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My friend Maureen, who texted at 4:38a this morning. It’s a problematic relationship and one with which I struggled; but I’m grateful she reached out, and I responded in kind.
Well, I’ve been writing…for about a year, “serious” stuff: using the gift I have been given to express myself. I enjoy it; feel I am finally doing my “life’s work.” A friend said, “You’re a writer…write!!”
Since getting this work-at-home job about 5 years ago, my sleep pattern has changed: I sleep for a few hours, then get up; sleep, get up, etc. One of my most peaceful times is when I get up the first time. I’m rested and can concentrate on little chores and tasks. Strangely enough, sweeping the kitchen floor at these times is amazingly calming.
As I’ve shared here, I’m a 12-stepper. These days, thinking how so much of what I’m taught in the recovery programs comes down to simply trusting God. I can CHOOSE to have trust, hope in my heart and “interior dialogue.” And isn’t that choosing love over fear, which I’ve heard are the only 2 emotions.
I am currently studying with a beloved sponsee “How to Listen to God.” It is simple, direct, concise. It comforts.
I think I’ve felt – once – “the peace which surpasses all understanding.” I knew it was that. I can’t describe it; it indeed “surpasses understanding” and description. Suffice to have felt it?
Do my usual Wednesday thing of going to Mom’s and taking down her garbage and recyclables. Also will bring her laundry. Actually it’s really a trade: she gives me Greek yogurt, sweet potatoes and sundries.
Wow, does this sound like Brother D.!
I guess the old chestnut: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” It’s a challenge, though: my mother’s a tough woman; she’s had to be. To not meet her w a corresponding “hardness” is a challenge. A big character defect w me is judgementalness. To not judge when I work w others in my 12-step fellowships is again a challenge! Happiness today for all who journey here!
When I take pleasure–and it’s often–in another’s good fortune. It’s probably the thing I like most about myself: spiritual generosity. Happy Christmas to all who journey and rest here with us!
Me, too Kev! We’re wonderful, ain’t we?! Happy Christmas to all!
I think of our enthusiastic, always open for surprise Brother David…he would know how to do this. I think also of that quote by Mother Teresa. Likely you know the one: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. ...
I think of our enthusiastic, always open for surprise Brother David…he would know how to do this. I think also of that quote by Mother Teresa. Likely you know the one: People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. You know it’s funny: I had forgotten the last line. Maybe the best of all! Godspeed to all who rest here! Christina
I think maybe lately that it is forgiving. I can get so: “Oh no, not coffee, not fast food, not whatever!” It is a forgiving “machine” (for lack of a better word,) and doesn’t require strict adherence maybe to anything, if that makes any sense! Merry Christmas All (no matter your faith–I like “Merry” anything! ????)
Probably just realize it, be aware, although I am getting slowly more and more out of my prison of isolation.
The light, the light. My condo can be flooded with sunlight in the morning in the front, and equally bathed in light at the back in the afternoon. I walk three miles often, going around the complex three times. I love New Jersey, live a stone’s throw from where I grew up. It’s safe here!! My one-bedroom is just big enough for one person. I love where I live and could go on and on….
I could smile–been thinking about it for years!!
You know it’s funny, who comes to mind is a sister who recently hung up on me in anger. There is in her–despite the recent instance–the tendency to “hang back” when another’s (my) frailties are on view. She doesn’t “push” then; only offers a gentle support. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body–what a lovely characterization that is!
How apt! Today in the northeast we’ll have our first snow of the season. Anywhere from 1 to 6 inches is predicted. I’m a little sad: won’t be able to go to my 12-step meeting and lunch with my friend. May be “stuck” in the house all day; but I have three movies on DVD, two writing projects to work on, the radio (which I love,) and then there’s always Christmas music! Indeed, it may wind up bein’ a lovely day just as it is. (Would also love to get in m…How apt! Today in the...
How apt! Today in the northeast we’ll have our first snow of the season. Anywhere from 1 to 6 inches is predicted. I’m a little sad: won’t be able to go to my 12-step meeting and lunch with my friend. May be “stuck” in the house all day; but I have three movies on DVD, two writing projects to work on, the radio (which I love,) and then there’s always Christmas music! Indeed, it may wind up bein’ a lovely day just as it is. (Would also love to get in m…How apt! Today in the northeast we’ll have our first snow of the season. Anywhere from 1 to 6 inches is predicted. I’m a little sad: won’t be able to go to my 12-step meeting and lunch with my friend. May be “stuck” in the house all day; but I have three movies on DVD, two writing projects to work on, the radio (which I love,) and then there’s always Christmas music! Indeed, it may wind up bein’ a lovely day just as it is. (Would also love to get in my walk, but don’t know if that’s gonna happen!) As I’m sure Brother David would advise, “Gifts, there are always gifts in every moment.”
How lovely, Ose!
Would love to visit Norway!
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