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Complaining digs us deeper into our emotional ruts. Humor, forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude are the 4-wheel drive of the joyful heart.
Not to be confused with art, I was an avid drawer as a kid. Unfortunately, none of my childhood gifts survived the conformity traps of public school “education” and nothing’s left other than a keen distrust of authority, especially those that claim divinity as its source or are self-referential.
I’m in the process of moving back into my childhood home. Everything old is new again
Some days more than others: Today I’ll be behind the wheel of a large moving truck so words like “impact” can be a little triggery
Form arises, as if spontaneously, from the Void; the awakening of unconscious aspects of the Youniverse. The actualization of the unexpected. Be ready for change, remain open for an infusion of grace; love = acceptance.
Preserving and protecting our birthright of living soil, fresh air, clean water. From these spring abundant health, wealth and wisdom
The energetic origin and spiritual implications of diabetes is aptly described as “a house divided”. What would it take for me to end my commute, integrate my family, and be “home for supper every night”? What would I have to part with for this to become my new reality?
No gift has changed my life more than from the woman who gave me my daughter. It’s through this experience that I found myself caring for and invested in an indifferent world.
· Inspire trust · Nurture respect · Instill discipline · Foster responsibility · Enforce boundaries
I reckon I really don’t. . . .
Give thanks for every little blessing and celebrate today’s miracles. They’re everywhere when we look! And if everything is such a big deal then I ought to be able to write a country song for each situation that fails to meet my expectation. Laugh about it.
growing up, I had never worried about any of my basic needs. I guess that’s why all of them are in question now. . . .
Life is the perfect medium for our craft
I feel that I’m having to let go of so much, lately: Beautiful Fredericksburg, so many comfort foods. And, yet, there’s all this clutter, things that have outlived their usefulness, things that are unloved by whomever brought them here and have no place. Have you ever wished for flood or fire; a minor catastrophe that clears your path of everything that no longer serves you?
Caring about the meaning of things is, absolutely, a gift! I’m amazed at how many intelligent, educated, otherwise mindful and caring adults seem to know, or even care, so little about the origins of the essentials that sustain them – they are taken for granted. Look into the Whys and Hows long and deep enough and you discover the intimate connections between ourselves and everything else.
Thank you, Deb. Navigating health issues all very new to me (diagnosed in November) No family history, no weight to lose, BMI of 19, and I already eat like a hamster. Doubling down on my efforts to eat raw, plant-based, whole foods within a 7 – 9 hour daily window and incorporating weight-bearing exercise routine in an effort to kick the prescription glipizide.
Actually, KC, now that you mention it. I really enjoy coloring, like, with your average, garden variety crayons and coloring books – layering colors (crayons are a surprisingly good medium for this!) adding gradients, highlights and shading to otherwise, simple line drawings. It’s been a while and there are all sorts of adult-oriented coloring books filled with geometric and fractal patterns. Time and a designated space for art, tinkering and creativity in this horrific move would...
Actually, KC, now that you mention it. I really enjoy coloring, like, with your average, garden variety crayons and coloring books – layering colors (crayons are a surprisingly good medium for this!) adding gradients, highlights and shading to otherwise, simple line drawings. It’s been a while and there are all sorts of adult-oriented coloring books filled with geometric and fractal patterns. Time and a designated space for art, tinkering and creativity in this horrific move would be quite the consolation prize!
No, I rarely pick up a sketchbook or pencil anymore. Diabetes is destroying my eyesight
I’m in a similar place in my life, Cole. I’ve spent my youth doing all the “responsible” things before discovering and developing my interests and put my own career on hold to support and make space for the ambitions of those around me. Fortunately, our passions are transitory and there’s still time to explore many possibilities that life offers. The mind is a direct expression of world we inhabit; what happens to one reflects in the other. Skill and persistence!...
I’m in a similar place in my life, Cole. I’ve spent my youth doing all the “responsible” things before discovering and developing my interests and put my own career on hold to support and make space for the ambitions of those around me. Fortunately, our passions are transitory and there’s still time to explore many possibilities that life offers. The mind is a direct expression of world we inhabit; what happens to one reflects in the other. Skill and persistence!
Thanks again, Hot Sauce. Your’s is a fascinating perspective. I’ve seen strange things in the sky that I’ve yet to get a satisfactory explanation for. Although the “dancing star” could very well be terrestrial technology, I asked my father (retired DoD) about it. Imagine my surprise when, after listening to my account, instead of telling me to “quit taking the pot and get a haircut!” he admitted that he’d seen the same dancing stars in his chil...
Thanks again, Hot Sauce. Your’s is a fascinating perspective. I’ve seen strange things in the sky that I’ve yet to get a satisfactory explanation for. Although the “dancing star” could very well be terrestrial technology, I asked my father (retired DoD) about it. Imagine my surprise when, after listening to my account, instead of telling me to “quit taking the pot and get a haircut!” he admitted that he’d seen the same dancing stars in his childhood from the vantage of a cornfield in N. Dakota in the early 1950’s! Thanks for your time and the pointers! One love, many lives. .
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