Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Aine7 years agoAineThe more I have been learning on forgiveness of late, the more amazing it gets. I was thankful to find I was not so far from it as I thought and that the act of setting the intention of forgiveness is, in itself, an act of forgiveness. One thing that resonated was Fred Luskin's comment that, "Forgiveness is the resolution of grief." He speaks about how we must first grieve the losses of the harm we need to forgive, and only then forgive. When we skip over the grieving, often because it ... The more I have been learning on forgiveness of late, the more amazing it gets. I was thankful to find I was not so far from it as I thought and that the act of setting the intention of forgiveness is, in itself, an act of forgiveness. One thing that resonated was Fred Luskin’s comment that, “Forgiveness is the resolution of grief.” He speaks about how we must first grieve the losses of the harm we need to forgive, and only then forgive. When we skip over the grieving, often because it hurts to confront such things, we keep ourselves from getting a full resolution in our hearts and bodies. It made me see the process in a different light, as well as showing me some things that had been allowed to “blow over” without ever being resolved in any way. Wow. I am very thankful for this Science of Happiness course. It is really helping me put together a lot of stray bits that had not made sense to me, not just about forgiving but about life in general and mine in particular. Good stuff! Read More3 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ 0 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmThanks dear Aine for sharing your learnings on forgiveness, your reflections are helping me. It is amazing how when we pray for help, the problem doesm’t get resolved by itself but the teachers magially appear. I have an account with Edx, I took a good course on childhood behaviour 2 years ago, and I remember the big smile ???? that identifies the happiness course, I hope I can get to take it some time 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaHello dear Palm, I am so glad to see you and read your inspiring post. I agree with you, about teachers that magically appear in our life. Though, while getting older…???? I am not so sure that this is a magic event….maybe in some special way we seek for a help, and the Universe, or God, answers, because we are humbly open to receive. 1 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmHello dear Anna! Thank you, I am totally with you, God answers when we are humbly ready, your unshakable faith comforts my heart… I think perhaps I see the magical as a metaphor that helps me when I need to feel some wonder in life ???? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnna???????? 2 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, yes, dear Palm! Isn't there a saying that "When the student is ready, the teacher appears?" I believe the class runs again in September, although it is self-paced. This one ends in June. It helps it not be so hard to keep up. I tried auditing a class on Homer last year but it was much drier than this one. I wound up dropping that one -- too much work and too little interest on my part. This one is wonderful! Fascinating, uplifting, engaging, and so practical! I see another few cla... Oh, yes, dear Palm! Isn’t there a saying that “When the student is ready, the teacher appears?” I believe the class runs again in September, although it is self-paced. This one ends in June. It helps it not be so hard to keep up. I tried auditing a class on Homer last year but it was much drier than this one. I wound up dropping that one — too much work and too little interest on my part. This one is wonderful! Fascinating, uplifting, engaging, and so practical! I see another few classes on poetry, including one on Walt Whitman, another on Emily Dickinson… I shall skip the Modernism one. The university system I got my degree under was heavily into the Modernists. If I never see another suicidal female poet’s work again, it will be fine by me! One of the female Modernists actually wrote speaking out against this tendency to suicide in female Modernist poets because it was so very prevalent. ???????????? Learning about forgiveness this way is making it more accessible to me, more doable. It is simpler somehow. I am farther than I thought in the process, as I said, but I do so need to let go! Perhaps I hang on out of grief, since letting go is a rather final acceptance that this is it forever, and my kind heart still wishes I had been able to pull a rabbit out of a hat and make it all come out the way I wanted. Unfortunately, it was a No Rabbit zone! Read More2 Reply Palm7 years agoPalm????perfect saying, Aine! and thanks for the update on the course, Iyes, it takes time to choose an interesting one, so I appreciate the recommendation, I am quite busy at the moment, so it's good to hear 'September' , I will keep it mind... I am with you, these days any thing resembling the academic, deadening University system does not pull my attention, and I am all for uplifting, practical and accessible! With grieving, I think as you say, it's letting go of the wish to make it all come out... ????perfect saying, Aine! and thanks for the update on the course, Iyes, it takes time to choose an interesting one, so I appreciate the recommendation, I am quite busy at the moment, so it’s good to hear ‘September’ , I will keep it mind… I am with you, these days any thing resembling the academic, deadening University system does not pull my attention, and I am all for uplifting, practical and accessible! With grieving, I think as you say, it’s letting go of the wish to make it all come out the way we wanted, but love is never wasted and the connection will always be there… Read More0 Reply Erich6177 years agoErich617I am just stopping by to say hello. I have had a number of time commitments lately that have prevented me from sharing here. I have been doing a lot of reflecting, however, and had some very positive experiences–as well as some negative ones. Thank you all for your presence. 3 Reply manda7 years agomandaWonderful to see you Erich! I hope your day is full of ease and love <3 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeWelcome back Erich. It sounds like your life is very full of late. And how wonderful that amidst all of the commitments you have taken the time to reflect on all your experiences. That is a grace for sure. ~Blessings 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaWelcome again Erich! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineGood to see you, Erich! 0 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva Liuit’s been a lovely day set aside just for me. I had a busy day yesterday and it will be a busy week ahead but for today, I had sunlight at my fingertips, on my face, in my body and it was all just lovely. 3 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeHello Eva Liu….thank you for sharing. The feel of sunlight is so lovely and healing. I am always so happy to greet Brother Sun when he appears! I hope that as your busy week continues you will have more moments like this! ~Blessings 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancySounds wonderful – a day set aside just for you. When I was working those days were far and few between. But, in my retirement, most days can be that way. And they are never taken for granted. Enjoy your day just for you ???? 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaI am grateful for memories - I can't believe just how many I am and how things just spark them to come for a visit :) Grateful for snow today for our beautiful forest and though Jack bear misses a walk this day, he is in good spirits and enjoyed a little ride into town. The joy of having his window down and letting in the weather is just a hoot - perhaps why some of my electrical components are wonky but I just can't not allow these moments :) Grateful for a bit of broccoli and sweet potatoes... I am grateful for memories – I can’t believe just how many I am and how things just spark them to come for a visit 🙂 Grateful for snow today for our beautiful forest and though Jack bear misses a walk this day, he is in good spirits and enjoyed a little ride into town. The joy of having his window down and letting in the weather is just a hoot – perhaps why some of my electrical components are wonky but I just can’t not allow these moments 🙂 Grateful for a bit of broccoli and sweet potatoes nourishment with so much garlic and fresh basil – taste buds were delighted today. I am about to enjoy a much needed hot bath and soak in a bit of Jonathan Faust – love now. My yoga practice was ungraceful, falling, laughing, holding hands with my breath and climbing up the wall – upside down grounding was a sweet way to end. I am grateful to move my body and to move in ways that it wants to, explore movement, and accept <3 Lots of loving wishes to you and our magnificent world. xx Read More6 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnadear Manda, I have checked "Flagstaff" in the web, ...what an amazing surprise!!! fantastic place, fantastic Ponderosa Pine woods! This latin word "ponderosa" suggests me the calm, patient and even hard work that trees keep on doing to carry in the atmosphere us the precious oxigen. And what a gift for us, while they do this work, they stay on our earth with grace, like a living poem. yesterday, driving near a wood, i saw a horrible trash left by someone I can't consider a good fellow, at least... dear Manda, I have checked “Flagstaff” in the web, …what an amazing surprise!!! fantastic place, fantastic Ponderosa Pine woods! This latin word “ponderosa” suggests me the calm, patient and even hard work that trees keep on doing to carry in the atmosphere us the precious oxigen. And what a gift for us, while they do this work, they stay on our earth with grace, like a living poem. yesterday, driving near a wood, i saw a horrible trash left by someone I can’t consider a good fellow, at least an uncivil fellow, don’t you think, Manda? Carrying on my driving, I sought for the municipal police and I found one of them, who was leading the way to students in crossing of the road, in front of the school. I stopped my car and told her (she was a kind municipal policewoman) the fact. Today that waste was not there anymore. Glad to see that little wood preparing for the incoming spring, and grateful for people who lead their tasks with honesty, taking care of people, society, nature. Read More3 Reply manda7 years agomandaIndeed sweet Anna it is most beautiful here and I did not know about the meaning of Ponderosa- thank you so much for this! I do think very uncivil-minded leaving trash in the forest or anywhere. I don’t know if people are aware at the consequences of such actions and the impact it has on so many. I am so happy this waste is absent now – loving this people taking care of people, society, and nature! We are all we have if you think about it <3 Lots of love to you my friend <3 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Manda - I love the way a song can bring back a memory for me as if I was transported in time back to the very moment it reminded me of. Your mention of your sweet Jack bear reminded me of the following: IF A DOG WERE YOUR TEACHER you would learn stuff like … When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. When it’s in your best interest – prac... Dear Manda – I love the way a song can bring back a memory for me as if I was transported in time back to the very moment it reminded me of. Your mention of your sweet Jack bear reminded me of the following: IF A DOG WERE YOUR TEACHER you would learn stuff like … When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy. When it’s in your best interest – practice obedience. Let others know when they’ve invaded your territory. Take naps and stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting, when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. Drink plenty of water, and lie under a shady tree. When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body. No matter how often you’re scolded, don’t buy into the guilt thing and pout … run right back and make friends. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough. Never pretend to be something you’re not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently. Have a lovely day and I hope you enjoy some simple pleasure ????❤️???? Read More2 Reply manda7 years agomandaOh I just love this dear Nancy; thank you so much for sharing!! Warms my heart 🙂 I hope you are having a most delightful day surrounded by love <3 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you for that, Nancy! I have often thought things like that since we have our dog Sunny – good to read them in cold print! Have a good day! 1 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning happy to "see" you my friend. It sounds like you had a lovely "vacay" with your bestie! How wonderful. I heart Sedona with all my heart!! In fact I have a framed picture of the "Madonna and Child" red rock formation sitting on my desk next to me as I type this. Our visit there is one of my most special memories. I too am grateful for memories and all the times and ways in which they decide to visit. Aren't our brains mysterious and amazing? :) ~Wishing you... Good morning Manda….so happy to “see” you my friend. It sounds like you had a lovely “vacay” with your bestie! How wonderful. I heart Sedona with all my heart!! In fact I have a framed picture of the “Madonna and Child” red rock formation sitting on my desk next to me as I type this. Our visit there is one of my most special memories. I too am grateful for memories and all the times and ways in which they decide to visit. Aren’t our brains mysterious and amazing? 