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I have read all of the things others have written and agree with those things that have benefitted me physically. The thing I would add is “freedom.” I was born in the US, and thousands of men and women in the armed forces and first responders in my community have enabled me to live with freedom and security. Today, on Valentines Day, let me say that I love and appreciate them.
???? Patience… it would give me time to reflect, forgive, understand, respond, think…. Teaching elementary school (especially 1st and 2nd grade) really helped me with this!
I looked at this two ways: ???????????? If you mean the people of the world, then I respond with the Golden Rule, “to do unto others as I would have them do unto me.” ???????????? If you mean the world as the planet, then “recycle, reuse, and use restraint.” ???? The bottom line is to respect others as well as our planet. ???? Nothing or no one is permanent.
I am releasing judgment and criticism of. myself as well as others. I am putting my inner critic on vacation. God did not ask my opinion. He gave me blessings and opportunities… even though some of them may seem like speed bumps (or mountains.)
Considering my priorities will allow me to realize that I cannot take care of anyone else without taking care of myself. Like they say on an airplane, put on your own oxygen mask first. If I take time for prayer, meditation, quiet, and peace… then I will be better prepared to help others.
???? The Four Agreements ???? Anything by Louise Hay ???? Anything by Brene Brown ???? Not to be specific, but many of the books I read with or to my students. I always chose things that entertained and had meaning. Discussing them, hearing the children share their ideas, and reading what they wrote about stories and books was tremendously rewarding and affirming. I hear from my former/forever kids who still ask about things we read. What a gift to my heart and their minds...
???? The Four Agreements ???? Anything by Louise Hay ???? Anything by Brene Brown ???? Not to be specific, but many of the books I read with or to my students. I always chose things that entertained and had meaning. Discussing them, hearing the children share their ideas, and reading what they wrote about stories and books was tremendously rewarding and affirming. I hear from my former/forever kids who still ask about things we read. What a gift to my heart and their minds….❤️
Authenticity and real emotion… my own and seeing it in others
I have been working on forgiving myself. I have learned how important it is to be gentle with myself, and that when I do, life is easier and richer.
Since my kidneys do not work any more, I am acutely aware of what does. My heart, my lungs, my digestive system, my mind, my limbs… I am in a constant state of gratefulness. This is the “bless in the mess.”
☺️ Good listener… empathetic… positive… generous of spirit… present… honesty… tact… sense of humor… I am blessed with friends like this. Maybe they each do not have all of these, but it is still a wonderful group to be in the same orbit with! ????
Breathe, and then either act or react
PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT IT IS TELLING ME. Don’t make excuses or take shortcuts. Respect my body’s stories.
release release release … and then release some more. Repeat. 🙂
If “it” was no longer here… my faith. If “they” were no longer here… my brother, he has been a Godsend to me in so many ways.
Simple for me… more risks 🙂
THANK YOU, My procedure was postponed until Feb. 20. My surgeon has the flu. I sure want him healthy when he is operation the robot! ???? (Yes! robot!)
Thanks so much, Sheila! Prayers are wonderful medicine!!!
Thanks. so, so much. Surgery on Tuesday Feb. 6 to figure things out. I am both very anxious and calm… so strange! I APPRECIATE your support!
I am undergoing treatment testing for possible lung cancer. It is a rough time. Thanks so much for asking, though. 🙂
Thank you, Sheila. I have hit a glitch that may eliminate the possibility of another transplant. I am having testing next Tuesday to figure out what is going on. Although I am pretty upset, I am doing my best to stay in a positive state of mind.
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