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It would level the playing field for all. Everyone is equal. Everyone is accepted. It would be like Heaven.
Couples throughout your everyday life. In church, in grocery stores, the walk you take everyday- you don’t always know their names, but you recognize them. One day you notice there is one missing. Some too young, some very old- age offers no protection from death. But I am aware how these people accept and continue on living. To me, this is resilience of life. Everyone living knows how fragility of life is part of love. In a simple breath it is here and it also can be gone in one br...
Couples throughout your everyday life. In church, in grocery stores, the walk you take everyday- you don’t always know their names, but you recognize them. One day you notice there is one missing. Some too young, some very old- age offers no protection from death. But I am aware how these people accept and continue on living. To me, this is resilience of life. Everyone living knows how fragility of life is part of love. In a simple breath it is here and it also can be gone in one breath.. To me, I feel life on earth is a mere waiting room for Heaven. Each new day is a gift.
to see the good in others. to keep my heart open to grace. to offer acceptance to all. eyes, ears and heart open- mouth closed.. must be why we have two ears, two eyes and one mouth.
accept what is, let go of what was. have faith in what will be. God knows what will be. God knows what he is doing.
people who are mirrors of myself. I see them return a smile. my joyful outlook is reflected back to me. I offer words of comfort to those in turmoil and I see the comfort on their faces. mirrors always show the truth
with my heart. with my mind’s eye. with my emotions. with my sadness. with my joy. with my humbleness. I create from within.
the forgotten people of my life. those taken for granted. your priest. your rabbi. your dentist. your neighbor. your plumber. your siblings. your co-workers. these are the people always there for you. I would simply state thank you for always being there for me. I don’t always remember to thank you. just imagine how much of boost of joy would you feel receiving a gift of thankfulness from someone. I do enjoy the “thinking of you” notes I receive.
the blessing of my being able to be there for someone else when needed. sometimes a hug, an ear, a heart or personal advice is how is use my blessing with someone else’s life.
I prefer think of this question as how can people learn from my actions, how to be a grateful person. Simply being who you are and others will observe and learn to be kind. Kindness is generosity’s twin. when people are drawn to something rather than taught something, it will be a deeper connection. What better way to learn? Ask questions yourself.
Just be with them. Sit with them. Don’t speak first, allow them to sort through their emotions. Give them emotional space and physical space. Let them come to you. Sometimes after they speak, I will offer my hands to them. Sometimes that is all a person in turmoil can handle. Touch is a hug without intruding.
I cherish the solitude of early mornings. I welcome the sunrise and the simple joy of a brand new day. I relish the quiet time sitting on the deck and offering prayers of thanksgiving for the freedom to pray and worship. To witness the new day awakening all around me is beyond words. This opens my heart each and every day.
I feel so full of happiness for everything I have learned and mourned in my life. It is not always an easy path we are on, but it teaches us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. How grateful I am to sometimes face a roadblock on my journey today, and have the reserve of wonderful lessons learned years back to apply to my life now. This keeps me more towards the “great fullness” of my life.
when asked for advice or a helping hand I choose to give. I never gave thought to if I have enough or if I am enough. I feel I am still growing and learning each day. I don’t think I would ever feel I am enough. Others give freely to me, why not share your experiences?
excluding people from my life has been, and is a very difficult goal for me. It takes a lot of courage on my part. I reach a point of being nothing more than a doormat for this person. I am the one who accepted and allowed this treatment. Only I can put distance from these people. The difference of how I live now without these people is my gift to myself. When God shuts a door to some people in your life, why would you want them back in your life? Not all gifts are for other people.
it is sometimes too easy to be generous. you see a list of items people need. food cupboard. homeless shelters. you give generously, but there are people out there who slip between the cracks. these are the ones I can be charitable with also. the person in front of you in the checkout that is a few dollars too short. someone scrambling for parking meter coins. you see someone’s laundry in the dryer ready to stop. they are not around. drop in a coin or two. a mother or father running l...
it is sometimes too easy to be generous. you see a list of items people need. food cupboard. homeless shelters. you give generously, but there are people out there who slip between the cracks. these are the ones I can be charitable with also. the person in front of you in the checkout that is a few dollars too short. someone scrambling for parking meter coins. you see someone’s laundry in the dryer ready to stop. they are not around. drop in a coin or two. a mother or father running late at school pickup time. sit and let your child play with them. I guess I do things like this as an unspoken generous ” I’ve got this” kindhearted gesture.
With all the weather problems we have been dealing with, we should remember to count our blessings. To some they may seem small , but to those with no power, water or homes- we are blessed. Remember kindness itself is a blessing. When you have it or when you share it and when you receive it.
Each day I wake up is a new day of playfulness. There are many things required to exist, but add a bit of whimsy and imagination. Music helps and simply feeling free to be. Offer an extra hand to people you meet. Let the impatient drivers go first. You only see what you are looking for. Look for the childlike fun- you will awaken the child in you. Keep smiling and laughing and life is easier. One smile can do miracles for someone needing a smile that day.
The aroma of a new book. Brings me back to my early grade school days the classroom books. Oh, how I loved the stories. Moving up grades, I could read myself! Nothing smells so good as a new adventure just waiting to bring me along surrounded in the wonderful smell of new books. I could spend an entire afternoon at the bookstores. Lost in my own world. 🙂
A lion. Truth is like a lion. You don’t need to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.
St. Augustine
Thank you Francine
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