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I’m a writer, the author of the award-winning book, Destination Earth – A New Philosophy of Travel by a World-Traveler.
Good question. I indirectly address it when I write “it (the poem) becomes a poem of love only after the poet becomes engaged in loving acts – not before.” The feelings become “something” after they are expressed in real life. In the case of the poet, the feelings become the actual poem that the feelings generated. So the poem itself is an act, an expression of love.
But it is not only this: In order for the actual feelings to generate a true poem of love, they must have som...
But it is not only this: In order for the actual feelings to generate a true poem of love, they must have somehow been “dipped” in some experience of loving action that the poet must have already had in the past! As I explain a few paragraphs later, love is being taught to us during our upbringing through and by the loving acts of others towards us. So a true feeling of love as we learn to experience it, just like the “contemplation in action” of Brother David, is “feeling through the urge to act”. So, to continue with the example of the poem: The force that gives rise to the feeling of love that forms the inspiration for the poem, as well as the act of writing the poem itself are both immersed in action. In other words, the feeling that gives rise to a poem is not a Feeling that sits but a Force that acts! Consider this as a short addendum to the essay. ????
Well, it’s Valentine’s day today, Elizabeth, so you have a great excuse to DO lots of things! 🙂
Nice point, Nery: We are all like the kings and queens of past eras (minus having subjects to rule over)!
“Harmonious trio”– love that!
Thanks for your nice comment, Ed. So interesting that you mention Daskalos, who also happens to be from my country, Cyprus! Glad to learn that you are already meditating on some of these ideas in your daily practice as a Christian. Most of the points I am making are actually common sense, but we rarely think about them, because we are busy creating more needs, oblivious to the fact that we already have what we had desired a few years ago.
Thanks Tanylisaa! What an amazing quote! Wish I had known it; I would have included it somehow in the essay. I took a note of it and will use it when I re-edit the essay again in the future.
What you say, Drew, lies at the heart of the experience: ‘one must be alert and somewhat active in the process by simply participating in the opportunity.’ This is synonymous with being open to surprise and to being ready to adapt one’s behavior to what is given in the present moment. And yes, you are also right on spot emphasizing that in many such instances the magic of synchronicities work through our interactions with other humans.
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