Daily Question, December 10 My desires can direct me to a more fulfilled life. What do I desire for my life? For the world? 39 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Mary Pat8 years agoMary PatI desire to be doing what I am already doing, and I am grateful to be able to do that…..for the world? A Peace within each one of us, and the ability for all people to see their fellow man as a partner, an equal, no different than they themselves are….the same….a part of a whole….. 3 Reply Ursula8 years agoUrsulaBeautiful to read that, Mary Pat! Especially that you desire doing what you are already doing, which means you are on the right path for yourself. And I agree fully with your desire for the world: See our fellow man as an equal … a part of the whole! – Thank you! Ursula PS. I don’t know if I wrote it already (I have had some computer problems recently), but I was very happy to read your good news recently! 1 Reply Mary Pat8 years agoMary PatThank you, Ursula! 0 Reply Michael8 years agoMichaelPeace supported by awareness and compassion. 3 Reply Kevin8 years agoKevinI desire and have achieved a comfortable level of peace in my personal life. I wish that I could deliver the same for the world in which we live. Beyond desire, I am aware of an inner longing, that never seems to be quite satisfied, to be a conduit of purpose and comfort to others who might view my photography or read what I’ve written and occasionally be lifted anew. This is happening in small and gentle ways already for which I am grateful. Yet still, the awareness of longing remains and... I desire and have achieved a comfortable level of peace in my personal life. I wish that I could deliver the same for the world in which we live. Beyond desire, I am aware of an inner longing, that never seems to be quite satisfied, to be a conduit of purpose and comfort to others who might view my photography or read what I’ve written and occasionally be lifted anew. This is happening in small and gentle ways already for which I am grateful. Yet still, the awareness of longing remains and I wonder just what that all means. Read More2 Reply Ursula8 years agoUrsulaDear Kevin, having achieved a ‘comfortable level of peace’ is a great thing which requires quite some inner work. Concerning your homepage which I have already visited a few times, with photography and personal, sometimes philosophical and helpful stories and full.of your ‘life wisdom’ if I can use this expression, it is great and I am sure it’s helpful for many others. May you find a way to satisfy your inner longing existing yet! – 0 Reply Kevin8 years agoKevinGreetings Ursula, thank you for your kind and encouraging words. There are times when I also realize that my better work and most fulfilling connections among others happens within the longing itself. And that too is a lesson that both instructs and makes me smile at the same time! Again, thank you. 0 Reply Michael8 years agoMichaelTry “Eternal. Echoes” by the late John O’Donohue. He addresses the longing about which you, (I think) are referring. 1 Reply Kevin8 years agoKevinThanks, Michael. I have some of O’Donohue’s work, but not that one. I’ve ordered a copy, thanks to you, and it will arrive on Monday! 0 Reply Ed Schulte8 years agoEd SchulteMy desires, both internally and externally, are summed up in the 7th and final promise I make to myself as a Researcher of Truth.“ I promise to myself ….’To investigate and check every night whether all my thoughts, desires, words and actions are in absolute harmony with the Divine Law’.” Absolute Harmony in the 5th dimensional, 4th dimensional and 3rd dimensional worlds. Absolute Harmony in the Noetical, the Psychical and the material worlds. 1 Reply Antoinette8 years agoAntoinetteWhat I desire for my life and the world starts out with the a four i immeasurables . 4 Immeasurables May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression and prejudice. May they be happy, and have the causes for happiness. May they be free from suffering and causes for suffering. May they never be separated from the happiness that is free from suffering. My intention each day is to have happiness and be free from suffering. I set out each day to try and help peop... What I desire for my life and the world starts out with the a four i immeasurables . 4 Immeasurables May all sentient beings have equanimity, free from attachment, aggression and prejudice. May they be happy, and have the causes for happiness. May they be free from suffering and causes for suffering. May they never be separated from the happiness that is free from suffering. My intention each day is to have happiness and be free from suffering. I set out each day to try and help people and to not hurt anyone. I want my life to be filled with love and compassion and this is what I hope to send out to the world. Read More5 Reply « Previous 1 2 My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb