Daily Question, June 14 How can I take a higher road of love, acceptance, forgiveness, kindness? 32 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Michael7 years agoMichaelI have one particular person (and many acts) that I need to fully accept and forgive. I keep convincing myself I have already but know I have not. I will continue to work on completely letting go of the past craziness perpetrated upon me. 4 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI find that forgiveness is a path rather than a destination. I used to think of it like an ideal place I had to reach, but really, I think it is more a grace filled, but often stumbling, choice we make over and over again because pain, and therefore healing, comes in layers. I know what you mean. I, too, have people in that category. It sometimes feels harder because they have no remorse for their actions, and one, in particular, said that, if given the chance to do it all over again, she wo... I find that forgiveness is a path rather than a destination. I used to think of it like an ideal place I had to reach, but really, I think it is more a grace filled, but often stumbling, choice we make over and over again because pain, and therefore healing, comes in layers. I know what you mean. I, too, have people in that category. It sometimes feels harder because they have no remorse for their actions, and one, in particular, said that, if given the chance to do it all over again, she would do it exactly the same. What’s the high road there? Choosing forgiveness over revenge, peace over chaos, and moving forward over staying stuck in the pain of the past. AND — choosing appropriate self-protection. Forgiveness does not mean giving the person another shot at you. We can fully forgive even if reconciliation is not possible or reasonable. Read More3 Reply Deb7 years agoDebThere is a grook by Piet Hien that says “Problems worthy of attack, prove their worth by hitting back!” I take that to mean we don’t do something once for all time, be it forgiving, loving, consistency, etc. As Christina put it, keep tryin’. 2 Reply Christina7 years agoChristinaKeep tryin’!! 3 Reply KC7 years agoKC???? 0 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThis is another perfect question for the current climate of what our society is dealing with.! I have to say it is also perfect for what is going on currently in my life. I believe we can all approach this by loookg in the mirror, so to speak. When we become sucked into anger, hate, blame, and basically seeing everyone else as the “other” we are NOT using right thinking. In other words, polarization and bipartisan ideas are not helping us see each One another clearly. These are times when w... This is another perfect question for the current climate of what our society is dealing with.! I have to say it is also perfect for what is going on currently in my life. I believe we can all approach this by loookg in the mirror, so to speak. When we become sucked into anger, hate, blame, and basically seeing everyone else as the “other” we are NOT using right thinking. In other words, polarization and bipartisan ideas are not helping us see each One another clearly. These are times when we must STOP and PAY ATTENTION. to AWARENESS and to not fall into reacting to our ego mind. I’m saying this because it’s so easy to for me to fall into the old was of thinking, for example: ” Who does he think he is treating me like that? ” and “I’ll show him!l This is a long list of basically an eye for an eye type of mind set! It’s the aggressive masculine approach. I’m going to win type attitude no matter what ! Maybe it’s that exact reason Trump was elected? So we could wake up and see the strong contrast or polarized views our egos show us! This is out wake up call! Could it be any more clear? There is no “other” Regardless, what right minded thinking says is to take the high road. This high road doesn’t mean we are weak or being driven over by fear. Actually, it’s far from the truth. Loving kindness and compassion are exactly what WE need. We are the OTHER! Jesus’ message to us has always been always to turn the other cheek, forgive them for they know not what they do, and deny that I self. These messages are here for us to use right minded thinking and to listen with open hearts. See are not victims of the world we see. We need to accept and forgive ourselves. I Am truth and love and I Am the way. Buddha has taught us to have an open mind and an open heart full of compassion and love for everyone, because WE are everyone. We must stop and look to- stop seeing the other and look to see ourselves in everyone. Then we Go out and be the change we want to see in the world, like Gandhi taught us . Thanks for the great questions! Read More5 Reply Carol7 years agoCarolAs someone who for many years sponsored many spouses of alcoholics, I often encouraged them to forgive and to pray for the alcoholic. That usually brought raised eyebrows and “you’ve got to be kidding looks.” And, I would say “It’s not as hard as you think. Just ask God to bless that SOB! ” Some of you might bring issue with that advise but it was a tool that they would lash on to almost 100% of the time because it did not negate or deny their pain. It was a starting point. 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinHonestly, the road of love is not unfamiliar to me. I journey on it most days. And while there, acceptance, forgiveness and kindness smooth the way and provide the fuel. Should I land in the breakdown lane, which happens now and then, someone always stops to assist and gets me on the road again. Love is like that. – Kevin 7 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteThanks Kevin! Positive thinking as usual! Hope you are getting stronger everyday! 2 Reply « Previous 1 2 My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb