Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Ose7 years agoOseGreetings to all who share here. A wonderful morning begun, freezing cold again but clear fresh air and the sun is about to arrive. Special. Grateful for having the chance to protect the skin with some cream before going outside. If ever possible, it is "biological" products which I have the chance to buy, and which smell so nice. Isn´t it amazing how much we are offered by creative people for our well being, which enrich our days? That we have the choice at all? I am thinking about Aine´s po... Greetings to all who share here. A wonderful morning begun, freezing cold again but clear fresh air and the sun is about to arrive. Special. Grateful for having the chance to protect the skin with some cream before going outside. If ever possible, it is “biological” products which I have the chance to buy, and which smell so nice. Isn´t it amazing how much we are offered by creative people for our well being, which enrich our days? That we have the choice at all? I am thinking about Aine´s post, where she mentions the input of Rev. R. Rohr that Jesus is not a “Plan B”. Thank you for this, dear Aine. To shift awareness from things to the love which is inside of everything and to actively choose to act from there, instead of applying love, like I use my cream to heal or protect. I will ponder on this. A lovely day to all of you. Read More3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Ose, I have often marveled on the thought that Jesus actually knew all that would happen from the start and yet still chose to come live the incarnation here. We so often seek to avoid pain and struggle mightily when it is part of our lives. We spend enormous amounts of money, energy, and time simply trying to avoid pain in myriad forms. Yet he embraced it because of love! This "Not Plan B" thought adds a whole new dimension, though. It seems a different level of understanding someh... Dear Ose, I have often marveled on the thought that Jesus actually knew all that would happen from the start and yet still chose to come live the incarnation here. We so often seek to avoid pain and struggle mightily when it is part of our lives. We spend enormous amounts of money, energy, and time simply trying to avoid pain in myriad forms. Yet he embraced it because of love! This “Not Plan B” thought adds a whole new dimension, though. It seems a different level of understanding somehow. At a local store here I can get a very nice lotion base with no junk in it. I use it as a base for the blends of essential oils I use for various things. One I make for pain relief that my husband uses on his shoulder. It also works on headaches, muscle pain, and more. My most recent is a “sunshine cream” using Pink Grapefruit, Sweet Orange, Mandarin, Bergamot, and Coriander. Mmmmmm…delicious! What a treat to be able to have the lotion base so readily available and lovely to the skin! You are right — such a blessing! Read More0 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuI recently contacted a niece that I haven't been in touch with for 10 years. She is the daughter of my ex-husband's sister. The marriage didn't end well and I lost that side of my family when I decided to leave the relationship. In any case, to my surprise and happiness, my niece replied and we've been corresponding since. As I battle the remnants of this nagging cough, I'm tentatively hopeful for this new/old relationship to start/resume. I never stopped thinking of them as family as we w... I recently contacted a niece that I haven’t been in touch with for 10 years. She is the daughter of my ex-husband’s sister. The marriage didn’t end well and I lost that side of my family when I decided to leave the relationship. In any case, to my surprise and happiness, my niece replied and we’ve been corresponding since. As I battle the remnants of this nagging cough, I’m tentatively hopeful for this new/old relationship to start/resume. I never stopped thinking of them as family as we were together for ten years but irregardless of whether this continues or not, I’m grateful for this start. a happy Monday to everyone wherever you are. may you find hope and joy in the loved ones around you. Read More6 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaI am glad for you dear Eva. I appreciate your wishes.???? 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Eva, what a wonderful blessing for you to reconnect! It is quite hard to feel cut off from those you cared for due to splits in relationships and even the choosing of "sides." That is one of the costs of choosing to end a bad situation, sadly. With me, I lost a number of family members and friends of the family who dropped me after the relationship with my parents blew up one more time, and we had to insist they leave our home. (I refer to that as "a messy divorce," too.) The lies that h... Dear Eva, what a wonderful blessing for you to reconnect! It is quite hard to feel cut off from those you cared for due to splits in relationships and even the choosing of “sides.” That is one of the costs of choosing to end a bad situation, sadly. With me, I lost a number of family members and friends of the family who dropped me after the relationship with my parents blew up one more time, and we had to insist they leave our home. (I refer to that as “a messy divorce,” too.) The lies that have trickled back to me have shown me that the truth is NOT being spoken, but there is nothing I can do about that. People choose what they believe, and doing “damage control” only ever makes a bigger mess. Better to let it be what it is, and keep an open heart. The absence of biological family makes me even more grateful for my Family of Choice folks! A pastoral counselor friend suggested that to me. She has a son who is gay, and although his whole family has been very accepting and supportive, her son has many friends whose families are not supportive at all. She said they often form “Families of Choice” instead to help fill the gaps. After all, love comes in many forms and faces! ???????????????? Read More3 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuAgreed!! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Eva – how wonderful that you get to have this chance of a relationship with your niece again. I also lost my niece through marriage after my divorce but was blessed to reconnect with her again. I am so glad I was able to have that relationship with her since we lost her to cancer last May. I am very grateful for the time I got to have with her. She is in my heart always and I miss her and I think of her everyday. Wishing you health from your nagging cough and a wonderful week filled with ... Dear Eva – how wonderful that you get to have this chance of a relationship with your niece again. I also lost my niece through marriage after my divorce but was blessed to reconnect with her again. I am so glad I was able to have that relationship with her since we lost her to cancer last May. I am very grateful for the time I got to have with her. She is in my heart always and I miss her and I think of her everyday. Wishing you health from your nagging cough and a wonderful week filled with love and peace ???? Read More1 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuThank you Nancy! I’m so glad to hear it. And happy to hear you were able to be part of your niece’s life in the end. It must have given her joy to know you were still family. 🙂 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryI’ve often told friends and family how much I’ve missed my extended family ( a 23 year relationship) since my divorce five years ago. So happy for you that you’ve re-connected with your niece. Hoping you are feeling better Eva Liu. 2 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuThank you. 🙂 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaDear Eva I share in this experience with you. I was with my husband and his family for 17 years. His Aunt Patty and I recently reconnected and it is such a treat for me. I also am grateful I am still very close with his two half-brothers and their families. I hope your cough eases soon and hope your day is full of love <3 3 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuThank you Manda! 2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWell, dear souls, I think I am back. Last week started rather crazy with the incident and recovering from it, as you know, whch happened just as this site stopped sending me notifcations for reasons known only to the invisible technology gremlins. That meant I did not know you all had responded until well after when I again came in! That was when I got in briefly, just as our internet provider started having issues. We had very sporadic connection the mid to end of last week until it fin... Well, dear souls, I think I am back. Last week started rather crazy with the incident and recovering from it, as you know, whch happened just as this site stopped sending me notifcations for reasons known only to the invisible technology gremlins. That meant I did not know you all had responded until well after when I again came in! That was when I got in briefly, just as our internet provider started having issues. We had very sporadic connection the mid to end of last week until it finally quit entirely over the weekend, coming back last night. So now we shall see! ???? First off, allow me to thank you for your caring and kindness, as always. The messages of sharing and support touched my heart, and I was quite chagrined that I was unable to reply to them as I normally would due to the net issues. It meant so much to me, and while I could not reply directly, please know that they helped me through a time of many emotions. THANK YOU, ALL. ???????????? I have since learned that apparently this firing of flare guns into people’s homes is a current “thing” or fad! A friend of mine related our story to her friend in Wisconsin, and she heard that they have had this going on for six months around Milwaukee. So now as I sit here quietly surrounded by sleeping dogs and cat, I am again conscious of gratitude for such a peace filled mundane moment. I awakened this morning to early morning light growing in the east, a lovely sunrise, the sound of birds. We have had Canada Geese on our pond lately, and their honking blending with the crowing of the roosters has made for an interesting choir! (Hmmmm…I guess the little songbirds are the sopranos, the soft lower clucking of the hebs is the alto, the roosters are the tenor section, and the Canada Geese are the bass section… Anna– can you imagine conducting such a choir?? ????) I am also grateful for the painful spot on my right thumb webbing where I managed to rip off a blister before I knew it had formed. To help burn off some of the anxious energy after the incident, I was raking up mulch and scooping scattered dirt, courtesy of the chickens, and the grateful part is because I could do this. I coukd not have done it a year ago. And the only thing that has hurt much after is the blister! I am not all the way well, but I am seeing improvement, which is encouraging. How is everyone?? Now I shall go scroll and try to catch up! Blessings, all! Read More1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyWelcome back, Aine. I have wondered how you were holding up after your frightening experience. And, sorry to hear it is a fad to fire flare guns - what? Wouldn't it be nice if the fad were to shovel snow for others or something nice. What a nice way to wake up - to the sound of your choir. Yesterday while out on errands there were at least three large flocks of Canadian Geese flying to congregate on a snowy field. I turned off my radio and rolled down the windows so I could hear their honkin... Welcome back, Aine. I have wondered how you were holding up after your frightening experience. And, sorry to hear it is a fad to fire flare guns – what? Wouldn’t it be nice if the fad were to shovel snow for others or something nice. What a nice way to wake up – to the sound of your choir. Yesterday while out on errands there were at least three large flocks of Canadian Geese flying to congregate on a snowy field. I turned off my radio and rolled down the windows so I could hear their honking. I just love the sound of their honking. I am glad to hear that you were able to rake without pain except for that darn blister. I wear gloves now when I rake ????. I will answer here to your response about the sloth since I could not below – we got lucky and caught the sloth on his “poop” schedule since that is when they wake up. This is something they only do about once a week. It was our lucky day. Here is a picture – sorry it is out of focus. Such a sweet creature ❤️ Have a lovely day and happy to hear of your painless raking! Read More 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, thank you! I showed my husband the sloth, and he grinned really big! I told him seeing it was only about thirty years late. ???? My blister is better, thank you. I had not thought I had done anything near enough to cause a blister! I was taking it very gently and gloves did not seem warranted. Oops. I am also appalled at such a fad. In my teen years, it was "egging" cars or "rolling" them with toilet paper. It was stupid, but we were teens. The idea of doing something that could cause... Oh, thank you! I showed my husband the sloth, and he grinned really big! I told him seeing it was only about thirty years late. ???? My blister is better, thank you. I had not thought I had done anything near enough to cause a blister! I was taking it very gently and gloves did not seem warranted. Oops. I am also appalled at such a fad. In my teen years, it was “egging” cars or “rolling” them with toilet paper. It was stupid, but we were teens. The idea of doing something that could cause harm or death to another never entered our heads! So glad you had a wonderful “slothfull” experience! He is adorable! Read More1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Aine, welcome back. After the “incident”, both scary and maddening, what a blessing to se the sun rise to your special choir. The picture of sleeping dogs and cat is just the serenity you need and deserve . Blessings my friend. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, THenry. Your words on your cabin and love of it have been encouraging me more than you might realize. When I look out at the things here that are beautiful, even more so than when we came here, part of me struggles with giving that up, even though I know it is a good change on multiple fronts, and much needed. I stop and remind myself that although I am losing this beauty, the world is FULL of beauties. The area we are going to is hillier than this bit, more like the rolling f... Thank you, THenry. Your words on your cabin and love of it have been encouraging me more than you might realize. When I look out at the things here that are beautiful, even more so than when we came here, part of me struggles with giving that up, even though I know it is a good change on multiple fronts, and much needed. I stop and remind myself that although I am losing this beauty, the world is FULL of beauties. The area we are going to is hillier than this bit, more like the rolling foothills that have always stirred my soul. I think of your cabin and descriptions of the simple joys of dogs, front porches, and sunsets and pray for a place of similar peace. I have my screensaver set to a folder of images I took a few years ago –such peaceful loveliness. As I was enjoying it recently, I realized those shots were taken on a trip down to that area, on our way back. The truth is that there may well be even more beauty awaiting me there than I have here! There is nothing to fear. Thank you for your gift of words. Read More0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDear Aine, sending you love and wishing for you special moments that bring you peace in the midst of chaos. I often find my calm, my sanctuary, my peace and joy in my writing. My true joy is sharing my work with family and dear friends like you. ❤️ 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaI just love Canadian geese Aine! Such a fun sight you were welcomed with this morning! I hope you are well my friend – HUGS <3 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Miss Manda! How are YOU feeling? Over the Bug? 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaI am thank you sweetie Aine for asking! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineHens, not hebs! 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaGood morning, dear Aine. It is so good to see you are back and sounding well, peaceful surrounded by snoozing pets. Loving wishes to you. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you! I hope I am. The system has not been sending notifications, so even though the internet is working again, I still have to check on the notifications. At the moment, the Anatolian is chewing on the Labrador. Funny how a sixty pound dog can look tiny next to a hundred and three pound dog! 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGood morning everybody! Outside, it is again freezing cold, So I will prepare warm breakfast today. I feel grateful and humble for being able to simply take out some compote from the deep freezer, prepared from collected plums and raspberries last autumn, and mix it with apples in a delicious muesli flavored with cinnamon, and some soy yogurt. Grateful as well for lentils and flakes for the birds to feed later on my way to the office. How I wish that each one on earth could start the day and... Good morning everybody! Outside, it is again freezing cold, So I will prepare warm breakfast today. I feel grateful and humble for being able to simply take out some compote from the deep freezer, prepared from collected plums and raspberries last autumn, and mix it with apples in a delicious muesli flavored with cinnamon, and some soy yogurt. Grateful as well for lentils and flakes for the birds to feed later on my way to the office. How I wish that each one on earth could start the day and each day of the week with the nourishment body and soul need to feel well and healthy. It is such a privilege to have access to all these wonders of nature every day even that much so that storage is possible. With a bow to you, I wish you a beautiful day and a week full of warmth and well being. Read More5 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Ose, echoing Manda's thoughts. For myself, if we as a people could unite as one,across this blue marble we call earth, we could harness the power of love and compassion to share the abundance that some have, with those who have so little.....or nothing at all. In the USA (where I was born), there are those who say "America First". Dear God, why can't we stand up and shout......."World First".........share the food, care for the children, protect the environment, save endangered animal specie... Hi Ose, echoing Manda’s thoughts. For myself, if we as a people could unite as one,across this blue marble we call earth, we could harness the power of love and compassion to share the abundance that some have, with those who have so little…..or nothing at all. In the USA (where I was born), there are those who say “America First”. Dear God, why can’t we stand up and shout…….”World First”………share the food, care for the children, protect the environment, save endangered animal species. Read More2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineAmen. I have always thought nationalistic pride/fervor a type of arrogance we cannot afford to indulge. To be proud of who you are as a country, heritage, history, or a person is one thing, not wrong in itself, but to be proud of it at the expense of another is something else entirely! Lately, I find myself reading the latest example of arrogance and wanting to issue a formal apology to all the other countries who are being offended regularly by this regime. Oh, how I hope they realize we don't... Amen. I have always thought nationalistic pride/fervor a type of arrogance we cannot afford to indulge. To be proud of who you are as a country, heritage, history, or a person is one thing, not wrong in itself, but to be proud of it at the expense of another is something else entirely! Lately, I find myself reading the latest example of arrogance and wanting to issue a formal apology to all the other countries who are being offended regularly by this regime. Oh, how I hope they realize we don’t all think like that!! Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaIt truly is lovely Ose and I share in this wishings for all beings/things whatever nourishes their bodies each day! Lots of love <3 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Ose, thank you for your beautiful reflection on the gifts of breakfast. It is my favorite meal of the day and I join you in wishing that all people on earth could have the nourishment they need. I am also remembering with a smile your previous post about feeding the doves on your way to work. Such lovely birds. Here, they have begun their springtime coo-ing in preparation for nesting season. I am wishing you warmth in all your relations this day. 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineAlready, Grateful? It makes me wistful for the spring rhythms that are more familiar to me than here. Have the crocus bloomed yet for you? I know the skunk cabbage is long past as it usually emerges the end of January there, depending in the year. We are still awhile from spring peepers, a serenade I absolutely adore. And the song of the tree frogs is new to me here, but now very dear. Such companionable little creatures. ???? 1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaYes, it has been quite rainy and was unusually warm here last week -- I even saw a bat fluttering in the moonlight one night! So spring peepers have been calling and salamanders moving. Last evening at dusk I was out listening for woodcocks (none heard). And nothing blooming in the hollow yet. But tender green tips are poking up everywhere, including first sprigs of catnip on the south side of the house. So I picked some for my roly-poly kitty who was quite pleased. Last night we had a tur... Yes, it has been quite rainy and was unusually warm here last week — I even saw a bat fluttering in the moonlight one night! So spring peepers have been calling and salamanders moving. Last evening at dusk I was out listening for woodcocks (none heard). And nothing blooming in the hollow yet. But tender green tips are poking up everywhere, including first sprigs of catnip on the south side of the house. So I picked some for my roly-poly kitty who was quite pleased. Last night we had a turn toward more normal freezing temperatures. But spring is on its way here and moving north towards you 🙂 Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaI would like to share with you my opposed and antithetical feelings, which are filling my mind, now. Last evening my husband and I met some friends with whom we planned our next summer holidays. We ar going to travel through Sicily, we have already planned some stunning places that we can visit there. So, how couldn't we be grateful for this? A wonderfule place, culture, food, sun, a fabulous sea...and a warm friendship. Grateful for having a work, so that we can have holidays, grateful for... I would like to share with you my opposed and antithetical feelings, which are filling my mind, now. Last evening my husband and I met some friends with whom we planned our next summer holidays. We ar going to travel through Sicily, we have already planned some stunning places that we can visit there. So, how couldn’t we be grateful for this? A wonderfule place, culture, food, sun, a fabulous sea…and a warm friendship. Grateful for having a work, so that we can have holidays, grateful for our friends and all these beauties. I only feel a deep sorrow thinking of people who can not even imagine their holidays. And especially during these last days, I am thinking of Syria, that troubled earth where people die, and die, and die… Last night we laughed a lot because our friends were so funny. So, why this unjustice in the world? Why can we laugh, while others cry, and die under bombs, others again die in that same Mediterranean sea we consider a wonderful sea? Read More2 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmDear Anna, thank you for bringing up this difficult subjet which I think deserves reflection. This is a portion of a poem by Jack Gilbert “A Brief for The Defense”: “If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction we lessen the importance of their deprivation We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have the stubborness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.” Blessings dear friend 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ It is hard to understand why some are so fortunate and others not. I like what THenry said to practice random acts of kindness to others because we can feel so helpless when we cannot end the suffering of others. 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDear Anna, I've never stopped asking why............why some hate, why school children die at the hands of a madman, why some are blessed with so much, while others stand on a corner holding a tin cup and a cardboard sign. My heart breaks during the evening news, and still I thank God for all my blessings that I don't truly deserve. I have no answers Anna. All I can do, for my portion, is to offer others random acts of kindness whenever I can. We can't stop all the suffering, or stem the evil ... Dear Anna, I’ve never stopped asking why…………why some hate, why school children die at the hands of a madman, why some are blessed with so much, while others stand on a corner holding a tin cup and a cardboard sign. My heart breaks during the evening news, and still I thank God for all my blessings that I don’t truly deserve. I have no answers Anna. All I can do, for my portion, is to offer others random acts of kindness whenever I can. We can’t stop all the suffering, or stem the evil tide of violence. We cannot end the conflicts throughout the world. But, there is much good in the world. We have to have faith and hope that good will endure, it will survive long after evil dies. Aine said it best…………”I cannot stop the pain for all, but if I can ease it for one who is in my path, then I have affected the whole in ways I cannot begin to comprehend”. Blessings to all this nite. Read More2 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweet Anna, perhaps some who face such adversities and travesties are able to smile and laugh too - maybe we just don't get to see this part of their lives that they are surrounded by love and have such love in their hearts. We will all die - taking time to celebrate each moment even when it is most difficult. I watched Breathe last night - an extraordinary moving true story on living with a disability and the invention of the respirator and the focus on living life fully. Lots of love to you... Sweet Anna, perhaps some who face such adversities and travesties are able to smile and laugh too – maybe we just don’t get to see this part of their lives that they are surrounded by love and have such love in their hearts. We will all die – taking time to celebrate each moment even when it is most difficult. I watched Breathe last night – an extraordinary moving true story on living with a disability and the invention of the respirator and the focus on living life fully. Lots of love to you in your mediterranean world<3 Read More1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineYou just described the people I met in Haiti, Manda. Their strength, courage, resilience, and such HUGE smiles have lived on in my heart these many years. Having seen it and met its people, it is inexplicable to me why Haiti is often so demeaned and discarded! We ought to take lessons from them in how to keep strong in the face of adversity! 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaIndeed! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI understand, Anna. There is a razor edge sometimes when we are aware of the duality of suffering and blessing. Perhaps the awareness our blessing functions to make our hearts more grateful and therefore more apt to reach out to alleviate suffering where we are? I have been thinking of this recently since reading a post from the Fr Richard Rohr site that spoke of how "Jesus was not Plan B." All that suffering! Not Plan B? Not the remedy to something ideal that humans had screwed up but an ac... I understand, Anna. There is a razor edge sometimes when we are aware of the duality of suffering and blessing. Perhaps the awareness our blessing functions to make our hearts more grateful and therefore more apt to reach out to alleviate suffering where we are? I have been thinking of this recently since reading a post from the Fr Richard Rohr site that spoke of how “Jesus was not Plan B.” All that suffering! Not Plan B? Not the remedy to something ideal that humans had screwed up but an active choice made from love? That is a staggering thought. I find, too, that when I start to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the suffering in this world, my surest remedy is to find something to do right where I am, then do it. I cannot stop the pain for all, but if I can ease it for one who is in my path, then I have affected the whole in ways I cannot begin to comprehend. It is not in my province to reach my arms out to encompass Syria or any other hurting spot and people, except by prayer. But there is much I CAN do. I can write a handwritten letter to a friend losing her hearing…listen with full attention to another’s story…encourage a friend experiencing struggle…celebrate from my heart with another’s good fortune…smile at a stranger…show appreciation…be present with those I encounter…BE where I am. What we do where we are MATTERS. It does not solve, because that is not our job, but it does very much matter. Perhaps there is an orphanage on your holiday route? Or another place of service? Maybe you could spend the intervening months collecting items that might bring them joy or meet needs? Then you could have the fun of dropping the items off as part of your blessing on holiday? I mention orphanage as one if my dear friends who I saw last night spent much time in an orphanage as a child. Her mentally ill mother would just dump her off indefinitely at a place now revealed as an abusive prison like institution. She is now around seventy, but she still has a passion for cookies because they never got them in the orphanage. Something so simple can mean a tremendous amount! Read More1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaAlso dear Anna, I was reminded of an inspiring blog article that I read several months ago here on the gratefulness site — A Special Guide, by Annette Fernandez. Wherever she travels, she tries to find a local guide who is doing good in their community and then to spend one day of her vacation volunteering in some way to benefit the people she has met along the way. When I read it, I thought to myself, when I have the opportunity to travel again, I hope to find a way to do the same. 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThank you dear Grateful Sea, I don't remember this blog and I will seek for it in this site. Anyway, it is a very interesting suggestion and I will pay attention on it. It is true, there are so many people who act for the good of others. And when my friends, my husband and I are on holidays, we like observing, listening and talking. We can learn, wherever we go. Sometimes we have different opinions but, that's the Life. As to the pains of the greatest part of our world, I know, there are no wor... Thank you dear Grateful Sea, I don’t remember this blog and I will seek for it in this site. Anyway, it is a very interesting suggestion and I will pay attention on it. It is true, there are so many people who act for the good of others. And when my friends, my husband and I are on holidays, we like observing, listening and talking. We can learn, wherever we go. Sometimes we have different opinions but, that’s the Life. As to the pains of the greatest part of our world, I know, there are no words. Maybe only prayers, and our most sincere effort to live in Gratitude, kindness, openness, shared responsibility. Have a good Week, dear friend. Read More1 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaDear Anna, I have no answers. I just want to say that I share your confusion and anguish over these situations such as you write of. 