Daily Question, December 8 How can I live more simply? 42 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Kevin7 years agoKevinOne would think that as a Quaker I would have this living simply thing down pat. But there are days when it is anything but! It seems that I have a number of simple things to attend to, which I rather enjoy doing, to be perfectly honest. But when I want to be “released” from the rhythm of the world, even in the midst of doing things, I listen to music, or get close to my breath, or pay attention to sources of water, watch my grandchildren tear around the yard or play with our dog Gracie. Tha... One would think that as a Quaker I would have this living simply thing down pat. But there are days when it is anything but! It seems that I have a number of simple things to attend to, which I rather enjoy doing, to be perfectly honest. But when I want to be “released” from the rhythm of the world, even in the midst of doing things, I listen to music, or get close to my breath, or pay attention to sources of water, watch my grandchildren tear around the yard or play with our dog Gracie. That’s a start. For me, living simply is not about “stuff,” as in having too much stuff or having just the right amount of stuff that (oftentimes) gives off the appearance of living simply. It’s about how we hold and where we “put” the clutter of the noisy world around us. Read More9 Reply Deb S. N.C.7 years agoDeb S. N.C.Perfect, Kevin - I agree 100%, no kidding. It takes much dedication to be what is reflected by our actions that comes from within, and being able to see past "things", as I have lived with less stuff and with more stuff- -now that I think about it, I'm the same person either way. If I feel that I'm out of balance, it may appear to be "stuff" that's too much when actually it's coming from within, how much I pay attention to being at peace, grateful, centered, showing and living through gratit... Perfect, Kevin – I agree 100%, no kidding. It takes much dedication to be what is reflected by our actions that comes from within, and being able to see past “things”, as I have lived with less stuff and with more stuff- -now that I think about it, I’m the same person either way. If I feel that I’m out of balance, it may appear to be “stuff” that’s too much when actually it’s coming from within, how much I pay attention to being at peace, grateful, centered, showing and living through gratitude and in harmony with self and love of self and others. I could not have realized this or expressed it without your words! thank you, gratitude for you – (p. s. didn’t know you are Quaker, I believe that your faith must be so strong as your comments are always spot-on, and said kindly, humbly, in well-written ways as you also are gifted as a writer!…and I grew up and still live as a Presbyterian, as best I am able, and seek a true understanding of what God knows we can live by – of course being human, we do our best and still may miss something- but I think you “got it”! Let me say that I acknowledge and accept and respect all religions and faiths that live in working for Peace- I also love and acknowledge my friends and fellow people on earth who are not of like-minds with loving hearts and still themselves are instruments of peace- though I honestly believe it would be a more difficult life to live without faith in a Higher Power- as is said in A.A. I do not normally attend my home-church & go to it & other ones from time to time- they all speak to my soul in the same profound way. I know there is energy in numbers, & I do know that my childhood spending much time in our church in a loving-though pretty-much-expected-by-my-devoted-family way???????? truly gave me the path that I have picked-up where I was when younger and left home for college, when naturally I lived- in or outside of a university setting- through many challenges and lessons & changes for years – so I imagine I always had the same path that was always there with me, & I just found it on my own picking it up more newly aware & mindfully .It’s this that I continue on always, never ever-ending , always revealing these answers to such questions that help us be our better-selves & living in harmony, simply, as we find our way. thank you Read More0 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinThanks Deb. Sometimes I think i should be forced to move to a new location every six years or so in a single U-Haul Truck that would force me to lighten my load whether I wanted to or not! My best to you. – Kevin 0 Reply Carol7 years agoCarolThank you, Kevin. I’ve copied your last paragraph to share with friends. It sums up how to be in the world but not of the world…It reminds me to “Be still and know”, be aware of what is going on inside as well as outside of me, and as Br. David says, practice grateful living. 2 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinThanks Carol, there’s also another saying that I like, “Living in God’s time and not my own.” Just thinking in those terms lightens up our load, too. …Cheers, Peace and Joy to you. – Kevin 0 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagAt the physical level decluttering helps me. At the mind level it helps when I curtail the things that suck my attention. On the spiritual level, mindfulness and meditation simplify my mind considerably. 8 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaMaybe just by praising God more each day. Beginning to realize that He is in the “worldly” things, too (which–especially at Christmas time–I do love and enjoy!) 8 Reply Deb S. N.C.7 years agoDeb S. N.C.Agreed if God and Christianity were the only religion and faith in our world. I hesitated to reply but other than writing the online staff here to write you, it may be better-heard from someone who is in this community that your comments a we attempt here to make our wording clear, that we are a population online of different people world-wide from all,religions or have none, by their own free-choice. Since this is an open, global, varied community that we enter through no-fear, and with respe... Agreed if God and Christianity were the only religion and faith in our world. I hesitated to reply but other than writing the online staff here to write you, it may be better-heard from someone who is in this community that your comments a we attempt here to make our wording clear, that we are a population online of different people world-wide from all,religions or have none, by their own free-choice. Since this is an open, global, varied community that we enter through no-fear, and with respect of others, and with mutual trust and through Gratefulness.org. David himself might have a better way to address you about your answer excluding the rest of the population who also believe very strongly in peaceful worship, but not as you do. n God, and peace, but aren’t following Christians into Christmas rather they will be following the Jewish Holiday of Hanukkah, Muslims who indeed believe in God and in peace, don’t celebrate Christmas, Buddhists have their own celebrations and do bielieve in the Afterlife- but not Christmas…I’m sure you see the list continues of good faith-full people and may understand. I know and remember my Jewish friends @Christmas in public school- it’s appalling how it directly impacted them, making them feel “different”, and that still continues IF we as a community of self-aware and loving, non-judgmental Read More0 Reply « Previous 1 2 My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 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