have a beautiful day! Read More 5 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you dear Lauren for this sweet photo on gratitude and your reflection on focusing on what feels good! Amazing how maybe everything can not feel good, but perhaps your big right toe feels divinely, happy! Lots of love <3 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHappy Tuesday, Lauren! I join Diane in thanking you for the graphic and quote. I love the colorful curlicue paper design. I have never tried, but am drawn to the craft. Both the way it looks and the inkling of how playful it must be to do. Like my favorite part of wrapping a gift, which is making a crazy curlicue bow for on top. And the quote, so true. It dovetails with an intention I set for today to recognize the privileges in my life. Cheers! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning Lauren...I am catching up a bit after not being here for a few days. Welcome to this sacred community and thank you for sharing this lovely picture and quote.....we indeed help each other here to embrace gratitude in our "perfectly imperfect messy but impeccably beautiful" journeys! Kindred spirits are with chronic pain, frigid winter weather, and children who have gone off on their own adventures. Thank you for sharing...I am learning that we all have the capaci... Good morning Lauren…I am catching up a bit after not being here for a few days. Welcome to this sacred community and thank you for sharing this lovely picture and quote…..we indeed help each other here to embrace gratitude in our “perfectly imperfect messy but impeccably beautiful” journeys! Kindred spirits are we… with chronic pain, frigid winter weather, and children who have gone off on their own adventures. Thank you for sharing…I am learning that we all have the capacity to be “wounded healers” when we have the courage to be vulnerable with an open and caring heart. ~Much love to you on this cold but miraculous new day. 🙂 Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineSo glad you had such a wonderful time with your daughter! It is exciting to see young people embarking on their adventures. I just ran across a picture of friends with their firstborn when he was about four months old. Now he is a sophomore in high school. Where did the time go? The return of the cold is challenging my hygge resolves, I admit. I am grateful not to have to go out in it, grateful that the reason my husband does is work he enjoys at a place that appreciates him, and grateful fo... So glad you had such a wonderful time with your daughter! It is exciting to see young people embarking on their adventures. I just ran across a picture of friends with their firstborn when he was about four months old. Now he is a sophomore in high school. Where did the time go? The return of the cold is challenging my hygge resolves, I admit. I am grateful not to have to go out in it, grateful that the reason my husband does is work he enjoys at a place that appreciates him, and grateful for the opportunities this presents. Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely friends So healing and grace-ful to be here with you. Life has been happening and I have not had the time or the energy to visit this past week. But, it is an eventful Monday morning for me and I find that I need the courage that I always receive from this sacred community. My anxiety has washed over me like a tidal wave and I am trying to remember to accept it and let it be...but I also am desperate for it to leave! Not surprisingly, my fibromyalgia pain is at peak le... Good morning lovely friends So healing and grace-ful to be here with you. Life has been happening and I have not had the time or the energy to visit this past week. But, it is an eventful Monday morning for me and I find that I need the courage that I always receive from this sacred community. My anxiety has washed over me like a tidal wave and I am trying to remember to accept it and let it be…but I also am desperate for it to leave! Not surprisingly, my fibromyalgia pain is at peak levels and my tinnitus is especially irritating. My daughter is moving into her apartment in the “big city” tonight and I have all the emotions. I won’t go into the entire litany of crazy anxious and fearful thoughts that are playing in a loop in my brain (especially at night when I am desperate for restorative sleep). Suffice to say that I would appreciate your prayers and am grateful for the love and compassion that is always waiting for me here. So lovely to read all your posts of the last few days and I hope to respond (and welcome new friends!) soon. ~With grateful love…blessings to you all. Read More3 Reply manda7 years agomandaSending a HUG Diane <3 I hope your anxiety is more loving within when you find this message and your fibromyalgia calm. xx 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning Manda...thank you for your hug! Did you see the picture that accompanies the "Word of the Day" for today? It reminded me of you and Jack :) My anxiety is indeed "more loving"...such a beautiful sentiment. I have taken to saying out loud "Welcome, old friend anxiety." and find that this little ritual brings me peace. My fibromyalgia is not so calm but I have a therapeutic deep tissue massage scheduled for today. Right now it is snowing heavily and I am hoping it doesn't get ... Good morning Manda…thank you for your hug! Did you see the picture that accompanies the “Word of the Day” for today? It reminded me of you and Jack 🙂 My anxiety is indeed “more loving”…such a beautiful sentiment. I have taken to saying out loud “Welcome, old friend anxiety.” and find that this little ritual brings me peace. My fibromyalgia is not so calm but I have a therapeutic deep tissue massage scheduled for today. Right now it is snowing heavily and I am hoping it doesn’t get cancelled. But I shall take this day as it is and embrace its surprises…and unexpected gifts. ~Sending you a hug back my friend. Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Diane, I will pray for you, and also for your daughter. Consider it done. Reminding St Martha’s day… 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeCara Anna….thank you for your prayers for me and my daughter. She is settling in nicely in her new surroundings. I am still feeling the anxiety but it is not as overwhelming. I am looking out at the lovely snow falling here over the farmlands and I have chosen to think of it as a sign from the heavens that God is near and showering me with blessings. ~Sending you un abbraccio mi amica 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHi Anna, I have also done the St Martha's prayer and grateful you are sharing it!! I feel very blessed lately, and have received a prayer/energy and Trauma treatment by phone by the healer who has written the prayer books including St Martha's prayer! It felt wonderful, our Sunny lying beside me totally relaxed ... so I didn't have to worry for the sofa or other objects ... (my son permitted me to use his room, so it was easier for me to relax)! I also want to share that I have placed a ca... Hi Anna, I have also done the St Martha’s prayer and grateful you are sharing it!! I feel very blessed lately, and have received a prayer/energy and Trauma treatment by phone by the healer who has written the prayer books including St Martha’s prayer! It felt wonderful, our Sunny lying beside me totally relaxed … so I didn’t have to worry for the sofa or other objects … (my son permitted me to use his room, so it was easier for me to relax)! I also want to share that I have placed a candle at the bottom of a Saint Anthony’s statue and sanctuary which is at one of the “entrance paths” to our woods, and I love passing by and looking if the candle is still burning, especially at night when I can see it from the distance … Since my pilgrimage, Saint Anthony is a steady companion, I find traces of hime everywhere I go, so I am confident he is supporting and accompanying me! Thinking of this community! Blessings to everybody! Read More1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI love the mental picture of you approaching the St. Anthony candle from afar, watching the light draw you closer. So beautiful. I have been forming a special relationship with St. Joseph. (I hope I did not share this before!) It started with my discussing the upcoming move with him. I explained how I just couldn't bring myself to bury him upside down in the yard, but that I knew he would understand better than most about wanting to move quietly and without those who might cause trouble fin... I love the mental picture of you approaching the St. Anthony candle from afar, watching the light draw you closer. So beautiful. I have been forming a special relationship with St. Joseph. (I hope I did not share this before!) It started with my discussing the upcoming move with him. I explained how I just couldn’t bring myself to bury him upside down in the yard, but that I knew he would understand better than most about wanting to move quietly and without those who might cause trouble finding out. I asked him to help us. I really felt heard, like how I think it would feel if I had been speaking to a loving father or grandfather figure who wanted what was best for me. Now I have a little ritual. I placed a statue of him with Mary and Jesus as they were fleeing to Egypt in the top of a window facing the direction of the area we are to move to. I have a tiny lamp in the bottom of the window that I turn on so that it will shine warmly to welcome my husband home as he comes from that area. As I turn on the lamp, I pause and thank him for being at work on my need. I think of the light as a beacon that will soon light my way to my new home. In the end though, I think perhaps feeling heard and cared for is probably of far more importance than how the details of our request get handled. Blessings to you and your Sunny! Read More0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear Diane, I am just catching up a bit here and very tired, but I certainly am including you in my prayers just now!! Get well!! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Ursula….thank you for your prayers…..even when you are tired your love and caring shines through. I was so happy to read that St. Anthony has been your companion and that you are aware of his presence. And also to hear of your treatment…in the comfort of your home with Sunny by your side! 🙂 ~Sending you healing and energy and love and light dear friend. 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseDear Diane, my prayers will be with you. Hope that these turbulent flood of emotions may subside soon and that you may feel the safety and calm which is inside the center of the storm as the light that this is for the soul. Feel embraced, dear Diane. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Ose...thank you for your prayers and for your lovely blessing. The emotions were indeed like a "flood"....they took me over and carried me along. I felt helpless to stop them so I tried to honor them and give them expression. This morning I do feel embraced. By all of you and by the Divine. The "Word of the Day" from Julian of Norwich was a gift and a grace to me. So grateful for this sacred space and for the love and compassion that is always waiting for me here. ~Have a blessed... Dear Ose…thank you for your prayers and for your lovely blessing. The emotions were indeed like a “flood”….they took me over and carried me along. I felt helpless to stop them so I tried to honor them and give them expression. This morning I do feel embraced. By all of you and by the Divine. The “Word of the Day” from Julian of Norwich was a gift and a grace to me. So grateful for this sacred space and for the love and compassion that is always waiting for me here. ~Have a blessed day Ose Read More1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaGood morning, Diane. I want you to know that I have felt uplifted to read in earlier posts of your daughter heading out to follow her dreams. What a mix of emotions this day brings for you I cannot imagine and all the busy-ness too, and then yes there is the body that responds. Just wanting too to let you know that I send up a prayer that you may as much as possible embrace the fullness of this day. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning grateful sea: Thank you for your kind words and for your prayers. My day yesterday was indeed "full"! And today a new day and a new chapter in our journeys has begun for both me and my daughter. It has been a frigid winter here in the Northeast and I have been reminded lately of Narnia! So much so that I decided to read "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" again! It was so delightful for me to read it....a favorite of both my daughters! I mention this because there is a... Good morning grateful sea: Thank you for your kind words and for your prayers. My day yesterday was indeed “full”! And today a new day and a new chapter in our journeys has begun for both me and my daughter. It has been a frigid winter here in the Northeast and I have been reminded lately of Narnia! So much so that I decided to read “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” again! It was so delightful for me to read it….a favorite of both my daughters! I mention this because there is a quote from it that I copied and have displayed in my kitchen: ” Let us go on and take the adventure that shall fall to us.” And so my daughter and I go on in our adventures…such a positive and fun way to express this change for us both. I do believe that she is exactly where she is supposed to be right now… my grateful heart is catching up with my anxious mind and peace is settling in. ~So grateful to be here with you this morning dear friend. I hope you have a day filled with love and light….and maybe even an adventure! Read More1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaGood morning, Diane. I am glad you are feeling more peaceful today. Yes, maybe even an adventure awaits! But I must take the first step. Into the wardrobe. Or down the rabbit hole. Or…..? Next time I am at the library, I will look for The Chronicles of Narnia. It has been a long time since I read it. I didn’t grow up with the Narnia stories, but enjoyed when I discovered and tried to read everything CS Lewis in my early 20’s. Warm wishes to you, my friend. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Diane, I will pray. Allow me to say your love, and yes, even your anxiety, for your daughter are a blessing to me to see. For what is anxiety over the welfare of those we love? It is Love. If we did not love, we would not care, and life would be poorer indeed. We are muddlesome creatures sometimes, when our fear or anxiety causes our love to be expressed through fretting, lack of sleep, and systems gone haywire, just when we wish to express it through some other more palatable (to u... Dear Diane, I will pray. Allow me to say your love, and yes, even your anxiety, for your daughter are a blessing to me to see. For what is anxiety over the welfare of those we love? It is Love. If we did not love, we would not care, and life would be poorer indeed. We are muddlesome creatures sometimes, when our fear or anxiety causes our love to be expressed through fretting, lack of sleep, and systems gone haywire, just when we wish to express it through some other more palatable (to us) way. But Love is expressed in many forms. Perhaps you can treat the anxiety you feel with the compassion you would show a child who was hurting because someone she loved was going to be further from reach? How would you hold that child’s emotion? With tenderness, validation, compassion, and care. You would hug her, do things to cheer her up or distract her so the intensity of the emotion could have a chance to fade. Maybe you would rub her back, stroke her hair, or make her hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. You would work at figuring out what would help her feel better in the moment, knowing with the wisdom of adults that she will adjust and even thrive in time, despite how she hurts right now, that she just needs time to get there and a little TLC. Do the same for you, as best you can. And if you do the cocoa, toss in an extra marshmallow from me and know I am praying for you. Hugs. Read More2 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning dear Aine. Well....I did not literally have a cup of hot cocoa yesterday but your words were so soothing and healing was as if I did! Thank you for sharing your heart with me and reminding me to practice self care....and to accept the anxiety as a blessing. Such wisdom my friend. "Love is expressed in many forms" a powerful truth. And one that I needed to hear. I felt your prayers and those of our other kindred spirits here in this sacred community. I am so very g... Good morning dear Aine. Well….I did not literally have a cup of hot cocoa yesterday but your words were so soothing and healing …it was as if I did! Thank you for sharing your heart with me and reminding me to practice self care….and to accept the anxiety as a blessing. Such wisdom my friend. “Love is expressed in many forms” a powerful truth. And one that I needed to hear. I felt your prayers and those of our other kindred spirits here in this sacred community. I am so very grateful. My husband moved Cassie into her apartment last night and she will wake up this morning to a new chapter in her young life. I have summoned the angels to surround her and know that she is exactly where she is supposed to be. As for me…it is a weird morning so far. I am here alone and my intention is to practice self-care by embracing the solitude, the emotions, the melancholy, the blessings that are always before me. Even the anxiety! Even though my muscles are aching…I was gifted with a good sleep last night and I have a deep-tissue massage scheduled for tomorrow. Today I shall have a hot shower, try to eat healthier than the stress-eating I did yesterday, continue watching The Crown on Netflix, and have that cup of hot cocoa! With a big dollop of whipped cream on top. 🙂 ~Much love to you with a grateful heart my friend. Read More0 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaI think it is the good experience; talking in anxiety…accept it and let it be…You’ll be fine! My best wishes for your daughter! A little Saintpaulia for you 🙂 With fraternal love, many blessings dear Diane! 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Cintia….your flowers always make my heart smile. And I love the name “Saintpaulia” 🙂 Thank you for your best wishes for my daughter and for your love and blessings. My anxiety was overwhelming yesterday and, although still with me today, seems to have abated somewhat. Nevertheless, I will accept it and even welcome it as an old friend who has decided to drop in for a visit! ~Sending you grateful love dear Cintia. Have a beautiful day. 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBeautiful! I got a friend started growing these. She has shown quite a knack! This makes her very happy as she has not had much luck growing plants. Now she has done petunias, Saint Paulias and Pelargonium successfully and is very happy.