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Thursday evening with my dad. we were talking about maybe the 4th different topic and I felt in my body a relaxed but happy sensation of nothing else matters right now and I’m really glad I get to still have these in the flesh conversations w him.
each student I have met. especially the ones that have been beat down by either the education system, “friends”/other students, parents/family, certain teachers, the effects of capitalism/racism/sexism or any combination. encouraging their courage, teaching them accurate thinking, and helping them find their own gifts shines up their “gem qualities”. and White Sun to use as musical backdrop for meditation and positive thought practice
when I am able to be around nature or feel the power of nature.
the entire 24 hours. for real! each everyday is truly somehow different.
by listening to others’ hurts, but not accepting that they will last forever. showing ways they can move through their hurt increases the power of the collective. helping each other increases, hurts heal, and good grows exponentially.
the merging of my kids’ happiness, my family’s happiness, my happiness, with others’ happiness. The merging of all our gifts to make life meaningful for all of us.
continue to share love, knowledge, gratefulness/thankfulness, passion. continue to share what I have material wise. continue to share Acts 4:32–37 with others re capitalism and its (capitalisms) uplifting of those hoarding material gains at the expense of so many others.
piercing and needed question for me. thank you! I need to dialogue with and find ways to move forward with different ideology people. I agree with Kevin that I don’t intentionally exclude anyone. however, I feel I definitely need to seek out those w differing views, etc… as a way to grow and “grow others”.
Spread the gospel of gratitude and empathy. Educate young white people/students re the system of racism in America n how we need to fix it. Educate people in America re the system of capitalism n how we need to use the tenets of grateful thinking/empathy/collective good in constructing a new and just economic system
Make sure I get my curriculum to more schools, teams, and organizations. Spread kindness w more actions.
All the times never giving up. All the love I’ve been shown by so many. I am blessed.
I am fortunate to have 3 little children so it is often. More,however, is possible n necessary! Also, I work w high schoolers n that is nonstop hilarity! My wife n I must get away 2gether n play!
I really feel only my mind, my blocks, my unresolved insecurities hinder me. continuing to undo anything that has been holding me back definitely moves me further forward.
campfire. having responsibility as a 10 yr old for gathering wood and kindling. the stars. the air.
Kuzco our dog!!
whenever I do a counseling group or teach a class, I always feel like I’m learning/relearning along w the students. when I get to the point of 10 things to give up to be happy and “stop comparing yourself to others” comes up I am reminded of envy. envy truly creates every negative emotion possible. social media exacerbates envy. gratitude and mindfulness has helped me not be a “hater” and appreciate/celebrate others’ successes…most of the timeR...
whenever I do a counseling group or teach a class, I always feel like I’m learning/relearning along w the students. when I get to the point of 10 things to give up to be happy and “stop comparing yourself to others” comes up I am reminded of envy. envy truly creates every negative emotion possible. social media exacerbates envy. gratitude and mindfulness has helped me not be a “hater” and appreciate/celebrate others’ successes…most of the time…and then I read my list and work to practice what I preach.
earth, wind, and fire!! the beginning of a new day. all children’s laughter (including my own). when students believe they can do it, work hard, and stop giving up.
recognizing opportunities. staying ready for opportunities. treat each person w kindness. add to the positive collective energy.
give up, quit, stop
my immediate household and family…everyone else, too. kindness to one reverberates over and over and over.
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