Daily Question, February 17 What is my vision for the world at its best? 13 Reflections Share Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Priya7 years agoPriyaA place where peace and prosperity is at its most abundant 1 Reply Barbara Morris7 years agoBarbara MorrisLive and let live…a space for all. Respect for all life. 1 Reply elizabeth ward7 years agoelizabeth wardUnity – ‘That they may be one as I and the Father are one.’ Jesus 2 Reply kathleen7 years agokathleena place of kindness and respect. 2 Reply Ose7 years agoOseWhen you are aware of, know and feel it in your bones that there is no difference between you and me, no difference between me and the tree or the ant or the water, what would it do on our earth? It means between you and me, there is no separateness at all. If we realize this, we see the love light of God´s creation in everything, in every cell, in every grain of sand. And if it is so, and conscious in us as inhabitants of our one and only earth, everyone and everything would blossom with care ... When you are aware of, know and feel it in your bones that there is no difference between you and me, no difference between me and the tree or the ant or the water, what would it do on our earth? It means between you and me, there is no separateness at all. If we realize this, we see the love light of God´s creation in everything, in every cell, in every grain of sand. And if it is so, and conscious in us as inhabitants of our one and only earth, everyone and everything would blossom with care and nourishment of the other. No way to let someone suffer thirst, as it is as if I would be thirsty. No way to hurt another living being, as I would- and in fact do feel the same pain. So what I will do is to really bring the light of this awareness into every corner of my own being, and hopefully helping to let it spread as far as possible to support urgent change on earth. Read More4 Reply Sharon7 years agoSharonEveryone at every job level doing the right thing, not what is easy. We are the change we seek. 4 Reply Elaine7 years agoElaineLove the question! In Canada we are engaged in the hard work and the joy of reconciliation with our First Peoples. We can do and be better. My vision (articulated by many I actively support) is that Indigenous people throughout this country will be healthy, educated, engaged in good work and self determining.. 4 Reply Victoria Sanchez7 years agoVictoria SanchezOneness…looking for the similarities one has with another, not the differences. 3 Reply Ed Schulte7 years agoEd SchulteWhat is my vision for the world at its best? With the event called "Easter' not so far off time wise in lower consciousness.... it would be appropriate to consider just what the word "world" means. Does it always have to be just the planet earth in its 3 dimensional / physical / aspect and the egoism of Humanity living on it? Or, are there also higher dimensions within this "world", dimensions which have aways been available? Someone once said to his persecutors ....even the lowest realm IS ... What is my vision for the world at its best? With the event called “Easter’ not so far off time wise in lower consciousness…. it would be appropriate to consider just what the word “world” means. Does it always have to be just the planet earth in its 3 dimensional / physical / aspect and the egoism of Humanity living on it? Or, are there also higher dimensions within this “world”, dimensions which have aways been available? Someone once said to his persecutors ….even the lowest realm IS within the Kingdom of God. So my vision, not “for” but instead ….My vision is “OF” it within the Kingdom of God, no matter what temporary state(s) the world is in! “For” implies something in the future …”OF” is right Now.. Quoting from DASKALOS “What is Life” He praised and thanked his father. He out stretched his towards the people working in the fields, blessed them and said, to the multitudes there who could hear him, “the Kingdom of God is on earth also”, he said that in Greek and in Aramaic. “..Ta taa a muta “ They wanted more explanation. He said, look at those people they are sowing the seeds of the Kingdom of God on earth because the Kingdom of the Heavens there are many, many, Heavens. Really, earth is just the first heaven, [yes Heaven ] is even on the earth! It is in every seed! He said in every seed of any kind is the Kingdom of the Heavens provided Alaha, not as a matter [material thing] is granting to them its creativeness because otherwise the seeds would not germinate. and also is in the ovum and all the ovum of all the insects, reptiles, birds, fish everything! In the ovum is the Kingdom of God! Again, provided Alaha is granting to this ovum it’s creativeness. [30;38] Read More3 Reply grateful sea7 years agograteful seaHumans living in balance with the rest of creation. 4 Reply Michael7 years agoMichaelThat kindness always rules our thoughts and actions. That we are empathetic and compassionate. And that we demand that of our leaders and they demand the same of us. 4 Reply Jim7 years agoJimI would like to see our country move in a different direction away from such mean spiritedness. Our sense of community does exist at a local level which is being challenged by a divisive national leadership. I would like to see us find ways and the leadership to be more positive and care about each other. 3 Reply Kevin7 years agoKevinMy vision of a better world, beginning with my own country, would be a government that builds schools faster than it builds bombs; that it attends first and foremost to the demonstrated needs of its citizens as its primary responsibility; and that it behave on the world stage as a model of peaceful diplomacy over coercion and might. 5 Reply My Private Gratitude Journal Write an entry in your private gratefulness journal Get Started This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE https://demo.gratefulness.org/content/uploads/2015/03/GX-Gold-Participant-L.png Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb