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Let go of fear .Fear that I am not enough and as a consequence often saying no but wanting to say yes. .
I think when I am stressed by events I’m sure I take others for granted.I have to trust the universe so I can have a better perspective.
being content bringing attention to it. and if that is not possible working with the heart to bring it forward and turning towards it in a practice such as what we do here.
by responding kindly to what is.
With family and friends
Gratefulness does not come naturally to me during those periods. I am more likely to figure out why and have a why me syndrome! Having said that when I do turn to gratefulness as a practice because it is a practice for me, it softens the impact and it helps me with the loss or difficulty. I value what I have more.
By embracing imperfection we lean on our spiritual side. We are more fun to be around. We bring people together. We become more attuned to reality. The question is how can I do that better? Be open to change and to learning. Have an attitude what can I learn today? Let go of mistakes and what it could or might have been. Staying in the present moment is a safeguard.
The memories that sustain me are ones in which I reached out to others, was a comfort to others or helped in any way. I suppose that would be times when I felt most connected to others and alive.
I am grateful for health right now. I am grateful for breakfast and a warm house and a job to go to and equally important any challenges and opportunities to grow and learn. What ever I put my attention on gets bigger in my life so it not skillful to promote worry about my concerns of the day.
to learn something from them and not let them determine who I am. To learn again that we are all human trying to do the best we can I can forgive myself and in do doing , I can be less critical of others
I am home sick with a sinus infection so I will take good care of myself knowing how lucky I am to be able to devote this time to myself.
To me this implies noticing others but it also implies a planned reaction and this does seem genuine. . I want to be aware of others and be kind. Perhaps I can be a source of gracious surprise for myself by noticing, acknowledging and honoring in myself all the ways I am thoughtful and positive. ( I have a habit of pushing myself instead of being gentle towards myself)
Take a moment to pause and reflect on what is going inside and outside of yourself. Breathe and any conscious response is better probably than a conditioned automatic one.
Making it important.
I need to be a better friend to myself. When I nurture, forgive and am compassionate to myself I am more likely to be a friend in the universe.
This is a timely question for me! I love trees. I would like to take pictures of all my favorite ones and have a wall of these framed pictures. I love how a row of trees looks showing the symmetry of branch structure repeated. Apart from the visual beauty they add so much to our world. I remember one of my favorite songs growing up. “I think that I shall never see a poem so lovely as a tree… “
Choices and decisions
I would say open to life and having an idea of blessing, and wisdom coming forth in a harvest gives me a lot of strength and comfort. I say this in relation to difficult feelings. I often try to push them away and carry on without honoring them. However if I invite them in the door as Rumi says and entertain them all they may be clearing me out for a better future.
Thank you Nancy!
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