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Asle, the spinning instructer! He let the door be open, even if the spinning excisce had started. I came late, directly from work. But since the door was left open, I could walk right in and take part in the spinning! I was so thankfull! A good start on the week-end????
Creativity, imagination, fantasy. An ability not to feel bore: My brain will then start to invent a new game! (Sometimes I must order it (the brain) to rest, to just BE in NOW.). A fascination for good stories and tales.A focused mind. Eagerness to learn new things (knowledge, skills)A strong will/thirst to understand other people, their thinking, feeling and actions, and things that are happening around me/in the world. A sense of humore.
Today I had a meeting with a deaf lady. I tought I had prepared well for the conversation. But I learned that even when I thought I had been thinkng about every thing, I had missed to see the room from her perspective. We sat in a room where no one can look in and see our faces. But our hands could bee seen from the outside. And she was talking with her hands!. Which means: if someone outside the room was familiar with the Sign language of deaf people, they could read her signs and unde...
Today I had a meeting with a deaf lady. I tought I had prepared well for the conversation. But I learned that even when I thought I had been thinkng about every thing, I had missed to see the room from her perspective. We sat in a room where no one can look in and see our faces. But our hands could bee seen from the outside. And she was talking with her hands!. Which means: if someone outside the room was familiar with the Sign language of deaf people, they could read her signs and understand what she was talking about! Im so glad she told me so I could learn from her!
Opportunity to surprise two children!
When I was going to my local store, I met two girls having a lotteri to collect money for the brass band at their school. You could buy «lodd» ( I dont know What you call it in english), and if you are lucky you’ll WIN something when the drawing is later on. You could win consert tickets, gift cards in shopping centres, an so on. I descided this was the moment to surprise them.
I bought four «lodd» from each of them. But insteed of wr...
I bought four «lodd» from each of them. But insteed of writing my name in their lodd books, I told them to write their own names and parents phone number. So if some of my «lodd» number is drawn as winner, These girls will be contacted insteed of me. When they understood my intention, they became very happy, I had to help them to see that they had written their one names 4 times, to Get the four lodds each to WIN. One of the girls fathers was there with them, he was quite overwhelmed, had never experienced something like that before. I told him it was my way of thanking them for playing of the band. It is so valuable to learn to play an instrument, for each child for lifetime, and for us that have the pleasure to listen to them.
I left the them with a glad, good feeling in my heart. Its so fun to surprise someone with a friendly action:)
Hm… Maybe by doing my very best in my job this day?
To focus this day on possibilities to learn something New.
To use my gifts to see and listen to those People I meet through this day.
Love Actually…. ! Well, I still not sure that all I do have an impact on the world, but I know for sure that what other people do, have an impact on me:)I live ca 3 km from a small town centre, so I desided to walk down to town centre and take a coffee. The sun was shining, Even some birds were singing, the winter light on the river was white, still and beautyfull. I wondered how it could have a good influence on other people life that I took this stroll? People living under war, ...
Love Actually…. ! Well, I still not sure that all I do have an impact on the world, but I know for sure that what other people do, have an impact on me:)I live ca 3 km from a small town centre, so I desided to walk down to town centre and take a coffee. The sun was shining, Even some birds were singing, the winter light on the river was white, still and beautyfull. I wondered how it could have a good influence on other people life that I took this stroll? People living under war, refugees, I cant see h…Well, I still not sure that all I do have an impact on the world, but I know for sure that what other people do, have an impact on me:)I live ca 3 km from a small town centre, so I desided to walk down to town centre and take a coffee. The sun was shining, Even some birds were singing, the winter light on the river was white, still and beautyfull. I wondered how it could have a good influence on other people life that I took this stroll? People living under war, refugees, I cant see how their lives improves by my walk… But I descided to smile and say hallo to everyone I meet. Some noticed my hallo, some didnt. People walk in their own little «bubble», with earphones on…In the caffee I became aware of a man. He had brought with him some wrapped in flowers, a small gift bag from a jeweller store. He looked quite nervous, looking at his watch all the time, walking to the mens room, coming back just as nervous, obviously waiting for someone. He sat with his Face in my direction, so I could clearly see his reactions. Aften a while, she arrived, nicely looking, and his whole face changed, he looked so Glad all over! They ordered, and she started to look in the gift bag, its all to much… Owww! She became glad too, a Lovely pair of earrings. He says: It should have been a ring! But they mean the same thing: would you marry me? She leans across the table and kisses him! I guess that meant yes, and from his expression, I could SEE he took her kiss for a yes,too! He looked so enourmous happy!They were so sweet! When I left the cafe they were still eating. I took their happiness with me. On my way home, I visited a friend of mine, an olderly lady, 93 years old. I use to visit her on Sundays. She has started to forget things. We use to sing together, cause she knows lot of songs by heart. Im very fond of her. I told her about the proposal I had just watched, and I told her several times. And Each time she smiled and laught with joy to Hear of their love.So What I learned from todays question was that indeed, other peoples action do have an impact on my day:)And by sharing this with you, their love will flow out in the world, and Maybe this story will make even more people smile and feel something good. And in that way, What I do right now can have a small influence on some unknown persons life.So pass It on if you like, there might be a Butterfly waving its Wings in your direction, right now…..
«All that I do has an impact on the wold…..» is that really so? How can my doings matter for the rest of the world?
The sun startes to shine right now and the weather is not so cold, minus 5 celsius degrees. I will take a walk and bring todays question with me. Excited to notice if it will change something in how I meet the world:) Let’s see!
This morning, when I went out to get my newspaper, I met a neighbour. He was coming home aften beeing out shopping his breakfast. We said hello, I commented on him beeing an early bird, and he gave me a nice smile. An un expected meeting, an unexpected smile.When I m now thinking over this day, I discover than the smile has followed me through this day and made a good differense. A smile that is part of What made this a good day.
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