Gratitude Lounge Welcome to our community space to support and celebrate Grateful Living. Please consider reflecting on questions such as these: What am I grateful for? How does gratefulness enrich my life, my community, the world? What is grateful living inspiring me to do? You are welcome to include images and videos to illustrate your reflections… Click here to cancel reply.Please log in or Create a Profile to post a comment. Notify me when someone replies to my comment via e-mail. Steve Rio2 years agoSteve Riooctober plugin updates edit 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve Riotest plugin updates – august edit 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve RioTesting reply – august 2022 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve Riotest update 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve Riotest reply – july 2022 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve Riotesting june 2022 plugin updates. test edit/ 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve RioTest reply – june 2022 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve Riotesting plugin updates may 2022 0 Reply Steve Rio2 years agoSteve RioTest plugin updates 0 Reply Anonymous2 years agoAnonymousTesting – this account was recently deleted 0 Reply Steve Rio3 years agoSteve RioTesting this 0 Reply Steve Rio3 years agoSteve RioTest? Hi there 0 Reply Steve Rio3 years agoSteve RioHello test 0 Reply Steve Rio3 years agoSteve RioTEst 0 Reply Steve Rio3 years agoSteve RioThis is a test 0 Reply Steve Rio5 years agoSteve RioLoving the ecard offerings team! Been sending so many to this special girl in my life. I want her to be my wife but it’s much too early to really think like that. Even though she is already living with me and we are cuddling intensely. Anyways a cheerful song from me this morning! Forgot I had this old account. There is only one Trevor on this site from what I can see! LOL 0 Reply Jeseph6 years agoJesephTesting 0 Reply Chris Pilitsis7 years agoChris PilitsisHow many times we were walking, getting lost inside our thoughts? These days cannot be replaced and one day we’ll wish to had more time to live…. Let’s start gaining the most of every single day. Let’s start saving days for that day we will need them. Wish a Good day to all of you!!!! 2 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeThank you for sharing your musings with us Chris…there is much wisdom there! Wishing you a good day as well! ~Blessings 3 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWhat a deep blessing to come back in and find messages saying I was missed. You have touched my heart with your kindness, especially as my week was one of feeling rather isolated and stuck. As usual, you all here are balm to the soul! Today is acupuncture, and I am hopeful that the rest of this emotional sludge that has passed for my blood this past week will be ushered out. On an emotional level, I have felt a bit like a spinning top in a circle full of cats! One pat, and I felt myself go z... What a deep blessing to come back in and find messages saying I was missed. You have touched my heart with your kindness, especially as my week was one of feeling rather isolated and stuck. As usual, you all here are balm to the soul! Today is acupuncture, and I am hopeful that the rest of this emotional sludge that has passed for my blood this past week will be ushered out. On an emotional level, I have felt a bit like a spinning top in a circle full of cats! One pat, and I felt myself go zinging in another direction. We fared fine in the storms, though both the dog and I seem to have been a bit more affected by that “tornadic thunderstorm” we were caught in last November. I have always loved storms, but now the intense wind made me duck a bit, and he, too, was more sensitive to the winds. The other dogs and cat who were home then and not in the truck with us during that November storm snoozed as usual. ???? I was rather hoping that the winds would rip enough of the roof off that insurance would pay for its replacement. We have never had a claim, but the roof went bad early due to faulty shingles. The company will not honor its warranty, we need to fix it to sell the house at a good price, and a roof is expensive! I thought maybe that storm would help us out by making it an insurance issue, as the wind was fierce, but it took one shingle off and dropped it on the sidewalk. Just ONE. ???? That’s like saying, “I could have…but I didn’t.” Ah, well, as PG Wodehouse said, “No doubt these things are sent to make us more spiritual!” Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeHoping that your acupuncture session provided you with all that you need and desire my friend. And may I say that YOU are always a balm to my soul…..and to all of us here in this sacred community. ~Blessings 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaAine!!! a joy to see you here! Wow! Blessings dear friend! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyAs always I am grateful for a new day with my walk under the stars followed by a nice workout at the gym. I also cannot wait to see my daughter and granddaughter tonight since I have been invited for dinner. I will bring them the bracelets I made for each of them. I hope they love them as much as I enjoyed making them. Have a lovely weekend and I hope you all find many simple pleasures to enjoy along the way ❤️???????? 1 Reply Aine7 years agoAineI thought of you the other night when we got home and I looked up — the stars were magnificent! 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseGood morning, friends out there. Yesterday, there was a lovely meeting with colleagues. I feel so grateful for this. Meeting and sharing and enjoying was naturally unfolding. And I am looking forward to spending some time with a dear friend. Today is her birthday and we will be together with some friends, celebrating all together and will enjoy whatever comes along our way today. It is such a gift to be here together with trusted friends. Diane, could you please explain what your hygge practic... Good morning, friends out there. Yesterday, there was a lovely meeting with colleagues. I feel so grateful for this. Meeting and sharing and enjoying was naturally unfolding. And I am looking forward to spending some time with a dear friend. Today is her birthday and we will be together with some friends, celebrating all together and will enjoy whatever comes along our way today. It is such a gift to be here together with trusted friends. Diane, could you please explain what your hygge practice means? I remember that quite a while ago, you talked about this, but somehow, I forgot . Sorry for this. So if you don´t mind, please would you tell about it again? And I am missing Aine. Anyone heard something? So if you by coincidence read it, Aine, we are dearly missing you here. Greetings to you, and feel embraced. Read More0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeHello Ose! I hope you have a most wonderful time celebrating...and I agree that being with trusted friends is indeed a precious gift. Ose...I have a terrible time with winter! My fibromyalgia is exacerbated by the cold....and all winter long I just feel like a giant grumpy popsicle! I also struggle with anxiety and it too visits me more often during the winter months. This has been a challenge for many years...I have always felt my best, physically and emotionally during the summer months... Hello Ose! I hope you have a most wonderful time celebrating…and I agree that being with trusted friends is indeed a precious gift. Ose…I have a terrible time with winter! My fibromyalgia is exacerbated by the cold….and all winter long I just feel like a giant grumpy popsicle! I also struggle with anxiety and it too visits me more often during the winter months. This has been a challenge for many years…I have always felt my best, physically and emotionally during the summer months. But, thankfully I have recently discovered hygge. I heard a report that the people of Denmark were considered the happiest people on earth and I wondered how could this be when they have such long, cold, dark winters?? And so I did some investigating and learned that the Danish people are famous for their practice of hygge and I decided that I would adopt this practice…and this mindset for the winter this year. Basically, hygge is an embracing of coziness and is an appreciation of simple pleasures like a warm blanket, a cup of herbal tea or hot cocoa, sitting by the fireplace with thick woolen socks…anything that helps you to embrace “coziness”. In the Danish tradition it also involves hospitality and gathering with friends and neighbors. Here is a link to an article entitled “The Year of Hygge, the Danish Obsession with Getting Cozy” by the New Yorker magazine. I made a vow to myself and to the Universe, and shared it here with everyone….I would embrace this winter by practicing hygge. And I found that once I offered up that intention…it really did help me! Some days more than others, but it has made a difference for me. The pain and anxiety are still there but my mindset has changed and I am catching myself when I am starting to complain about the cold. Instead of complaining I make myself a cup of tea, put on my thickest socks, light a candle, snuggle under a warm blanket and take the time to give thanks for all of the seasons and their gifts. Just in time too because this winter has been a whopper! 🙂 In the end I guess that hygge is simply another beautiful gratefulness practice….I know I’m grateful for discovering it! Thank you for asking me about it Ose….I find that when I share hygge, it reminds me to keep on practicing! ~Sending you a warm and cozy hug my friend Read More0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThanks for your sharing and the cozy hug! I am happy that you found this practice, and that it eases when you suffer. May it always warm you and embrace you. Sending a candlelight and a big hug. 0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineOh, thank you so much, Ose, for thinking of me. I had a rough week, and more internet problems before that. Sometimes I could get online but not do much before there was a problem. I missed you all, though, and even took some pictures to share when I returned. ❤️❤️❤️ 2 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyGood morning Ose – have a lovely weekend and enjoy celebrating your friend’s birthday today. 1 Reply Ose7 years agoOseThank you dear Nancy, a beautiful weekend for you, too! 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaSweetest of friends you all are - I hold you dear to my heart; and I am heartfull grateful for the time you took to respond to my last post. Your words are of comfort to me, and I am grateful to read them this night <3 Grateful for work to continue to get worse and beautiful conversation I had with a friend tonight on how to navigate this work situation - as this is new territory for me and something for me to learn from. Working on this and trying to make heartedly attempts to focus on ... Sweetest of friends you all are – I hold you dear to my heart; and I am heartfull grateful for the time you took to respond to my last post. Your words are of comfort to me, and I am grateful to read them this night <3 Grateful for work to continue to get worse and beautiful conversation I had with a friend tonight on how to navigate this work situation – as this is new territory for me and something for me to learn from. Working on this and trying to make heartedly attempts to focus on joy. It has been helpful to take long drives to work and wish everything I see good morning and thank you. I had a lovely walk with bear tonight given a cranky body and this moment it is much more calm and it is a treasure to behold. I keep my post short tonight as I am tired and bear feels my energy – so we are going to make it a happy night and clean his wound and have a bit of play. Sending you love and blessings to our beautiful world <3 Read More4 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Manda....I have to echo Nancy that I too am glad to have the workplace drama behind me since I retired. I can't begin to tell you how many days and nights I was twisted up in knots, obsessed, anxious and crying tears of frustration over the hurtful and frustrating relationships and conflicts that I experienced. I hope that you don't feel alone in this....I really believe that these situations are so much harder for those of us who are determined to be kind in an environment that is so muc... Dear Manda….I have to echo Nancy that I too am glad to have the workplace drama behind me since I retired. I can’t begin to tell you how many days and nights I was twisted up in knots, obsessed, anxious and crying tears of frustration over the hurtful and frustrating relationships and conflicts that I experienced. I hope that you don’t feel alone in this….I really believe that these situations are so much harder for those of us who are determined to be kind in an environment that is so much less than that. Manda….I so admire you for the way you are working through these situations. You are much further along on your journey than I was when I was working. A lot of what I have learned has been in hindsight….I wish I could go back and handle things differently. My retirement, and the solitude that I have out here in rural farmland has been such a gift to me on my journey towards healing and wholeness. I feel things deeply, as I know you do. My older daughter as well…and she once said something to me that has always stayed with me. She said, as hard and painful as it can sometimes be, the world needs more people like us who care so much and feel things so deeply. I try to remember that when my heart is hurting over things that many people don’t give a second thought to. I’m so grateful to be here in this community that is filled with kindred spirits with ginormous hearts full of love and compassion and a deep desire to be a vessel of peace in this hurting world. Thank you for sharing your heart with us dear friend. Sending you love and big virtual hug! Read More0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyDear Manda – I certainly do not miss all the work drama now that I am happily retired. I am so sorry you must endure this. You are so right that there is something to learn from this experience. I will keep positive loving thoughts for you as you navigate your work situation. A big hug to you and your sweet Jack bear ❤️ P.S. enjoy your weekend free of work drama! ???????? 0 Reply Laura7 years agoLauraI am new to and my goal is to make the practice of gratitude a priority. Being up in the Northeast, today I am grateful for electricity, heat and those who are working tirelessly to restore those things for the people currently without them. Wishing everyone peace… 6 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeDear Laura: Welcome fellow Northeaster! I too am so very grateful for having only lost our power briefly…there are so many others who are still waiting for theirs to be restored. This has been quite the winter for us! So happy you have found us here in this sacred community. There are beautiful souls here and we are all on this gratefulness journey together! ~Blessings 0 Reply THenry7 years agoTHenryWelcome Laura. I was fortunate enough find Gratefulness a few months ago. The folks here are the BEST!! Always willing to lend an ear, laugh with you, and shed a tear or two with you. Good friends indeed!! I also reside in the Northeast. Day two without power. 15 plus inches of the heavy white stuff. God Bless the crews out there working so hard. Stay warm and dry Laura. 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeOh no THenry! I’m so sorry to hear that you are still without power! Do you have a generator? I will be sending up a prayer for you and all of those who are still waiting….along with those who are working so hard to help us. Several years ago, after Hurricane Sandy, we were without power for about 5 days. When the crews arrived I was so happy to see them I ran outside with a plate of cookies to thank them. They had come to NJ all the way from Oklahoma to help us! God bless them indeed! ~... Oh no THenry! I’m so sorry to hear that you are still without power! Do you have a generator? I will be sending up a prayer for you and all of those who are still waiting….along with those who are working so hard to help us. Several years ago, after Hurricane Sandy, we were without power for about 5 days. When the crews arrived I was so happy to see them I ran outside with a plate of cookies to thank them. They had come to NJ all the way from Oklahoma to help us! God bless them indeed! ~Sending warm thoughts to you my friend! Read More0 Reply Aine7 years agoAineWelcome, Laura! This is an awesome place with wonderful dear souls here. We are glad to have you! 0 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyWelcome Laura. This is a lovely community here. I am glad to hear you survived the awful weather. Have a lovely weekend and I hope you find some wonderful simple pleasure to enjoy ???? 0 Reply Ose7 years agoOseWelcome, Laura, happy that you join! 0 Reply Anna7 years agoAnnaWelcome Laura! 0 Reply manda7 years agomandaWelcome Laura to this lovely group; I am so happy you are here! 0 Reply Diane7 years agoDianeWeather update my friends. We can see some blue sky and Brother Sun has made an appearance…..woohoo!!!!! 🙂 3 Reply Nancy7 years agoNancyYeah! 1 Reply 1 2 3 … 15 Next » New to Practice? Visit the Practice Space for more opportunities and insights. Practice Space Recent Active Members Steve Rio active 2 years Read More active 2 years active 3 years Read More Jeseph active 6 years Read More Sylvie active 7 years Read More Global Community This site is brought to you by A Network for Grateful Living, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All donations are fully tax deductible in the U.S.A. CONTRIBUTE Community Engagement Guidelines Privacy Policy [email protected] Connect with us on Social Media: © 2000 - 2025, A Network for Grateful Living Website by Briteweb