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Thank you for being here. You have made a difference in my life, and I am grateful!
Br. David, Thank you for this essay. For me it is a gift shining brightly in a world that desperately needs to hear this message. I am very grateful for this website, and your messages of Hope and Light.
I have similar thoughts to those who have already reflected on this question…..It seems to me that babies have a joy without hesitation, and all their emotions have no filters. Experiences in life have taught me that emotions are much more complex…except for one thing: fireworks. They are not for everyone, but for those that enjoy them they are filled with awe and joy. Have you ever observed people watching fireworks? It appears to me to be that same type of joy; instan...
I have similar thoughts to those who have already reflected on this question…..It seems to me that babies have a joy without hesitation, and all their emotions have no filters. Experiences in life have taught me that emotions are much more complex…except for one thing: fireworks. They are not for everyone, but for those that enjoy them they are filled with awe and joy. Have you ever observed people watching fireworks? It appears to me to be that same type of joy; instantaneous, without a thought to evaluate anything at all, but to just let the feeling of joy fill your senses and delight in it. Maybe that is why I love them so much…..we just delight in them, and tap into that kind of joy once again….
I desire to be doing what I am already doing, and I am grateful to be able to do that…..for the world? A Peace within each one of us, and the ability for all people to see their fellow man as a partner, an equal, no different than they themselves are….the same….a part of a whole…..
My husband, my son, and my grandson. All three see me differently. My son remembers me as his mother, at different stages and moods in my life that I have forgotten. My grandson sees me as this benevolent person, who rarely sees me do anything wrong, and my husband sees me as the adult he lives with daily. It is good for me to remember I am all three….
LJ, Courage takes many forms. Sounds like you are a person filled with compassion to have walked through her fears with her. We all need that help during our lives….glad you were the one she had on the other end of that phone line. Thank you for sharing this story of true courage and compassion.
My last reflection to share. I have struggled with the imagery of the Burning Bush, and the fire that does not consume. Finally, after some thought, I think this is what that means in my life. >>The Question-Consider the burning bush metaphor. How might it change your life if you knew that you could be “on fire” and yet not be “consumed”? >>>My Answer is a Rambling Reflection- Spark. It is the Spark that starts the fire….there is always, at lea...
My last reflection to share. I have struggled with the imagery of the Burning Bush, and the fire that does not consume. Finally, after some thought, I think this is what that means in my life. >>The Question-Consider the burning bush metaphor. How might it change your life if you knew that you could be “on fire” and yet not be “consumed”? >>>My Answer is a Rambling Reflection- Spark. It is the Spark that starts the fire….there is always, at least to my knowledge, a Spark that starts a fire…Burning Bush lit with Fire…and that says to me life. A Flame to me is alive. Fire has two functions; to light up the night, or the Dark, and Warmth. It gives us Light and Warmth. When we say someone is on Fire, we mean they are filled with Passion and Life for something, or someone. Flames are usually not still or stagnant, they generate Energy and sometimes, can spread. Fire can cast Light into Dark areas, and bring those areas to Light. A Fire that does not consume would bring Life, Light, and Warmth to wherever it is…. To not be consumed means to me you will not be obsessed, but keep a healthy perspective. Having seen many who are “on fire” for certain causes, we can become overzealous and start to ‘own’ whatever it is, and this, to me, is not healthy. I know that probably isn’t what was meant by this statement, but after having lived through one of these causes where people become mere chattel, and it was ‘the cause’ that is the most important thing, this meaning is there for me….so, I guess that is being consumed… me anyway…..again, this is just a rambling reflection. To be standing beside the Burning Bush, and not step close to the Flame means I won’t risk being hurt. Or failing. It also means I won’t be contributing. I will be existing, and not living. I will be on Sacred Ground, but not in the very life of it…I will be an observer. Through my life, I have stepped into the Flame, and out of the Flame. I believe we have a choice…to either step in or out of the flame. I have done both. I am moving into a new phase of my life, and am not content to just be an observer, or be afraid to fail, or worse, get hurt. It is worth the risk, this thing I am going to do, so I won’t be standing on the side of the Burning Bush, but will approach it with full knowledge of what I am doing, and reverently walk in with all my might. Getting hurt or failing is all right, because it is part of being alive. I know that now. If someone condemns me because I make a mistake, I will understand that it is human to make mistakes. And I will continue to learn, and stay in the Flame. I will stand in the Fire of the Burning Bush, and will not be consumed, and I will allow the gifts of Light and Warmth to touch and envelope me. And lastly, I bow to you Brother David and David Whyte, for giving us the gift of….yourselves and your Wisdom.
LJ, Thank you for your meaningful reflection. I needed a good analogy today, and there you were! Prayers and Peace.
So, if anyone else is still “out there”, I still cannot grasp the fire that doesn’t consume, and how that applies to my life…I draw a total blank…
The sounds took me back to a time when my family had a cabin in Wisconsin we would go visit on summer vacation. At night, we would go down to the pier, sit, and hear the symphony of sounds on the lake….beautiful! Thank you for taking me back to that blessed time in my childhood……
Debbie! Yesterday I did not go outside at all, as I was working on that closet…this week is another busy one, but I am determined to get you some pictures….what kind do you want? The sky, the sun, trees…..give me some ideas… grandson will be here on Wednesday, and we will probably go for a walk in our Open Space, so put your order in! ;)))
Thank you, Ursula!
Excellent. Thank you.
Sandra, You said, “When I go to sleep at night, I leave the day behind. My day consciousness is laid to rest and I am “carried” into another world. I offer something from my day into the night — a thought, a difficulty, a struggle, a shortcoming, a thanks giving, a relationship, a loved one, a life drama….” I find that absolutely beautiful, and am going to think on that in the evening…beautifully said…thank you…
Love that phrase”do not pick up baggage that is not mine.”
Beautiful, and thank you for sharing……I did look up the song on YouTube, and it is wonderful.
Just looked it up and listened to it on YouTube. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful! Thank you!
Beautiful tribute. You have a gift…..
I have it. Thank you so much!
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