Daily Question, June 7 What advice has made a big difference in my life? 26 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteWhat may seem like a negative event now, can turn out later to actually be a positive shift in our lives. Let go of the judgmental mind. Some of the best advice that I have been given is to adopt an innermost attitude of gratitude. Let go of judgement and adopt an attitude of gratitude surrounding each moment. Having an open, cheerful approach to life helps to uncover the opportunities life is offering. The story of the man who who had all kinds of hardships as well as positive events occur in... What may seem like a negative event now, can turn out later to actually be a positive shift in our lives. Let go of the judgmental mind. Some of the best advice that I have been given is to adopt an innermost attitude of gratitude. Let go of judgement and adopt an attitude of gratitude surrounding each moment. Having an open, cheerful approach to life helps to uncover the opportunities life is offering. The story of the man who who had all kinds of hardships as well as positive events occur in his life helps me remember his go to phrase: “Maybe so, maybe not.” This phrase is one of a few phrases which aid in life. Wherever someone said to the man, ” That’s an amazing event which happened to you! You’re so lucky!” The man would reply, “Maye so, maybe not.” Or, a so called unfortunate event would occur, and people would say, ” Oh , no you’re are so unlucky that that happened to you!” The man would again reply with the same response, ” Maybe so, maybe not.” Revealing that his response was nonjudgmental, no matter what. Each event in life unfounds and the outcomes are simply not labeled “good” or “bad”. This story which could go on and on on with so called positive or negative outcomes is just like what happens in our lives! The go to phase, “Maybe so. Maybe not. ” helps me remember, we never know how something happening will effect life. Like the quote of the day says today: “Every exit is an entry somewhere else.” “Let go or be dragged.” Is another priceless piece of advice. Allow life to give whatever it wants. “This too will pass.” Is another phrase which is a wonderful way to let go of the mind when it wants to lock in on something which it may proceeds as negative. All together with these, I would have to add that acceptance of the Now has made a big difference in life. Relax and enjoy the present moment in which you’re living; it is the only moment you have! Read More3 Reply Renee7 years agoReneeThank you, Antoinette, for taking the time to share this rich and inspiring advice. When I read "Let go or be dragged, " I burst into laughter. I'm at the "letting go" stage of life and the phrase "Let go..." has been humming in the background of my heart and mind for months now. It is not easy to let go of roles and things that have been a source of meaning and joy in one's past. But this particular refrain brought some much needed and appreciated levity to the task of letting go. We often... Thank you, Antoinette, for taking the time to share this rich and inspiring advice. When I read “Let go or be dragged, ” I burst into laughter. I’m at the “letting go” stage of life and the phrase “Let go…” has been humming in the background of my heart and mind for months now. It is not easy to let go of roles and things that have been a source of meaning and joy in one’s past. But this particular refrain brought some much needed and appreciated levity to the task of letting go. We often hear about how our possessions and the demands of our work can weigh us down, but I liked this new image of being dragged around by these things. I could immediately sense the freedom of “letting go.” So grateful for this bit of advice! Read More1 Reply Christina7 years agoChristina“It gets better.” 2 Reply Antoinette7 years agoAntoinetteWonderful Christina! This too will pass! 🙂 0 Reply « Previous 1 2 My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb