Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Aine7 years agoAineHmmm...I wondered why it was silent today in my inbox! Looks like the system stopped alerting me to posts following mine. THANK YOU all for your support in this scary time. I plan to reply to everyone tomorrow as I am fading fast. Just wanted to pop in and say today was better than yesterday. I am still having my moments of anxiety reaction and aftershock, if you will. but I am better. I slept better than my husband last night. He said he felt like he had to be alert to every sound. I hope t... Hmmm…I wondered why it was silent today in my inbox! Looks like the system stopped alerting me to posts following mine. THANK YOU all for your support in this scary time. I plan to reply to everyone tomorrow as I am fading fast. Just wanted to pop in and say today was better than yesterday. I am still having my moments of anxiety reaction and aftershock, if you will. but I am better. I slept better than my husband last night. He said he felt like he had to be alert to every sound. I hope tonight he will sleep better. My keyboard and mouse batteries are also fading fast, so I will see you all tomorrow! Read More2 Reply Sham7 years agoShamOwn your truth. It doesn’t matter if you’re politically dismissive, religiously accepting, gender biased, or color blind. Just own it. Own it with a passion that is undeterred, unrelenting, and unyielding. ‘Cause there will always be more lovin’ (’round the table – pissin n jokin, laughin n moanin – pass the damn rolls!) than hatin’. Simple choice: Pain forever – or – scared for a second? 3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHello Sham, your post has me thinking of good, honest conversation happening around a table where food is shared. I say yes to this. To knowing more and more who I am. Also to deep listening and staying open to growth. Thanks. 2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseAfter some very stressful days with no inner and outer space to join in, greetings to all of you. I feel sorry for having missed sharing. I am grateful for these morning hours before starting my work, where there is room for reading, writing, reflecting. To have free time available to ponder on things is so precious. And if not ponder, just to relax the mind of it´s busy thinking, meditating and try to calm down it´s restless activity. Greetings! 5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineGlad you are back! 😀 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOse🙂 🙂 🙂 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood evening dear Ose.....I am glad that the stress you have been experiencing has abated somewhat. It is always a joy to "see" you here in this sacred space. I hope that your free time of pondering, relaxing, meditating and calm has been a balm for your soul. I had a busy, fulfilling morning and a much needed afternoon nap...and was grateful to have some time this lovely evening for meditation, prayers...and some refreshing tears of release. These times are precious gifts. ~Much love ... Good evening dear Ose…..I am glad that the stress you have been experiencing has abated somewhat. It is always a joy to “see” you here in this sacred space. I hope that your free time of pondering, relaxing, meditating and calm has been a balm for your soul. I had a busy, fulfilling morning and a much needed afternoon nap…and was grateful to have some time this lovely evening for meditation, prayers…and some refreshing tears of release. These times are precious gifts. ~Much love and blessings to you dear friend Read More1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseSending all good vibes for your stabilizing mind and body. Good to know you are looking after yourself, so be well, and feel embraced, dear Diane. 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaIt is so nice to see your smiling face here, dear Ose. And by reading your words, to spend some time in your presence. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThanks, dear grateful sea. Glad to see you here, too. I very much appreciate your always warm and caring comments. 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaAlways glad to read your posts, dear Ose. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGreetings to you, dear Anna, always glad to read yours, too. Have a lovely day! 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmGood to see you dear Ose, thanks for this post to which I realate very much 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThanks to you, dear Palm, for your kind reply! 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineAt the moment, I am sitting peacefully typing and listening to relaxing classical music, (Pachelbel just finished) surrounded by dogs and cat, with my husband snoozing on the sofa. I am grateful to be able to have this moment at all since last night about 2am, someone shot a flare gun through the office window and its storm window. It hit the wall, my desk, and then caught the carpet on fire while we slept. The smoke alarms went off, which alerted us, and my husband was able to put out the ... At the moment, I am sitting peacefully typing and listening to relaxing classical music, (Pachelbel just finished) surrounded by dogs and cat, with my husband snoozing on the sofa. I am grateful to be able to have this moment at all since last night about 2am, someone shot a flare gun through the office window and its storm window. It hit the wall, my desk, and then caught the carpet on fire while we slept. The smoke alarms went off, which alerted us, and my husband was able to put out the smoldering spot. We are all okay, thank God, but we are shaken. Our bedroom is upstairs and on the other side of the house from where this happened, and neither we nor the dogs heard the shot enough to stir. The first alert were the alarms. The office was full of smoke, as was the laundry room, and it was moving outwards from there. It could have been much worse as there was a pile of cardboard boxes just feet away from where it hit. Had they shot in the other window, things might have been much different. That room is next to the steep stairway to get downstairs. Had a fire taken hold, we would have had trouble getting out of the house ourselves, let alone with the dogs and cat. There was a separate incident up in town about fifteen minutes before our house got hit, which they hope will lead to the perpetrators as the old guy across from that house has security cameras all over. We, however, are across from corn stubble and surrounded by fields. No witnesses. I will admit I am alternating between gratitude that what could have been a tragedy is merely a $1000 annoyance, provided our insurance covers it, and some intense anger to have been the target for someone’s foray into what could have caused the loss of our house and lives. I hope we can sleep tonight. I could not after it happened. I have been using all my tools to keep from having it go into physical pain. Thankfully, the authorities are actually interested in bringing the perpetrators to justice. That is a change from our last town. I apologize if this rambled. I am strung out and exhausted. Read More2 Reply manda7 years agomandaOh sweetie Aine, I am sending you much love this night and I am so happy you and your loved ones are safe!! kisses and hugs my friend <3 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeOh my Aine…..I dearly hope that you can get the restorative sleep that you need. Your open heart and willingness to be thankful after such an experience is an inspiration. I will be praying for you and please don’t apologize…you have not rambled, and have every reason to be strung out and exhausted! Sending you love and light and peace. ~Blessings dear friend 1 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimI am so sorry that you had to go through this experience, Aine. But so very glad you are all ok, dear friend. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear Aine, wishing you lots of TLC and calming everything, a hug from here 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDear, Aine, I’m just seeing your post this morning. Blessings on you and your family. Having lived thru a fire in my home many years ago, I can relate to the feelings you must have had, and perhaps still have the day after. A fire is the worst, but any violation of our home shakes one to the core. Angels on high are watching over you and yours my friend and I am hopeful that justice will be served. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseOh dear Aine, fortunately nothing worse happened than “just” money. Not imaginable what could have happened! So happy that you and your loved ones, including the pets are ok so far! Hope that you will soon leave the shock behind you. Have a good rest and recovery! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Aine, I just now came here to see all of you and I read your post. What a frightening experience. I am so grateful that all of you are alright. It reminds of when I was young and my daughter was under two and I awoke to choking because the house was filled with smoke. Someone had broken into the garage through the door to the backyard and stole some things and started a fire before they left. Thankfully we were ok as well. But it was a very frightening experience. Please take care and I hop... Dear Aine, I just now came here to see all of you and I read your post. What a frightening experience. I am so grateful that all of you are alright. It reminds of when I was young and my daughter was under two and I awoke to choking because the house was filled with smoke. Someone had broken into the garage through the door to the backyard and stole some things and started a fire before they left. Thankfully we were ok as well. But it was a very frightening experience. Please take care and I hope you are able to find peaceful sleep tonight ❤️ Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear Aine, I read this only now after having answered to your comment. It surprises me that you were able to post a humorous but also very helpful comment just after having lived through such an awful incident!! You are surrounded by archangels, I am convinced! I can hardly imagine what happened to you. I am so happy that you, your husband, your cats and dogs and other animals are sound and safe!! I wish you a calm night and a good sleep, surrounded by angels! Hugs!! ✨ 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineActually, responding to you helped take me out of me, giving me a break for a moment from the stress and worry of it. In this, your post helped me! I am glad, too. I could never have left my animals in a fire. They are family. 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh dear friend! So glad to have you here with us! Blessings! A big hug. 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaOh my word, dear Aine, I am so very glad you all are safe!!! Blessings, blessings to you. 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaI think today’s ‘Word for the Day’ is made for me, although I do not understand it fully: "Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when you start to make yourself wrong. At that point you could just contemplate the fact that there is a larger alternative to either of those, a more tender, shaky kind of place where you could live." Pema Chödrön Could anyone explain what ‘make yourself right’ and ‘make yourself wrong’ means? Odd... I think today’s ‘Word for the Day’ is made for me, although I do not understand it fully: “Compassionate action starts with seeing yourself when you start to make yourself right and when you start to make yourself wrong. At that point you could just contemplate the fact that there is a larger alternative to either of those, a more tender, shaky kind of place where you could live.” Pema Chödrön Could anyone explain what ‘make yourself right’ and ‘make yourself wrong’ means? Oddly, I have found no proper translation and don’t understand what it really means. Thank you already! I am going through a difficult few days, and at the moment my problems seem to come back again all at once: physically, concerning family and relationship, financially … Despite my affirmation and other practises (have I forgotten gratefulness practises?), I am quite desperate. I am suffering, feeling my ‘faults’, want to be always ‘strong’ but can’t. Everyone in the family pays for it. Guess I need help from heaven! Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaUrsula, you are perfect just the way you are <3 Living in the shakiness is where the beauty of life happens – being ok with where you are right in this moment, a tender heart and deep kindness towards yourself. When you are kind towards yourself this radiates out. Lots of love <3 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDear Ursula, Speaking for myself, I doubt if there is a true definition of making oneself right, or wrong. Speaking as one who is very self critical, if there is wisdom that comes with age, it may be that it's a matter of letting go. Letting go of our burdens and fears, and letting go of self recrimination. I often find that I am much kinder to others, than I am to THenry. At times I've shut God out, or at least pushed him away, thinking I am so unworthy to be loved by Him. Thru the kindness and... Dear Ursula, Speaking for myself, I doubt if there is a true definition of making oneself right, or wrong. Speaking as one who is very self critical, if there is wisdom that comes with age, it may be that it’s a matter of letting go. Letting go of our burdens and fears, and letting go of self recrimination. I often find that I am much kinder to others, than I am to THenry. At times I’ve shut God out, or at least pushed him away, thinking I am so unworthy to be loved by Him. Thru the kindness and caring of others, esp. my children, I’ve come to understand that like no other, He loves unconditionally. I am learning each day to analyze less, to be less self critical, to release feelings deep within and allow God to lead the way. To believe in God, to have faith, means we must trust, not in ourselves, but in His divine wisdom. I know, all this is easier to say than to do. It takes work, but more than that, it takes faith. You are NOT alone my friend. Start small……..maybe once each day, try letting go of something that hurts you, holds you back. One small step……..and remember, like no other, He knows your heart, he loves you, and will never leave you. Read More0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Ursula, I felt just like you that the word for the day today was written for me in mind. The way I interpreted it was being able to acknowledge the things I don’t like about myself that seem to be showing up lately for me. It seemed to say to me to be kind with myself and accept these things I don’t like about myself just as much as the nice things about myself. Both the good and the bad together are what make us whole. Sending you love and hugs ❤️ 0 Reply niels7 years agonielshello Ursula, that quote reminded me of the Rumi poem, The Guest House. Both speak to how to handle good or bad feelings as they enter our person. You handle it some way and by doing so you make yourself right or wrong. There is some wriggle room there I think they are saying. It is us yet we can take some distance, it is something fleeting, we as a person are warmer and older and richer than the feeling that just arrived. It is not exactly to detach from them, just to be somewhat contemplative... hello Ursula, that quote reminded me of the Rumi poem, The Guest House. Both speak to how to handle good or bad feelings as they enter our person. You handle it some way and by doing so you make yourself right or wrong. There is some wriggle room there I think they are saying. It is us yet we can take some distance, it is something fleeting, we as a person are warmer and older and richer than the feeling that just arrived. It is not exactly to detach from them, just to be somewhat contemplative and sympathetic about it. Something like that anyway :\ wishing you all the best with your troubled time, hope the skies will clear again soon. The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice. meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. Be grateful for whatever comes. because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. Read More1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh Ursula, I am so sorry for these challenges you are passing through. I often think of you, especially now, since you don't write a lot in this Lounge. I often wonder wheather you are resting, or you are not so well, as the last time. I read the Quote of the Day during my lunch, so I did't understand so much, because I was not in a good condition for reflecting. Now, I have just read your post and other friends' replies. I feel your exhaustion, dear Ursula...Like other people I would like t... Oh Ursula, I am so sorry for these challenges you are passing through. I often think of you, especially now, since you don’t write a lot in this Lounge. I often wonder wheather you are resting, or you are not so well, as the last time. I read the Quote of the Day during my lunch, so I did’t understand so much, because I was not in a good condition for reflecting. Now, I have just read your post and other friends’ replies. I feel your exhaustion, dear Ursula…Like other people I would like to give you my hug, a hand on your shoulder, a smile. To tell the truth I feel a stressed self judgmental attitude in your words, which brings you to a dark valley. Ursula, you are catholic, like me, yet, sometimes I believe that our tradition has something wrong. Do you know the “Salve Regina” prayer? Do you think we are living in “hac lacrimarum valle” ? No Ursula, to the point someone can state I am a bit of heretic woman, this world is not a “tears valley” we are living in a beautiful world, but we can look at it in different ways, depending on our mood. You can’t control everything and this is what I often repeat to myself. I have noticed that a lot of women try to control everything, maybe because we are used to feel a sense of fault. I have found that when I surrendered to my weakness, I overcame some hard problems. Maybe because, as Saint Paul says, it is just when we are weak that we are strong, or maybe because it is the only way to go out of that weird vicious circle: when we think too much about being victims we are more inclined to think that others are wrong. I often fall in this vicious circle Ursula, but it is possible to go out. Blessings to you Ursula. Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineLiebe Ursula, this quote spoke to me also. Perhaps it may mean something a little different to each according to specific need. Here is my take from where I am: Making ourselves right is, to me, when I engage in that inner dialogue that points out the faults of whoever I am upset as if they have no good to be seen at all. They must be wrong, they must have done it intentionally, they hurt me, they always hurt me, they have a pattern of hurting...and so on down the spiral to Righteous Mis... Liebe Ursula, this quote spoke to me also. Perhaps it may mean something a little different to each according to specific need. Here is my take from where I am: Making ourselves right is, to me, when I engage in that inner dialogue that points out the faults of whoever I am upset as if they have no good to be seen at all. They must be wrong, they must have done it intentionally, they hurt me, they always hurt me, they have a pattern of hurting…and so on down the spiral to Righteous Misery and the coveted Victim of the Year award. ???? Now sometimes, yes, they are indeed wrong, but in those cases, it is usually pretty obvious, and not a position I need to fight to maintain with my inner harangue. If there is a humpback whale in the corner of the living room, chances are you won’t need to point it out to anyone. They will already have noticed. Making myself right is also a way I distance from the other as a way of attempting to minimize or diminish my hurt over the situation or over what I wanted and did not receive from the person in question. To distance is, in some respects, the first step towards dehumanizing, which opens up the field of unproductive behaviors something fierce. We feel much more justified in being nasty to someone we can declare “deserves” it, even if we are appalled by our behavior afterwards. Making myself wrong is usually a sort of twisted power play on my part — it is me making a bid for control in what feels like an uncontrollable situation. If I can make myself wrong, you see, then I can figure out what the problem is and fix ME, so then poof, no problem anymore! The only problem is that it does not work that way. And, frankly, I am not always wrong anymore than I am always right! That has not, however, stopped me from taking on responsibility that was never mine in circumstances I did not create in my desperate bids to make things come out as I wanted. ???? Making myself wrong or making myself right can both be a way of stepping into the role of victim, and we all know that path leads nowhere good! The polarizing Either-Or, black and white effect of making oneself right or wrong simply puts us farther away from solutions that actually WORK, but we do keep trying it, don’t we? ???? That shaky tender place allows for us to feel our feelings while maintaining a position of grace towards ourselves as well as the other. It leaves room for us both to be human, to get hurt, and to work it out more effectively, I think. I am not there by any means, but I find that the more often I can visit this place of gentleness with myself and others, the more I like it…and the more I visit it. Maybe one day I will live there, after all. ???? I hope that explanation helps. It is just from what I have been noticing in myself. Blessings to you, my friend. A nice hug…and have some more linden tea! Very calming! Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you so much, dear Aine! As someone said you DO have a way with words and HUMOUR, and your comparisons don' t fail to make me smile ????!! Actually, your explanation is excellent and I agree! Love the idea of living in the 'shaky' (?) tender place (why shaky?), see you there!! And at the same time I would love to live in a secure and safe place where I can be sure of my health! (but probably it is the same place actually)!!!!! Thank you for the excellent idea, I will go and have a ... Thank you so much, dear Aine! As someone said you DO have a way with words and HUMOUR, and your comparisons don’ t fail to make me smile ????!! Actually, your explanation is excellent and I agree! Love the idea of living in the ‘shaky’ (?) tender place (why shaky?), see you there!! And at the same time I would love to live in a secure and safe place where I can be sure of my health! (but probably it is the same place actually)!!!!! Thank you for the excellent idea, I will go and have a cup of linden tea right now! Read More0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear Ursula, I have been wanting to write to you since the last time you mentioned your challenges, but I was afraid it would not be in line with gratefulness, so all I want to say is that I understand. You are not alone Ursula, family life is challenging for me too, husband and daughter driving me crazy... but I have realised that I am not crazy, THEY ARE (????) and that I have good common sense in spite of everything conspiring to make me believe I don't. One thing that made me see this was to... Dear Ursula, I have been wanting to write to you since the last time you mentioned your challenges, but I was afraid it would not be in line with gratefulness, so all I want to say is that I understand. You are not alone Ursula, family life is challenging for me too, husband and daughter driving me crazy… but I have realised that I am not crazy, THEY ARE (????) and that I have good common sense in spite of everything conspiring to make me believe I don’t. One thing that made me see this was to read my journals from 10 years ago and see with my eyes that this is not something new, it was really an eye opener. Anyways, I love them and do whatever I can but I will never again fall into believing that everything is my fault. As Diane says, we women want to fix and take responsibility for everything… I have to go finish with my daughter’s bath ???? but I will be thinking of you dear friend, a big hug Read More0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear Palm, Thank you for your compassion and encouragement, and let me say that I am on this same journey with you and I wish you all the best!! 