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHappy Trails Sun barely risen So too am I Another August mornin' Punchin' doggies Feels like far Since I left my mam and pap Wrote em' once Think I was in Arkansas Man said head west son There's good land for the takin' Sweet water runs along the ridge Good grazin' as far as the eye can see Best keep movin' the herd Gotta reach New Mexico by November Some good ol' boys helpin' the ol' man Makes the saddle ride a bit smoother When she's done Might just set a spell... Happy Trails Sun barely risen So too am I Another August mornin’ Punchin’ doggies Feels like far Since I left my mam and pap Wrote em’ once Think I was in Arkansas Man said head west son There’s good land for the takin’ Sweet water runs along the ridge Good grazin’ as far as the eye can see Best keep movin’ the herd Gotta reach New Mexico by November Some good ol’ boys helpin’ the ol’ man Makes the saddle ride a bit smoother When she’s done Might just set a spell Arizona in December Seems about right Nothin’ finer then sun settin’ on the trail Me and the boys sittin’ round the fire Tall tales about runin’ cattle Taller still about the loves Won & lost along the way It’s a good life Yes sir, a good ol’ life T Henry February 17, 2012 Read More2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAnother lovely poem – thank you THenry ❤️ 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet THenry for this poem. Lots of love to you friend <3 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenrySending you and Jack Bear love and hugs this nite. Be well dear Manda ❤️ 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you dear THenry! We can feel them! Be well too my friend <3 0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaMornin’ my friend. Thank you for your poem. It brings to my mind the intense beauty of the wide open spaces out West. Something tells me you too might be a fan of cowboy poet, Baxter Black? 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryHi Grateful, honestly, I have not read Baxter Black, but I will Google his name for certain. I hope you are well this day my friend 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSo lovely to visit here before I sleep tonight - I shall catch up tomorrow! I came down with the stomach flu and some other fantastic sensations and starting to feel on the mend :) I am grateful for an abundance of groceries I was able to buy tonight and to everyone/everything who made this possible! To have the strength to shovel snow for myself and my elderly neighbor and her sweet dog Buddie! To enjoy a car ride in wintry wonderland with Jack bear and enjoy a slab of smoked salmon :) G... So lovely to visit here before I sleep tonight – I shall catch up tomorrow! I came down with the stomach flu and some other fantastic sensations and starting to feel on the mend 🙂 I am grateful for an abundance of groceries I was able to buy tonight and to everyone/everything who made this possible! To have the strength to shovel snow for myself and my elderly neighbor and her sweet dog Buddie! To enjoy a car ride in wintry wonderland with Jack bear and enjoy a slab of smoked salmon 🙂 Grateful for a heating pad, cozy bed, and sweet romantic movie to end my night as I nestle full of heart fuzzy’s – how I love love! Wishing you all a beautiful night and to our majestic world <3 xx Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, no! You got the stomach flu AFTER the respiratory flu? I had that happen once. I think it was the H1N1 year, and they warned that the particular flu that year presented with respiratory first, then clobbered you with the stomach part 2-3 weeks later, seemingly out of the blue. That was NOT my favorite flu, I will say. ???? I hope you are on the mend for good now! Mmmmm...smoked salmon shared with a friend...❤️❤️❤️???? We discovered this weekend that our Anatolian has an ab... Oh, no! You got the stomach flu AFTER the respiratory flu? I had that happen once. I think it was the H1N1 year, and they warned that the particular flu that year presented with respiratory first, then clobbered you with the stomach part 2-3 weeks later, seemingly out of the blue. That was NOT my favorite flu, I will say. ???? I hope you are on the mend for good now! Mmmmm…smoked salmon shared with a friend…❤️❤️❤️???? We discovered this weekend that our Anatolian has an absolute passion for pistachios. He got…one. (They are not great for dogs, though not poisonous.) I have only ever seen him have this reaction with one other food — when I cook lamb. He is a food motivated dog, that’s for sure, but he was a positive PEST Saturday night! He usually does not beg if we are eating in the living room, as we have been all winter to be nearest the pellet stove. But Saturday night? Sheesh! He was super intense — ears up, very forward, trying to look his most endearing and hungry. When that did not work, he tried putting his whole head in my lap and looking up at me like he was a SPCA poster child dog, a starving dog, barely hanging on, weakening…weakening…fading fast… ???????? It makes sense — he is an Anatolian, and both lamb and pistachios are pretty staple there. Must be in his DNA! ???? Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaFantastic Manda! And ….strong Manda!???????????? 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseI am looking forward to see two of my friends tomorrow morning on the market. It is always such a joy to meet on Saturdays, as during the week, all of us are too busy working often `til late in the evening, so the Saturday is it. After a long day full of gratitude towards so many wonderful people for sharing life, present or appreciated while absent, close friends, family, or strangers, now my bed is calling. Sending greetings to all of you. 3 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyGreetings Ose – I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends today on the market.???? 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseYes, dear Nancy I had! And you know, another friend came passing by, and all of a sudden, a new connection of networking for a beautiful project was established between two of my friends. So beautiful, the spontaneous support one gave to the other! I was so happy to see my friends happy. We all went home with joy in our hearts. Hope you will have a lovely and joyful Saturday together with your daughter and granddaugther, too! Wishing you a really good time, dear friend. 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyThat sounds wonderful Ose ???? We three had a very full and happy day yesterday too. The sloth is such a sweet creature and he was awake and active when we met him. His name is Aspen. And, while waiting to see Aspen, we had a meet and greet with an adorable porcupine and tortoise. This was the first porcupine I have ever seen and up close and personal! As a child I had a pet tortoise. We shared a nice early dinner out after our Sloth adventure and in the end I got a nice hair style and sweet mas... That sounds wonderful Ose ???? We three had a very full and happy day yesterday too. The sloth is such a sweet creature and he was awake and active when we met him. His name is Aspen. And, while waiting to see Aspen, we had a meet and greet with an adorable porcupine and tortoise. This was the first porcupine I have ever seen and up close and personal! As a child I had a pet tortoise. We shared a nice early dinner out after our Sloth adventure and in the end I got a nice hair style and sweet massage from my granddaughter while relaxing at home watching one of her movies. I am very blessed ❤️ Have a lovely day ???? Read More1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineYou got to see a sloth AWAKE?!? Before my husband was my husband, we had visited the Baltimore aquarium together, where they have a rainforest in one section...and a sloth. He insisted he was going to stay right there waiting until that sloth moved. It was asleep! This man, however, is stubborn, and he was determined to see that sloth move. On and on we waited... Thankfully, his hunger eventually won out over his tenacious determination, and after what seemed like a month and a half, we wen... You got to see a sloth AWAKE?!? Before my husband was my husband, we had visited the Baltimore aquarium together, where they have a rainforest in one section…and a sloth. He insisted he was going to stay right there waiting until that sloth moved. It was asleep! This man, however, is stubborn, and he was determined to see that sloth move. On and on we waited… Thankfully, his hunger eventually won out over his tenacious determination, and after what seemed like a month and a half, we went off to lunch. I think he is still miffed at that sloth for not moving. ???? Read More1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyTomorrow I am excited and grateful to spend another Saturday with my daughter and granddaughter. We will be visiting the Aquarium in Denver for the Sloth exhibit. My granddaughter loves the sloth. I am looking forward to our adventure together tomorrow to see what mischief we can find ???? 