Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimMany thanks to all of you, dear gratefulness friends, for your openness and sharing, as well as your kindness and support, throughout 2017. I have looked forward to seeing familiar and new names here upon each visit. Although I have not written much lately due to a medical situation, and then a wonderful visit from my daughter and her partner for the holidays, "I carry your heart in my heart" (ee cummings), and bless you daily. Thank you for sharing your places in the world here, your own strugg... Many thanks to all of you, dear gratefulness friends, for your openness and sharing, as well as your kindness and support, throughout 2017. I have looked forward to seeing familiar and new names here upon each visit. Although I have not written much lately due to a medical situation, and then a wonderful visit from my daughter and her partner for the holidays, “I carry your heart in my heart” (ee cummings), and bless you daily. Thank you for sharing your places in the world here, your own struggles and perspectives, and always your welcome and wisdom. Peace to you and to this world in the New Year. Read More2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Pilgrim, I hope you are much improved now and that the visit refreshed you. Sharing love is good medicine! May you be richly blessed with improved health and healing in 2018. ❤️ 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear was a blessing to share the poetry e-course with you and Anna. And I feel your loving presence here in this sacred space even when you do not post. I hope that your medical situation resolves itself and that you are feeling well and strong. How lovely to have had a visit from your daughter and her's always a special blessings to have our loved ones near during the holiday season. ~I'm wishing you much peace in your own life and join you in wishing peace in o... Dear Pilgrim….it was a blessing to share the poetry e-course with you and Anna. And I feel your loving presence here in this sacred space even when you do not post. I hope that your medical situation resolves itself and that you are feeling well and strong. How lovely to have had a visit from your daughter and her partner…it’s always a special blessings to have our loved ones near during the holiday season. ~I’m wishing you much peace in your own life and join you in wishing peace in our world for 2018. Read More0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimThank you so much, Diane. Blessings in the year ahead. 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaSo happy to see you dear Pilgrim, it is always a blessing. Haapy new year dear friend. 1 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimThank you, dear friend. Happy New Year to you! 1 Reply Sylvie7 years agoSylvieHappy new year to all of this lovely community ! I found this painting, Hinterglasmalerei, in Rome in an entrance hall to an officebuilding. And I enjoyed the colourfulness, the composition …. and the light that shines through it and makes into this marvellous picture. A beautiful synonym for our lives. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBeautiful! Thank you for sharing. Almost like a kaleidoscope! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Sylvie...thank you for sharing this lovely painting. How wonderful that it is hanging in an office building! The people who work there are blessed to be greeted with this image as they start their workday! I think that we here in the U.S. have much to learn from our Italian/European friends. My heart's desire for years has been to visit Italy where my dear Nana was born. She was from Bedoinia in Parma, Northern Italy. I have great grandparents that were born in France and in Switzerl... Dear Sylvie…thank you for sharing this lovely painting. How wonderful that it is hanging in an office building! The people who work there are blessed to be greeted with this image as they start their workday! I think that we here in the U.S. have much to learn from our Italian/European friends. My heart’s desire for years has been to visit Italy where my dear Nana was born. She was from Bedoinia in Parma, Northern Italy. I have great grandparents that were born in France and in Switzerland. Sadly, I have never been to Europe and I pray I make it there before I get too much older! But…..I am learning that God has His own timing and things happen when/how they are supposed to for our highest good. I am choosing to believe that He will bring me there at just the right time. ~Blessings for a new year filled with joy and hope Sylvie. Read More0 Reply Sylvie7 years agoSylvieDear Diane thanks for your kind answer ! Wow, you have so many connections to our old Europe. I.m sure, you would sense your roots, coming here.I.m also a crossover, one granparent from Switzerland, one from Bukarest, my soulmate was from New York. But I have never been to America, one day …I wish you a beautiful day. Take care, Sylvie 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaLovely, Sylvie, thank you! I was interested to look up ‘hinterglasmalerei’ online and learned it is a technique of reverse painting on glass used since the Middle Ages originally to create light-filled sacred art. I love that this one is round, like a mandala. Yes, a beautiful symbol of our lives and as Anna says — colors of joy and hope. 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh dear Sylvie, thank you for this photo, these colours bring us joy and hope! 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaHappy 2018!???? May you have a year of peace. 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThank you, Anna. May peace prevail on earth. 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaI grateful for a special hug I received today. A little hug from little child, but it means what I was looking for... forgiveness. Heals to my wounded heart. Oh my God...How much love fits in a hug! I'm really grateful for :-) I wish you, 365 new days, 365 new chances to forgive and be forgiven. New opportunities to be happy and enjoy the life. Hope we can be the loving and respectful change we would like to see in the others. And I hope we can be the source of peace and light! With... I grateful for a special hug I received today. A little hug from little child, but it means what I was looking for… forgiveness. Heals to my wounded heart. Oh my God…How much love fits in a hug! I’m really grateful for 🙂 I wish you, 365 new days, 365 new chances to forgive and be forgiven. New opportunities to be happy and enjoy the life. Hope we can be the loving and respectful change we would like to see in the others. And I hope we can be the source of peace and light! With fraternal love, my best wishes! Read More 3 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeCintia….thank you for sharing about your special hug. I can tell that it brought you so much joy. It’s a beautiful vision to have……that we can all be our own unique source of peace and light for others in this world. ~Much love and wishes for a Happy New Year for you and those you love. 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintia???? Tks Diane! Much love for you too:-) 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThank you dear Cintia, may your sweet heart gently take you to every new opportunity. 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaThank you dear Anna! Best wishes and a wonderful new year! ???? 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you Cintia! Beautiful words! Blessings and hugs to you! And best wishes ???????? 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaThank you Ursula! Blessings and much fraternal love embracing you! 🙂 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHappy 2018 !! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Ursula…..It is 2018 across the Atlantic, isn’t it? Happiest of New Years to you my dear friend. I am wishing you health and peace and all the good things that you so deserve. I am grateful to be here with you even though an ocean may be between us. You are a special blessing in my life. ~Frohes neues Jahr! (did I get that right?) 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaVielen Dank, liebe Diane! You got it absolutely right! ... Although I posted my wishes a little early! My intention was to post a video here (in English) I had received from my 'little' sister, but it didn't work. It was about letting all begative things behind and start a year of positive ones. A clock showing all negative things fade as the hand advances in the last minute of 2017, and new beautiful things popping up with the hand starting the first hour of the new year! So be it! Best w... Vielen Dank, liebe Diane! You got it absolutely right! … Although I posted my wishes a little early! My intention was to post a video here (in English) I had received from my ‘little’ sister, but it didn’t work. It was about letting all begative things behind and start a year of positive ones. A clock showing all negative things fade as the hand advances in the last minute of 2017, and new beautiful things popping up with the hand starting the first hour of the new year! So be it! Best wishes, blessings, health for you and all people on Earth, dear Diane! ☀???? Happy New Year! Read More1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Ursula, I know this video you mention here above. A friend of mine posted it on WhatsApp, just yesterday. It is very nice! I too have noticed that I can’t post a video, I tried when we sang to our Christmas concert, but it did not work… I have a flu, so I don’ t have energy today….but I wish you the best for this 2018. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineHow do you feel now, Cara Anna? The flu is no fun. I hope you have much warm tea and coziness to help you rest and heal. 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaBtw Anna, I sent the video to two pilgrimage friends who live in Vicenza yesterday … 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaBest to you for 2018, Anna … Get well soon but take the opportunity of being ill to relax! This is what your body wants you to do! Tanti auguri ????! 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning dear friends It is another bitterly cold day here and I am so grateful that, as I type this, I can feel the warmth of our home's baseboard heat on my toes. Grateful too for the flannel pajamas and thick wool socks I am wearing and that my husband is making a fire for us in our kitchen's wood burning stove. I will join him now to sit at the table to do the Sunday crossword puzzle. This is one of my "happys" sit by the fire, with a cup of coffee, music playing, content to be... Good morning dear friends It is another bitterly cold day here and I am so grateful that, as I type this, I can feel the warmth of our home’s baseboard heat on my toes. Grateful too for the flannel pajamas and thick wool socks I am wearing and that my husband is making a fire for us in our kitchen’s wood burning stove. I will join him now to sit at the table to do the Sunday crossword puzzle. This is one of my “happys” sit by the fire, with a cup of coffee, music playing, content to be doing nothing else on this cold and blustery winter morning. ~Grateful for hygge sensibilites! Sending warmth and coziness to you all, with love. Read More3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineTo do nothing with someone you love with you is indeed a beautiful gift. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThe lovable moose in front clocked in at 103lbs when we had him to the vet last month. The cat is not even a tenth of his weight. And I realized the other day that the two Labby mix sisters on my lap were about the same weight combined as the one moose! He is a hardy breed, and he keeps bugging us to let him out into the freezing cold to check his domain and be sure all is in order. We do not let him stay out so long as he wants, which means more in and out for us. Thank God for a fenced yard as... The lovable moose in front clocked in at 103lbs when we had him to the vet last month. The cat is not even a tenth of his weight. And I realized the other day that the two Labby mix sisters on my lap were about the same weight combined as the one moose! He is a hardy breed, and he keeps bugging us to let him out into the freezing cold to check his domain and be sure all is in order. We do not let him stay out so long as he wants, which means more in and out for us. Thank God for a fenced yard as I would not want to be out in this with him! Today we run to get a special kitty friendly antibiotic to start him on Monday as preparation for his dental surgery on the 11th. I have never had a cat have tooth problems, but this one does. He has lost some teeth on his own, apparently, as well as two with vet help. Now he will have some more extracted. Poor sweetie. He has high quality food, so it is genetics rather than nutrition. Either that or he has a secret stash of Snickers bars in the basement or something! Thank you for asking how I am. The pain came in two large waves but seems to be back to more normal levels now. It prompted some major clearings, which was good, but challenging to go through. My goal is to get the relaxed pain free condition to be the norm! The times I have felt like that were so nice. Apparently, my pain sensors are so traumatized that they misfire a lot sensing pain when there is no good reason to do so. This is partly from Lyme damage, most likely, but most probably more from continued pain begetting more pain signals and thus retraumatizing the same bits. That is what I am actively working on healing with the hypnotherapy, meditation, etc. A HUG to you, too. May this coming year be filled with magic, miracles, and healing! Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaOh Aine, thank you for sharing this sweet photo! How are you feeling my friend? A HUG to you <3 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Diane. Your encouragement means so much because I know you do know how it feels. I have not yet gotten Manda's facility with changing or accepting pain, and I find myself easily discouraged by yet another bout. I find that the everyday constant level of pain is much easier for me to handle with meditation, gratitude, etc. It is the sudden bouts of surge pain that stop life in its tracks and are harder to cope with effectively. I am hoping the hypnotherapy will be able to rewire the da... Thank you, Diane. Your encouragement means so much because I know you do know how it feels. I have not yet gotten Manda’s facility with changing or accepting pain, and I find myself easily discouraged by yet another bout. I find that the everyday constant level of pain is much easier for me to handle with meditation, gratitude, etc. It is the sudden bouts of surge pain that stop life in its tracks and are harder to cope with effectively. I am hoping the hypnotherapy will be able to rewire the damaged areas or maby neurofeedback. Been finding positive info on both! Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Ursula! You, too! 0 Reply niels7 years agonielsthank you Diane 🙂 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Aine....I am with you my friend. Not there yet....but learning! Thank you for your kind suggestion for my husband's miserable cold. He spent the night on the living room couch again last night because he didn't want to keep me awake with his coughing. Like you, I am eternally grateful for my husband...we are coming up on 39 years married! As you shared, it has sometimes been a "broken road" but we are, by the grace of God, still traveling this road together. I wish you did live clo... Dear Aine….I am with you my friend. Not there yet….but learning! Thank you for your kind suggestion for my husband’s miserable cold. He spent the night on the living room couch again last night because he didn’t want to keep me awake with his coughing. Like you, I am eternally grateful for my husband…we are coming up on 39 years married! As you shared, it has sometimes been a “broken road” but we are, by the grace of God, still traveling this road together. I wish you did live close enough to run over your blackberry cordial! I’ve often imagined how wonderful and miraculous it would be if the souls in this beautiful community could be physically together! Perhaps in our next life. 🙂 So grateful for you Aine. I am praying for your pain to alleviate….I understand how exhausting and discouraging it can be. I so admire and am inspired by your open heart and your resilience and determination to live a grateful life no matter the circumstances. ~Wishing you a peace-filled hygge day and lots of doggie love! Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning and welcome Niels…..we are glad you have found us here! You will find acceptance and an abundance of compassion and gratitude in this sacred community. ~Blessings 1 Reply niels7 years agonielshi Aine, thanks for the elaborate reply! I can imagine how this could be a permanent way out of depression, as well as out of addiction or other 'uncontrollable' behaviour like anger. Singing along with bouncy Byzantine chants, have to look those up as well, thank you for the tip :) Yes it was the TEDtalk that brought me here. Will have a listen to Br. David with Ophra. I am no expert by any means but I found it fascinating to see this same groundwork of gratitude in both Buddhism en Ju... hi Aine, thanks for the elaborate reply! I can imagine how this could be a permanent way out of depression, as well as out of addiction or other ‘uncontrollable’ behaviour like anger. Singing along with bouncy Byzantine chants, have to look those up as well, thank you for the tip 🙂 Yes it was the TEDtalk that brought me here. Will have a listen to Br. David with Ophra. I am no expert by any means but I found it fascinating to see this same groundwork of gratitude in both Buddhism en Judaism, or so it seems to me. I didn’t know ‘Yehudim’ means ‘grateful’ literally. And I read a legend of Buddha who was spat in the face and how he dealt with it. Just exciting to find all this. How did I not find the importance of this before? Now I don’t know how to proceed. I want to be grateful all the time because it feels good 🙂 but how to get from A to B. There is one fairly stable thing over the years and that is that funny feeliing in my head. It seems do-able to build from that. Excersise? Have to think about that. best to you, Niels Read More1 Reply « Previous 1 … 13 14 15 New to Practice? Visit the Practice Space for more opportunities and insights. Practice Space Recent Active Members Steve Rio active 2 years Read More active 2 years active 3 years Read More Jeseph active 6 years Read More Sylvie active 7 years Read More Global Community This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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