Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Anna7 years agoAnnaHi dear souls, I am writing here after a reflection on Pilgrims's post, that I would like to share with you. Forgive me if it is too much long. First of all, dear Pilgrim! I didn't realized that you have an issue with your hand, and that is even painful so that you can't use it...I am so sorry! Knowing that, I appreciate your post as a special gift! I know the problem with food: I have a recurrent issue due to my hiatal hernia that causes me reflux. This reflux is particularly boring during s... Hi dear souls, I am writing here after a reflection on Pilgrims’s post, that I would like to share with you. Forgive me if it is too much long. First of all, dear Pilgrim! I didn’t realized that you have an issue with your hand, and that is even painful so that you can’t use it…I am so sorry! Knowing that, I appreciate your post as a special gift! I know the problem with food: I have a recurrent issue due to my hiatal hernia that causes me reflux. This reflux is particularly boring during some months, such as May and June, October and November. I tried acupuncture, but now the best solution is a special treatment by an osteopath and a kinesiologist. Every day I do some exercises, twenty minutes of breathing and moving diaphragma. It is a path to healing, and the best result is that I can manage the issue and especially the problem with the vowel cords, that were affected by this reflux… But the most important aspect of this progressive healing is that I have learnt to take care of my stomach. Eating. I have always ate, I love good recipes, but I have often had a bad habits during my lunch time. I did not eat enaugh, and the reason I always told myself was “I had no time, I had to go, I am late”, from a company to another, this is my work….as if I had to find the real fault in my boss…. It was my responsibility to chose. I was bad with myself, like in a complicated psycologic game where I was punishing myself so that I can show Anna like a victim. The result was that…..I had even difficulties in singing at my choir. Now, without changing my job, I have shifted my habits. I stop, I eat what can satisfy my hunger, I come here in this site, I read the posts… I ENJOY my lunch! wow! And maybe thank to the breathing exercises and other kind of exercises taught by a singing teacher, I can even sing better than before! As to the headaches , Aine, they are a systematic issue that maybe a lot of women know. Now I am taking a hormonal drug to lessen the heat waves that cause me fainting (while driving…. I can’t allow this) yet, the headaches love me soooo much! A big hug to everyone here!❤️???????????? Read More3 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDearest Anna….I am so happy to read that you are practicing self-care and feeling the results. You have some very wise insights and awareness that I’m sure are healing you as well. Thank you for inspiring me to do the same. And how wonderful that you are continuing to sing! Anna….do you know this saying by St. Augustine? “He who sings, prays twice”. I imagine the angels smiling when you sing Anna. ~Blessings…….e un abbraccio mi amica 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhat an added blessing that your healing helps your singing even more! It is so important to find what works for us as we are all so different! Did you try acupuncture along with the drug for the hormonal issues? Hormonal problems were why I was sent to acupuncture by an obgyn doctor many years ago. Acupuncturists vary, too. I have had two acupuncturists who helped me enormously -- and two who helped some but to a lesser degree. Like any profession, some are more adept and gifted than othe... What an added blessing that your healing helps your singing even more! It is so important to find what works for us as we are all so different! Did you try acupuncture along with the drug for the hormonal issues? Hormonal problems were why I was sent to acupuncture by an obgyn doctor many years ago. Acupuncturists vary, too. I have had two acupuncturists who helped me enormously — and two who helped some but to a lesser degree. Like any profession, some are more adept and gifted than others. My husband is also one who works through lunch. He is not very good at taking space for himself, though he is learning. He and I have always been better at pleasing others than pleasing ourselves. Many blessings to you, and I hope you enjoyed your lunch! Read More0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaCiao Anna, if you want to try something in addition, I recommend you some affirmations secondo Louise Hay! I have fiund a site in Italian:, and if you look for "affirmazioni Louise Hay mal di testa" you can find even a page from that site especially referring to headache and migraine! I have bought a small book with affirmations by Louise, following the symptoms you have, which is not expensive and very helpful! I know that there is even an affirmation for hernia, too! I'm s... Ciao Anna, if you want to try something in addition, I recommend you some affirmations secondo Louise Hay! I have fiund a site in Italian:, and if you look for “affirmazioni Louise Hay mal di testa” you can find even a page from that site especially referring to headache and migraine! I have bought a small book with affirmations by Louise, following the symptoms you have, which is not expensive and very helpful! I know that there is even an affirmation for hernia, too! I’m sure that it exists also “in italiano”. Blessings and be well! ???? Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThe title is “Heal your body” both in English and German! 0 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaGreat news Anna!! Enjoying the lunch its soooo good! 🙂 I started a special treatment by an osteopath too! I felt better. Lovely hug 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Anna-bird, I am truly happy that you are able to sing even sweeter than before! I hope you don't mind me calling you "bird." I mean it in the best way, as a term of endearment, as I love birds so. Their beautiful songs fill me with joy! What are you singing now with your choir? As Nancy has said, I am glad you are taking care of yourself. Like you, for many years I let the pressures of my work keep me from eating properly during the day. Now I find that food is not only one of my... Dear Anna-bird, I am truly happy that you are able to sing even sweeter than before! I hope you don’t mind me calling you “bird.” I mean it in the best way, as a term of endearment, as I love birds so. Their beautiful songs fill me with joy! What are you singing now with your choir? As Nancy has said, I am glad you are taking care of yourself. Like you, for many years I let the pressures of my work keep me from eating properly during the day. Now I find that food is not only one of my greatest pleasures, but also the most powerful medicine. So grateful. Read More2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Anna – I am glad you are taking care of yourself ???? 1 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimDear Anna, I am so glad for you that you have found ways to monitor and enjoy your eating, and still be able to sing. Music is SUCH a beautiful gift, for oneself and for others, a most wondrous expression. So may you enjoy your gift! I have had to learn to eat for health and a peaceful gut, not always or even often for taste. Though one’s tastes can change, or at least adapt, according to what is kind to one’s tolerances. It can be a long and winding road. You are worth it, my friend. 3 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaSome days ago, I received an great idea and I decided to do the experience with my students. The idea is: get glass jar and include inside, good memories. The task: write good things that happened and put inside the jar; written in the small pieces of paper. Today, a Director of a company visited us in order to minister a lecture. We show him our jar with good things. He loved the idea! He took a picture and told us that he are going to share this idea with another people in other companies... Some days ago, I received an great idea and I decided to do the experience with my students. The idea is: get glass jar and include inside, good memories. The task: write good things that happened and put inside the jar; written in the small pieces of paper. Today, a Director of a company visited us in order to minister a lecture. We show him our jar with good things. He loved the idea! He took a picture and told us that he are going to share this idea with another people in other companies. I’m so happy! The idea is exactly this! Share good things! I’m grateful for the opportunity to be an educator. I really love my students. Read More 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineBeautiful jar of goodness and what a lovely way to share this practice with your students! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaWhat a colorful way to cultivate gratefulness! And to share with each other. I know you are a great blessings to your students. 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaThank you grateful sea! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyMy daughter keeps a gratitude jar and started me on this practice. It keeps us mindful of all the things we have to be grateful for. Your students are very lucky to have such a lovely teacher. It reminds me of my teacher, Mrs. Grassi, in the 5th grade. She was my most precious teacher. And, many, many years later I tried to locate her to tell her how much she meant to me. I was not successful in finding her but I will never forget her. Have a lovely day ❤️ 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaHave a lovely day 🙂 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaAnd your students love you, I am sure! May I know what you teach, dear Cintia? 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaI teach citizenship. I try to include differents actions during the classes. Last week, I asked them to sat on the floor, an them I covered their eyes with a small piece of cloth. So, I read a poem by Helen Adams Keller. After this, I asked them to stand up, and still with eyes covered listening the music and try to dance. During this time, I was speaking about blind people and about their feelings. In the end, to reflect, I asked if they could describe the face of your best friend. If th... I teach citizenship. I try to include differents actions during the classes. Last week, I asked them to sat on the floor, an them I covered their eyes with a small piece of cloth. So, I read a poem by Helen Adams Keller. After this, I asked them to stand up, and still with eyes covered listening the music and try to dance. During this time, I was speaking about blind people and about their feelings. In the end, to reflect, I asked if they could describe the face of your best friend. If they know the color of their eyes, or how is your smile. And we remember how important is pay attention and notice the beautiful things around us. It was a grateful experience, for all of us. Read More2 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaOh, thank you for teaching citizenship, Cintia, it is so important, and not a natural thing to know, even when native to a place. Must be taught with loving kindness as you do. How to be a good citizen of each of our own country. How to be a good citizen of our beautiful planet. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineToday, I am grateful for a nice chat with a friend of mine who just went through breast cancer surgery last Wednesday. Her reports are good so far, and she said she is in much less pain than she had expected. So far, it sounds like no chemo will be needed, which is a huge blessing. I am grateful to see the sun again, shining brightly over the snowy fields and melting the ice formations on the east door. Yesterday, a small flock of Canada Geese visited our pond, so beautiful against the powde... Today, I am grateful for a nice chat with a friend of mine who just went through breast cancer surgery last Wednesday. Her reports are good so far, and she said she is in much less pain than she had expected. So far, it sounds like no chemo will be needed, which is a huge blessing. I am grateful to see the sun again, shining brightly over the snowy fields and melting the ice formations on the east door. Yesterday, a small flock of Canada Geese visited our pond, so beautiful against the powdered sugar landscape. I am absurdly grateful for the six or seven seedlings of lonicera fragrantissima that made it from the batch I started last summer in anticipation of our move. It is not a showy shrub but a tough one and one of the first things to bloom and smell sweetly in spring. It is in the honeysuckle family. We brought them inside when the weather got into the single and negative digits, and they bloomed for me in my dining room, an early breath of spring. I am grateful for the returning light, and that the halfway point of winter is only a few days away on Friday February 2! Happy Candlemas or Happy Groundhog Day, depending on where you are and what you celebrate. Many blessings to you all! Read More3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaSo much beauty and love in your post, dear Aine: faithful friendship in a most vulnerable time, flights of wild geese, and fragrant flowers beckoning Spring. I also send well wishes to your friend. How she must appreciate the nourishing soups you brought. You no doubt have many recipes. I ran across one yesterday for Ten-Ingredient Alkalinizing Green Soup, stunning emerald in color, that I will try, perfect for Groundhog Day :) A simple healing broth I love all the time but especially easy... So much beauty and love in your post, dear Aine: faithful friendship in a most vulnerable time, flights of wild geese, and fragrant flowers beckoning Spring. I also send well wishes to your friend. How she must appreciate the nourishing soups you brought. You no doubt have many recipes. I ran across one yesterday for Ten-Ingredient Alkalinizing Green Soup, stunning emerald in color, that I will try, perfect for Groundhog Day 🙂 A simple healing broth I love all the time but especially easy on the tummy when not feeling well is just organic chickpea miso stirred into warm water. Happy Groundhog Day to you too. I smile to think of them all snoozy, curled up underground. Little “whistle pigs”. But of course they are not so charming when they are mowing down the garden. Warm hug to you. Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, grateful. I would love to see the recipe. Is there a link? I am not sure chickpea miso is available here. Might take some hunting. This area is not so diverse as what I am used to. Thankfully, we have had no garden loss to groundhogs. Deer have not been bad either, though one year they ate the tops of the strawberry plants. Our biggest garden predator is the flock of chickens. I learned last summer that tomatoes in pots = chicken salad bar. 