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineHow delightful! We saw the sloth in the rainforest at the Aquarium in Baltimore. Such neat creatures! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI just came by to see how you all have been taking a break from housecleaning. I will have to revisit when I can spend the time to read all of your posts. Many blessings to all of you and I hope find a wonderful simple pleasure to enjoy today ❤️???????? 2 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThis is for Nancy, as I have just read her reply to the Daily Question. So, dear Nancy, happy birthday! ???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Anna – thank you! It was in January so it has been awhile but who says you can’t celebrate all year long? Sending you a heartfelt hug ❤️ 2 Reply Antonio Guzman7 years agoAntonio GuzmanToday I have listened to the most wonderful album! It is called "Songs about my cats," and it is truly fantastic! It is by the artist Venetian Snares. I have never felt more at peace with myself. It made me think about how people can express their feelings so amazingly through music. Hearing this man's passion for his feline companions has really made me think about how much I adore all of my pets. I really hope that you give it a listen, and please tell me about your experience! Whether it is p... Today I have listened to the most wonderful album! It is called “Songs about my cats,” and it is truly fantastic! It is by the artist Venetian Snares. I have never felt more at peace with myself. It made me think about how people can express their feelings so amazingly through music. Hearing this man’s passion for his feline companions has really made me think about how much I adore all of my pets. I really hope that you give it a listen, and please tell me about your experience! Whether it is positive or negative, I do not mind. I really enjoy hearing others opinions! Thank you for reading this, and may you go on in peace! I also hope that this album can bring you the same feeling of oneness as it did me. Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineMy feline friend gave me a feeling of oneness when I got home this evening. He jumped on my lap as I sat down to meditate, and having his soft warm heaviness on my lap definitely gave a feeling of oneness! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ I have this same feeling of oneness with my Kitty’s warmth and weight across my legs as I type this ???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Antonio – I will listen to Venetian Snares as I muddle through my housework and let you know what I think. I bet I will love it since I have a sweet feline at home who I love dearly (Kitty – original huh?). Wishing you peace ???? 1 Reply Kathleen7 years agoKathleenGreetings friends, today I awoke to 3 inches of snow. There’s not been any need for a snow shovel all winter until today. I am thankful for the moisture and have enjoyed watching the variety of birds eating at the feeder. It’s been a long time since I have visited this grateful community page and I am happy to be back. Peace in Light 6 Reply Aine7 years agoAine❤️❤️❤️ 0 Reply Antonio Guzman7 years agoAntonio GuzmanI truly admire your ability to see the beauty in all things Kathleen! I personally do not enjoy having lots of snow, but seeing your attitude makes me want to try even harder to change for the better. Thank you very much for this! 2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseJust to add that the photo of today`s word for the day is amazing. The beauty of the spider net, the sun making it all visible, the spider in the center… amazing! All in one. Thank you so much, dear gratefulness-team for these extraordinary photos you present to us every single day. It is a blessing every single day, which I am looking for every morning and which you offer to us, as if in one breath with the precious Word for the Day, accompanying our day in a profound and deep way. So very g... Just to add that the photo of today`s word for the day is amazing. The beauty of the spider net, the sun making it all visible, the spider in the center… amazing! All in one. Thank you so much, dear gratefulness-team for these extraordinary photos you present to us every single day. It is a blessing every single day, which I am looking for every morning and which you offer to us, as if in one breath with the precious Word for the Day, accompanying our day in a profound and deep way. So very grateful! Read More4 Reply Anonymous7 years agoAnonymousYou’re so very welcome, dear Ose. It warms our hearts to hear when our intent to inspire and uplift with words and images on the site has a positive impact. We are grateful to the many generous photographers who share their images; the poets, writers and mystics whose words uplift us all, and you, our community for accompanying us in our shared values. It takes a village 🙂 2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGood afternoon, dear all of you who share here. Today I am grateful to have a warm heater and warm clothes to wear outside, as unexpected cold arrived here again. When I passed the doves on my way to work, they were sitting on the ground, keeping air under their feathers to stay a bit warmer. I will go soon to feed them, which hopefully will do a bit at least against the cold they have to endure today. Wishing all of you out there to have a warm and cozy home to stay. With kind greetings to all ... Good afternoon, dear all of you who share here. Today I am grateful to have a warm heater and warm clothes to wear outside, as unexpected cold arrived here again. When I passed the doves on my way to work, they were sitting on the ground, keeping air under their feathers to stay a bit warmer. I will go soon to feed them, which hopefully will do a bit at least against the cold they have to endure today. Wishing all of you out there to have a warm and cozy home to stay. With kind greetings to all of you. Read More5 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOse, Ursula, here it is sooo cold! It seems the Universe has chosen a weird way to start Spring in our European Continent! Grateful for my warm home, and I am going to take a bath…..such a relax! 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseSo have a beautiful relaxing time, dear Anna! and some warm greetings, too 🙂 2 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear Anna, excellent idea!! Yesterday I burnt some herbs for energy clearing in my room that I love very much - all natural plants -, and suddenly the idea of wishing to go to a sauna came to mind ... Because the scents of hot wood are similar, I think! (I can only do this when I am alone, my husband doesn't like it at all, alas!) Well, no I will soon go to bed because as I wrote to you (did you read my below post about my exciting adventures today?), I will receive a Reiki treatment in l... Dear Anna, excellent idea!! Yesterday I burnt some herbs for energy clearing in my room that I love very much – all natural plants -, and suddenly the idea of wishing to go to a sauna came to mind … Because the scents of hot wood are similar, I think! (I can only do this when I am alone, my husband doesn’t like it at all, alas!) Well, no I will soon go to bed because as I wrote to you (did you read my below post about my exciting adventures today?), I will receive a Reiki treatment in less than an hour! This will hopefully contribute to everyone getting to bed early, as need some quiet in the house, and anyway my children are tired, too, and my husband tells me he has to rest in order to stay healthy, as he feels exhausted and cold … So I wish us all a restful evening! Baci, cara! ???? Read More2 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaWonderful – for me- when you speak to me in italian!!!Danke lieber Freund! ((is it correct?