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaBless you, dear Ursula. The Word of the Day spoke to me also and I copied it into my journal. I can only say what it feels like to me and perhaps/likely it is far off the original wisdom. That is why I like to put a quote in context (find the paragraph or chapter that it comes in) if I can in those times when I am drawn to something but my understanding is muddy. So I will look for the context later this morning. But right now it strikes me that there is something in what you write that... Bless you, dear Ursula. The Word of the Day spoke to me also and I copied it into my journal. I can only say what it feels like to me and perhaps/likely it is far off the original wisdom. That is why I like to put a quote in context (find the paragraph or chapter that it comes in) if I can in those times when I am drawn to something but my understanding is muddy. So I will look for the context later this morning. But right now it strikes me that there is something in what you write that may be a clue as to why you are drawn to the quote. You say you are feeling your faults. Could it be that in this way, in your mind, you “make yourself wrong?” You also say you want always to be strong and perhaps in this striving, you try to “make yourself right?” Yes, this is suffering. I know it to be true in my own life. Maybe what Pema Chodron is teaching is simply that we must try to resist self-judgement and accept ourselves exactly as we are… not all bad (wrong)… not all good (right). Something like perfectly imperfect. To truly accept this is compassionate. Self-compassion is the antidote to internal suffering. Very much a work in progress for me. Dear Ursula, my heart goes out to you and I hope you find some measure of comfort today here in this sacred space and all around. I want to thank you, because your questions have helped me. Sending wishes that you are surrounded by/filled with loving kindness. Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear grateful sea, Thank you so much for your helpful and empathic comments! Actually, I was thinking something similar to what you are writing. And self compassion seems to be one of the clues I am desperately looking for (actually I dreamt about lost keys not so long ago, repeatedly!!) And self compassion is a concept I have met more than once recently as well. Thank you for your good wishes and blessings, they do help for sure! Blessings back to you! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeAlso Ursula…I think what Pema Chodron is suggesting is that we should be careful of labeling ourselves as “right” or “wrong” in any given situation. Perhaps we should be more compassionate with ourselves instead of self-critical and judgmental. I wonder if this quote was offered here as another “help from heaven” for you? ~Sending you love and light and a virtual hug my friend 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you, Diane, for your answer! This is what I thought, too, actually! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDearest Ursula....I am hurting for you and will be praying for you throughout the day. I'm so sorry for the challenging time you are going through and wish that I could be with you and give you a big hug of reassurance that all will be well and that "this too shall pass" I want to offer just a small bit of encouragement to you not be so hard on yourself dear Ursula. Us women put such a burden on ourselves by feeling that we always have to be strong. Please remember that you are being ... Dearest Ursula….I am hurting for you and will be praying for you throughout the day. I’m so sorry for the challenging time you are going through and wish that I could be with you and give you a big hug of reassurance that all will be well and that “this too shall pass” I want to offer just a small bit of encouragement to you …do not be so hard on yourself dear Ursula. Us women put such a burden on ourselves by feeling that we always have to be strong. Please remember that you are being held gently in the palm of God’s hand and that you are loved unconditionally and eternally. This piece of scripture comes to my mind….I hope that it is a bit of “help from heaven” for you: ” My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness” 2Corinthians 12:9 ~Blessings dear friend Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear friend Diane, Thank you so much for your immediate answer and for your prayers throughout the day! They will help me for sure! I have some health worries (actually with some pain a big fear has come back which is a burden) ... But tonight I lost my Sunny in the woods and thought she never would come back, and then my son joined me to look for her ... and at the moment we were approaching St. Anthony's together, we saw her between the bushes! We were so happy to have her again and it was... Dear friend Diane, Thank you so much for your immediate answer and for your prayers throughout the day! They will help me for sure! I have some health worries (actually with some pain a big fear has come back which is a burden) … But tonight I lost my Sunny in the woods and thought she never would come back, and then my son joined me to look for her … and at the moment we were approaching St. Anthony’s together, we saw her between the bushes! We were so happy to have her again and it was evident that she was, to have us back, too! So then I said to myself: My good health has now been away for a long time, although God blessed me with much strength which surprises me, and with a good physical condition despite my health troubles. And full health will surprisingly come back, although I might not see it or even believe it sometimes, just as Sunny appeared in the bushes! ☀ Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaGrateful for heart-full birthday celebrations these past few days and being surrounded by such love and laughter! Jack bear and I enjoyed a walk yesterday - or partly run as bear wanted to run with the runner on our path. I was laughing so hard because I am not fond of running, and sucking in my stomach so tightly to protect surgical healing. Today, I shall do some inversions and be upside down for a bit :) Grateful for my small intestine communicating properly with my digestion after eati... Grateful for heart-full birthday celebrations these past few days and being surrounded by such love and laughter! Jack bear and I enjoyed a walk yesterday – or partly run as bear wanted to run with the runner on our path. I was laughing so hard because I am not fond of running, and sucking in my stomach so tightly to protect surgical healing. Today, I shall do some inversions and be upside down for a bit 🙂 Grateful for my small intestine communicating properly with my digestion after eating far too much cake and sugar delights. Grateful to spend the afternoon with two of my fave small friends! Our world can go through such devastation of people, plants, animals, seas, etc. – but staying with the hope, love, and joy is healing and softens my brow, eye smiles, and soft belly <3 Lots of love to you and your loved ones; love to you beautiful world <3 Read More2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyHappy belated birthday Manda. Sounds like you celebrated your birthday in a wonderful way. It is true staying with hope, love and joy is healing. My yoga practice on Sunday was all done through love that we all sent out to the world. All the love that we shared during our practice embraced me so much as well and it was indeed very healing. I hope you have a wonderful birthday year ❤️ 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweet Nancy, thank you my dear for your lovely bday wishes! I love that you honor love to our world on your mat 🙂 Breathing in love, breathing out love <3 I have become quite fascinated with making my own practice these days and my first crow pose yesterday since surgery! The rest of my practice was perfectly falling over and giggling 🙂 Lots of love friend <3 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHello Manda. Since your last post on the documentary We Speak Dance, I have been thinking... and came to remember a special experience I had at the ashram where I used to live. An experience with Dances of Universal Peace! Are you familiar with? A spiritual practice of singing and dancing the sacred phrases of the world's religions with the intention of raising consciousness and promoting peace. One Joy. I am happy to be reminded, thank you(!), to seek this again. Right now I feel like do... Hello Manda. Since your last post on the documentary We Speak Dance, I have been thinking… and came to remember a special experience I had at the ashram where I used to live. An experience with Dances of Universal Peace! Are you familiar with? A spiritual practice of singing and dancing the sacred phrases of the world’s religions with the intention of raising consciousness and promoting peace. One Joy. I am happy to be reminded, thank you(!), to seek this again. Right now I feel like doing a little jig my cat taught me. And I light a happy birthday candle in my heart for all that you are, dear. Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweetie grateful sea, I am not! But I would love a link if you have one to learning more about this Dance of Universal Peace – warms my heart just to think of people dancing around the world (if this indeed is what happens) honoring our sensational world and everything that lives harmoniously together (my hope!). Ooh a jig taught by your cat – that sounds delightful! Love to you dear friend <3 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHappy Day dear Manda!! When you have Hope, then Peace, Joy, & Love are right around the corner. These blessings may arrive on your doorstep in many forms. A light summer breeze, rain on the roof, a rippling brook, first snow, last falling leaf of Autumn, stars, new moon, laughter of a child, wheat fields, first light, eagle’s flight, Jack bear’s head on your lap. Wishing you these images and sending hugs 2 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet THenry for this beautiful poetry descriptive post! How are you feeling today? Eagle’s flight is just magical and so is this incredible world we get to share with so many! Warms my heart and I hope to live each day honoring her beauty and leaving graceful tracks that do no harm. Hugs and love to you my friend <3 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHappy birthday, dear Manda! ???? 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet Ursula! xx 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Manda: My Arizona-moved-to-Colorado daughter had a weekend full of birthday celebrations as well! ???? Her actual birthday is tomorrow, the 19th. Among a host of other things, she and her fiance and a group of their best buddies went to a “Beer and Girl Scout Cookies” event at a local Denver pub! I couldn’t tell from your post if it is your birthday or if you were celebrating others? It makes me smile to think that you and my daughter may share the same birthday month! Lots of love... Dear Manda: My Arizona-moved-to-Colorado daughter had a weekend full of birthday celebrations as well! ???? Her actual birthday is tomorrow, the 19th. Among a host of other things, she and her fiance and a group of their best buddies went to a “Beer and Girl Scout Cookies” event at a local Denver pub! I couldn’t tell from your post if it is your birthday or if you were celebrating others? It makes me smile to think that you and my daughter may share the same birthday month! Lots of love to you (and maybe Happy Birthday wishes?) Manda! Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaHurray cutie Diane! Yes, my bday was the 15th and I turned 41 and happy birthday to your daughter! 🙂 So much to be grateful for in this lovely life I get to breath <3 Beer and Girl Scout cookies sounds quite fun! I had wine, bday cookie cake and ice cream, pizza, more cake, more wine, movie date, walks with the bear, and a delicious two hour nap these past few days! My life is full of abundant love! Lots of love to you my friend <3 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Manda do you celebrate your birthday? My best wishes sweetie Manda, feel embraced. A kiss dear friend! 2 Reply manda7 years agomandaCara Anna, I do! Thank you sweet Anna for the kiss and embrace – sending this warmth to your little nook of the world dear friend <3 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI am tired but wanted to check in here and visit you all. I find I think of you dear souls during my days, even when I cannot make it in here. What a blessing you all are! Oddly enough, no one in our book group had slept well last night. I wonder if any of us will remember the discussion next time! I am grateful to have this group. The members are pretty amazingly on the same page, so it is small but a safe space. I am grateful for our friends' Standard Poodles, too, who help host the bo... I am tired but wanted to check in here and visit you all. I find I think of you dear souls during my days, even when I cannot make it in here. What a blessing you all are! Oddly enough, no one in our book group had slept well last night. I wonder if any of us will remember the discussion next time! I am grateful to have this group. The members are pretty amazingly on the same page, so it is small but a safe space. I am grateful for our friends’ Standard Poodles, too, who help host the book club. Both are quite fond of me, so I am always greeted like a long lost buddy. I get the canine equivalent of a ticker tape parade whenever I arrive. I am grateful to have enough health now to have a busy weekend. That was not always so, and rather recently. What a blessing it is to have the money now to be able to say I was too tired to think of getting home after our normal dinner time and then cooking anyway. That, too, is a recent blessing. We stopped for a yummy meal at Chipotle. I love how they have write ups on their paper products that introduce you to the farmers from whom they source so we can be grateful for them, too. I am grateful for a peaceful evening in which to wind down surrounded by love. And I shall be very grateful for my comfy bed in not too long. Such ordinary things, but how inestmably precious! Good night, sweet people! May your dreams be as sweet as you are! Read More3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Aine, thank you, that even in your tiredness, you stop by here to share the good happening in your life. I smile to think of those big poodle dogs greeting you with a ‘ticker tape parade’ of wagging tails and lolling tongues. Blessings of such energies to you today. 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimA response to your post below, Aine, and your beautiful words of peace and what we can do, along with so many other wonderful words posted here. I have had on my heart multiple times each day the words of St. Francis: "make me a channel (instrument) of your peace ...", the lyrics of John Lennon's "Imagine", and yesterday found (again) these words of Etty Hillesum quoted in Sabbath by Wayne Muller. She wrote them from a concentration camp: "Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim larg... A response to your post below, Aine, and your beautiful words of peace and what we can do, along with so many other wonderful words posted here. I have had on my heart multiple times each day the words of St. Francis: “make me a channel (instrument) of your peace …”, the lyrics of John Lennon’s “Imagine”, and yesterday found (again) these words of Etty Hillesum quoted in Sabbath by Wayne Muller. She wrote them from a concentration camp: “Ultimately, we have just one moral duty: to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves, more and more peace, and reflect it towards others. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will also be in our troubled world.” There is a lovely song by David Haas (available on youtube) with the words: “Peace before us, peace behind us, peace under our feet. Peace within us, peace over us, let all around us be peace.” I guess I got tired of being angry, the kind of anger that is non-productive, and called in all the words of peace I could (some from my hippie days), and am making these a bit of a mantra. Read More3 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Pilgrim...thank you for sharing all these beautiful sources of peace that have helped you during these troubled days. From one "old hippie" to another, I'd like to share one that has always touched me deeply. It is a song from Woody Guthrie called "My Peace". My favorite version always moves me to tears....Pete Seeger singing along with The Weavers on a tribute to Woody album that I am blessed to own. "My peace my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you My peace is all I ever... Dear Pilgrim…thank you for sharing all these beautiful sources of peace that have helped you during these troubled days. From one “old hippie” to another, I’d like to share one that has always touched me deeply. It is a song from Woody Guthrie called “My Peace”. My favorite version always moves me to tears….Pete Seeger singing along with The Weavers on a tribute to Woody album that I am blessed to own. “My peace my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you My peace is all I ever had that’s all I ever knew I give my peace to green and black and red and white and blue My peace my peace is all I’ve got that I can give to you. My peace, my peace is all I’ve got and all I’ve ever known My peace is worth a thousand times more than anything I own I pass my peace around and about ‘cross hands of every hue; I guess my peace is justa ‘bout all I’ve got to give to you ~Blessings for a peace-filled day my friend Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaPilgrim, Palm, let me repeat: I guess I got tired of being angry, the kind of anger that is non-productive…” Thank you dear Pilgrim for reminding Etty Hillesum. Thank you for your wise post. I have to learn. Again, this communuty is really a sacred group of dear souls. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmOh dear Pilgrim, “I guess I got tired of being angry, the kind of anger that is non-productive”, with you…. 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThank you Palm and Grateful Sea for your beautiful pictures reminding today Word of the day. Thank you Diane and THenry for your wise and wholehearted reflections. I am not in US, but like you, I believe that our world needs small acts of kindness everywhere. Maybe it is most necessay in those countries where everybody would think it is not. I live in a little country, you know it. It is part of the so called western society, and it is going through a great cultural challenge. So, here we are,... Thank you Palm and Grateful Sea for your beautiful pictures reminding today Word of the day. Thank you Diane and THenry for your wise and wholehearted reflections. I am not in US, but like you, I believe that our world needs small acts of kindness everywhere. Maybe it is most necessay in those countries where everybody would think it is not. I live in a little country, you know it. It is part of the so called western society, and it is going through a great cultural challenge. So, here we are, each of us with a different background, but the same focus. I would like that, through this site, we could give a little contribution, walking together on the path of this universal desire. Read More3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Anna, I love how you say this — here we are, each of us with a different background, walking together on the path of this universal desire. I am so grateful. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear Anna, only after reading your post did I realise that the image iscrelated to the word of the day I mentioned, how woderful ! And thanks for your beautiful words 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHello Diane, I can almost taste the pizza, and I can feel the warmth and comfort as you gather with other regulars for a meal and music. I picture in my mind the kind of town many long for, away from city lights, and yet connected to others in just the right way. Along with our collective aches and pains, we do indeed have blessings others do not. Log on the fire, roof above, a warm comfortable bed, hot soup, afternoon tea. I too have volunteered, and the reward goes deep to the heart. I em... Hello Diane, I can almost taste the pizza, and I can feel the warmth and comfort as you gather with other regulars for a meal and music. I picture in my mind the kind of town many long for, away from city lights, and yet connected to others in just the right way. Along with our collective aches and pains, we do indeed have blessings others do not. Log on the fire, roof above, a warm comfortable bed, hot soup, afternoon tea. I too have volunteered, and the reward goes deep to the heart. I embraced the sun today, for the first time in a while. It was brisk, but it made me feel so alive to get out there again amongst the trees and critters. I feel blessed to be on the mend, enough so that I can venture out and marvel at the wonders He has bestowed upon us. I love the quote from Mother Teresa. Perhaps the best we can do in these time of chaos, is to render small, random acts of love and kindness to one another, especially the children. Thank you for sharing Diane…………and Blessings to one and all this day Read More1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHello THenry, I am glad to hear that you feel well enough to be out and about for a bit today. Sunshine is so healing. Here we’ve had a long stretch of gray, rainy days. Today freezing rain, but yesterday nearly 70 degrees F and signs of spring on its way — a flock of robins in the cow pasture, a groundhog nosing around in the garden spot, and spring peepers calling from flooded fields. Sending you warm wishes for a lovely, late winter afternoon. 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryGood morning Grateful and all dear friends. I awoke to several inches of snow and a beautiful blue sky. Time to clear a path and pay a visit to the world outside my door before the white turns to gray, or sooty black. Time to feed the critters and watch them dance thru a winter scene, from birch to pine. Time to give thanks for my sight, although diminished with the passing of time. Thanks for the sounds of this winter's day, from the smallest chipmunk, to the hawk soaring so high. Each day ... Good morning Grateful and all dear friends. I awoke to several inches of snow and a beautiful blue sky. Time to clear a path and pay a visit to the world outside my door before the white turns to gray, or sooty black. Time to feed the critters and watch them dance thru a winter scene, from birch to pine. Time to give thanks for my sight, although diminished with the passing of time. Thanks for the sounds of this winter’s day, from the smallest chipmunk, to the hawk soaring so high. Each day is a new story, or perhaps a poem waiting to spring from the eye, from the heart to share with a friend. I will embrace today, for looking ahead, I see temps reaching 70 by mid week, with rain washing away winter’s magic. Such as it is in New England. Happy trails my dear friends. May today be kind and loving to you, and please share your gift of love and caring with others whose paths you cross. Read More1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning lovely people So grateful for the yummy authentic Italian pizza and live music by a local musician last night at our favorite little family-owned restaurant. We have become regulars and it's nice to be recognized when we arrive! 2 years ago we moved to rural farmland after living in our small suburban town for 33 years. Both of our daughters went to the elementary schools there. Our older daughter was the recreational softball team's star pitcher. And I was a teacher in th... Good morning lovely people So grateful for the yummy authentic Italian pizza and live music by a local musician last night at our favorite little family-owned restaurant. We have become regulars and it’s nice to be recognized when we arrive! 2 years ago we moved to rural farmland after living in our small suburban town for 33 years. Both of our daughters went to the elementary schools there. Our older daughter was the recreational softball team’s star pitcher. And I was a teacher in the middle school and on the library board of trustees. Needless to say…..there wasn’t a place I could go in town without running into someone who knew me! At times it felt a bit suffocating and the anonymity that I had when we moved here was so liberating! But, now……I find that I am tickled when I go somewhere and am recognized and even greeted by name! The pharmacy, the hair salon, the library, even my favorite cashier at the supermarket! Surprisingly delightful 🙂 So grateful for the hot stone deep tissue massage that I gifted to myself yesterday. The therapist remarked how my muscles respond so happily to the warmth! She was able to get deeper into the myofascia once they relaxed, bringing me some relief from the fibromyalgia pain I have been experiencing this winter. Grateful to see Brother Sun shining so bright and strong this cold winter morning and all of the means that I have to keep my muscles warm and cozy. When I find myself getting all grumpy and whiny about the cold, I think about all of those who don’t have what I do…simple things like a scarf around my neck or a warm blanket right out of the dryer. or a steaming cup of herbal tea. Things that I can so easily take for granted. I’m grateful for the opportunity to spend a few hours this week volunteering at our local Meals on Wheels. Having retired from full time teaching, I have the time and energy to offer to the beautiful work that they do at MOW….assembling and delivering meals to the elderly in need in our community. Most of the volunteers are older folk themselves and I found myself feeling a little weepy at the sight of these gentle folk working with such joy to help others. I am honored to be a small part of their efforts. I will finish by saying that despite all of the above, my heart is heavy. Another school shooting in this country has filled me with overwhelming anxiety and fear. My reaction to the news was so strong that my husband intercepted our paper delivery so that I wouldn’t be confronted with the headlines. Through guided meditation I have tried to sit with the fear, accepting it and not trying to change it. Writing and sharing with all of you for the things I am grateful for is healing. It has been a very dark couple of days. I am overwhelmed by the powerlessness I feel. Perhaps I need to hang on to the words of Mother Teresa: “We cannot all do great things, but we can all do small things with great love.” I may feel powerless to have any great effect on this violence, but I can be intentional with small acts of love and kindness as I go about my days. Perhaps they will not be so “small” after all. So grateful for the love and kindness that is always available to us here in this sacred space. ~Blessings and comfort to you all, dear friends. Read More1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Diane, I offer you a hug and some hot tea, and the warmth of shared grief. One more heartbreaking loss. How are we ever to find the right answers to such tragedies when our leaders cannot even seem to ask the right questions? In the face of such overwhelming situations, I think you and THenry and Mother Teresa are right. I think that all we really can do is the next right thing wherever we are. We are not called to make every place better; the job would be too huge, and we wo... Dear Diane, I offer you a hug and some hot tea, and the warmth of shared grief. One more heartbreaking loss. How are we ever to find the right answers to such tragedies when our leaders cannot even seem to ask the right questions? In the face of such overwhelming situations, I think you and THenry and Mother Teresa are right. I think that all we really can do is the next right thing wherever we are. We are not called to make every place better; the job would be too huge, and we would quit in frustration and despair. Rather, we are stewards of where we are, trusting that every positive act we put into our part of the web will reverberate to all the other parts as well, in ways we cannot imagine. Every act that works toward calm and peace, justice and mercy, compassion and kindness benefits the whole. Every prayer, every meditation session, every bit of work we do on healing our own hurts counts as well. Every bit of volunteering, each smile extended to a stranger, every compliment, held door, or clasped hand, all add up to more loving energy in the world. The healing touch of your massage therapist as well as your taking gentle care of yourself that way also work for the greater good because then you have more energy and ability to share more love in tangible ways. In Christian terms, it is being Christ’s hands in the world, reaching to all in love. In more general words, it is simply loving the world. And goodness knows it needs more of that. Read More2 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh Aine, your words are like a balm. Yes Aine we need good words, like bread. Do you notice? This is the Gospel of the first Lent Sunday. It is so appreciated....lately I am thinking a lot of these hard you really think that every act of kindness towards ourselves is an act toward the world too? Yes, yes you are right, with Diane, THenry, Pilgrim, because the peace we have in our heart can be brought outside. People need a meaning in their lives, they "see" when another is serene, ... Oh Aine, your words are like a balm. Yes Aine we need good words, like bread. Do you notice? This is the Gospel of the first Lent Sunday. It is so appreciated….lately I am thinking a lot of these hard times…do you really think that every act of kindness towards ourselves is an act toward the world too? Yes, yes you are right, with Diane, THenry, Pilgrim, because the peace we have in our heart can be brought outside. People need a meaning in their lives, they “see” when another is serene, patient, not in a continuous hurry…maybe a kind look, a kind smile, reveal the true soul. Humanity, wholeheartedness count more than what we can imagine. Read More0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmWhat a beautiful and useful reflection, thanks, desr Aine ! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaGood morning, dear Diane. I am very much with you in heavy-heartedness of the past few days. I thank you for your beautiful reflection. Yes, being here in this space is healing. I am grateful. Blessings to you. 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaWord of the Day: We arrive empty handed, and leave empty handed. So then, how do we want to spend the time in between? (Nimo) To be the change I want to see in the world. Peace in every step. 3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seap.s. I hope everyone knows about Nimo. He is a wonderful, open-hearted musician offering his art as a labor of love through the non-profit Empty Hands Music. He lives at Gandhi Ashram and works with street kids. His music and videos have been such an inspiration to me. You can find his beautiful song/video “Grateful: A Love Song” and learn more right here on this site (just type Nimo into the search box). 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmBeautiful, thank you grateful sea, I was thinking recently about this picture that my daughter found quite a while ago and I though you may like it 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineLovely! 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThank you, dear Palm, it is beautiful. The light! And the mystery of it. I see her as a dandelion flower gone to seed/ a magical tree such as baobab/ a dancer holding aloft a tumbleweed so prevalent in the high desert where I used to live. She is all three. Or whoever else she wants to be. Also, thank you again, my friend, for sharing the inner peace masterclass. My internet connection at home in the past weeks has mostly been either "down" or so VERY slow so that watching video clips i... Thank you, dear Palm, it is beautiful. The light! And the mystery of it. I see her as a dandelion flower gone to seed/ a magical tree such as baobab/ a dancer holding aloft a tumbleweed so prevalent in the high desert where I used to live. She is all three. Or whoever else she wants to be. Also, thank you again, my friend, for sharing the inner peace masterclass. My internet connection at home in the past weeks has mostly been either “down” or so VERY slow so that watching video clips is impossible. Still, I was able to watch a few (wholly or in parts). Fr. Rohr remains a stand-out. I also resonated with Spring Washam. Both I look forward to learning more from. Read More1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear grateful sea, I love what you saw in the picture! And I am glad that the masterclass was valuable to you, your highlights were mines as well and I appreciate your narrowing down my friend ! 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineYes, a dandelion! I saw that, too, but baobab works as well,! 2 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDearest friends, I wrote this poem on Dec. 16, 2012, two days after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Sadly, we as a country have done very little to stem the tide of mass violence. I'm not here weighing in with political comment. There is much I could say, and so much more we as a nation could do. For the moment, my one prayer is for God to grant those in power the courage necessary to take the first bold step. God Bless those we lost in Parkland, Fla. this ... Dearest friends, I wrote this poem on Dec. 16, 2012, two days after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Sadly, we as a country have done very little to stem the tide of mass violence. I’m not here weighing in with political comment. There is much I could say, and so much more we as a nation could do. For the moment, my one prayer is for God to grant those in power the courage necessary to take the first bold step. God Bless those we lost in Parkland, Fla. this work was dedicated to the lives cut short at Sandy Hook Unbearable Sorrow I have no words Only tears I have no answers The questions no longer matter My heart breaks Little faces smiling When they were, Who they were We will never know What brightness They would bring into this world Their light no longer shines Save in our hearts We remember their names We pray for their parents Another candle light vigil A country asks why God, heal us Dear Father Show us the way T Henry December 16, 2012 Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineYour poem captures it perfectly. Thank you. 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThank you all for speaking of this here. It is something I can’t find words for. 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI wish I had the answer to stop this violence but I don’t. So, I will pray with you to grant those in power the courage necessary to take the first bold step. I can say that my broken heart is so full of fear for my granddaughter going to school. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ???? 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear Nancy, this is truly heart breaking and scary, and I join in prayers. Beutiful and moving words THenry. I have just seem a post on Glennon Doyle’s facebook page, pointing to actions that can be taken, which could help deal with the feeling of despair. I am not in the US but as the recent word of the day “you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars” and I believe we are all affected. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Palm – thank you for the link to Glennon Doyle’s facebook page. I watched it and I am grateful for the ways Glennon offered to seek change in our country to end this violence. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalm❤️???? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh dear Nancy! What has happened is a great sorrow for the victims’ parents, for other students and teachers, and a worry for every mother and grandmother. I hold you and your country in my heart, joining THenry in his prayer. It is a challenge. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ Thank you, Anna. 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you, THenry! 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOps…. I have had some issues in posting my reflection below. I don’t know what has happened. I can’t remove or correct it. I fear that …if I will try again… I will fill this space with mistakes… So I only tell you the Title: “Tundra” (by Ola Gjeilo), BYU Women’sChorus . You will find it ion YouTube. For all my friendS here, sorry for the “s” of the plural I had forgotten here below????☺️ 2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI could not get the link to play. ☹️ I do not know why. 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaSo sorry dear Aine….i am not such a nerd…..!!! I am not able to help you! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaCara Anna, thank you for this. I have had the gift of spending time in such snowswept wilderness and I will never forget. May these places remain so. Oh, sacred expanse. I found especially beautiful Silvestri’s lyrics, which were inspired by the landscape of composer Gjeilo’s native Norway. Wide, worn and weathered, Sacred expanse Of green and white and granite grey; Snowy patches strewn, Anchored to the craggy earth, Unmoving; While clouds dance Across the vast, eternal sky. 2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBeautiful. ❤️ 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalm❤️ Sublime 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Anna – thank you for sharing this. It was a treat for my eyes and ears. It gave me goosebumps❤️ 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaGood evening dear friend! Speaking about mountains, pines, snow…I would share this video, a sing in the snow by a chorus of young women. Only women….!!!! An anticipation for next month women celebration!!! I hope you can enjoy it….obviously, it is also for men! 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryMorning dear friends. As always, my spirits are lifted whenever I walk thru the Lounge door. Nancy, Sedona sounds wonderful. It's been too many years since I was last there. My stop there was part of a cross country journey when my daughter Meghan moved to Santa Monica, Ca.. What a wonderful road trip!! Aine, the John Weiss of the old man and his Lab walking in the snow is so a time capsule photo of THenry and his pup (although my pal was just a wee bit in comparison). ... Morning dear friends. As always, my spirits are lifted whenever I walk thru the Lounge door. Nancy, Sedona sounds wonderful. It’s been too many years since I was last there. My stop there was part of a cross country journey when my daughter Meghan moved to Santa Monica, Ca.. What a wonderful road trip!! Aine, the John Weiss of the old man and his Lab walking in the snow is so beautiful…… a time capsule photo of THenry and his pup (although my pal was just a wee bit in comparison). Counting my blessings……my wonderful daughters, my grandchildren, my docs helping to get me back in the game, and of course my Gratitude Lounge family. Love and blessings this day to each and everyone. My wish for you dear ones…..rise and meet each day with the strength and courage that He provides. Your burden will never be more than He will allow you to carry. In Him you will find rest, sanctuary, and peace for the physical and spiritual you. Read More4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhat kind of pup was your Pepper, THenry? I first found John Weiss' artwork through the Lang calendar For the Love of Dogs. As I am a longtime dogoholic, I had to have it. ???? I once took a picture of my husband patting our old Labrador's head whole sitting on the porch of a cabin in West Virginia. The dog had his head back, neck reaching in pure pleasure for more attention -- such love flowing between both. It has been just over eleven years since we lost that pup at nearly fourteen, and w... What kind of pup was your Pepper, THenry? I first found John Weiss’ artwork through the Lang calendar For the Love of Dogs. As I am a longtime dogoholic, I had to have it. ???? I once took a picture of my husband patting our old Labrador’s head whole sitting on the porch of a cabin in West Virginia. The dog had his head back, neck reaching in pure pleasure for more attention — such love flowing between both. It has been just over eleven years since we lost that pup at nearly fourteen, and we still miss him. Now the Lab mix pups he sent us are just turned eight. Wow. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and got a walk in! Boost those endorphins! Thank you for such a beautiful wish, THenry. I was just having this discussion with Him the other day while sitting in a sunbeam, saying I am willing to tackle these new, and often confusing, tasks but also expressing how very tired I am. The reassurance was similar to your lovely words, in essence that God is not into trying us above our capabilities, and that He did indeed know. Have you ever run across the verse in Psalms that speaks of how God will not break a bent reed? Such a lovely tender image. Read More