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Lately I have been able to look in the mirror and hold my gaze. I can say I Love you and am proud of you! 🙂
I once heard that the path… is a a shining Light which shines more and more unto the Perfect Day. These are the days when more and more we can allow that Light to shine from within. 🙂
We are One, there is no separation, it just looks that way. Caring for you, being there for you, Loving you – I am Loving me.
How can the rose produce a greater fragrance, or the apple tree more fruit? Neither have a choice in the matter, they can simply bask in the light and energy of the sun, soak up the rain that falls on them and weather the seasons.
If asked this question a number of years ago I’d have had a long long list, however Love (in the human form of my wife, my friends and relations) brought me Grace and the Light to see that I was already forgiven, and if already forgiven by Love then there was nothing of me to forgive.
Received this and thought it apt to share here today:
“Life’s Abundance. It is easy to lose sight of the abundance of our life. We may feel that our experiences have all been negative; loss, physical pain or sorrow. Yes we do have those things in our lives but we also have the love of our family, joy, hope, forgiveness and understanding. We have experiences that bring a smile to our faces even in our darkest moments. This weekend is a perfect opportunity to sit and...
“Life’s Abundance. It is easy to lose sight of the abundance of our life. We may feel that our experiences have all been negative; loss, physical pain or sorrow. Yes we do have those things in our lives but we also have the love of our family, joy, hope, forgiveness and understanding. We have experiences that bring a smile to our faces even in our darkest moments. This weekend is a perfect opportunity to sit and reflect the things we have to be thankful for. Our experiences that shape the person we are today and for the valuable lessons they give us. For the family that loves us even if we agree to disagree on many topics. For the variety of foods we have to choose from. For the shelter that keeps us from the storms of life in whatever forms they take. Taking time to realize that our lives hold abundance that we may often take for granted. This weekend is Thanksgiving. I give thanks for all that is good in my life, for the life lessons, the joy and the sorrow, for my body for being the vessel that carries my soul through this life and for all the wonderful people who have touched my life in so many ways.”
So, a Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it. 🙂
Less is often more. Today I hope to do very little differently, I don’t always need to be doing more, becoming better, attaining. I’d like to say that hoping to ‘Let go and let God’ more, which would be nice and peaceful, but I won’t push it. If asked this question on another day when I was less tired and ‘feeling’ more full of Grace, I wonder if I’d maybe answer a little differently?
For me, it is when I’m standing under the branches of a large tree. I’ve had really special times looking up at the massive branches of some well mature Beech, seeing the strength that’s there, getting a real sense of age, perhaps endurance too and then I feel so grounded to be there alongside, like a close friend. Sequoiadendrons and Douglas Firs are also favourites, always readily sharing the security that’s to be found in their girth, rather than their enormous height. Friends ...
For me, it is when I’m standing under the branches of a large tree. I’ve had really special times looking up at the massive branches of some well mature Beech, seeing the strength that’s there, getting a real sense of age, perhaps endurance too and then I feel so grounded to be there alongside, like a close friend. Sequoiadendrons and Douglas Firs are also favourites, always readily sharing the security that’s to be found in their girth, rather than their enormous height. Friends like these watch us ‘short-lives’ come and go while they go on giving freely.
Thank you Antoinette, what a wonderful thing to say to your friend. You are Love. We are Love.
Wonderful, welll done for talking and for knowing that you are doing self-help by doing so – not to mention giving others the opportunity to care for you. 🙂
Yes Carol, this seems to me to be the way of it.
Perhaps when all of ‘our’ hopes are gone, we are left empty, empty of ourselves. Perhaps that is when we are given hope from outside of our ‘self’ – whether that be from the Love that surrounds us, or from the fountain of Life deep within us, from deep in the well of our soul? I believe that we also find this collectively, in our Oneness, our Unity, as a race. Hope can be hoped and at a shallow level without faith, wi...
Perhaps when all of ‘our’ hopes are gone, we are left empty, empty of ourselves. Perhaps that is when we are given hope from outside of our ‘self’ – whether that be from the Love that surrounds us, or from the fountain of Life deep within us, from deep in the well of our soul? I believe that we also find this collectively, in our Oneness, our Unity, as a race. Hope can be hoped and at a shallow level without faith, without that deep rooted trust, and having no root, is easily washed aside by the tides of life.. On the other hand, there can be discovered that Hope which is One with a knowing, a firm belief, One with Oneness itself.
:))) They are most certainly true, my Dear. Have a wonderfilled Saturday! :)))
I can hear someone say, I love you just as you are with all of the baggage of your past 🙂
I’m with you there/here, Deb! 🙂
Beautifully put 🙂
Yes indeed. Choices were made back ‘then’ in the Light we had then, perhaps we can make different choices today if need be, and in today’s Light create a past for tomorrow that serves us well?
For what it’s worth, I so agree. Sometimes when my past brings something before me I will deal with it in whatever way I can at that time, perhaps talk it out, perhaps regret, maybe if I am in the right frame of mind, bring it out into the Light of Love and let it go. But let’s not go there deliberately! :)))
The opportunity for me to help out at home during the daily disorder that we call breakfast time! Lots of special heartfelt hugs before leaving for work this morning.
Thanks Ed, not sure I get all of that, but I’m think I see what you’re saying. 🙂
Yes, I find this too.
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