☺ Oh yes I have read your post about your exciting adventure with Reiki. But the dialogue has come to the end and I only posted my “I like”! Rest, dear Ursula, then go, go go !!! If you can, tell us how you will be after this treatement. When you will come back to your home…..I guess that you could enjoy a bath!!!! Your relax will be at the top! 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you dear Ose! Seems that the same weather will reach us here in two days time … Very low temperatures! Enjoy your cozy home, blankets, socks and hot tea! ✨ ❄ ???? 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThanks, dear Ursula, and I hope you will have a wonderful Reiki healing session for your knee and your overall well being! Have a good rest and recovery tonight, and please let us know how you are, dear Ursula! 0 Reply Karen7 years agoKarenI am grateful for my son and my cat. 5 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaGood evening dear everybody, and special thanks to Manda, Nancy, THenry and niels for your latest posts ... I am unable to answer each of your comments individually. Just let me say that I appreciate all your thoughts, blessings, prayers and sharing your experiences you wrote down for me. Thank you! Yesterday has been a hard day for me, but it was Martha's Day and it seems my prayers were heard, although I was so full of doubt(s) ... A pilgrimage friend of mine came and, after suggestin... Good evening dear everybody, and special thanks to Manda, Nancy, THenry and niels for your latest posts … I am unable to answer each of your comments individually. Just let me say that I appreciate all your thoughts, blessings, prayers and sharing your experiences you wrote down for me. Thank you! Yesterday has been a hard day for me, but it was Martha’s Day and it seems my prayers were heard, although I was so full of doubt(s) … A pilgrimage friend of mine came and, after suggesting to walk Sunny together (I suffered so much pain that first I doubted if ot would be possible for me to have a walk in the woods), I agreed and was astonished that my pain wasn’t there any more and my energy quite good. My friend also suggested to make some simple exercises in the woids, connecting us to the Universe, ancestors, fullness, ourselves … My face looked much better afterwards, and my friend then put her hands on my body for almost an hour. As she touched my legs and feet, it felt wonderful and could have continued for hours … It was heaven!! (although this wasn’t where I had felt the pain). I think something begab to flow thanks to her hands … Something to be so grateful for! I can hardly believe this miraculous change! The fear that it might come back is there, but I make an effort to trust my body and God! And the comeback of full health, which requires first of all to be gentle with myself & my family! And to set clear limits as soon as I feel that something is too much for my body or soul! I am grateful for a magic winter wonder land after snowfall for two days, it seems Christmas should be now rather than two months ago! And they promise more snow and very very low temperatures from Sunday on … We will see! I don’t like the cold, but walking Sunny in the snow is wonderful, and she enjoys it so much! And I can return to a warm home and cup of tea afterwards! So: Many many reasons to be grateful! Thank you again for your support, dear grateful(ness) companions! Blessings ????✨???? Read More6 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI am sorry you were hurting, Ursula, but glad the walk and caring helped. I have been finding how much the pain for me in intertwined with anxiety and shame (not feelng "enough" and old tapes playing in my head!), and even sometimes being experienced as terror in my body. When I can calm the parts that trigger the pain, the pain comes less and what there is becomes less intense. I am not all the way with this yet, but it has been a helpful discovery for me. I mention it in case it might reso... I am sorry you were hurting, Ursula, but glad the walk and caring helped. I have been finding how much the pain for me in intertwined with anxiety and shame (not feelng “enough” and old tapes playing in my head!), and even sometimes being experienced as terror in my body. When I can calm the parts that trigger the pain, the pain comes less and what there is becomes less intense. I am not all the way with this yet, but it has been a helpful discovery for me. I mention it in case it might resonate with you due to what you have related of your recent and current stresses at home. I noticed that I had managed to get through the incident last week with much less pain than I expected, but a rerun of a frustration with my husband at end of week gave me more tension and pain than the other. It is food for thought for me! Like Psalm 139 says, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” which I take to mean beautifully intertwined and complex, and very deeply loved! Read More0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Ursula - It is wonderful that your walk in the woods chased your pain away. I like the idea of doing simple exercises in the woods. Nature is so healing allowing as you say connecting us to the Universe, ancestors, fullness, ourselves. What a wonderful friend you have who worked on your body - healing touch! We, too, are getting some snow here in Colorado. Spring can bring the biggest snow storms. And, I have learned begrudgingly to hold off until after Mother's Day in May before I pla... Dear Ursula – It is wonderful that your walk in the woods chased your pain away. I like the idea of doing simple exercises in the woods. Nature is so healing allowing as you say connecting us to the Universe, ancestors, fullness, ourselves. What a wonderful friend you have who worked on your body – healing touch! We, too, are getting some snow here in Colorado. Spring can bring the biggest snow storms. And, I have learned begrudgingly to hold off until after Mother’s Day in May before I plant my flowers. Blessings Ursula ❤️ Read More0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseDear Ursula, so glad you can stay positive, and so courageous you are! Thank you for sharing, it is inspiring and supporting, and so good to know your dear friend was there to ease your pain. Feel warmly embraced, I am with you. 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you, dear Ose! I always appreciate your posts and let me tell you that they are always inspiring to me! Have a blessed day! A hug! ???? 1 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryBlessings dear Ursula. I admire your courage to face the pain, to take the first step of Faith, with the help of your friend. The cold bite of winter can be daunting, but the beauty of the season is amazing!! Be of strong heart, for God is walking with you (and Sunny too). He will gladly carry your burden, ease your suffering. You simply have to ask. ❤️ 2 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank You so much for your kind words, THenry! Exactly what I need at present! Blessings and best to you, too! How are you doing? ???? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Ursula! So glad to read these words...I felt a pain after my reply, because I thought I had dared too much, trying to suggest you something from my point of view. In fact, I have not so many health issues, and I have been selfish with you. I posted my reply, then I would have liked to delete it but the e-mail would have been sent and you would have read it. So, now I am taking a breathe...I am happy that you have such a friend, and I hope that a light is brightening at the end of this da... Dear Ursula! So glad to read these words…I felt a pain after my reply, because I thought I had dared too much, trying to suggest you something from my point of view. In fact, I have not so many health issues, and I have been selfish with you. I posted my reply, then I would have liked to delete it but the e-mail would have been sent and you would have read it. So, now I am taking a breathe…I am happy that you have such a friend, and I hope that a light is brightening at the end of this dark month. Forgive me dear friend. I join you every Tuesday. With love, humbly bowing in front of your courage and sweet heart. Read More2 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmLet me tell you dear Anna that I also felt inadequate, perhaps online support has its limitations, although I don’t question its value, because it has help me too… Dear Ursula, it is really good to hear that there was a person next to you, “in flesh”, that could give you such needed support 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you, Palm! ???? 