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All 3 of my sisters are coming to visit me for a week. We all have very different personalities and have gone in 4 different religious/spiritual directions. Their flight isn’t due to arrive for another couple of hours. It is enough time to pray, to just be in the Silence and to prepare my home for the Silence to be among us, even when we are all talking at once and sharing and it gets hectic during our family get together. May we all be uplifted in Joy and Peace.
By being at peace and to be positive and not allowing any negativity – coming from myself nor my friends – to harm our friendships.
There is a tree outside my dining room and living room. I have positioned my chair at the table so that I face the tree, through these windows. This tree uplifts me and calms me. One of the reasons I bought this house was because of this beautiful and strong tree. It is a ‘Live Oak’ tree, which means, it does not shed its leaves in the fall, so it is green all year round. I love this tree.
To be at peace. Peace within.
Light – light shining through my windows. My crystal sun-catchers rainbow light reflecting on my walls and in my living room. I can see both the sunrise and sunset from my porches and yard, so sunrises and sunsets really inspire me every day.
My grandbaby is such a happy baby. She teaches me joy in the simple things in life. She doesn’t need expensive nor elaborate toys to be happy.
I really enjoy sending a ‘snail mail’ greeting cards to people I know and love, in hopes that they will be ‘delighted’ to receive a get well, birthday, or holiday card in the mail. As much as I appreciate the convenience of sending a virtual ecard, there is still something special about giving and receiving a card in the mail.
This is one way I try to be a source of delight to others.
This morning,, a friend of mine texted me from the hospital to let me know that her husband’s ‘heart surgery failed because they were not able to do the repairs.’ His heart is too weak for the heart surgery that is needed to heal his heart.
The interconnectedness of all life – how can I honor this?
By being there for a friend and offering comfort. And letting her know that I am praying for her and her husband to be at peace.
To connect to all tha...
To connect to all that is good, sacred, peaceful, joyous and loving in life and then, let go. To let go and let God.
I am blessed that all my grown children live near by and that we enjoy getting together on holidays, to play games, watch movies or just hang out together.
My mother, she really cared about others. She wasn’t just a church-goer, she had genuine faith and she was always kind and helpful towards others.
All three of my sisters are visiting me, all at the same time, in January. There is a lot to do to prepare for their week long visit in my small house. During this season, I am keeping Christmas decorations to a minimum as I simplify my life. I don’t have the time nor energy to decorate, take down and then, prepare for my family’s visit. Christmas for me isn’t about decorating my house, baking lots of cookies and shopping anyways. It’s about the spirit of giving and c...
All three of my sisters are visiting me, all at the same time, in January. There is a lot to do to prepare for their week long visit in my small house. During this season, I am keeping Christmas decorations to a minimum as I simplify my life. I don’t have the time nor energy to decorate, take down and then, prepare for my family’s visit. Christmas for me isn’t about decorating my house, baking lots of cookies and shopping anyways. It’s about the spirit of giving and caring with family, friends and those in need. To simplify, I am focusing on the meaning not the materialism of Christmas and throughout the year.
We share Christmas holidays together as a family and try our best to downplay the commercialism of Christmas by keeping and sharing the meaning of Christmas in our family.
Our family has moved many times, so it has been difficult to pass down cultural traditions. I guess the tradition that I cherish is that we stay connected together as a family at Christmas.
For peace on earth. It is so silly and immature to try to resolve differences by fighting or terror. For wisdom and peace on earth.
Faith, family and friends, a home and caring community. And peace on earth.
I am trying to be patient and gracious as I write a letter to a business owner because of my concerns for safety. Instead of just complaining, I am trying to offer constructive criticism, in hopes of a positive (and safe) solution that will benefit everyone.
By letting go and letting God. And being grateful for what I do have.
Yes, Silence is so simple. It is ‘Shooshing.’ And we can all ‘Shoosh.’ Enough said. I am now ‘shooshing.’ 🙂
Thank you for your words on kindness. You have helped remind me that although we can’t always verbally express our ‘Best Wishes’ to others, we can always silently and within, wish the best for others and express it from our hearts.
Thank you for sharing, Erich617, this has helped me to reflect more deeply on this daily question.
I am learning that it isn’t so much about ‘doing’ it is about ‘being’ – yes, it is helpful to lend a helpful hand but also, important to be a caring person. But that is not up to someone else’s ‘standard’ nor what they think you ‘should’ do.
It is not about going on a guilt trip which results in frustration and disharmony but finding your own spiritual path ...
It is not about going on a guilt trip which results in frustration and disharmony but finding your own spiritual path of peace and divine presence.
Well said. Yes, I must also learn to be more patience with others as I appreciate the patience of others with me.
It is a lesson to learn to allow others to ‘be in their own moment’ or to discover things for themselves. When I taught children how to read, I could show them the letters, the sounds, and the words but it was up to them to process it within themselves. When they ‘got it’ and their faces lit up when they realized they could read a word or a whole s...
It is a lesson to learn to allow others to ‘be in their own moment’ or to discover things for themselves. When I taught children how to read, I could show them the letters, the sounds, and the words but it was up to them to process it within themselves. When they ‘got it’ and their faces lit up when they realized they could read a word or a whole sentence, that was always such a precious moment.
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