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaThe miso I use is from South River Miso Co., a small family operation that makes many varieties in the traditional Japanese way. I appreciate that they have chickpea (my favorite) and other ‘bean’ versions, as I cannot eat soy. Contains so many good micro-organisms, seaweed, nettles, etc. The recipe for the green soup is at ( If you go to site and type in ten-ingredient alkalinizing green soup, it should come up. As I said, it looks gorgeous but I haven’t tried it yet. 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI will keep your friend in good thoughts to beat her cancer. You had better luck with your lonicera fragrantissima than I did with my geraniums that I brought into my home for the winter. I doesn't help that Kitty likes to nibble on them. We get Canadian Geese here too in Colorado. And it is one of my favorite sounds when I hear them flying over honking. I always stop and listen. It is a sound that warms my heart for some reason. Have a lovely day and I hope you find a simple pleasure to ... I will keep your friend in good thoughts to beat her cancer. You had better luck with your lonicera fragrantissima than I did with my geraniums that I brought into my home for the winter. I doesn’t help that Kitty likes to nibble on them. We get Canadian Geese here too in Colorado. And it is one of my favorite sounds when I hear them flying over honking. I always stop and listen. It is a sound that warms my heart for some reason. Have a lovely day and I hope you find a simple pleasure to enjoy today. ❤️ Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Nancy! Her prognosis is very good, and her attitude is positive. You must have some cat! Most would dislike even the smell of the leaves. Thankfully, geraniums can be cut waaaaay back and grow lush and full. I tried the method of storing them in a box in the basement over winter one year, then cutting back to green stem before replanting, and it actually worked! Our cat prefers to nap rather than nibble on plants, though he did spend some time whacking my nun's cap orchid leav... Thank you, Nancy! Her prognosis is very good, and her attitude is positive. You must have some cat! Most would dislike even the smell of the leaves. Thankfully, geraniums can be cut waaaaay back and grow lush and full. I tried the method of storing them in a box in the basement over winter one year, then cutting back to green stem before replanting, and it actually worked! Our cat prefers to nap rather than nibble on plants, though he did spend some time whacking my nun’s cap orchid leaves in a playful awake moment. ???????? Read More0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseSo happy for your friend, that she has done so well and that the results are positive. Blessings to her, and strength and faith. May the upcoming spring sun warm in and all around her to brighten up every cell in her for full recovery. 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you so much, Ose. She has been so grateful to have so many surrounding her with love, care, well wishes, and prayer. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI just realized THenry has not posted any poems lately. Perhaps if we all lit our virtual lighters and waved them towards New England? 😀 3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaI am grateful for the near-full moon shining in my bedroom window, waking me very early this morning. Drawing us out into the yard, me and my dog, for some moon-bathing. Light dusting of snow on the ground. And the inverted Big Dipper pouring out blessings on us. Powerful wind energy moving through this hollow. Spruce and hemlock, my two guardian trees, dancing in the dark. Thank you for this world, this life, this day. 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineMoon on snow is magical! I would get captivated as a kid looking out my bedroom window at how it changed the shadows of everything, especially the trees. 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaAhh, moon shadows! Reminds me of that lovely Cat Stevens song that starts out, “I’m being followed by a moon shadow…” 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, yes! I remember that song! ???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyP.S. I hope you all get to see the Blue Supermoon lunar eclipse tomorrow. It will start for me at 3:51 am. MST. My walk tomorrow will be with this lunar eclipse! 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI saw a notification of this event, too, but I do not know if conditions will be right where I am. I am not so far east as grateful anymore, but farther east than you! 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaGood morning, Nancy. I look forward to tomorrow’s fullness, though I think we will not be able to see the eclipse here in the eastern US. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAnother…. 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineSo bright and cheerful, all the rocks! I am so glad you could be there for her in this. Love the rocks. They are perfect. 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThai’s memorial rocks ❤️ 4 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaLovely 🙂 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancySo lovely to see all your posts this morning! I, too, have wondered about Palm (and here you are), Diane and THenry. Hope you are all doing well and know that you are missed when you don't visit here. I had so much fun with my granddaughter, Lily, this past weekend on our sleepover. On Sunday, we decided not to go to yoga and stayed in our pj's all day ???? Lily painted her memorial rocks for Thai, her kitty she lost recently. They will be placed on his final resting place to keep him compa... So lovely to see all your posts this morning! I, too, have wondered about Palm (and here you are), Diane and THenry. Hope you are all doing well and know that you are missed when you don’t visit here. I had so much fun with my granddaughter, Lily, this past weekend on our sleepover. On Sunday, we decided not to go to yoga and stayed in our pj’s all day ???? Lily painted her memorial rocks for Thai, her kitty she lost recently. They will be placed on his final resting place to keep him company in his new world. I hope all of you will enjoy a simple pleasure today. I am off to my yoga practice now and will dedicate my practice to all of you ???? Read More3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaOh, Nancy, I’m so glad you did this, helped your granddaughter remember her kitty this way, create something out of her sadness. How wonderful that you have each other. 2 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimDear friends, thank you for thinking of me. I am ok and read your posts often. My hand is in pain, and I get another injection tomorrow - every 3 months - so makes the keyboard a challenge. I need surgery, but delaying for as long as possible. Every day, I am grateful to read of you and your lives of hope and trust in the steps you take toward your life's purpose and words of gratefulness. I have been reading, some books recommended here (thank you!) as I try to make sense of my life a year i... Dear friends, thank you for thinking of me. I am ok and read your posts often. My hand is in pain, and I get another injection tomorrow – every 3 months – so makes the keyboard a challenge. I need surgery, but delaying for as long as possible. Every day, I am grateful to read of you and your lives of hope and trust in the steps you take toward your life’s purpose and words of gratefulness. I have been reading, some books recommended here (thank you!) as I try to make sense of my life a year into retirement. I struggle with “what is my life purpose” and answers do not come. But some of the reading does inspire me, so thank you. I really appreciated the old book by Dale Carnegie “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.” If you have some recommendations in this regard – life purpose – I would be glad. I am otherwise making it through winter in some ways, participating in family, and have purchased a balance yoga dvd to help me, as my balance is not what it used to be. And I cook almost every day as a way of self-care. I am lazy and clumsy with this, especially with my one hand, but I am trying. I support you when I don’t write, cheer you on in your projects and efforts, picture your joyful scenes out the window and in the forest, and am just very, very grateful. In addition to family, you are “my people.” Namaste. Read More4 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I have been experiencing some similar transitions and questions in my own life recently (similar emotionally, that is, I'm still far from retirement). One resource that I have found helpful is The Happiness Podcast (which is, of course, a podcast and not a book). I am also reminded of a passage from Rilke's letters to a young poet: "Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very fore... I have been experiencing some similar transitions and questions in my own life recently (similar emotionally, that is, I’m still far from retirement). One resource that I have found helpful is The Happiness Podcast (which is, of course, a podcast and not a book). I am also reminded of a passage from Rilke’s letters to a young poet: “Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. Perhaps you do carry within you the possibility of creating and forming, as an especially blessed and pure way of living; train yourself for that but take whatever comes, with great trust, and as long as it comes out of your will, out of some need of your innermost self, then take it upon yourself, and don’t hate anything.” Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI once bought a card with most of that quote on it. Thank you for reminding me of it, Erich. 0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimThank you, Erich, for re-introducing me to this wonderful and wise quote from Rilke. His Letters are one of my favorite books, well-worn and on my shelf. I am going to revisit them, and write this quote in my planner. Blessings. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Pilgrim, it is so nice to see you! (Waves slightly north and westward and blows a kiss) I am so sorry your hand is painful. Have you tried acupuncture? I don't know what the issue is, but a friend of mine avoided surgery on her wrist with acupuncture, I think for a ganglion cyst or something like that. It might not be indicated for your particular issue, but a good acupuncturist will generally tell you what he/she can and cannot help. For instance, when my acupuncturist friend in Maryla... Dear Pilgrim, it is so nice to see you! (Waves slightly north and westward and blows a kiss) I am so sorry your hand is painful. Have you tried acupuncture? I don’t know what the issue is, but a friend of mine avoided surgery on her wrist with acupuncture, I think for a ganglion cyst or something like that. It might not be indicated for your particular issue, but a good acupuncturist will generally tell you what he/she can and cannot help. For instance, when my acupuncturist friend in Maryland broke her elbow quite badly, she needed it set, of course, but she was out of the cast two weeks early and surprising her doctor thanks to doing acupuncture for the break. He had been a bit more pessimistic as to her outcome as she was in her 60’s at the time. I am so glad you liked the Dale Carnegie book. He has such old-fashioned horse sense, and he was saying things that are now “new” but doing so all that time ago. It struck me so much that if he wrote that during the time of Hitler and just after that it was probably pretty powerful stuff and thus especially helpful for any current politically based fears. Have you found Frederick Buechner’s work yet? He is another I think would resonate with you. I’d start with “Listening to Your Life” as a nice book of 366 daily snippets, but “A Room Called Remember” was quite powerful. Have you read Michael Singer’s The Untethered Soul? In it, he talks of how our thorns persist until we let them emerge, and if we don’t, our lives revolve around attempting to make our life proof against people touching our thorns! It was one of those moments for me when I read and sort of said, “Well, huh. That explains a lot!” OH! Another book — The I Hate to Cook Cookbook by Peg Bracken. Lots of easy recipes, but really, it is more for the humor. She also wrote one called, “A Window Over the Sink” that is quite funny. I think you would like her. She may be hard to find as she wrote in the 1960’s I think, maybe into the 1970’s. If you will permit me, dear Pilgrim, I think perhaps you underestimate your effect and purpose just as you are — not as you used to be, not as you want to be, but just as you are. I know that I value the wisdom you share with us here and am appreciative of your perspectives and unique voice. This is something I struggle with, too, not because of retirement but because I have spent so long in the isolation of illness and lack of employment in the outer world. I will admit that there are times it has felt like a fishbowl with me as the fish, watching the rest of the world go about its oxygen rich business as I swim in circles and try to learn contentment. HA! (bloop bloop bloop) H0wever, as I progress in healing from this last decade plus of stress and trauma I am learning to allow myself to look at it differently, with more self-compassion. I mean, goodness sakes. I look at the list of what I have been through and am appalled. My first reaction if someone ELSE told me they had been through all that would be complete compassion, so it needs to be my reaction for me as well. I know your list is also NOT small. You, too, have been through MAJOR stresses and life changes in the past 5-10 years, with retirement being just one biggie on the list. I know for myself I have been tempted to pin my bouts of ennui or struggle on this or that aspect of the past decade, but the truth is that it ALL had an effect. That stuff adds up. So maybe it is simply that you are still in a time of recovery from it all and that your life purpose in this new phase of your life will unfold before you in its time when conditions are right, as will mine. We’re just not quite there yet. Perhaps your life purpose is like one of those exquisite folded flowers made of tea leaves whose new form can only reveal its beauty when the leaves swell with new water and warmth. Initially, it may look like just a knot of dry leaves, but that is not the truth of what lies within that form. Maybe you just need time, warmth, and an attitude of curiosity and anticipation to see what unfolds! Love and Peace to you, dear Pilgrim. Read More0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimDear Aine, I cannot thank you enough for this wise, thoughtful and supportive post. You seem to know me quite well! I have put Buechner's books on my reading list, and ordered Michael Singer's from the library. I will also look for the Peg Bracken books. I have not tried acupuncture. I will see if I can find a practitioner somewhere near me. I don't live especially near a wide variety of "alternative" practitioners, but do believe in many of their practices. Avoiding surgery would be wonderf... Dear Aine, I cannot thank you enough for this wise, thoughtful and supportive post. You seem to know me quite well! I have put Buechner’s books on my reading list, and ordered Michael Singer’s from the library. I will also look for the Peg Bracken books. I have not tried acupuncture. I will see if I can find a practitioner somewhere near me. I don’t live especially near a wide variety of “alternative” practitioners, but do believe in many of their practices. Avoiding surgery would be wonderful. You seem to know me well, friend. There have been many stresses, especially physical. I have eaten a special and limited diet for several years now, after a dangerous weight loss and long undiagnosed situation. I take it in stride now, and have reached, finally, a normal weight. I love your beautiful image of the tea leaf flowers, and will copy it down. Trusting the process has never been my strong suit. And I AM still finding my way out of the exhausted state that finally encouraged my decision to retire. It was as if I was completely numb at that point, and the effort was putting one foot in front of the other each day. May your own journey of self-compassion continue to bring you the deep wisdom and self-compassion you show to others, my friend. Thank you. Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Pilgrim. You are a blessing. One place to start in searching for an acupuncturist may be the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Chicago campus website. That is where my practitioner trained, and they may have a list of local students. Not all practitioners advertise widely. I found one in Maryland by word of mouth only. You might be able to search by zipcode. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhoo, boy, that went longer than I thought. Hope you had a cup of tea! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaNamaste, dear Pilgrim. 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaSo glad to see you again grateful sea!???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyHi Pilgrim! I used to struggle with what my life purpose is but I don't anymore. I came to realize my purpose is to just enjoy life. Sometimes that is doing the simplest of pleasures. I am also retired for the past two years and I love it. It is worth getting old for! I have been rediscovering my artist side that has been asleep for all the years I was in a corporate environment. It is a pleasure to let that side out again. I am sorry about the pain you experience and hope you find a solu... Hi Pilgrim! I used to struggle with what my life purpose is but I don’t anymore. I came to realize my purpose is to just enjoy life. Sometimes that is doing the simplest of pleasures. I am also retired for the past two years and I love it. It is worth getting old for! I have been rediscovering my artist side that has been asleep for all the years I was in a corporate environment. It is a pleasure to let that side out again. I am sorry about the pain you experience and hope you find a solution for it that doesn’t involve surgery. I remember in 2013 when I fell and broke my left wrist (required surgery to place a screw) what it means to learn to do things one-handed. I got pretty good at it. Take care and lovely to see you here today ???? Read More0 Reply Pilgrim7 years agoPilgrimThank you for your your encouragement and wisdom, Nancy. Today I will begin to be alert to the simplest of pleasures – so often unnoticed. 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSo lovely to read your posts this evening and the magical moments happening in your world from Cintia sewing too big pants and being captured by a beautiful moment (when I was a teenager I attempted to make a pillow by hand - it was simply awful :) My sewing skills never quite flourished..... Aine enjoying some hygge time, which Diane will be delighted to share in with you and I do hope your headache has relinquished! Erich finding joy in comedy and healing with your partner - I hope you expl... So lovely to read your posts this evening and the magical moments happening in your world from Cintia sewing too big pants and being captured by a beautiful moment (when I was a teenager I attempted to make a pillow by hand – it was simply awful 🙂 My sewing skills never quite flourished….. Aine enjoying some hygge time, which Diane will be delighted to share in with you and I do hope your headache has relinquished! Erich finding joy in comedy and healing with your partner – I hope you explore this avenue of comedy again! Ose’s beautiful nature photo! Ursula and your shamanic journey you are on and for sharing this! Anna – I hope your headache has subsided and thank you for always taking time in your day to respond to the many gratitude posts; I always feel love when I read your words! Nancy – thank you for the giggles of bear and the gift of cookies – I am dearly fond of you too my friend! My forearms struggle, but there are so many body parts that feel amazing! Jack bear – sweet Nancy – Jack and bear are one in the same 🙂 Thank you for everyone for such thoughtful well-wishes; I am grateful to all of you and for all of you being so vulnerable to share in your joys, your pains, your beautiful places, and your endearing experiences <3 Kevin, I thought of you last night as I visited my brother who just got a rowing machine. Though I imagine not the same as the real thing, I pretended what it must be like rowing on a beautiful lake yelling (as I probably would silly nothingness with the crew of terms that would drive them bananas 😉 Jack bear enjoyed a rather long jog today that my innards weren't quite on board with – but I just can't seem to say no when it comes to his happiness. To see him enjoying life so deliciously on the urban trail, nestled amongst the pines and mountains, and this beautiful day visit from the moon was just a slice of heaven <3 I am grateful to visit with my brother yesterday who means the world to me and I am so excited for his upcoming 1st retreat to Nepal next month. He truly is inspiring – I wish he could see this in himself as he struggles with the dark PTSD that has recently reared its' teeth – but I know he just will make it through and it will be the most beautiful thing for him to give the past the honoring it deserves, but not the control. Grateful to come home tonight to shiny sparkly crystals from my two small friends who left such a thoughtful surprise on my porch <3 These boys are just a loving light in my life along with their mamma and pappa; I am truly blessed to have such sweet friends and family in my life <3 Thank you for being here, for being you. Loving wishes to you and expanding such love to our beautiful world <3 Read More3 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️???????? 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaJack Bear <3 7 Reply Aine7 years agoAineMr. Handsome! I just love his luminous eyes and huge smile! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaAhh, my heart melts…. 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyWhat a handsome face ❤️ I love the hearts of animals. 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmWow ! just popped in quickly to check in here and see this beauty, thanks for sharing dear Manda, this image calmed me down as I am in the middle of a deadline at work… I can imagine how difficult it is to say no to this bundle of wild energy and life, I hope you find relieve soon… Greetings also to all our dear friends here, I also think of you all 3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineHow lovely to come in and see a few who have been absent posting updates, though still there are more missing. Even when we do not post daily, I find myself thinking of you folks, offering a prayer here or there, and holding space for you in love and light. Has anyone heard from Diane or Pilgrim? I wonder if this weather is getting them down a bit with the up-down, cold, and now snow with a cold north wind. In truth, it got me a bit today. I had great plans for catching up on my Happines... How lovely to come in and see a few who have been absent posting updates, though still there are more missing. Even when we do not post daily, I find myself thinking of you folks, offering a prayer here or there, and holding space for you in love and light. Has anyone heard from Diane or Pilgrim? I wonder if this weather is getting them down a bit with the up-down, cold, and now snow with a cold north wind. In truth, it got me a bit today. I had great plans for catching up on my Happiness Course, but a sulky headache rather sidelined me. I have been drinking herbal tea and taking it easy. It seems to be lifting some, so I came in here. Online earlier was just too bright and made my eyes tired, too. I am grateful not to have to go anywhere today. The wind is blowing snow between the storm door and house door again, and even the dog that loves cold and snow was ready to come inside again quickly. The one that got suckered to go outside along with him was looking at the door mournfully and reproachfully in moments, and the one who sees no reason for hanging about in the cold when one has a pellet stove stayed inside altogether! Brrrr! Isn’t it amazing how something as small as a headache (this is small compared to Anna’s) can make gratitude a bit of a struggle for the moment? They just make one feel dismal. Thus, instead of revelling in the beauty of the snow, I must admit my first response was not pleasure. In truth, I felt much more like writing some more grumpy winter haikus! But when I look at HOW I get to experience this snow and cold — from inside, under a fluffy blanket, with hot tea, a pellet stove merrily clinking away, and access to indoor plumbing, it changes things. For those blessings, indeed I am grateful. May your spirits be filled with warmth, sunshine, beauty, and laughter this day/night! Read More4 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaStay warm and stay gentle with yourself, dear Aine. 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, grateful. I am learning! 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaAine, thank you for your Kindness about my headaches….they are a real trouble… I will explain you. Good afternoon, evening and night! 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI understand that pain all too well, Cara Anna. I used to have very bad headaches for many years. Acupuncture was what diminished and then finally got rid of them for me. Oddly enough, it greatly diminished my PTSD nightmares at about the same time, so I got a double blessing on that! I wish I could use astral projection to get some of my Nine Wonders cream to you! I created it for muscle and joint pain, but then I found it did great things for headaches. It has even been helping a couple fr... I understand that pain all too well, Cara Anna. I used to have very bad headaches for many years. Acupuncture was what diminished and then finally got rid of them for me. Oddly enough, it greatly diminished my PTSD nightmares at about the same time, so I got a double blessing on that! I wish I could use astral projection to get some of my Nine Wonders cream to you! I created it for muscle and joint pain, but then I found it did great things for headaches. It has even been helping a couple friends with their migraines. I know how frustrating they can be, especially when a particularly bad one sidelines you for a couple days. UGH! Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaHello Aine, I am planning to reply tomorrow, because for me it is very late, and tomorrow I have to wake up early. Only one thing: like you, I am thinking of Diane and Pilgrim and grateful sea, and I hope everything is well. And I add that I often think of Mary…. 0 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617Hello, everybody. I have been occupied with work recently and have not had much chance to come here for reflection. For those who have been following my story, my parents stayed with me for a month and left just over a week ago. Having them with me was comforting, but they both have issues with communication that makes connecting with them a major challenge. I have also been trying to manage my partner's needs with my own after a year of tumult. I experience anxiety--not necessarily cli... Hello, everybody. I have been occupied with work recently and have not had much chance to come here for reflection. For those who have been following my story, my parents stayed with me for a month and left just over a week ago. Having them with me was comforting, but they both have issues with communication that makes connecting with them a major challenge. I have also been trying to manage my partner’s needs with my own after a year of tumult. I experience anxiety–not necessarily clinical, and it is diminishing–and that makes enjoying and savoring the richness and fullness of life quite difficult. I am fully functional but often feel as though I am walking around in a state of shock, numb and scared. Yesterday, I had a productive conversation with my partner that I think led to some new understanding. We have agreed to work together moving forward. I hope that that will come to fruition. I have had some very positive experiences recently, and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention those. Seeing Aine’s post about comedy and television and the ensuing discussion was ironic because I have had a few chances to perform comedy recently, and it is one of the true joys that I have in life. To give some background, I had always wanted to work in comedy and did actually work on a number of television comedies (nothing that anybody has heard of). For a variety of reasons, the experience was no t necessarily what I had hoped, and I have been dealing with what it means to leave that behind me. While pursuing that, though, I started doing comedy shows at local theaters (living in Los Angeles, the local comedy theaters are also some of the best comedy theaters in the world). I made an amazing group of friends. When my mother came to visit, she noticed that the time I seemed most content was around my friends. I have also been incredibly fortunate to be able to perform comedy. As I said, I take such joy in it. It is thrilling and also the time that I feel truly whole again. Read More2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineComedy is so therapeutic! We think of it on a mental or emotional level, but the act of laughing does wonderful things for the physical body. 2 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuSometimes, it is enough to be grateful. To accept the gifts I was given. To focus on what they allow me to do and share in this world. It is not always the easiest lesson but it’s a ray of sunshine through the clouds when I can let go of other emotions and embrace just one. Helps my journey towards learning humility as well. 8 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaI am looking at Ose’s and Cintia’s pictures… The mountains and the snow, the soft light of the sun through the trees on one side, the brightness of a summer sun and the wonderful colour of the bouganvillea on the other….I am thinking of Manda’s words: this is a magical world! Have a nice week, dear friends! 