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnna❤ 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaCarissima Anna, I have no idea why you apologize to me and say such things about your post ... But I am sorry I forgot to mention you!!! I didn't do that intentionally, maybe I had read it before the others and forgotten about answering to you, because I had posted some individual answers ... I feel you gave me support through your post, dear Anna! Don't worry ... You always have warm words for me! And you gave me some thoughts worth considering - after all, our situations are similar... Carissima Anna, I have no idea why you apologize to me and say such things about your post … But I am sorry I forgot to mention you!!! I didn’t do that intentionally, maybe I had read it before the others and forgotten about answering to you, because I had posted some individual answers … I feel you gave me support through your post, dear Anna! Don’t worry … You always have warm words for me! And you gave me some thoughts worth considering – after all, our situations are similar in some ways! I smiled a bit when you said you were heretic, because this we probably have in common as well! Thank you for your virtual hugs and your very real support, Anna (did I tell you that my pilgrimage friend has the same name?? But she is not from Italy, but Polish ????)!! I appreciate it very much! And I thank you for your posts when I know you are often busy in your work and at home! Bellissima giornata a te, have a good day! Un abbraccio ????❤???? Read More1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Ursula, it was a sudden feeling after my post, it has not to do with your following reply, Hmmmmm, your friend is “Anna” and with her hands she gave you a relief….I am thinking that I could try….maybe like a mediterranean healer, it can work, what do you think????????? 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaOh Anna, you are fabulous! Thank you? You know what? For the moment, save the energy for yourself because today, when I walked the dog with my friend Anna again, we did some healing exercises again, and then we met a woman whose name I don't know with her dog Aida ... Sunny and Aida love playing together. Suddenly, I talked with Aida's 'mum' (my friend Anna was behind) and we started talking about 'Om', Reiki (my friend Anna has also started a Reiki course recently), and the woman told me a... Oh Anna, you are fabulous! Thank you? You know what? For the moment, save the energy for yourself because today, when I walked the dog with my friend Anna again, we did some healing exercises again, and then we met a woman whose name I don’t know with her dog Aida … Sunny and Aida love playing together. Suddenly, I talked with Aida’s ‘mum’ (my friend Anna was behind) and we started talking about ‘Om’, Reiki (my friend Anna has also started a Reiki course recently), and the woman told me about her daughter who fell ill (guess with what!) after her father’s death many years ago, as well as her friend and dog at the same time … She started a Reiki course, inspired by her daughter, and since that time she is successfully doing Reiki treatments, directly and from a distance, for family and friends. When her dog Aida hurt my knee when running, she promised me a Reiki treatment tonight before sleeping! ???? And my friend Anna would have done it also, but when she heard it she told me that it was ok because anyway she wanted to care for her nephew who has got a health problem at the moment, too. So I will have a treatment anyway today! I am so happy! From a woman whose name I don’t know with a dog calked Aida!! Funny thing is, this morning, when I brought my son to school by car and wanted to do some shopping for breakfast with my friend Anna, a totally unknown woman asked me to take her to the train station with her luggage (there was no taxi available, we live outside the big town and she just didn’t have an answer by phoning). Well, I was a little suspicious (she hardly spoke German, but English), but in the end I took her to a train station 20 minutes away because otherwise she woukd have missed various trains … It was complicated. She told me she had studied translation (like me!) in England and was originally from Persia, she is doing a part-time teaching at an international school, and worked also with refugees … She thanked me so much, told me I should come to her house in about three weeks time, as we couldn’t exchange phone numbers or email because of little time … So many strange encounters today!! My friend Anna said to me: You have done a good deed this morning, and now you are offered a Reiki treatment! Isn’t that wonderful?????????☀???? See you soon again, have a blessed day!! And when I need it, I will be grateful for your treatment, too! ???? ✨ Read More2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGratefully reading your posts here. After the evening meditation, I enjoy being around with some delicious Lassi (an Indian Yogurt drink mixed with mango and some rosewater added, Yummy...). Isn´t it amazing how small the world has become concerning food and drinks? That we may share all the precious goods from all over the world? While enjoying this Lassi, I think of the Indian people and their cultural heritage, and the food I love. I am so happy that they offer this completely natural flavor... Gratefully reading your posts here. After the evening meditation, I enjoy being around with some delicious Lassi (an Indian Yogurt drink mixed with mango and some rosewater added, Yummy…). Isn´t it amazing how small the world has become concerning food and drinks? That we may share all the precious goods from all over the world? While enjoying this Lassi, I think of the Indian people and their cultural heritage, and the food I love. I am so happy that they offer this completely natural flavor to savoring and send silent prayers of gratitude to the people who have made this possible, who once created this Lassi for example. Whoever it invented, may he or she, or they, be praised for this gift. Read More4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOhhhhhhhh, YUM! My husband and I love mango lassi! That is what first got him to like yogurt. We also love GARLIC! We raise our own, some heirloom varieties we like the best. I learned some years ago of something called "garlic wine" that is drunk in the Republic of Georgia for longevity and health. It is goat yogurt mixed with fresh squeezed garlic. I duplicated as close as possible with the yogurt we had available, our garlic, a little mayonnaise to subsititue the tanginess of goat yo... Ohhhhhhhh, YUM! My husband and I love mango lassi! That is what first got him to like yogurt. We also love GARLIC! We raise our own, some heirloom varieties we like the best. I learned some years ago of something called “garlic wine” that is drunk in the Republic of Georgia for longevity and health. It is goat yogurt mixed with fresh squeezed garlic. I duplicated as close as possible with the yogurt we had available, our garlic, a little mayonnaise to subsititue the tanginess of goat yogurt, as American yogurt is often sweeter, I think, and a little sea salt and fresh pepper. Mmmmmmmmmmm! It was so good we would probably have eaten it on a shoe! Read More0 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaYes, I am with you, Ose, finding it amazing the gifts of food and drink from around the world, and India is special to me too. Today, I am so grateful for the healing properties of turmeric.