Daily Question, December 26 How does gratefulness nurture respect? How does respect nurture gratefulness? 13 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardWhen I see a dandelion flowering merrily in the middle of the lawn and say 'how wonderful, what a joy that golden flower is' instead of saying, 'bother I must dig that weed out' I have looked at the dandelion with respect and I could go on to realise that the dandelion is a very beneficial plant in many ways. Its leaves could be infused to make a refreshing tea or added to a salad. Its root could make, when dried and roasted, a good coffee substitute. So by being grateful I learn respect, and so... When I see a dandelion flowering merrily in the middle of the lawn and say ‘how wonderful, what a joy that golden flower is’ instead of saying, ‘bother I must dig that weed out’ I have looked at the dandelion with respect and I could go on to realise that the dandelion is a very beneficial plant in many ways. Its leaves could be infused to make a refreshing tea or added to a salad. Its root could make, when dried and roasted, a good coffee substitute. So by being grateful I learn respect, and so to look again at something which at first irked me. And think what fun it is to blow on the amazing seed head and send the tiny parachutes off to settle somewhere and drop their seeds to grow, flower and produce more seed The gratefulness cycle goes on and on. Read More3 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardWhen I see a dandelion flowering merrily in the middle of the lawn and say 'how wonderful, what a joy that golden flower is' instead of saying, 'bother I must dig that weed out' I have looked at the dandelion with respect and I could go on to realise that the dandelion is a very beneficial plant in many ways. Its leaves could be infused to make a refreshing tea or added to a salad. Its root could make, when dried and roasted, a good coffee substitute. So by being grateful I learn respect, and so... When I see a dandelion flowering merrily in the middle of the lawn and say ‘how wonderful, what a joy that golden flower is’ instead of saying, ‘bother I must dig that weed out’ I have looked at the dandelion with respect and I could go on to realise that the dandelion is a very beneficial plant in many ways. Its leaves could be infused to make a refreshing tea or added to a salad. Its root could make, when dried and roasted, a good coffee substitute. So by being grateful I learn respect, and so to look again at something which at first irked me. And think what fun it is to blow on the amazing seed head and send the tiny parachutes off to settle somewhere and drop its seed to grow, flower and produce more seed The gratefulness cycle goes on and on. Read More2 Reply Palm7 years agoPalmGreat allegory, thanks Elizabeth! 0 Reply ned7 years agonedWhen ever-watchful for what we should be grateful for, the losses & traumas in our lives seem more manageable. 2 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelliving in respect for others and for everything is synonymous w living in gratefulness. it keeps me open to life’s possibilities and opportunities. when I live with a lack of respect for others and when I live in a lack of gratefulness/thanksgiving, I truly close myself in almost all situations to what would help me in my life. 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteWhen we’re grateful we naturally become more respectful. It seems to me each moment I’m grateful I am more respectful for others. 2 Reply Kathy7 years agoKathyI believe it’s a power greater than ourselves and that in itself makes me feel in awe. 3 Reply Cintia7 years agoCintiaI believe that respect is the one of the most important values of the human being. And it’s necessary to know how to respect. Practicing the self respect, I can understand the differences and I can be able to practice the gratefulness for all people and all events. The respect the sun, the moon, rain, night and day. The seasons, the seed time… this respect nurture gratefulness for trees, fruits, flowers, people who plant, reap, cooking… 3 Reply Doreen Nixon7 years agoDoreen NixonGratefulness opens the hearts eye to love and respect. To truly appreciate and feel gratitude for something elevates consciousness above ego into love. When you feel love and respect, gratefulness naturally follows. 4 Reply Adriana7 years agoAdrianaGratefulness nurtures respect because it requires to look closely and see. Respect nurtures gratefulness because when you really see you understand the gift and want to say thank you 4 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinIf I accept, which I do, that gratefulness and respect are words that hold a high value, are positive in meaning and describe a desired state of being within the English language, then it makes sense that each can relate to the other. 3 Reply Sylvie7 years agoSylvieDoes one exist without the other ? For me they are like two strings of wool woven into each other 4 Reply Malag7 years agoMalagI started off thinking how does expressing gratitude give me more respect but then I thought it was the other way around. That by appreciation and expressing gratitude to others for what they do we can admire what they do far more deeply, appreciate the effort involved or the skill or quality of their work. And that nurtures respect. But also maybe it does work the other way around resulting in some self respect for what I myself do. And then it works for the world around us where the appreciati... I started off thinking how does expressing gratitude give me more respect but then I thought it was the other way around. That by appreciation and expressing gratitude to others for what they do we can admire what they do far more deeply, appreciate the effort involved or the skill or quality of their work. And that nurtures respect. But also maybe it does work the other way around resulting in some self respect for what I myself do. And then it works for the world around us where the appreciation of the marvel of the universe fills us with respect for it because it is so precious. I like this question because it flipped my perspective a few times. Read More4 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. 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