🙂 ~Wishing you day filled with the sweetest memories my friend Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet Diane – Sedona warms my heart too and happy to hear of your special memories! Indeed brains are amazing and curious organs 🙂 Lots of love to you sweetie <3 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Diane, I am curious about this “Madonna and child”red rock formation….may you tell me something, or have you a picture that you can post? 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDearest Anna: I have attached the might be sideways but if you look carefully you can see the red rock formation that looks like the Madonna and child. Sedona, Arizona in the American Southwest is famous for its red rock formations. The rocks are a beautiful red color caused by the weathering of the iron in the rocks due to the very hot and dry climate in the desert. There are many different formations that have been given names like "Bell Rock" and "Cathedral Rock" that describ... Dearest Anna: I have attached the picture…it might be sideways but if you look carefully you can see the red rock formation that looks like the Madonna and child. Sedona, Arizona in the American Southwest is famous for its red rock formations. The rocks are a beautiful red color caused by the weathering of the iron in the rocks due to the very hot and dry climate in the desert. There are many different formations that have been given names like “Bell Rock” and “Cathedral Rock” that describe how they appear if you use your imagination! When we visited there my daughters’ favorite one was “Snoopy Rock” named after the dog in the Peanuts cartoon….are you familiar with Snoopy? Anna….if you have the time maybe you can look up these formations on your computer. They are so beautiful. Many believe that the red rocks are sources are great energy, tranquility and spirituality. When I was there I was overcome with joy and peace being among them. It is a very special memory for me. I hope you are having a beautiful and blessed day mi amica. Read More 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaOh my dear friend, I feel a sense of awe! Thank you for your reply, I don’t know anything about red rocks, so your kind words are enlightening me. It should be like a natural sanctuary! That rocks actually look like the typical images of Madonna and Child! I have checked in the web….fantastic! Oh yes, I know Snoopy! When I was a student I had an agenda with Peanuts pictures. Thank you Diane! ???? 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaLoving smiles on my face and in my heart as I read your post and look at this photo – which I giggled a bit today as it is sideways and reminds me of dear Aine’s sideways chickens 🙂 The magnificence of the red rock formations is deeply moving. Xx 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaHello everyone, I' ve seen that some of you are asking how I am doing. Thanks for your thoughts! Everything seems not easy at the moment to me - three weeks with my two boys at home, two weeks ofvwhich both had bronchitis. Last week there were 'holidays' (for whom? - the teachers?), not for me anyway. I had to help them to do the school and home exercises of three weeks, plus the 'normal' house work. I don't feel always well, so I try to keep my balance ... And there are many struggle... Hello everyone, I’ ve seen that some of you are asking how I am doing. Thanks for your thoughts! Everything seems not easy at the moment to me – three weeks with my two boys at home, two weeks ofvwhich both had bronchitis. Last week there were ‘holidays’ (for whom? – the teachers?), not for me anyway. I had to help them to do the school and home exercises of three weeks, plus the ‘normal’ house work. I don’t feel always well, so I try to keep my balance … And there are many struggles with my husband. I feel it’s my ‘fault’ but I’ m often upset with him. … And I don’t sleep well at the moment, so I have to use every possible second to relax … So maybe you can understand that I don’t post very much at the moment! When I can, I read some of your posts and I am often delighted to read about so many things to be grateful for! Thank you and blessings to everyone! Read More3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineSending you a hug, prayers, and a cup of hot linden tea from across the ocean! 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you so much, dear Aine! I have made a Cup of linden tea for myself (I had it in the house because I used a mixed herbs tea for my sons’ bronchitis). I will probably enjoy another cup of it in perfect temperature when I have a silent moment for myself … the other day it was not hot enough! And imagine that I even have a linden tree right in front of our living / kitchen room! :-)) 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyPlease take care and I hope things in your life will ease soon ❤️???? 0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear Nancy, thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts! And thank you for your numerous posts which are very helpful! Blessings, Ursula 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️???? 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeGood morning is so wonderful to see you here. I am sorry for the challenges you have been facing lately. Please don't worry about not posting....everyone here understands and just wanted you to know that you are being thought of and missed :) And yes...please continue to use any moments you can to rest and relax. You deserve that my friend! I hope that your sons are feeling better? Be well dear are a very special person who gives so much to others. I am se... Good morning Ursula…it is so wonderful to see you here. I am sorry for the challenges you have been facing lately. Please don’t worry about not posting….everyone here understands and just wanted you to know that you are being thought of and missed 🙂 And yes…please continue to use any moments you can to rest and relax. You deserve that my friend! I hope that your sons are feeling better? Be well dear Ursula….you are a very special person who gives so much to others. I am sending you love and light and wishes for a good night sleep. ~Blessings my friend Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you so much for your words and wishes, dear friend Diane! My sons are doing better, but as they have found their strength again, they are very challenging towards me and I don't feel very well at the moment, physically, mentally and spiritually. I also notice much fear coming up ... I don't really know how to get rid of it. That's the problem ... Today is Martha's day, and when I do my prayer later this evening, I will try to find my confidence. Blessings to you, Diane - and ... Thank you so much for your words and wishes, dear friend Diane! My sons are doing better, but as they have found their strength again, they are very challenging towards me and I don’t feel very well at the moment, physically, mentally and spiritually. I also notice much fear coming up … I don’t really know how to get rid of it. That’s the problem … Today is Martha’s day, and when I do my prayer later this evening, I will try to find my confidence. Blessings to you, Diane – and thanks again! Read More0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaLiebe Ursula! I was worrying…now I am glad to see you so early in the morning, before leaving my home.I am taking my breakfast…. I join Manda, be good to you, Ursula. A hug. 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaCara Anna, sorry that you did worry 🙂 A little rhyme to make us both smile! I will try to be good to me, thank you for your words, Anna! I wish you a good day, take care of you, and enjoy your meals during work!! Un grande abbraccio, Ursula 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnna????❤???? 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweetie Ursula, it warms my heart to see you here this night. I do hope your struggles lessen and that you find joy in your moments. You do so much – be good to you dear friend <3 1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaDear Manda, thank you so much for your heartfelt and kind words!! They mean a lot to me! Manda, I hope you are doing better with your arms (in fact, I don't know what the problem was - maybe I had missed some of your Posts). Anyway, I admire how you seem to be in a good mood quickly although you might have some worries, and thank you for your wonderful posts!! I have a question: Do you have an idea what I can do when a car ride & dog is necessary? Usually, I wait until someone is h... Dear Manda, thank you so much for your heartfelt and kind words!! They mean a lot to me! Manda, I hope you are doing better with your arms (in fact, I don’t know what the problem was – maybe I had missed some of your Posts). Anyway, I admire how you seem to be in a good mood quickly although you might have some worries, and thank you for your wonderful posts!! I have a question: Do you have an idea what I can do when a car ride & dog is necessary? Usually, I wait until someone is here with Sunny because she often gets nausea when going by car, even a small distance. During a little while it was better when someone sat with her on the back bench of the car (one or two persons), but her vomits have returned lately … Any idea? I would be grateful for a hint 🙂 Thanks!! Have a beautiful day with Jack bear! Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweet Ursula, I hope I am not too late in responding - though I may not have helpful words as I have not experienced this. Aine's words may work! When I read your post, I imagined being able to ride in the passenger seat in a dog bed with perhaps a dog treat here and there and loving words and perhaps a hand (if you have an automatic car) resting gently on your furry friend - and some fresh air with the window down :) Violet used to not enjoy long distance car rides and would often cling to m... Sweet Ursula, I hope I am not too late in responding – though I may not have helpful words as I have not experienced this. Aine’s words may work! When I read your post, I imagined being able to ride in the passenger seat in a dog bed with perhaps a dog treat here and there and loving words and perhaps a hand (if you have an automatic car) resting gently on your furry friend – and some fresh air with the window down 🙂 Violet used to not enjoy long distance car rides and would often cling to me like a cat hanging on a screen but lots of cooing and deep breathing would help calm her. I hope it goes well <3 Read More1 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you Manda! No, I don’t have an automatic car, and Sunny doesn’t like riding on the passenger seat. Anyway, I do not often take her in the car for the moment! Enjoy your weekend with your Jack bear! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI hope you don't mind, Liebe Ursula, if I jump in on the question of Sunny. I like to take the approach of helping a dog ease through a situation so they realize on their own that there is no need for panic. We did approach with our newest dog in storms, and it helped. I gave him 3-5 drops of valerian tincture soaked into a dog biscuit when a storm was coming. It soothed him down enough that he got much much better on storms! Sometimes he does not even need the valerian now! It is an occasio... I hope you don’t mind, Liebe Ursula, if I jump in on the question of Sunny. I like to take the approach of helping a dog ease through a situation so they realize on their own that there is no need for panic. We did approach with our newest dog in storms, and it helped. I gave him 3-5 drops of valerian tincture soaked into a dog biscuit when a storm was coming. It soothed him down enough that he got much much better on storms! Sometimes he does not even need the valerian now! It is an occasional use herb, which is perfect for the odd storm or car ride. We also used it to help his separation anxiety, and that, too, is better. That said, some dogs never will enjoy car rides. Our Lily did best when she could sit on a seat and look out. She had been beaten for throwing up in a car as a pup, which is VERY common for puppies to do. She would have an anxiety attack, and there went her breakfast! It got better as she aged and realized we would never beat her, but in the back of the car, it returned FAST. I once spent six hours of an eight hour trip with her sandwiched into my seatbelt with me and drooling like a fountai. That trip the only place she felt okay was when I was holding her. This was because we had thought her past her tummy wobbles and put her in the back with the others. BIG MISTAKE. Part way, she had barfed in the back. Often, though, part of the problem is that some dogs seem to feel the motion of the vehicle more in the back. I knew one who would vomit unless she rode in the front passenger foot area. I would try both the valerian or a natural calm supplement and not having her ride in the very back. I hope that helps! Read More0 Reply Ursula7 years agoUrsulaThank you, Aine, actually, I thought of little children who often get sick in the car, too! Sometimes I gave her homeopathic globules, which did work in part, but often she disgorges them. As I said to Manda, she didn’t want to stay in the front part of the car … but anyway, I try to avoid taking her with me when traveling in the car! Thank you for your prayers, btw, I need them terribly at the moment! 0 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva Liuit’s been a beautiful day of reflection and learning. Though I’m indoors watching the blue sky and sunny day overhead, I feel really touched and grateful for the interactions I’ve had all day. 4 Reply manda7 years agomandaThat is just lovely Eva! Wishing you well 🙂 1 Reply Eva Liu7 years agoEva LiuThanks Manda! Same to you!! Have a beautiful day/evening wherever you are! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineGood sunshiney morning, all! As I watched the eastern glow deepen and expand across the fields this morning, you all came to mind. How much more beautiful the world becomes when we take the time to notice it and have others with whom to share that beauty! ???????????? Today I am grateful for illumination, for seeing beyond the smoke to the fire. Isn't it funny how you can think a thing for years and then suddenly have the pieces fall into place, turning like a kaleidoscope to show you som... Good sunshiney morning, all! As I watched the eastern glow deepen and expand across the fields this morning, you all came to mind. How much more beautiful the world becomes when we take the time to notice it and have others with whom to share that beauty! ???????????? Today I am grateful for illumination, for seeing beyond the smoke to the fire. Isn’t it funny how you can think a thing for years and then suddenly have the pieces fall into place, turning like a kaleidoscope to show you something quite different? There is grief because of what the Not Seeing has cost but far more hope for positive change now that there is something tangible to address. I can do tangible! Instead of struggling against a nebulous enemy causing blocks we could not get past, we now have some concrete things we can do and steps to take, both of which will be challenging but empowering. AND…we are not alone in this quest! The timeline has been amazing: I think I prayed a desperate Help-I-have-no-clue-what-I-am-doing prayer on Thursday. And then… Friday right after acupuncture — root problem revealed and wisdom received, discussion with husband, agreement on new idea Saturday — dust settling, looking at next steps, wondering how to find resources Sunday — door opens for us to be taken on as clients of a friend’s son who will help us with learning what we need to do now and eventually with strategies for building a more secure future! Wow. Anne Lamott was right! It really is “Help, Thanks, Wow!” So now I am challenged by this process but hopeful that we really can change a longstanding issue that has tripped us up repeatedly for the better and for the long haul. It was a productive weekend of answers and challenge. Growth is not easy — ask any chick beaking their way out of an egg or snake stuck in a tree while attempting to shed its skin! So even though I really do feel a bit like I am upside down and wriggling to free myself, I feel more hope for the future than I ever have, and that is very very good! Read More5 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Aine...I am so happy to read your words this morning. Hope is such a powerful emotion....I love it in Spanish...Esperanza! That word just flows off the tongue. We gave our youngest daughter the middle name "Hope" because we literally hoped and prayed her into this world. You said "I think I prayed a desperate Help-I-have-no-clue-what-I-am-doing prayer" and I immediately thought of Anne Lamott!!! And then smiled real big when, as I kept reading, you mentioned her :) Years ago I lea... Dear Aine…I am so happy to read your words this morning. Hope is such a powerful emotion….I love it in Spanish…Esperanza! That word just flows off the tongue. We gave our youngest daughter the middle name “Hope” because we literally hoped and prayed her into this world. You said “I think I prayed a desperate Help-I-have-no-clue-what-I-am-doing prayer” and I immediately thought of Anne Lamott!!! And then smiled real big when, as I kept reading, you mentioned her 🙂 Years ago I learned a prayer from her. She said that sometimes she gets so tied up in knots that all she can manage is “Help me, help me, help me. Thank you, thank you, thank you”! I have used that prayer many times since then! Aine, you are so right….growth is not easy. And struggle is an important part of growth I am learning. I love your analogy to a chick and a snake and I will add one more beautiful illustration from nature: A butterfly MUST struggle and fight its way out of the cocoon in order to pump enough blood and oxygen into its wings. If we take away this struggle by trying to “help” it emerge, we take away its ability to fly. And what a glorious sight it is to see a butterfly “fluttering by”! We can learn so much from the wise and simply natural instincts of other living things. Us humans just tend to complicate things it seems to me! At least it is true for me. I’m so happy for all that you are discovering along this journey and am grateful that you are sharing it with us….I am learning from you! ~Have a peace-filled day my friend. Read More1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, dear Diane. I am learning much from you, as well. I love how the sharing in here is so gentle but thought provoking. I have been, and am, so blessed by these wonderful souls! Did you know butterflies are also a symbol of resurrection? Awhile ago, I worked on an Easter art installation with a friend at the church we both attended. She had created an amazing piece of color and movement -- just full of butterflies -- in pastels on canvas. My part was to create a floral display an... Thank you, dear Diane. I am learning much from you, as well. I love how the sharing in here is so gentle but thought provoking. I have been, and am, so blessed by these wonderful souls! Did you know butterflies are also a symbol of resurrection? Awhile ago, I worked on an Easter art installation with a friend at the church we both attended. She had created an amazing piece of color and movement — just full of butterflies — in pastels on canvas. My part was to create a floral display and fountain in the foreground so the butterflies would seem to be arising out of the flowers on Easter morning. The way the lighting worked out, everything was just popping out at you. Even the water spray was alive with light. Watching people interact with the installation was priceless. Regardless of age, the wonder of a child showed on all their faces. The image of one man carrying his small son, both entranced, with the child’s tiny hand extended to the spray of water with both haloed in light is forever in my memories of that Easter morning. Somehow, it captured the essence of the wonder, the light, and the love of that day for me. Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaOh dear Aine, yes a kaleidoscope how perfect this is! I am excited to hear about your new adventures! Growth is beautiful - it can feel much too big sometimes, but as I was driving in the snow and feeling a bit anxious, a funny thought crossed my head what if my body just needs this one amazing purge of anxiety (and I am not so inkled to allow it because big anxiety can feel BIG) but after this it is just gone. What if I am not allowing my body to do exactly what it wants to do because I am a... Oh dear Aine, yes a kaleidoscope how perfect this is! I am excited to hear about your new adventures! Growth is beautiful – it can feel much too big sometimes, but as I was driving in the snow and feeling a bit anxious, a funny thought crossed my head what if my body just needs this one amazing purge of anxiety (and I am not so inkled to allow it because big anxiety can feel BIG) but after this it is just gone. What if I am not allowing my body to do exactly what it wants to do because I am afraid?? Just a thought I am taking into my heart. xx Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineDear Manda, an interesting thought, that! Sometimes my body seems to generate anxiety like a spring. ???? I liked the image Peter Levine used of a Slinky to explain how we expend so much energy in trying to keep all the emotional stuff tightly coiled. (He put it better than I!) I have been aware of the anxiety coming up of late, though this is to be expected with such big changes in the works and so much riding on them. I think, too, that when we have been through a tough span, physically a... Dear Manda, an interesting thought, that! Sometimes my body seems to generate anxiety like a spring. ???? I liked the image Peter Levine used of a Slinky to explain how we expend so much energy in trying to keep all the emotional stuff tightly coiled. (He put it better than I!) I have been aware of the anxiety coming up of late, though this is to be expected with such big changes in the works and so much riding on them. I think, too, that when we have been through a tough span, physically and emotionally, perhaps we are simply depleted a bit and thus more prone to having the anxiety visit. For me, the meditation and hypnotherapy have helped me see that the physical pain -emotional pain twist was more of a tangled snarl than I had thought. I had known that the pain ramps up the anxiety, but the anxiety ramps up the pain. Shame ramps up the anxiety, thus affecting the pain, and shame is often experienced in my body as a physical sensation of terror, which ramps up both shame and the anxiety, and therefore pain. No wonder my trauma damaged circuits needed rewiring!!! Read More0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancySounds like you have found light at the end of a tunnel – how wonderful. Growth is not easy but well worth all the trouble. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThank you, Nancy! I am sure it will be. But yes — it is not easy! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineIn the third to last paragraph, please read it as, “So now I am challenged by this process but hopeful that we really can change a longstanding issue that has tripped us up repeatedly — changing it for the better and for the long haul!” I am afraid if I edit and reformat, I may lose it altogether. Thanks! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyToday I am grateful for the lovely time I spent with my daughter and granddaughter Saturday and Sunday. We went roller skating on Sunday. It is something we do together occasionally since my daughter skates regularly. It always takes me awhile to get my "skate legs" but once I do, I can almost skate like when I was a kid. And, when we skate I have a forever smile the whole time. But, the best part is when it is time for me to head home, my granddaughter doesn't want me to leave and holds on ... Today I am grateful for the lovely time I spent with my daughter and granddaughter Saturday and Sunday. We went roller skating on Sunday. It is something we do together occasionally since my daughter skates regularly. It always takes me awhile to get my “skate legs” but once I do, I can almost skate like when I was a kid. And, when we skate I have a forever smile the whole time. But, the best part is when it is time for me to head home, my granddaughter doesn’t want me to leave and holds on to me so tight. And, she always brings the three of us together for a group hug???? I hope all of you who share here have a lovely week and find a simple pleasure to enjoy ❤️???????? Read More2 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeNancy….what a blessing! You are building such beautiful memories of precious time spent with your daughter and granddaughter….I seriously got teary reading this. My eldest daughter is getting married in September and I dream of the day when I am a grandma…God willing. We’ve already decided that when/if that happens we are immediately moving to Colorado! 🙂 Thank you for sharing these moment of pure joy in your days. ~Blessings 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAh…a wedding to look forward to – how wonderful. And being a grandma is about as good as it gets. Maybe someday I will see you in Colorado since this is where I make my home. Have a lovely day ❤️???????? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaWhat a beautiful image of you, your daughter and granddaughter, Nancy! And I think that your granddaughter’s hug pay you for all your challenges. ( I am not sure that it is correct “pay you for…” because I am translating a typical italian daily language….)❤???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyYes, pay me for my challenges works in english ????❤️ 1 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaThank you Nancy!!! 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaOoh Nancy this is fantastic! I love this skate legs of yours and what a treat to share in this with loved ones and play 🙂 Lots of love <3 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancySkating like a kid again is fantastic Manda. My face is what hurts the most after skating from grinning the whole time! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThat sounds like a wonderful love filled time, Nancy. My grandmothers were both near seventy when I was born and lived eight to twelve hours away. For you to be living close enough and feeling young enough to be a part if her life this way is an inexpressible blessing that will be a gift not only now but through her life! It is a beautful thing! 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyWe do have fun. I often tell my granddaughter when I do something silly that it is something for her to remember me by and have a good laugh after I have “kicked the bucket” ???? 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGood morning, dear people who visit here. Today I am really grateful that I am living in a flat where the floor (I have the joy to have wood under my bare feet every morning and dark red old fashioned tiles in the kitchen and bathroom) are to be cleaned easily, as it really does not take much time. When I hired this place, I was not aware of this advantage, but every time I clean my flat I really enjoy the uncomplicated and quick cleansing. You could say it´s trivial, but the girls joining here... Good morning, dear people who visit here. Today I am really grateful that I am living in a flat where the floor (I have the joy to have wood under my bare feet every morning and dark red old fashioned tiles in the kitchen and bathroom) are to be cleaned easily, as it really does not take much time. When I hired this place, I was not aware of this advantage, but every time I clean my flat I really enjoy the uncomplicated and quick cleansing. You could say it´s trivial, but the girls joining here know what I mean! 