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I love being here.
My love of wild places and nature.
With patience and humility.
To apply for the teaching position.
Maybe I can apply for a new teaching position and trust the Lord to open the doors and even to close the doors according to his most holy will.
Yes, I can do that. I am often aware of the violence in the tone of my voice and the great impact it can have on others. Evermore I want to become lighter and more invisible. Lighter on the earth and on others.
Without a doubt … Courage. I would have the courage of Mr Nelson Mandela to speak up about injustices in a calm strong voice. Everyday all around me I see how everybody is silent about injustices at work, in the community in the countries they live in but courage is something greater than oneself. It is when the course that you are up against becomes greater and more important than your own life.
I am passionate about my faith and about GOD, the Holy Spirit of God, Jesus his son and the holy mother and my mother Mary the mother of God. I am passionate about the environment and about the wild places on earth, the forests, the deserts, the mountains and the seas. I am passionate about children and I am passionate about peace.
My gifts? What are they? Love, organisation skills, gentleness, kindness, joy, beauty, homemaking, writing, painting, teaching,and faith. Now that I know what my gifts are I gift it back to you great creator of all and ask for these gifts to be used in your service today.
The gift in my chronically challenging situation is that I am teaching in a catholic school and that is the gift. The gift of faith. The gift of prayer and the gift of Mass and the Eucharist at work.
God first in everything. Without God nothing. I will not steal. I will not murder. I will not lie. I am on time. I am neat and tidy. I am had working. I am trustworthy.
With a card, gifts, a smile, a visit, a hug, a letter and most of all prayer.
Stories of a child going to school on a normal morning in February and dying in the arms of a friend because of a bullet.
I can be myself without pretensions. I can be generous in my love, gratitude praise and also with the gifts I have been blessed with. I can share my faith with readiness..
I have realised that I sometimes raise my voice in anger if I want to make a point and I do not want to do that anymore. I want to do everything from a point of deep and abiding love. Even if I have to make a point if my voice can come from a deep sincere point of love it would make a difference.
I have never had to worry about a place to sleep, a warm bed, enough to eat, clean water to drink the air that I breathe, a toilet to use. How good is GOD. God is good … Always good!
Art is in the realm of the privileged. When you are an immigrant survival is your daily bread. It is only when you are freed of this daily struggle to survive that you have time and liberty to engage in art but then again art is in the beauty of a blade of grass, a shell, a bird’s nest fallen from a tree.
The early morning before school when I sit in my class and I prepare for the day. When I visit the Sacre Seour in Paris and leave a prayer request, when I answer the daily question and I write in my private journal about something that I am grateful for.
Today I want to let go of my longstanding negative feelings towards …….
I can best love the world today by being open and free of judgement.
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