3 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaThe only avenue in a little city close to here. The popular name is “spring” – Bougainvillea spectabilis. 4 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyLovely Bougainvillea! When I lived in California, one side of my fence was covered in this very same Bougainvillea. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, how lovely! I saw bouganvillea when I was in the Caribbean many years ago and loved it. Here, it would have to be a house plant and would never get large enough to give that spectacular showing! 1 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaHere in South America, another warm day, many clouds but it was possible to illuminate inside the house with the natural light, just opening the windows. I don't how to explain it in English, I lost weight, so, my pants "are big". I had to make a small adjustment in the waist. I don't have (no one) skill with line and needle, so it's very funny to do this. I sat on the bed, in front of the window in order to sew my pants. I was concentrated doing my seam, when I noticed the beauty of the... Here in South America, another warm day, many clouds but it was possible to illuminate inside the house with the natural light, just opening the windows. I don’t how to explain it in English, I lost weight, so, my pants “are big”. I had to make a small adjustment in the waist. I don’t have (no one) skill with line and needle, so it’s very funny to do this. I sat on the bed, in front of the window in order to sew my pants. I was concentrated doing my seam, when I noticed the beauty of the light inside the bedroon, the songs of the birds far, and the music on the radio. I looked outside and I saw the garden. I looked myself, sat on bed, sewing… My heart smiling. So simple, but so special. I felt completely in grace, deep grateful for life. Trying to remain open to life, with all that it brings … joy, sadness, triumph, failure, suffering, warmth, changes … Loving wishes to you! Read More7 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOur weather, of course, is opposite to yours. On February 2 we will reach Groundhog Day, which comes from the celebration of Candlemas, I believe, and is the halfway point of winter. It is a comical holiday in many ways but a favorite of mine. 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyBeautiful simple pleasures are the best in life for me. Thank you for sharing yours, Cintia, with us ???? 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGreetings to everyone her from my side, too. Nancy, don´t worry, the community is keeping contact, even if it might not be daily with everyone. Grateful for your being here all together. Thank you Ursula for mentioning the shift I made to more openness, although I sometimes get caught in old patterns as well and fall back into old habits of withdrawal or victimizing myself. Your posts here and finding back to gratefulness help a lot to find my way again out of this, when I then realize much ... Greetings to everyone her from my side, too. Nancy, don´t worry, the community is keeping contact, even if it might not be daily with everyone. Grateful for your being here all together. Thank you Ursula for mentioning the shift I made to more openness, although I sometimes get caught in old patterns as well and fall back into old habits of withdrawal or victimizing myself. Your posts here and finding back to gratefulness help a lot to find my way again out of this, when I then realize much quicker that this is of no help for anyone. Manda, we will miss you and Jack here, hoping you will be able to show up on and off. All the best for you. Your grateful posts have always been inspiring to me. Have a great time of recovery and joy in the peace- and health-giving atmosphere while being among the beloved Ponderosas, and be well and happy wherever you are. Hope we will hear from you occasionally. Last week, I was so happy being able to have some days off, it was a beautiful area where my friend and I could walk through deep snow (that´s where I took the foto) recovering from a very stressful time. So grateful for this abundance of beauty to share with you. Read More 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineLovely! So peaceful, I am glad it was restorative for you. I know what you mean about struggling with a wish to withdraw, to isolate myself when things start to feel sideways. It always felt safest, somehow, so has been one of the ongoing struggles for me. And yet, our healing is most often found with the balance between inner silence and community. We need the silence at times, but we also need the mirrors others hold up to us that reassure us that we are not alone in our particular pain or... Lovely! So peaceful, I am glad it was restorative for you. I know what you mean about struggling with a wish to withdraw, to isolate myself when things start to feel sideways. It always felt safest, somehow, so has been one of the ongoing struggles for me. And yet, our healing is most often found with the balance between inner silence and community. We need the silence at times, but we also need the mirrors others hold up to us that reassure us that we are not alone in our particular pain or quirk, that we are valued, welcomed, and appreciated with love exactly as we are. Read More1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy????❤️???? 0 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaLovely picture Ose! Our wonderful world! All the best 🙂 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh the mountains! Such a beautiful photo Ose, I am glad for this relaxing week end you have had. 2 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHello dear gratefulness community Just want to greet everybody here and say that I'm okay. Happy to read from many bew and old friends and wonderful grateful experiences, including Cintia's 'good' news! I prayed for you Cintia! Also Ose's profound 'shifts' impressed me very much! Hope I haven't forgotten other importantbexperiences as I haven't been able to follow regularly. I having a stressfup time at home since both my kids have been ill with hard cough (bronchitis) for the whole week, af... Hello dear gratefulness community Just want to greet everybody here and say that I’m okay. Happy to read from many bew and old friends and wonderful grateful experiences, including Cintia’s ‘good’ news! I prayed for you Cintia! Also Ose’s profound ‘shifts’ impressed me very much! Hope I haven’t forgotten other importantbexperiences as I haven’t been able to follow regularly. I having a stressfup time at home since both my kids have been ill with hard cough (bronchitis) for the whole week, after we had celebrated