🙂 Nevertheless, I try to do it in a kind of meditation, and while doing so, cleansing the souls shelf of old habits of mind or of fixed emotions full of dust to be sorted out and gratefully let go into the morning breeze of the gift of another day. Have a beautiful week, you all who share here! Read More3 Reply manda7 years agomandaThis sounds just lovely Ose! I was just thinking of cleaning as my home is only partially wood floors – a work in progress 🙂 Yet, I have my grandfather’s old Kirby and every time I vacuum I have such fond memories and love in my heart <3 Loving wishes to you!! 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhen we moved in here, we fell in love with the house from afar and did not notice some of those sorts of things in the process. After dealing with carpet through the kitchen and dining room for awhile, this aspect of flooring came to our notice. ???? It has been gone awhile now, and we recently switched to a tile that hides stray pawprints well. ???? 1 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyI have a permanent white paw print on my basement floor. I had painted the basement steps and somehow Kitty had managed to walk on them while still wet and left me a sweet forever paw print ???? 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaI too have wood under my feet, and I agree with you, it is easy to clean!!!???? Your perspective while doing your chores is very interesting dear Ose. I will try to put my attention duriing my next cleaning and tidying! 0 Reply Val DeBruno7 years agoVal DeBrunoGrateful for the fact I meal-planned today. I got up and went to the grocery store after looking at healthy recipes that inspired me to cook. I love the fact that I did not waste my Sunday in bed, but instead did something that will make my week go a tad bit smoother. I am grateful for the messages I've been receiving this past week on destiny and life purpose. They let me know that I do not have to force things or beat myself up. I am grateful for my health, this body and my determination to co... Grateful for the fact I meal-planned today. I got up and went to the grocery store after looking at healthy recipes that inspired me to cook. I love the fact that I did not waste my Sunday in bed, but instead did something that will make my week go a tad bit smoother. I am grateful for the messages I’ve been receiving this past week on destiny and life purpose. They let me know that I do not have to force things or beat myself up. I am grateful for my health, this body and my determination to continue treating myself and my life with respect. Read More4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI found some wonderful healthy recipes at the blog. (I think I got that address right.) Beautiful and good for you, too! 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaGrateful for a beautiful filled day of patience, sadness, love, and exuberance! The sun was shining today and it was lovely to see some of the same people on the Urban Trail as bear and I did a walk by my family's house for an even paved saunter. Grateful to treat myself to a couple of things today and enjoying the purr of the heater and the steam of the humidifier as I begin to wind down for the evening. I am wishing you all a most stunning filled night and may you feel love all around you &... Grateful for a beautiful filled day of patience, sadness, love, and exuberance! The sun was shining today and it was lovely to see some of the same people on the Urban Trail as bear and I did a walk by my family’s house for an even paved saunter. Grateful to treat myself to a couple of things today and enjoying the purr of the heater and the steam of the humidifier as I begin to wind down for the evening. I am wishing you all a most stunning filled night and may you feel love all around you <3 Blessings to you and our beautiful world, xx Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineGrateful to see you in here, Manda. How are your arms doing? What are they saying to you now? Do they hurt you when you knead your wonderful breads or only when you compute at work? One of my hopes for our new home will be a spot we can walk safely with the dogs. We are on a road out in the country, but it is a 55mph road where people only go that if it is bad weather -- or if the Sheriff is set up at the propane place half a mile up from us. I spent too long in the city to feel comfortable ... Grateful to see you in here, Manda. How are your arms doing? What are they saying to you now? Do they hurt you when you knead your wonderful breads or only when you compute at work? One of my hopes for our new home will be a spot we can walk safely with the dogs. We are on a road out in the country, but it is a 55mph road where people only go that if it is bad weather — or if the Sheriff is set up at the propane place half a mile up from us. I spent too long in the city to feel comfortable walking alongside a road like this with no sidewalk! ???? (Especially with a huge dog who likes to chase away trucks from his side of the fence.) I got so desperate for a walk the other day that I made circuits in the house! Read More1 Reply manda7 years agomandaSo lovely to see you too Aine! My arms still hurt, thank you for asking – but I’m sure they will heal soon! I do hope your new home has a lovely spot for safe furry adventures! What is this new plan you and your family are exploring? Lots of love <3 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseI am grateful for you being here with me, sharing. To keep better balance, today I am observing the possibilities of pausing with emotions, to find space to consciously take a breath and then let it go. Whenever a feeling arises, I will try to deal with it in this way to widen the possibilities of staying centered despite whatever emotions arise. If you don´t mind, some time later I might tell about. Have a lovely Sunday all who share here. 5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThat sounds like a variation on the practice Michael Singer speaks about in The Untethered Soul. He mentions leaning back into the seat of the soul that is quiet and peaceful while observing the emotions instead of being swamped by them. I think this idea clicked most when an old James Garner movie came to mind. It is called "Support Your Local Sheriff," and in it his character has this wonderful facility for moving through every situation, no matter how chaotic, without getting dragged into... That sounds like a variation on the practice Michael Singer speaks about in The Untethered Soul. He mentions leaning back into the seat of the soul that is quiet and peaceful while observing the emotions instead of being swamped by them. I think this idea clicked most when an old James Garner movie came to mind. It is called “Support Your Local Sheriff,” and in it his character has this wonderful facility for moving through every situation, no matter how chaotic, without getting dragged into it. There is a beautiful and very funny scene that demonstrates this when he is eating and a fight breaks out. His reaction to watching the melee around him with perfect calm and a refusal to get involved is priceless — and very instructive to me! Read More0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweet thoughts of all you lovelies <3 I am a bit worn out this night but thank you for all your beautiful posts, and I so look forward to reading your words the next few days! I am grateful for my bestie to come out for a week's girls vaca! I still embrace this bout of gunk I caught and the toll it has taken on my body and the cranky moments that ensue - grateful my bestie is so understanding and thankful she could allow me to laugh at myself when I found myself at my very best of u... Sweet thoughts of all you lovelies <3 I am a bit worn out this night but thank you for all your beautiful posts, and I so look forward to reading your words the next few days! I am grateful for my bestie to come out for a week's girls vaca! I still embrace this bout of gunk I caught and the toll it has taken on my body and the cranky moments that ensue – grateful my bestie is so understanding and thankful she could allow me to laugh at myself when I found myself at my very best of under the weather and trying to do things with her. We had magical adventures in Sedona, Marshall lake, hikes, picking up litter, delight in watching feather friends, marveling at the beautiful topography of our magical world, eating much yummy goodness, laughing and showing up one day for a rental car for an upgrade to a hemi – it was quite the hoot! I probably have not mentioned this, but I do love the sound of specific sports cars – I tend to lean towards older models but this was a treat to take down the switchbacks 🙂 Jack bear enjoyed lots of adventures and tolerated beautifully a bath, which we then enjoyed a romp in the dirt just because <3 Today I did a lot of resting and reflecting on the word love. How lovely it is that this is free and exists in so many capacities. From filling a mail box package area with cards, wishing people on airplanes safe travels, hugging a dead tree, smiling at a stranger, giving your last dollar to someone in need, saying hello to the singing crows, lighting a candle each night to honor a loved one, looking up to heavenly night sky and making a wish on a shooting star for someone, putting a surprise package together, sharing in a poem, waving to the crazy driver and wishing them well… it is just endless how much love can exist in each moment <3 I am heartfull grateful. My love to you and all your nook of the world <3 sweet blessings my friends, xx Read More5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineYay, Manda’s here! How Wonderful you had such a special time with your bestie. That in itself must help the healing process along! I like your list. ???? There is no limit to the creativity with which we can choose love. 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaIndeed there is not sweetie Aine 🙂 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaDear Manda, you are here again, and you are safe, wonderful as always! 1 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweet Anna, yes – thank you <3 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryDear Manda, how I’ve missed seeing you here and reading your poetic view of our world, and this thing called life. You inspire. The love you see all around us and the love you share for this earth, along with the inner beauty we often trip over, but never notice, is something to behold. It’s been several weeks since I’ve been able to hike my trails. Recovery is happening, albeit slowly. And while I long for and miss my connection to wood and steam, I feel her presence...Dear Manda, how I�... Dear Manda, how I’ve missed seeing you here and reading your poetic view of our world, and this thing called life. You inspire. The love you see all around us and the love you share for this earth, along with the inner beauty we often trip over, but never notice, is something to behold. It’s been several weeks since I’ve been able to hike my trails. Recovery is happening, albeit slowly. And while I long for and miss my connection to wood and steam, I feel her presence…Dear Manda, how I’ve missed seeing you here and reading your poetic view of our world, and this thing called life. You inspire. The love you see all around us and the love you share for this earth, along with the inner beauty we often trip over, but never notice, is something to behold. It’s been several weeks since I’ve been able to hike my trails. Recovery is happening, albeit slowly. And while I long for and miss my connection to wood and steam, I feel her presence, hear the magical beauty whenever I read you words. Thank you for sharing. Blessings on you this day my friend. Read More3 Reply manda7 years agomandaThank you sweet THenry for your thoughtful, kind words. I hope you are feeling better today dear friend <3 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaOh and I must express how magical it was to be on one of our adventures at the Stupa in Sedona and exploring a bit of Thundermountain trail and a four pack of wolves running across our trail 4 yards in front of us – I will always remember this incredibly, moving moment of how our world is full of such magnificent gifts <3 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWolves! Oh, Wow!!! ???????????? I love wolves. I got to meet a tame wolf hybrid once. We made quite a connection. I wanted to pat him, and he wanted to be patted, but I was serving at a market and could not do so without being able to wash. ☹️ So I just connected in spirit. Such magnifcent creatures! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyYour recent adventures sound wonderful. We have a stupa here in Red Feather Lakes, Colorado. I have been twice and it is a great place of peaceful meditation. 0 Reply Melissa7 years agoMelissaI am grateful for the majesty of nature. In it, God’s Love is reflected. Within it, I am blessed with peace and a happy reminder of what is important in my life. 5 Reply Aine7 years agoAineThat isn’t the bridge from Calvert County into St. Mary’s County in Maryland, is it? 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancy❤️ 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAnother origami for all of you….a tree with elves. 5 Reply manda7 years agomandaNancy, did you make this wonderment??? 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyOh goodness No – I wish I did. Both the tree and seahorse were created by the french artist, Eric Joisel. Aren’t they just amazing? 0 Reply Trevor7 years agoTrevorCool!