Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely people: It is "the morning after" here in the Northeast and our landscape is white as far as the eye can see....but at least we can see! Yesterday the conditions were blizzardy and visibility was close to zero. Today, the wind has thankfully died down and temperatures are expected to be up into the 40's. The skies are a solid grey and more precipitation is expected ....starting with rain and then changing to snow again tonight when the temperatures drop. But, the bi... Good morning lovely people: It is “the morning after” here in the Northeast and our landscape is white as far as the eye can see….but at least we can see! Yesterday the conditions were blizzardy and visibility was close to zero. Today, the wind has thankfully died down and temperatures are expected to be up into the 40’s. The skies are a solid grey and more precipitation is expected ….starting with rain and then changing to snow again tonight when the temperatures drop. But, the birds are back at the feeders and, although we lost our power during the storm, it came back within the hour. We lost part of our fence but our house is untouched and we are safe….and for these things I am grateful. I am heart sick over my beautiful sugar maple. We have been nursing this tree since we moved here 2 years ago and I have been saying blessings over it. I so want this tree to survive!!! Like all trees it has a beautiful spirit and it sits right outside our sun room windows with its leaves draping like a blanket over our skylights. It gives us lovely shade in the summer and in the fall the leaves are a stunning vibrant orange. Many species of birds visit this tree and find rest in its branches. I heart this tree with all my heart!! We will continue to give it all the loving care that we can. Perhaps I will ask St. Francis for help 🙂 I am supposed to be volunteering at Meals on Wheels this morning but so far there is no answer at the site….I am thinking of all those who depend on us for their daily meal and am remembering them in my prayers. Grateful for the opportunity to be a small part of their outreach to those in need. I have a little white board in my kitchen and each month I put a quote on it that relates to the time of year or perhaps a special holiday that occurs during that month. Here is the quote that I chose for March….thinking of St. Patrick’s day and my Irish ancestry, it is from C.S. Lewis: “You are never too old to dream a new dream” ~Blessings to you all as I dream of Spring! Read More2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhen the sad necessity has come to lose a tree friend, as when our ten ash trees succumbed to Emerald Ash Borer in 2013, we try to salvage what we can of the good wood and make something so it lives on in usefulness. That said, I hugged my Grandfather Ash goodbye that day and cried over his loss. I hope you can save your maple. Such graceful trees. Tell it of all our positive wishes and prayers on its behalf to encourage it. ???? 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeAine! So happy to hear from you my friend! I knew you would understand my sorrow over my beautiful magical tree. Thank you for your positive wishes and prayers...I will indeed pass them along when I give "her" (I've decided it's a "her") my blessing. Right now she looks so heart hurts every time I look out our sun room windows to see her lovely branches scattered about. I'm hoping that my husband will be able to clean things up a bit this weekend. Something just occurred ... Aine! So happy to hear from you my friend! I knew you would understand my sorrow over my beautiful magical tree. Thank you for your positive wishes and prayers…I will indeed pass them along when I give “her” (I’ve decided it’s a “her”) my blessing. Right now she looks so wounded… heart hurts every time I look out our sun room windows to see her lovely branches scattered about. I’m hoping that my husband will be able to clean things up a bit this weekend. Something just occurred to me as I wrote this….perhaps I should give her a name! I don’t know why I haven’t done that yet.? I will give it some thought. ~Thankful blessings to you dear friend. Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSuch a lovely post to read this night Diane and sending love to your beautiful sugar maple and to you dear friend <3 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeThank you dear Manda….my beauty tree embraces your love! 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimA respite in the extreme weather is a wonderful thing, Diane. I, too, love sugar maple trees. I planted one in my last yard after my divorce, and it was such a touchstone to me in regards to survival and beauty. May your tree respond with a strong life force! Thank you for the quote – I am also Irish, and a big fan of C.S. Lewis in all of his wisdom. Namaste. 2 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeThank you dear Pilgrim. We are kindred spirits in many ways! Planting trees during significant life events is so healing isn’t it? They are truly sacred and magical. I am sending my beloved sugar maple your strong life force wishes! ~Blessings 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWasn’t Lewis the one who said you could never have a book long enough or a cup of tea large enough? ???? If you are Irish, I suppose you like St. Brendan as well? He is one of my favorites, though he did not have so active a press agent as St. Patrick. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeHaha…..indeed St. Brendan doesn’t have the “celebrity” that our beloved St. Patrick has! I am Irish on my father’s side….Italian/French/Swiss on my mom’s side. I am grateful for my rich and diverse ancestry. I have vivid memories of my Uncle Eddie singing “Oh Danny Boy” on St. Patrick’s Day….that song still brings tears to my eyes. ~Love and blessings 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI hope you are able to nurse your Sugar Maple back to health. I know how it is to lose a tree since I lost three in the past years to early frost. Trees are like family. I am looking forward to our Arbor Day in April and get my free Birch tree sapling to plant in my yard. You have a good kind heart with the volunteering you do with Meals on Wheels making sure others have their daily meal. Keep on dreaming and especially for spring ???????????? (here are some virtual spring flowers in the me... I hope you are able to nurse your Sugar Maple back to health. I know how it is to lose a tree since I lost three in the past years to early frost. Trees are like family. I am looking forward to our Arbor Day in April and get my free Birch tree sapling to plant in my yard. You have a good kind heart with the volunteering you do with Meals on Wheels making sure others have their daily meal. Keep on dreaming and especially for spring ???????????? (here are some virtual spring flowers in the meantime ❤️) Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeThank you Nancy! Yes…trees are like family! I’m sorry to hear of the loss of your trees and tickled to hear that you are an Arbor Day celebrant! Each year on Arbor Day I would take my 7th graders outside to hug trees and to thank them for all the ways they enrich the lives of all living things. The kids loved this…it was a very popular event in my classroom! I will think of you planting your Birch tree on April 27th! 🙂 ~Blessings 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI love that you take your 7th graders to hug trees. I have hugged trees all my life ???? On a recent bike ride to the library with my granddaughter I saw a beautiful Cottonwood tree and told my granddaughter that tree needs a hug on our way home and we did. We could not reach around her trunk linking our arms together. Many blessings to you and your Sugar Maple may she survive like us ❤️ 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThis is for Nancy, as I cannot reply below! Thank you so much for your comment about Sunny, and for your numerous other posts which I always enjoy reading! Wishing you a sunshiny, beautiful day, dear friend! ☀ 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAnd to you as well dear Ursula❤️ Have a lovely day! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyTo all you dear friends here living in the Northeast – you are all in my heart and thoughts praying you all stay safe during these storms you are facing. Please take care and stay safe and warm. Yes, spring is around the corner ❤️???????? 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryTo Nancy, thank you for your kind thoughts and sharing your feelings about your Tazzie. Our four legged friends never really leave us do they. So, we keep their memory in our hearts, and sometimes share stories with fellow dog lovers. They give so much, and ask nothing in return. Be well my friend ????❤️ 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaYes sweet Nancy, thank you. Oodles of love to you and everyone here <3 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancySo true THenry ❤️ Also, I am glad to hear that your Wednesday was your Friday and that you didn’t have to commute in that misery. Be well and stay safe during the storms. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely friends, from the Northeast US where the weather just keeps on doing its thing! They say that March "comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" and so far this has been true for our little corner of the world. I was hoping that we would have a gentler March after such a tough winter but alas....winter has decided to stick around a bit longer. And so...I have more opportunities to practice gratefulness. And I truly am grateful for that...even though the grumbles... Good morning lovely friends, from the Northeast US where the weather just keeps on doing its thing! They say that March “comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” and so far this has been true for our little corner of the world. I was hoping that we would have a gentler March after such a tough winter but alas….winter has decided to stick around a bit longer. And so…I have more opportunities to practice gratefulness. And I truly am grateful for that…even though the grumbles are right underneath the surface and threatening to erupt! I’m thankful for my hygge practice this winter. It was a gift to myself when I offered up that intention….and a gift to those around me too! 🙂 I am sitting at my kitchen table next to the fire in our wood-burning stove that my husband (who is working from home today because of the weather) had waiting for me when I came downstairs. Coffee was made too! 🙂 Grateful for these first-thing-in-the-morning gifts! My trip to the library yesterday hit a snag because it was closed due to power outage from the last storm. I was disappointed because I wanted to stock up on reading material but then I remembered that there is an independent book store right around the corner. Although libraries are my favorite, I do love to support local indie book stores as well. This one is called “Twice Told Tales” because it is full of used books of every kind imaginable….so fun to browse! And it speaks to my “reduce, reuse, recycle” sensiiblities. I ended up buying a fun paperback that I’m looking forward to diving into. Libraries and indie neighborhood bookstores….magical places! 🙂 Sending warm and cozy hygge blessings to you all this day…with love and gratitude. Read More1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOoooooh…a used bookstore! ???????????? 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Diane, greetings from a fellow Northeast resident. Yes, up to 12 inches on the way and I’m thinking what a great time to be in the Florida Keys. ???? Grateful that Wednesdays are my Fridays, so no traveling to work tomorrow. I love browsing thru used book stories. One can spend many happy hours getting lost in the mysteries, love stories, and adventures. Stay warm and cozy my friend. Spring is on the horizon. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGreetings THenry, my fellow Northeaster! As I told my daughters...we got blizzarded! It was a white out here and we lost part of our beautiful sugar maple took out a portion of our fence when it crashed. Later this evening our power went out! Kind of saw that one coming! Thankfully, it was restored in about an hour......we are grateful as I know there are those who are still waiting. I hope you are fairing well in your neck of the woods my friend and so glad you don't have to ... Greetings THenry, my fellow Northeaster! As I told my daughters…we got blizzarded! It was a white out here and we lost part of our beautiful sugar maple tree…it took out a portion of our fence when it crashed. Later this evening our power went out! Kind of saw that one coming! Thankfully, it was restored in about an hour……we are grateful as I know there are those who are still waiting. I hope you are fairing well in your neck of the woods my friend and so glad you don’t have to travel. Keep those flashlights and candles handy and be safe. Winter is not done with us yet! ~Blessings Read More0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Diane, well……..two days and still without power. Thankful that my daughter ask me to dog sit this weekend and her power was restored. She’s just one hour south of where I live and 1/2 the snow compared to me. Sorry to hear about your sugar maple and fence. Winter is definitely still out there Blessings and be well my friend 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineIf it helps any, there was a maple in my childhood that actually regrew into a decent sized tree after its top was knocked off in a storm. It lasted a good many years afterwards, just a bit shorter. If you had not known it before, you did not know the difference! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyPlease stay safe and hope for spring. March does always come in like a lion and out like lamb. So sorry you lost part of your Maple tree but you are safe as well as your home I hope. Curl up with your new old book in your warm cozy corner while your husband brings you coffee and lights the fire for you ???? 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThis is to Aine. I have not seen you here recently and I worry because you live in the path of the storms that have been hitting our country. I hope you are safe and well ❤️ 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you. Some of my absence was outer storms as our isp had issues in them. I also had a rough week, which now seems to be lifting. Hopefully, acupuncture today can usher the rest out so my sun can shine again! ???? 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweet Aine, I am thinking of you too dear friend <3 xx 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you. And vice versa. I was thinking of your job situation and your arms and wondering how you are doing? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Aine, how are you? I hope all is well, for you, your husband, your dear animals… 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Anna. It is getting better, I believe. I am struggling a bit, but I am looking for solutions to the stalemate, which I hope will mean new forward motion. 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you, Nancy!Thinking of Aine as well!Blessings to both of you! ☀???? 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Ursula! How are you feeling? 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaGood morning lovely friends, nice to see you all! I am especially glad you are back, Diane! (I know you have posted another entry some days ago, and I had been thinking of you!) I am happy to see all of you of course, and I often think of you! Nice to read about bride-mother- and groom-aunt-dresses, new and old, about all our shared progresses and struggles, about being back at work and better physically, comfort in saying NO!!! That's what I need very much, too! ???? to all of you! Sorry to... Good morning lovely friends, nice to see you all! I am especially glad you are back, Diane! (I know you have posted another entry some days ago, and I had been thinking of you!) I am happy to see all of you of course, and I often think of you! Nice to read about bride-mother- and groom-aunt-dresses, new and old, about all our shared progresses and struggles, about being back at work and better physically, comfort in saying NO!!! That’s what I need very much, too! ???? to all of you! Sorry to all who have been waiting for my comments about the Reiki treatment, that I have kept you waiting … It was a fantastic Reiki session and I didn’t have to leave my bed, as the lady did it from the “distance” (she lives not far from my house). I felt the effect immediately, and since I have been hoping to meet her again on my walks with Sunny, to ask her to repeat the energy boost ???? … But in vain, I haven’t seen her for the moment. Anyway – I am doing my best to “work” with and for myself, because I feel I need healing, self compassion, and more!, much more playfulness (which I am not very familiar with, alas! I remember when I sat on a swing as an adult my mother shook her head). I am noticing that too often, everything is a duty or a burden for me, so now I consciously try to ‘get in touch’ with situations, people, things to do and not do it mechanically! That seems to me the most important attitude to change right now. I have many opportunities to do this, as my children have test which they need to study for, and I feel the duty to help them or ‘urge’ them to do that (that’s what I’ ve learned in my family, and also school system attributes that role to the parents). To see the kids not as ‘learning machines’ is a huge challenge … The most ‘interesting’ thing in this context is that my younger son is suffering with his English teacher, who presents himself as a very ‘cool’ person (he is hopefully retreating soon according to my son but seems much younger), and who in addition is a so-called ‘trust teacher’ who is supposed to help the pupils with their conflicts or problems, but creates an awful atmosphere in class and pulls the pupils to pieces (hope that is the right translation). Anyway, you get the idea … Get out of this system mentally is not easy but life saving! And the same is true for my health problems … Yesterday, in a book I bought recently, I read of the idea that one of the methods to change our difficulties is to NEGATE them, NOT ACCEPT them! In some way, it seems like the contrary of always being ‘good’ and ‘accepting’, but maybe it is only my understanding. Catherine Ponder – the author – of course also suggests many other strategies, as forgiveness, affirmations, blessing, etc. But the first one is negation! Interesting, that! Maybe in some situations that what we call an “inhibition to bite” is not appropriate (free translation from German, hope it is understandable). It seems to me that the allegory comes from dogs … funny coincidence when I think of Sunny! Btw the best thing for me is to go out with her and do my healing affirmations … This is VERY helpful for me! Ok, sorry that it’sa bit long … Blessings on your way, blessings in your day! ☀???????? Read More2 Reply manda7 years agomandaSending lots of blessings of love dear Ursula <3 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaUrsula let me give you a kiss. I am going sleeping, it is too late and I am so tired, I would like to reply, but I will do it tomorrow. Feel my hug dear friend. 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaGrazie carissima, buona notte! Baci ???? 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Ursula, here I am! Oh dear...I too have parents that have always scrolled their heads when I was delightfully enjoying what they did not like (modern music, or dancing...). Now, they are so different and I can't say that it is for their age ???? Because their health is good, in the body and in the mind. Maybe the fact that they have always taken care of nephews and nieces, among them my two sons, brought them to be more open, more positive. My sisters and I have given our sons and daughte... Dear Ursula, here I am! Oh dear…I too have parents that have always scrolled their heads when I was delightfully enjoying what they did not like (modern music, or dancing…). Now, they are so different and I can’t say that it is for their age ???? Because their health is good, in the body and in the mind. Maybe the fact that they have always taken care of nephews and nieces, among them my two sons, brought them to be more open, more positive. My sisters and I have given our sons and daughters a different education, more free, focused on awareness and sense of serene responsibility, on the beauties of life, of playful friendship, of sport, music…(uuuuu maybe tooo much, my two are always playing soccer, or gym, or jumping, skiing, ….and I loooove my washing machine!!!!). Last year I got a tattoo on my left arm, and my parents enjoyed it!!! It seems that Qoelet words ” there is a time for everything” perfectly fit with my parents’ attitude. As to your sons, my experience seems weird but I am noticing that is more common than what everyone could believe. They have never loved books and studying…they have always been like on a wave, up and down….since they are going to the University, they are more enthusiastic and passed their exams with good evaluations! Last, but not least I have just begun a treatment with Tibetan bells and massages with a kind woman, I will tell you something in another post. Be well Ursula! Read More1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeMy dear Ursula.....I am so happy to hear of your Reiki session and that it was a help to you. Y You are so inspiring to me my friend because of your openness to try new things, your determination and courage in the midst of your challenges. And I am so happy and delighted to read of your intentions to continue to practice self-care and compassion....and especially playfulness! With all of the "duties" and responsibilities that we have as wives and mothers, I think that taking the time for t... My dear Ursula…..I am so happy to hear of your Reiki session and that it was a help to you. Y You are so inspiring to me my friend because of your openness to try new things, your determination and courage in the midst of your challenges. And I am so happy and delighted to read of your intentions to continue to practice self-care and compassion….and especially playfulness! With all of the “duties” and responsibilities that we have as wives and mothers, I think that taking the time for these practices is not only gifts to ourselves, but to our loved ones as well. And the Universe! I love that you and Sunny are doing your healing affirmations together! I believe that animals have been given very special healing powers! 🙂 I am sending you blessings and a hug across the big ocean. It may separate us physically but we are still connected in a very miraculous way. Much love to you my dear friend. ps. If I could figure out how to send you pictures of sunshine and hearts and flowers I would do it! Maybe you can just imagine that I did! 🙂 Read More0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHi Diane,Thank you for your comment on the ‘Sunny’ picture … She is a girl!! So we are two girls now in the family, which is a good thing! Everyone here loves her, be it boy or girl ???? … and my ‘boys’ are especially tender with her! And so is she with all of us! ☀ 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you so much, Diane! I just read your entry above and said to me, what a blessing that Diane shared her hygge practice which helped everybody, not only herself. ... And now you write exactly the same thing to me! I have to da that I am a beginner in doing this ????. So happy that your husband is caring for you, and thank you for your grateful descriptions of his caring for you! It really DOES sound cozy! Also grateful that you found the 'Twice Told Tales' shop open when the library wa... Thank you so much, Diane! I just read your entry above and said to me, what a blessing that Diane shared her hygge practice which helped everybody, not only herself. … And now you write exactly the same thing to me! I have to da that I am a beginner in doing this ????. So happy that your husband is caring for you, and thank you for your grateful descriptions of his caring for you! It really DOES sound cozy! Also grateful that you found the ‘Twice Told Tales’ shop open when the library was closed! And that you are sound and safe despite the lioness weather ????! Thank you for your hugs and virtual ☀ ???? ???? This Is especially for you: Read More0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHere it is: 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhat a sweetie! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancySuch a sweet girl your Sunny is ❤️ 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeUrsula….sideways or not, this picture makes me smile real big 🙂 Thank you for sharing it with me….I’m not sure if Sunny is a boy or girl? I am so glad he/she is in your life! ~Blessings 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaSideways again, as friend Aine would say … ???? 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely friends and fellow travelers It never ceases to amaze me that when I visit here, in reading what you all so graciously and gratefully share, my soul is touched and healing occurs. It is a gift to be among you "wounded healers" and I am so grateful for your generosity in sharing your struggles because they make me feel less alone in my own. It's something of a miracle really that we have created this sacred community just by being open and vulnerable. I am so very gratef... Good morning lovely friends and fellow travelers It never ceases to amaze me that when I visit here, in reading what you all so graciously and gratefully share, my soul is touched and healing occurs. It is a gift to be among you “wounded healers” and I am so grateful for your generosity in sharing your struggles because they make me feel less alone in my own. It’s something of a miracle really that we have created this sacred community just by being open and vulnerable. I am so very grateful for everyone here. Ose and Manda…I read your posts and thought “wow, me too!”. I had a challenging day yesterday too! I was smack in the middle of a conflict at my substitute job yesterday and witnessed a cruelty that hurt my heart. It happened right before lunch time so I was able to leave the building and work through the emotions I was feeling so strongly. I had time to find my center, to release some anger, and to send a blessing to all involved. I reflected on my tendency to be judgmental and reminded myself that I have also not always been my best self. People react differently to stressful situations and we all are just doing our best with where we are in our journey. When I returned, the people involved must have sensed my disappointment and proceeded to give me the cold shoulder….it was like I was invisible. Perhaps they felt guilty for their actions, or maybe they were insulted by my anger….I left rather abruptly. I prayed not to be self-righteous or make assumptions and tried to sit with the emotions I was feeling. I didn’t try to fix it or be overly gratuitous and chatty which is what I have done in the past when I am anxious or self-conscious…just wanting everyone to have a good opinion of me. This driving need for affirmation and acceptance is dissipating and I realized that I’ve made some progress on my journey! This morning I did a guided meditation that affirmed the peace that comes with acceptance and surrender to whatever difficult situation we find ourselves in. To be OK with letting it be what it is without trying to fix or change. I am by nature a “fixer” so this is an important step for me in my journey. I am not working today and am treating myself to a trip to the library (oh how I heart libraries!) and then a therapeutic massage. I shall stop at the grocery store on my way home and pick up some necessities for our home and for my sweet elderly neighbor. We have a big storm in the forecast…right on the heels of the one that just passed. March is a fickle month….today the sun is bright and warm and am grateful for that. I am grateful that during this last storm we did not lose power or have any downed trees as so many in our area experienced. I am grateful that my younger daughter will be home in 10 days for spring break and that we have some fun outings planned! I am grateful to be going to see my older daughter in Denver next month…we are shopping for my mother-of-the-bride dress together! It’s so nice to have these LFTs (Look-Forward-To) Wishing you a day filled with sunshine and your very own LFTs dear friends. ~Blessings Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineAWESOME, Diane! For you to leave because something bothered you, then return and NOT try to smooth over the ruffled feathers of the perpetrators is HUGE. You not only allowed yourself to have your emotions, you gave them the gift of having to deal with their own emotions, too! When someone does something inappropriate and we react by trying to smooth over our reaction to their actions as if we were to blame for upsetting them, we rob them of a growth opportunity. If we take their emotio... AWESOME, Diane! For you to leave because something bothered you, then return and NOT try to smooth over the ruffled feathers of the perpetrators is HUGE. You not only allowed yourself to have your emotions, you gave them the gift of having to deal with their own emotions, too! When someone does something inappropriate and we react by trying to smooth over our reaction to their actions as if we were to blame for upsetting them, we rob them of a growth opportunity. If we take their emotions for them, no one grows, including us. If they felt bad because a cruel action was seen for what it was, then this was a good thing. If we cover it up by being super nice and friendly (and I have done this same thing more often than I can count!) then we allow the cruelty to continue by slapping an emotional BandAid over it. We need not say a word for this energy shift to happen. We only need to be true to ourselves, accept our own feelings, and not try to fix what isn’t ours in the first place. Good for you! Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeThank you for your affirmations and encouragement Aine! This absolutely was huge for me! I am grateful for this step forward in my journey towards living an authentic life. I hope that in some small way I have been a source of healing and peace……it is always the desire of my heart. ~Blessings 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Diane, I often try to assure myself that in some circumstances even anger can be useful. In have always find a lot of difficulties in show my anger, but my anger has always found its place in my heart. This is more dangerous. You are a wise woman, Diane, you have a right discernement. I agree with you, you have not to be a "fixer" ( I too tend to hold on this attitude) but I suggest you to consider if your anger could have brought awareness in your colleagues. In an ancient Latin quote "cum... Dear Diane, I often try to assure myself that in some circumstances even anger can be useful. In have always find a lot of difficulties in show my anger, but my anger has always found its place in my heart. This is more dangerous. You are a wise woman, Diane, you have a right discernement. I agree with you, you have not to be a “fixer” ( I too tend to hold on this attitude) but I suggest you to consider if your anger could have brought awareness in your colleagues. In an ancient Latin quote “cum grano salis” we say that with a little amount of salt we can improve a recipe, so, your response could have been this little amount of salt. Diane, last week I bought a dress, next month my nephew will get married! Many wishes for your shopping! And a big hug for you and your daughters! ???? Read More1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeCara I love the Latin quote "cum grano salis"! Thank you for sharing it....I think there is much wisdom there. Perhaps you are right that I may have sprinkled a little salt of awareness in those women. That thought is so encouraging to me. How fun that we are both going to weddings and shopping for dresses! My daughters and I generally don't enjoy shopping but I am grateful that my older daughter and I will be picking out the dress for her wedding together. We will make a da... Cara Anna… I love the Latin quote “cum grano salis”! Thank you for sharing it….I think there is much wisdom there. Perhaps you are right that I may have sprinkled a little salt of awareness in those women. That thought is so encouraging to me. How fun that we are both going to weddings and shopping for dresses! My daughters and I generally don’t enjoy shopping but I am grateful that my older daughter and I will be picking out the dress for her wedding together. We will make a day of it…perhaps go out to lunch afterwards or maybe, if weather permits, take a hike along one of the beautiful Colorado trails. So we both have something special to look forward to in April 🙂 ~Have a beautiful day mi amica. Read More2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDiane you are not alone on your journey. Life is a process with one step in front of the other and sometimes two steps back at least that is how it works for me. I, too, am a fixer and need to let go of that need in me. I am just now finally arriving at being myself instead of responding to keep a favorable image of myself with others. However, I am still learning the comfort in saying No. You mention you will be shopping for your mother of the bride dress for your daughter’s upcoming weddin... Diane you are not alone on your journey. Life is a process with one step in front of the other and sometimes two steps back at least that is how it works for me. I, too, am a fixer and need to let go of that need in me. I am just now finally arriving at being myself instead of responding to keep a favorable image of myself with others. However, I am still learning the comfort in saying No. You mention you will be shopping for your mother of the bride dress for your daughter’s upcoming wedding. I just donated my mother of the bride outfit to charity this week???? I have wondered if any of you here have been in the middle of the nor’easter that has hit the East. If so, please stay safe, warm and with electricity. Blessings to you and I hope you find some wonderful simple pleasures to enjoy this week ???? Read More1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear wonderful of you to donate your outfit to charity. I'm sure it makes you smile to think of another mother wearing it perhaps to her own child's wedding. What a lovely thought. Thank you for your wishes.....the latest nor'easter arrived during the night and as I sit here at my kitchen table I can see the snow falling outside our sun room windows. I can also see our St. Francis statue next to our bird feeders and it makes me smile. I'd like to believe that he is watching ... Dear Nancy… wonderful of you to donate your outfit to charity. I’m sure it makes you smile to think of another mother wearing it perhaps to her own child’s wedding. What a lovely thought. Thank you for your wishes…..the latest nor’easter arrived during the night and as I sit here at my kitchen table I can see the snow falling outside our sun room windows. I can also see our St. Francis statue next to our bird feeders and it makes me smile. I’d like to believe that he is watching over the birds on this cold and wet morning. 🙂 Simple pleasures are the best, aren’t they. And they are all around us if only we have eyes, and the heart, to see them. This website and community help me to do that each day….even when I’m grumpy because of the weather! ~Blessings to you as well my friend Read More2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGrateful for the friends who came this evening for meditating together. We shared tea and cookies, and while talking, it was easing to share recent difficulties, where we failed, too. Yesterday,I came across strong antagonistic impulses inside myself, which left me deeply sad, as they repeatedly cut me off from my dreams to become real. Seems I always stumble over my own feet in this and still do not understand enough, what the mechanism is like. So painful it was, and so self-inflicted. I a... Grateful for the friends who came this evening for meditating together. We shared tea and cookies, and while talking, it was easing to share recent difficulties, where we failed, too. Yesterday,I came across strong antagonistic impulses inside myself, which left me deeply sad, as they repeatedly cut me off from my dreams to become real. Seems I always stumble over my own feet in this and still do not understand enough, what the mechanism is like. So painful it was, and so self-inflicted. I am grateful to feel I am not alone in meeting the same patterns again and again, and that we can be a support to each other not to give up but understand and let go what hinders to become authentic with full integrity. In my situation of yesterday, I have to find out more, but it was a mix of fear, of not being good enough, and in the same time the opposite, the fear of allowing myself to realizing full potential. So while sharing this with S., we could both stay balanced and left with the intention to keep balance and peace inside despite that it is not at all as it should. Not ignoring the problem, not escaping, but dealing with it and sharing. We were warm with ourselves and the other, and kind. I am so grateful for this softness S. offered to me and that I could respond to it. I guess, I hope, a good basis to let go old habits and hinderances, in both of us. Have a good night, you all out there. Read More3 Reply manda7 years agomandaDear Ose, I share in this with you and how perfect was the quote of the day! Sending you a hug sweet friend <3 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Ose - changing old patterns within ourselves takes time. It is a process but it sounds like you have a good support group with your friends and that you can share your feelings in a loving environment with one another for feedback and support. I would tell you to be kind with yourself since it is a process and takes time. But you are on the right road. I have been working on myself for many years and still I have demons inside me. Being aware of them not necessarily banishing them but ... Dear Ose – changing old patterns within ourselves takes time. It is a process but it sounds like you have a good support group with your friends and that you can share your feelings in a loving environment with one another for feedback and support. I would tell you to be kind with yourself since it is a process and takes time. But you are on the right road. I have been working on myself for many years and still I have demons inside me. Being aware of them not necessarily banishing them but integrating them into our being making us whole. I hope you have a week full of warmth and kindness especially for your self ❤️???????? Read More2 Reply manda7 years agomandaIt has been awhile since I have visited, and I hope lovelies this message finds you well and enjoying laughter, love, and ease <3 My work week progressed into a pitfall of growth and working through what is mine and the deflection of others stuff onto me. I was treated horribly and I am grateful for this. A nudge to me to continue to treat others with kindness despite their actions but also honor my heart and myself and let go. Continue my path towards my dreams and surround myself wit... It has been awhile since I have visited, and I hope lovelies this message finds you well and enjoying laughter, love, and ease <3 My work week progressed into a pitfall of growth and working through what is mine and the deflection of others stuff onto me. I was treated horribly and I am grateful for this. A nudge to me to continue to treat others with kindness despite their actions but also honor my heart and myself and let go. Continue my path towards my dreams and surround myself with love – I am learning how to do this abundantly for myself and Jack bear, friends, family, and my self-care make this easier for me these days. I had a lovely visit to the forest I have not walked along before with my big brother. A treat of a dinner with family and oodles of hugs and love from them. A wonderful day to bake and just move slowly and enjoy the cold winter day. I am blessed beyond measure and I am grateful for everything in each moment. I am grateful for the abundant love that exists in every second <3 With love to you all – xx Read More5 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDear Manda, without faith, hope, and dreams, we can never move forward. Every day would be Groundhog Day. But you my friend posses these gifts and so much more. Your light will shine, in it’s own time. Blessings on you and Jack Bear ???? 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet THenry for your kindness. How are you feeling today? I hope your day is full of love dear friend. 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Manda, I’m doing pretty well overall. I returned to work last week. It feels good to be engaged and using my brain again. LOL. Looking ahead to surgery, hopefully sometime in April. Missing my “little bear”, esp. during my several weeks at home. The loss is still fresh, leaving a big hole in my heart. ???? She is with me in spirit and walks by my side as a hike the trails near my home. Hoping you are having a day full of joy and love my friend. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear THenry – glad to hear you are on the mend and have returned to work again. Sorry to hear about the surgery but will keep good thoughts for you that it goes well. And, I don’t know if you will ever get over missing your “little bear”. I lost my Tazzie (4/7/2009) and I still miss her everyday. I have been told that her spirit visits often and plays with Kitty. That would explain the times Kitty tears through house up and down the stairs ???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDearest Manda - I always enjoy reading your posts - they are so lyrical???? But, I am sorry to hear of the way others have treated you at work and that you are mindful to treat them with kindness regardless of their treatment of you. It takes a great heart to do that. I will hold you in my heart to realize your dream of having your own bakery sooner rather than later. And, how wonderful that walk in the forest with your big brother must have been with Jack bear romping along side I hope. W... Dearest Manda – I always enjoy reading your posts – they are so lyrical???? But, I am sorry to hear of the way others have treated you at work and that you are mindful to treat them with kindness regardless of their treatment of you. It takes a great heart to do that. I will hold you in my heart to realize your dream of having your own bakery sooner rather than later. And, how wonderful that walk in the forest with your big brother must have been with Jack bear romping along side I hope. With all my love to you and your beautiful big heart. I hope you have a lovely week and find many simple pleasures to enjoy along the way ❤️???????? Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet Nancy for your thoughtfulness. I had a fitfull night and woke up in tears. I didn’t feel able to go to work today feeling ill and disheartened. I am grateful for this and checking in with myself. Honoring me, healing and spending time with Jack bear today – being grateful for everything/everyone in my life. There are so many beautiful pleasures in life; I so hope you have abundance in your day sweet friend <3 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Manda, a big hug. I feel your sadness through your words, you are fabulous Manda, keep on. Don’t hold pain and anger in your sweet heart, your tears are a blessing for your soul. With love. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI am sorry your night was so restless and to awaken in tears made me sad. Sending you a big warm hug. It is good that you know to honor yourself for healing. There is nothing like the unconditional love of a dear pet to help with this ❤️ 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryIn Search Of Some would argue that it comes from within Not under a rock Or up a tree Nor out on the lake For heaven's sake In my heart, with all I have I do believe that you are out there Up there, watching over us all But it get's so damn hard With each and every failure They call it faith because it is believing in that which we can't see l struggle, a fist fight with myself each day Coming to grips with you and your unwavering love for me Most of the time, I give up on my... In Search Of Some would argue that it comes from within Not under a rock Or up a tree Nor out on the lake For heaven’s sake In my heart, with all I have I do believe that you are out there Up there, watching over us all But it get’s so damn hard With each and every failure They call it faith because it is believing in that which we can’t see l struggle, a fist fight with myself each day Coming to grips with you and your unwavering love for me Most of the time, I give up on myself And it never ceases to amaze that you don’t Ever quit I search my sole, the roads I walk Praying that the truth lies around the next bend Black and white, fitting neatly into the box My quest for answers often yields only more questions So, another day begins anew I am here, and you…….. Are most definitely you T Henry January 12, 2012 Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineLovely. That one needs to be in the website poetry area when we get it all organized. You might like the work of an artist named Rich Mullins. He was a bit of a mystic, and his words often touched my heart. He wrote phrases like, "I can't see how You're leading me, unless You've led me here, to where I'm lost enough to let myself be led," and "I'd rather fight you for something I don't really want than take what You give that I need." I think my favorite album of his was his last, record... Lovely. That one needs to be in the website poetry area when we get it all organized. You might like the work of an artist named Rich Mullins. He was a bit of a mystic, and his words often touched my heart. He wrote phrases like, “I can’t see how You’re leading me, unless You’ve led me here, to where I’m lost enough to let myself be led,” and “I’d rather fight you for something I don’t really want than take what You give that I need.” I think my favorite album of his was his last, recorded on a boom bix player in an empty chapel with just him and a piano, vety shortly before he died. Read More0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseAnother beautiful day arrived. I am so grateful to be able to spend some days at a quiet meditative place in the Swiss mountains. So grateful for the possibility to contemplating, being together with some friends, sharing, walking in the snow and let my busy mind relax. Outside, it is all white, with a breathtaking view on the snow-covered mountains in full sunlight already, blue sky and fresh clean air. Such a richness already, while the day just started! I am deeply grateful to be able and a... Another beautiful day arrived. I am so grateful to be able to spend some days at a quiet meditative place in the Swiss mountains. So grateful for the possibility to contemplating, being together with some friends, sharing, walking in the snow and let my busy mind relax. Outside, it is all white, with a breathtaking view on the snow-covered mountains in full sunlight already, blue sky and fresh clean air. Such a richness already, while the day just started! I am deeply grateful to be able and allowed to experience all this. Read More1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear you live in Switzerland? My great grandparents were born in Switzerland and are buried somewhere there.I was told. Their son, my grandfather, was born in New York City so they did come over to the U.S. at some point. I am just now learning more about my family through a DNA ancestry website I have joined. Maybe someday I will have the blessing of visiting is a dream that I have along with visiting Northern Italy where my grandmother was born. So happy f... Dear Ose… you live in Switzerland? My great grandparents were born in Switzerland and are buried somewhere there.I was told. Their son, my grandfather, was born in New York City so they did come over to the U.S. at some point. I am just now learning more about my family through a DNA ancestry website I have joined. Maybe someday I will have the blessing of visiting Switzerland…it is a dream that I have along with visiting Northern Italy where my grandmother was born. So happy for you to have this time of quiet and contemplation in such beautiful surroundings dear Ose. Read More1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseYes, I live in Switzerland. If you visit, let me know, it would be nice to meet then, if you like. And Northern Italy is not really far. So interesting that your family background is that multicultural, it must be really adventurous and joyful to consider all the colorful influences of your ancestor´s heritage, which have imprinted your life and the ones of your kids. I saw a really great docu of only 5 min. on YouTube, which you could google easily, if you search for “momondo, the DNA-jour... Yes, I live in Switzerland. If you visit, let me know, it would be nice to meet then, if you like. And Northern Italy is not really far. So interesting that your family background is that multicultural, it must be really adventurous and joyful to consider all the colorful influences of your ancestor´s heritage, which have imprinted your life and the ones of your kids. I saw a really great docu of only 5 min. on YouTube, which you could google easily, if you search for “momondo, the DNA-journey”, where people were completely stunned about their interrelated and completely interconnected existence based on their true lineage of descent. May be it serves you, and may be, Anna, you are interested as well, as you mentioned your genealogical tree? I feel everybody should have the chance to see it, as it is so uplifting and widening our all perspective and brings such joy. Have an even joyful day, dear Diane. Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaEnjoy the fabulous Swiss mountains, dear Ose, and this regenerative pause. I was at Lenzerheide, during my Christmas holidays, and it was wonderful. The only thing I regret is that I was afraid to ski. Next year I will listen to my kinesiologist who told me to try again, he says that I am still too much young to stop skiing.????☺️ 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely gratefulness friends This morning I found find myself once again grateful for the slow and easy morning that I have been given. My substitute assignment does not begin until lunchtime.....I am soaking up the solitude, the sound of the mourning doves, the smell of the incense, the warm cozy blanket as I sit in the sun room and look out over the farmland. I have been reading from my "Anam Cara" book on Celtic Spirituality lately....and am being made more aware of the gift... Good morning lovely gratefulness friends This morning I found find myself once again grateful for the slow and easy morning that I have been given. My substitute assignment does not begin until lunchtime…..I am soaking up the solitude, the sound of the mourning doves, the smell of the incense, the warm cozy blanket as I sit in the sun room and look out over the farmland. I have been reading from my “Anam Cara” book on Celtic Spirituality lately….and am being made more aware of the gift of our senses. So very grateful for this time of rest and reflection that I have had these past 2 mornings. Yesterday I was so refreshed that after my job I had the energy to drop by and visit with 2 of our elderly neighbors. Although they are always clearly happy to see me…..being with them is always a joy and gift to myself as well! I am grateful for the contact I have made with a distant cousin via the DNA ancestry website I participated in recently. I recognized his name immediately from my childhood and we have started to correspond and put together some pieces of our shared ancestry. This is so meaningful to me because it is a connection to my beloved Nana…my Italian grandmother…and her husband, my French/Swiss grandfather who died before I was born. I have always regretted not inquiring more about my European relatives while my Nana was still alive…she lived with us and helped to raise me. I had no interest as a young person…alas. It was not until I have grown older that I have become curious about my heritage….this seems to be the case often, sadly. Grateful for the new day, and the new month! I am hoping that March will be a gentler, kinder month weather-wise than January and February. This winter has been a rough one and I am looking forward to the warmth and delights of spring. My husband recently affirmed what I already knew….my anxiety and depression seems to kick in about now when I have just had enough of the cold, dark winter. My hygge practice this time around has surely been a help and a blessing….but I’m finding it harder to embrace those sensibilities as the winter drags on. So…’s to March and to the spring equinox that is right around the corner! 🙂 ~Wishing you all a day filled with sunshine no matter what it looks like outside! Blessings. Read More4 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Diane, yesterday I wrote a long post in order to reply to you, but when I checked it for the correct use of words, verbs….it went away…so maybe it is a sign. I would like to share my curiosity about my genealogical tree, like you. And thinking about a genealogical tree I am pondering the fact that if everyone would be aware of the great amount of interconnections in his/her own origins, maybe racism and prejudices would begin their melting, like the snow in the sun. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Anna…I think that your pondering thoughts are so very noble and true. In the end we are all interconnected…..and wouldn’t it be a different world if everyone believed and understood that? I am grateful to be connected to you my dear friend even though we are separated by a big ocean….it is a lovely miracle in my life! ~Sending you un grande abbraccio mi amica 🙂 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyToday I am grateful for another day that will begin with my early morning walk and then my yoga class with my wonderful yoga community. I learned how to make a leather wrap bracelet and made one for my daughter. Today , I will make one for my granddaughter so I will have one to give each of them the next time I see them. Wishing all of you here a very lovely day and I hope you find some wonderful simple pleasure to enjoy today ❤️???????? 3 Reply Ose7 years agoOseAs tomorrow morning, there will probably no time left for grateful notes, I am sending greetings to everybody tonight. Pondering on Jesus not being a "Plan B"; I would assume he is love- both Plan A and Plan B and .... love from Alpha to Omega, so to say. I can only express a feeling, that this to me seems to be true. From the very bit I am aware of concerning the bible, he is the lived example of pure love in all of his expressions, in a depth I would fall on my knees in deepest devotion whe... As tomorrow morning, there will probably no time left for grateful notes, I am sending greetings to everybody tonight. Pondering on Jesus not being a “Plan B”; I would assume he is love- both Plan A and Plan B and …. love from Alpha to Omega, so to say. I can only express a feeling, that this to me seems to be true. From the very bit I am aware of concerning the bible, he is the lived example of pure love in all of his expressions, in a depth I would fall on my knees in deepest devotion when I come only close to this internally, and that through him hope was born into the hearts in a time and area where there was no light seen to find inner orientation of the heart´s guidance. This radiates until today, no matter the religion, into every heartfelt deed or thought or movement of spirit of every living soul, and arrives. So probably, what I want to say is that to me, love is inseparable. Read More5 Reply Patjos7 years agoPatjosYes, Love is soooo inseparable, and we only ever need shift our gaze upon ourselves, our neighbours and our world just that tiniest bit to see that Love is always right here within us, in our midst :))) 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely cyber-friends. I am grateful this morning to have the time and clarity of thought and a slight easement from my anxiety so that I could visit with you after a lengthy "dry spell" I am grateful to have the time this morning to sit in silence and solitude after a very busy week. I am grateful for the wonderful visit I had with my youngest daughter who was home for an extended weekend from graduate school. I am grateful that she will be returning again in 2 weeks to sp... Good morning lovely cyber-friends. I am grateful this morning to have the time and clarity of thought and a slight easement from my anxiety so that I could visit with you after a lengthy “dry spell” I am grateful to have the time this morning to sit in silence and solitude after a very busy week. I am grateful for the wonderful visit I had with my youngest daughter who was home for an extended weekend from graduate school. I am grateful that she will be returning again in 2 weeks to spend her spring break here with us on the farm. I am grateful that we have this peaceful place for her to rest after the hustle and bustle of city life and the stresses of her graduate studies. So grateful for the sun I felt on my face this morning as I sat in our sun room. Buddha fountain bubbling happily, mourning doves cooing, meditative music playing. It is just what my anxious and stretched soul and spirit needed. I am grateful for a full work week. Since I am a substitute I usually work only about once or twice a week but this week I am working every day. I am grateful that 3 of those days are only 1/2 day assignments so that I could have the time I need for self-care. I am grateful for writers like Rivvy Neshama whose words always resonate with me…she is so real and helps me feel less alone in my quirkiness and my fears and anxieties. My daughter bought me her book (Recipes for a Sacred Life) years ago and I love reading from it as part of my morning meditations. Recently my daughter discovered that she also has a blog. This morning I visited her blog and read exactly what I needed to hear…the reflection is called “The Tunnel at the End of the Light.” It reminded me once again that I am not alone when I am stuck in this dark tunnel of fear and anxiety. And she reminded me of the things that I could do during this time to practice self-care. Listen to music, meditate, take a walk, bless the day, pray for grace, be grateful…..the list goes on. ~Grateful to have this to share with you my friends…with love and blessings for a day filled with grace and peace. Read More6 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI am glad to see you back Diane. I have wondered about you these past days. I am glad you had that time with your daughter and that she will be returning for two weeks during her spring break. Your week sounds busy but how nice to only have 1/2 day assignments for your self-care - self-care is so necessary. You mention your quirkiness and I think I am of that same persuasion so I must look into reading Rivvy Neshama to feel less alone as well. But I have found in my aging how I have become m... I am glad to see you back Diane. I have wondered about you these past days. I am glad you had that time with your daughter and that she will be returning for two weeks during her spring break. Your week sounds busy but how nice to only have 1/2 day assignments for your self-care – self-care is so necessary. You mention your quirkiness and I think I am of that same persuasion so I must look into reading Rivvy Neshama to feel less alone as well. But I have found in my aging how I have become more comfortable in who and how I am and it is such a relief. I hope you have a lovely week filled with peace and many blessings ❤️???????? Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeThank you Nancy.....I too have embraced my quirkiness as I have grown older. It is indeed such a relief to have that feeling of freedom in being comfortable in our own skin. It's been a journey for me. I am also embracing self-care at this juncture of my life....and I am encouraging my daughters to practice it in their lives as well. I don't want them to wait as long as I did! And I want them to know that taking care of themselves...physically, emotionally and spiritually is a gift not on... Thank you Nancy…..I too have embraced my quirkiness as I have grown older. It is indeed such a relief to have that feeling of freedom in being comfortable in our own skin. It’s been a journey for me. I am also embracing self-care at this juncture of my life….and I am encouraging my daughters to practice it in their lives as well. I don’t want them to wait as long as I did! And I want them to know that taking care of themselves…physically, emotionally and spiritually is a gift not only to them but to those who love them….and the Universe! It took me way too long to learn that. ~Blessings to you as well my friend ps. You would love Rivvy Neshama!! Perhaps you can give a gift to yourself of her delightful book “Recipes for a Sacred Life”. It’s one that I read over and over again. Lots of wonderful little stories and reflections. She’s a hoot! 🙂 Read More1 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimWhat a great lesson and example to pass on on to your daughters. It is good to hear from you here. And I will check out that book recommendation 🙂 2 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmAgree about this lesson Pilgrim!! I checked Rivvy’s blog today but didn’t have time to see much, but seeing Diane’s answer below I think it could be for me too ???? 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Pilgrim: I believe that you will absolutely love Rivvy…she is an old hippie like us! Her reflections are filled with delightful wisdom and “realness” and humor. Her book has been a gift that keeps on giving to me. ~Blessings to you this day my friend 1 Reply Patjos7 years agoPatjosNot sure if anyone posted this story recently, but Nipun, the founder of Service Space has recently been awarded with an Unsung heroes of compassion award, by the Dalai Lama. Thought that you might like to read. 🙂 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThank you so much for sharing this and what a beautiful reminder of what is important in this world and those out there taking care of those who are suffering and much less fortunate than I. As it stated as Mother Teresa reminded us, is that we belong to each other.” 1 Reply Patjos7 years agoPatjosYes, we keep her Spirit in our hearts, don’t we? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThank you Patjos. I will read this. Have a wonderful day/evening depending on where you are in this world of ours. 1 Reply Patjos7 years agoPatjosI wonder if I could also share a song with you that I’ve just discovered too. It was sung by Muslims and Jews on February 14th this year and it’s called ‘One Day’ – moved me to tears (and prayer!) 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyHow simply joyous and I hope and pray one day too ❤️ The word of the day seems to mimic this as well “Hope is like a road in the country: there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.” 1 Reply Patjos7 years agoPatjosYes, that is so True, and it is our hearts that lead the way. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThank you, Patjos! 1 Reply manda7 years agomanda