my older son’s 14th birthday more than a week ago. They cough hard but this diesn’t mean theyare unable to quarrel or be challenging with me, on the contrary! I am busy so much that old patterns of bad reactions in stressful momemts have come back lately, and I am struggling with myself about that. But I know I havevto be gentle with myself about this, because I am performing in a miraculous way despite my own health challenges and I often wonder how this is possible. I also have learned that being online is often more of a stress and so I try to rest and make shamanic journeys with a CD or some meditation audio when I have half an hour for myself to restore my body and soul! Thank you for your good news, beautiful pictures and staying positive everyone! On my mibile phone I am sorry to say that I can’t see all the pictures, but I can see Cintia’s beautiful flowers! Have a nice day/ evening and good week ahead! ✨???????? Blessings Read More3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineSo wonderful to see you, Liebe Ursula! I was just thinking of you and wondering how it is by you. Two down with cough and fighting with each other and you? Oh, my. That does not sound fun. It does probably explain my Oma’s old recipe for cough — warm honey with lemon and either whiskey or brandy. It DID help the cough, but now I wonder if it wasn’t for the caregiver as well! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI love your idea of taking a shamanic journey when you find yourself with a moment or two to yourself. I remember when my daughter was young and I was still married, it wasn’t often that I had a moment to myself. But, when I did, I always spent it just being instead of all the list of things I thought I would do in that moment to myself. Glad to hear you are ok and wishing your children to be well again. Happy birthday to your 14th year old son! 0 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaDear Ursula! Very, very nice to hear you here! Thank you for your prayer! I really appreciate your affection. I agree, sometimes being online is often more of a stress but here in the community, we found so much fraternal love, good wishes, good feelings. And this provides us with an incredible strength. Hope your kids will be fine soon. My best wishes for you and all family. ✨???????? Blessings 2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI agree with both you and Ursula — I am finding that my online time makes me happier when it is spent with boundaries on it and in places like this. I have so many friends who only wish to communicate via Facebook, which I find drains my energy quite quickly. I am trying to suggest other modes, but some folks just seem “hooked.” 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnna???????? Happy to hear that you are fine!! (what do you think about St Matha’s prayers?…????❤????) 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaI will be on a bit less as I heal my forearms that are oozing sensational pain, and thank you for kindness as I may not get to respond to your kind words for a bit of time. It is just sweet to come here this night and go down memory lane with Aine of shows of I Dream of Jeanie and Gilligans Island :) I am so happy to hear that your news Cintia is not as bad as you thought, and I do so hope this pain you are experiencing subsides soon. Sylvie - such a lovely companion to be by your side during... I will be on a bit less as I heal my forearms that are oozing sensational pain, and thank you for kindness as I may not get to respond to your kind words for a bit of time. It is just sweet to come here this night and go down memory lane with Aine of shows of I Dream of Jeanie and Gilligans Island 🙂 I am so happy to hear that your news Cintia is not as bad as you thought, and I do so hope this pain you are experiencing subsides soon. Sylvie – such a lovely companion to be by your side during the flu; I hope you are on the tail end of things and feeling better. Nancy your sweet rocks are so uplifting. And to all the other lovelies, thank you for sharing your stories and experiences; they are lovely to read. Jack and I enjoyed some mudskating in the forest today – beautiful sun and moon out under a canopy of ponderosa’s. I am finding that sticking to pavement is easier on his limp, but it is hard when he so wants to be out in the forest. A treat to watch two dogs play so wonderfully and bear cheering them on 🙂 He dug up his bone from the butcher several times today for new places to house. He is incredibly gentle in this process – typically a couple laps around the yard carrying it in his mouth, trying to find unfrozen ground or a spot in the garden nestling it under snow with his snout. Lovely visit with dear friends this night who also brought me the surprise porch gift of home baked cookies delight 🙂 YUM. I do hope the eldest boy is feeling better when the morrow arrives. Lastly, delicious yawns – the ones that are so big that scrunch your face and turn squinty eyes into smile 🙂 A bit of heaven. Earth 2 on Netflix is sensational if you get a chance. Loving wishes to you and may you feel joy, health, and abundant love <3 and our delightful planet <3 Read More6 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, dear! Manda, I wish you speedily back amongst us here. I always look forward to your posts and your heartful take on the world. I am sorry we are not close enough for me to drop by with some of my Nine Wonders cream to maybe ease the pain for you. Heal well, heal quickly, and know you and dear Jack Bear will be missed, until we see you again! ???????????????????????? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Manda, together with others, I wish you a quick healing. Rest, dear friend, I will miss your grateful posts, but the only important thing is your health. Be well! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyHeal well and quickly sweet Manda. I hope you return here soon because when I visit and I see names absent I miss them. I have only been coming here a short while and don’t have the knowing that many of you have with each other since many of you have been coming here awhile. But, I have grown so fond of all of you and miss you when you are not here. I will miss your sharing romps with Jack in your forest and still trying to understand who Bear is ???? I love to bake and would love to send you ... Heal well and quickly sweet Manda. I hope you return here soon because when I visit and I see names absent I miss them. I have only been coming here a short while and don’t have the knowing that many of you have with each other since many of you have been coming here awhile. But, I have grown so fond of all of you and miss you when you are not here. I will miss your sharing romps with Jack in your forest and still trying to understand who Bear is ???? I love to bake and would love to send you cookies! Return soon I will miss your lovely way with words. Wishing you a speedy recovery with your forearms beautiful Manda and may you as well feel joy, health, and abundant love ❤️ Read More0 Reply « Previous 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 15 Next » New to Practice? Visit the Practice Space for more opportunities and insights. Practice Space Recent Active Members Steve Rio active 2 years Read More active 2 years active 3 years Read More Jeseph active 6 years Read More Sylvie active 7 years Read More Global Community This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb